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Chewing on a bitter controversy

Ian Vincent Khat has recently become an object of concern in the UK after ‘khat Khat chewing has mainly remained localized in the
McGonigle pubs’, popular with Somali, Yemeni, and Ethiopian immigrants, Islamic world, where it has been a topic of ambivalence
The author is a graduate sprung up across the country. Against the advice of its own Advisory
student at the University Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), the UK government
and scrutiny for some time, with debate simmering over
of Chicago with research decided to ban khat later this year. The UK will then treat khat whether khat is a harmful drug and thereby not permis-
interests in Middle Eastern as a class C drug, making it illegal to supply or possess. The UK sible (haram) under Islamic law. In the 16th century,
studies and the social study home secretary said ‘The decision to bring khat under control is
of science. During the 2013- Muslim jurists1 debated this issue, some having ‘argued
finely balanced and takes into account the expert scientific advice
2014 academic year he will and these broader concerns.’ But in response to the government’s
that the plant had forbidden properties similar to wine and
be a Visiting Fellow at the
announcement, Professor David Nutt (chair of the ACMD) retorted, strong drink’, with others noting that khat ‘could aid in the
Harvard Kennedy School
saying ‘Banning khat shows contempt for reason and evidence, observance of religious duties by permitting individuals to
of Government’s program
disregard for the sincere efforts of the Advisory Council on the stay awake’ (Varisco 1986: 9). In Ibn Hajar al-Haythami’s
on Science, Technology
Misuse of Drugs’, specifically citing khat’s ‘relatively low harms’
and Society. His email is
in his remonstration. What are the risks of criminalizing already
final analysis, however, khat’s fundamental properties are defined oppositionally. His opinion specifically hinged
marginalized communities? In this issue, Ian McGonigle looks at
the broader socio-cultural background of khat in Africa and the on the fact khat was not like opium, hashish, or wine: in
Thanks to Judith Farquhar,
Susan Gal and Constantine
Middle East, and analyses the global khat controversy as a complex other words, substances to which khat differs in its social
anthropological problem entangling development economics, public
Nakassis for advice on earlier consequences.
health management, domestic fears of terrorism, and khat-mediated
drafts of this essay. A Graduate
democratic formations. Ed.
Fellowship, administered by Khat from the West
the Social Sciences Division
of the University of Chicago, When the slender green succulent leaves of the khat tree It was not until 1975 that United Nations laboratories first
supported this work. are chewed, a mild ‘natural amphetamine’ (Kalix 1992) discovered the active ingredient of khat to be cathinone,
1. Ibn Hajar al-Haythami called cathinone is gradually released, and absorbed into which they described as an amphetamine-like stimulant
(A.H.1308 in Al-Fatawa
al-Kubra al-Fiqhiyya IV: 223-
the bloodstream through the mouth and cheek tissues. compound (Mateen & Cascino 2000: 971). The 1970s
227), gave official written The effects, which last for several hours, include the sof- also saw a sharp increase in khat consumption in Yemen,
opinion (fatwa) recording tening of one’s temper, increased gregariousness, and a leading to a rapid doubling of its production (Weir 1985:
arguments both for and piqued sexual appetite, while at the same time inhibiting 34) confirming khat chewing as a resilient, if not growing,
against the use of khat, finally
concluding that the ‘plant did hunger, anxiety, and feelings of fatigue (Kalix 1990). It tradition. Since then, from the perspective of contempo-
not have the same deliterious is perhaps unsurprising then that in the Arabian peninsula rary law at least, the amphetamine-like pharmacology of
[sic] effects as wine, opium and the Horn of Africa, where khat is autochthonous, men cathinone renders khat a substance that is legally control-
or hashish’ (cited in Varisco
1986: 9).
have been chewing it recreationally for hundreds of years lable (Kalix 1992). With the classification of the newly
2. These pharmaceutical (Krikorian 1984; Varisco 1986; Weir 1985). discovered compound cathinone as ‘amphetamine-like’,
grade amphetamines are used Khat chewing has recently surfaced as a global and khat then became a point of concern outside its imme-
to alleviate the symptoms of pointed controversy, however, featuring in academic diate sphere of consumption, with it becoming difficult,
conditions such as childhood
‘attention deficit disorder’ and ethnopharmacology journals, the official publications of and potentially criminal, to transport or be in possession
‘hyperactivity’. neoliberal development organizations, and worldwide in of khat.
popular news media outlets. Khat has thus been variously In 1999, The New York Times described khat chewing
Al-Mamari, I. 2011. Qat
chewing increases among
described as: an obstacle to economic growth; a pernicious in Yemen as a national problem to be overcome, with the
Yemeni young girls. Yemen narcotic; a positive mediator of political discourse in the practice of chewing caricatured as a ghettoized drug of the
Observer, 19 January. public sphere; a public health concern; and a barrier to
Almas, A.A.M. & M. Scholz national development. Of these ambiguous tensions, Klein
2006. Agriculture and water
resources crisis in Yemen: et al. (2012: 1) say that ‘Khat provides a unique example of
Need for sustainable a herbal stimulant that is defined as an ordinary vegetable
agriculture. Journal of in some countries and a controlled drug in others’, fin-
Sustainable Agriculture
28(3): 55-75.
gering khat as an exemplar of a globally contested object
Al-Motarreba, A. et al. of concern – constituting different political stakes when
2010. Khat chewing, viewed from distinct situated perspectives – and ready
cardiovascular diseases prey for anthropological critique.
and other internal medical
problems: The current This essay thus interrogates divergent formulations

situation and directions for that khat has taken across the distinct political arenas that
future research. Journal of orchestrate ‘the controversy’. Following a Latourian actor-
Ethnopharmacology 132(3):
network approach (Latour 2005; 1988), I argue against a uni-
Al-Yarisi, A. 2012. Students versal ontology of khat, suggesting instead that khat might
chew qat to improve exam be more meaningfully traced and apprehended through the
performances. Yemen Times, political work it achieves in its various contexts and situated
7 June.
Balint, E.E et al. 2009. Khat deployments. Khat can thus be read as an actant through the
– a controversial plant. social activity that it coordinates, offering a critical reading
Wien Klin Wochenschr 121: of khat as a ‘thing in movement’ that should speak to the
anthropology of controversy more broadly.
Basunaid, S. et al. 2008.
Khat abuse in Yemen: A
population-based survey. Birth of a controversy
Clinical Research and Khat chewing is thought to date back as far as antiquity
Regulatory Affairs 25(2):
(Balint et al. 2009), and legend has it that khat consump-
tion may have originated with ‘religious practitioners as
Fig. 1. A bundle of fresh khat a way of remaining alert for all-night prayer vigils’ (Frye
Fig. 2. Molecular structure of
1990: 284). The earliest confirmed use, however, is in 14th
cathinone, an amphetamine- century Ethiopia – incidentally, around the same time that
like compound. coffee consumption became popular (Weir 1985).


Fig. 3. Khat fields in western urban West, saying: ‘About 1,000 years after acquiring the
Yemen. habit, the people … have never been more hooked’ (Burns
Fig. 4. A khat picnic in the
mountains, Yemen.
1999). CBC News (Evans 2008) made a playful, if racist,
Fig. 5. Khat at a market near satire of the custom: ‘You have only to stand on a Sana’a
Harar, southeastern Ethiopia. street corner to see just how popular it is. It is a city full of
Dizzie Gillespies in full blow – huge cheeks popping out
Burns, J.F. 1999. Khat- at you everywhere you look – on buses or passing cyclists
and in the souks, sellers almost impossible to understand


chewing Yemen told to
break ancient habit. New because their mouths are full of khat’. Moreover, in 2003,
York Times, 19 September.
Butters, A.L. 2009. Is Yemen
the US Department of Justice (2003: 1) made their disap-
chewing itself to death? proval official, pronouncing that khat had a ‘high poten-
Time, 25 August. tial for abuse’. Following suit, Time magazine covered the
Evans, M. 2008. The real costs issue in 2009, reporting on Yemen’s capital Sana’a, stating
of Yemen’s khat buzz. CBC
News, 20 June. that ‘By 4 in the afternoon, most men walking the streets
Frye, P. A. 1990. Form and of Sana’a are high, or about to get high’, calling the habit
function of north Yemeni ‘a full-blown national addiction’ (Butters 2009). The same
qat sessions. Southern
Communication Journal
article points to the interplay of gender and power in the
55(3): 294. socio-politics of khat chewing, claiming ‘khat ceremo-
Gezon, L.L. & A. nies reinforce the exclusion of women from power’. In
Totomarovario 2008. contradistinction, however, the Yemen Observer paints a
Encountering the
unexpected: Appropriating more moderate picture on the gender issue, and with more
the roles of researcher, positive overtones reports that there has been a recent rise
teacher, and advocate in a in khat consumption amongst young women, stating that
drug study in Madagascar.
Practicing Anthropology
‘Some chewers of Qat say that Qat brings them the strength
and a good memory in order to study well’ (Al-Mamari


30(3): 42-45.
Graziani, M. et al. 2008. 2011). Furthermore, the Yemen Times reports that Yemeni
Khat chewing from the students are turning towards khat to help them with aca-
pharmacological point of
view: An update. Substance demic performance, despite the possible health risks posed
Use & Misuse 43(6): 762- by chewing (Al-Yarisi 2012).
Habermas, J. 1991 [1962]. The Khat in the Middle East
structural transformation
of the public sphere: An Regardless, khat consumption is now indisputably wide-
inquiry into a category spread in Yemeni society, and the prevalence of khat
of bourgeois society. consumption in the Yemeni capital Sana’a, has been esti-
Cambridge: MIT Press.
Hansen, P. 2010. The mated to be as high as 80 per cent for males and 50 per
ambiguity of khat in cent for females (at age fifteen and above) (Basunaid et
Somaliland. Journal of al. 2008). Khat chewing has consequently been charged
Ethnopharmacology 132(3):
with causing general problems for economic development
Hoffman, R. & M. Al’Absi and public health (Wedegaertner et al. 2010: 735). A major
2010. Khat use and specific concern is the high demand for water resources
neurobehavioral functions: that khat growing requires. With 40 per cent of the potable
Suggestions for future
studies. Journal of water in Yemen directed towards khat cultivation (Almas

Ethnopharmacology 132(3): & Scholz 2006), a feature in The Guardian reports that
554-563. Sana’a, ‘the fastest-growing capital in the world will run
Kalix, P. 1992. Cathinone,
a natural amphetamine.
out of economically viable water supplies by 2017’, such
Pharmacology and is the heavy drain that khat growing has on the nation’s
Toxicology 70(2): 77-86. water (Macleod & Vidal 2010). The concern centres on
— 1990. Pharmacological economic growth, and accordingly regards the practice of 2010 special edition of the Journal of Ethnopharmacology
properties of the stimulant
khat. Pharmacol Ther khat chewing as the crux of the problem. entitled ‘The use and misuse of khat (Catha Edulis) in a
48(3): 397-416. Further on the centrality of development economics, changing world: Tradition, trade and tragedy’, some of
— 1988. Khat: A plant with Weir writes (1985: 36): ‘Most economists prefer coffee… these potential negative effects of khat chewing were
amphetamine effects.
Journal of Substance Abuse
because it might earn Yemen foreign currency’. Khat on the deemed inconclusive, particularly the putative link to car-
Treatment 5(3): 163-169. other hand is unlikely to be a viable export and has been diovascular disease (Al-Motarreba et al. 2010). Moreover,
Klein, A. et al. 2012. Chewing generally condemned by development-oriented economists no causative relation to psychiatric disease was substanti-
over khat prohibition: (Weir 1985: 37). Khat has thus been critiqued as a com- ated: rather, it remains inconclusive whether khat actually
The globalisation of
control and regulation modity that might not be articulated into global flows and causes the same ‘neurocognitive deficit that have been
of an ancient stimulant. markets, if not just because of the cultural receptivity that identified in previous studies of individuals who have been
Legislative Reform of Drug chewing presupposes, then perhaps because of the legal chronic users of stimulants, such as amphetamines and
Policies (17). Amsterdam:
Transnational Institute.
prohibitions on transporting psychoactive plant materials methamphetamines’ (Hoffmann & Al’Absi, 2010: 554). In
Krikorian, A.D. 1984. Kat across state borders. Not functioning as a global commodity, fact, the scientific and public health evidence shows that
and its use: an historical khat cannot migrate along the same channels as legitimate the physical and mental health ‘risks’ of khat remain very
perspective. Journal of stimulant commodities, such as its comparator, coffee. low (Klein et al. 2012: 3; Warfa et al. 2007).
Ethnopharmacology 12(2):
Latour, B. 2005. Reassembling Health concerns Global response
the social: An introduction Aside from the role khat may play in damaging the eco- Despite the scientific literature’s moderate position, khat
to actor-network-theory.
Oxford: Oxford University
nomic aspirations of Yemen, there has also been dispute chewing still remains a political issue on the global stage,
Press. about the health impact of khat chewing. The principal as it has previously been identified by the World Health
— 1988. Science in action: alleged dangers are mental illness (specifically psychosis), Organization (WHO 2003; 2006) as a public health con-
How to follow scientists and cardiovascular disease, and oral health (gum disease and cern of the Arabian peninsula region, broadly tying khat
engineers through society.
Cambridge: Harvard oral abscesses), all of which are thought to be dangers consumption to the negative potential effects on the
University Press. posed by chronic khat chewing. Surprisingly then, in the ‘social and economic life’ of its users (WHO 2006: 11).


Discourse on khat chewing has reverberated across the
globe, and international development organizations, such
as the WHO (2003; 2006) and the World Bank (2007;
2012), are now committed to helping reduce khat consump-
tion. The World Bank explicitly (2007: i) recommends:
a set of economic and non-economic policy measures. These
include: increasing the tax burden; building public awareness;
incorporating training on the hazards of khat in the school
system; enforcing public policies aimed at discouraging khat
consumption (e.g. extension of working hours); closing knowl-
edge gaps and developing viable crop diversification programs.
Such measures are hoped to help ‘wean’ chewers off khat


(World Bank 2007: i).
With the forceful arguments against khat consumption
made by the WHO and World Bank over health concerns
and an economically-centred rationale of productivity
and development, further license is unavoidably lent to
the mainstream media to treat khat chewing as a lazy and
unhealthy form of time wasting. Moreover, publications
by the World Bank (2012: 1) furnish epistemic support to a
prohibitive stance on chewing, specifically by classifying
khat as a ‘narcotic’ substance.
‘Narcotic’, however, is technically an incorrect category
placement in the strict sense of Western pharmacology,
which decisively taxonomizes khat’s primary bioactive
compound, cathinone, as an amphetamine-like compound
(Graziani et al. 2008; Kalix 1988; 1990; 1992). Based on
its biological effects on physiological function at least,
khat is far more closely related to the prescription medica-
Fig. 6. Harm-dependence More direct criticisms have been laid at khat consumption tions Adderall and Ritalin2 , which are routinely prescribed
relationships for a range of in Somaliland, where khat plays a prominent role in the to children – and heavily marketed to their parents – in
recreational substances.
social life of most men. Indeed, in Somaliland the importa- the US. But with khat not being a recognized medicine,
tion of fresh khat leaves from neighbouring Somalia takes the comparison is necessarily muted. In this regard, the
Macleod, H. & J. Vidal 2010.
Yemen threatens to chew
up a large portion of Somaliland’s annual spending and is pejorative and possibly spurious labelling of khat as a
itself to death over thirst deemed a heavy burden on the economy, having already ‘narcotic’ inevitably associates khat with narcotics linked
for narcotic qat plant. The had corrosive effects on the state’s governing abilities with entrenched social problems, such as heroin or opium.
Guardian, 26 February. (Hansen 2010). Hansen’s study (2010) reports that while I now explore the grounds for such a hasty comparison.
Mateen, F. J. & G. D. Cascino
2000. Khat chewing: A khat was found to strengthen male social networks and
smokeless gun? Mayo provide an environment for peaceful political engagement, Chewing as a situated practice
Clinic Proceedings 85(11): chewing khat was found to lead to the breakdown of fami- To consider the practice of khat chewing from the position
Nutt, D et al. 2007.
lies. For families with a male member who chews khat, of its local chewers, I move to focus on a typical chewing
Development of a rational much of the family budget can be lost to the long hours of setting in Yemen, drawing from previous ethnographic
scale to assess the harm of homosocial chewing. CBC News (2008) concurs, stating accounts. In so doing I hope to resurrect some of the here-
drugs of potential misuse. that ‘[Khat] does little to put food in bellies or bring in hard tofore unmentioned dimensions of khat chewing as an eve-
The Lancet 369: 1047-1053.
Swains, H. Khat fight: currency from abroad’. In the Somali case specifically, the ryday social practice.
Harmless recreational drug criticism of khat is most strongly presented by ‘women’s In Yemen, khat chewing usually takes place in organ-
or a recruitment tool for organizations and female politicians who argue that khat ized sessions (termed ‘chews’) where men gather to chew
terrorists? The Independent
30 June 2012.
destroys Somali men and leads to the neglect of children in a group. Khat ‘is used as a [temporal] marker to distin-
US Department of Justice and domestic violence’ (Hansen 2010: 591). guish leisure time from work’ and is built into the rhythms
2003. Khat (Catha edulis). In the UK however, where khat is still legal, though of quotidian life; the traditional after-lunch chewing ses-
Intelligence Bulletin 2003. apparently not for long, Somali migrants meet and casually sion lasts until evening prayer at around 6pm, though
Product No. 2003-L0424-
002. Published May 2003. chew khat in ‘mafrishes’ which are commonly referred to ‘depending on the amount of khat consumed, the entire
Archived publication as ‘Somali pubs’. However even these sanctioned spaces experience typically lasts between four to six hours, but
accessed December 2012. have not evaded the controversy, and the ‘mafrishes’ of the can drag on for longer’ (Klein et al. 2012: 2). During these
Varisco, D. M. 1986. On the
meaning of chewing: The
Peckham district of London have recently raised concern chewing sessions some sort of political deliberation or
significance of qat (Catha on the basis that they might function as effective spaces for discussion is usually engaged in, the social configuration
Edulis) in the Yemen Arab the recruitment of terrorists (Swains 2012). of which is thought to foster individual democratic sub-
Republic. International Regardless of the validity or invalidity of this particular jectivities and what might be considered the practice of a
Journal of Middle East
Studies 18(1): 1-13. claim, this potentiality succeeds to propel the controversy form of public reason (Wedeen 2008).
Warfa, N. et al. 2007. Khat forward, and offers another insight into the socially net- Khat chews are thus widely considered by Yemeni
use and mental illness: worked life of a globally contested object of concern. men to be socially generative spaces, in that they func-
A critical review. Social
Science & Medicine 65(2):
Curiously though, the possibility of khat mediating ter- tion as nodes of male connectivity where strangers can
309-318. rorism might point towards deep international political meet through mutual contacts. Through open-ended
Wedeen, L. 2008. Peripheral asymmetries. Indeed, Gezon & Totomarovario (2008) con- public discussions, private information may be openly
visions: Publics, power, tend that discourses on recreational khat chewing practices shared, thereby making it ipso facto public information.
and performance in Yemen.
Chicago: University of in Ethiopia, Kenya and Madagascar can be most strongly Chewing sessions thus connect men who disseminate
Chicago Press. connected by a shared concern over ‘the hegemony of and synthesize news or opinion together. Moreover,
Wedegaertner, F. et al. 2010. the western economic development model’ (Gezon & where particularly influential politicians, tribal leaders
Motives for khat use and
abstinence in Yemen – a
Totomarovario 2008: 1), a model they regard as buttressed or respected community members are present, important
gender perspective. Public by khat’s incorporation into the ‘global rhetoric of the war political decisions may be made during the chewing ses-
Health 10: 735. on drugs’ (2008: 10). sion (Wedeen 2008: 114).


affective and rational at once, nurturing political subjec-
tivities that are predicated on affective dynamics shared
amongst participants. Crucially though, these discussions
are mediated by, structured around, and sustained by, khat
consumption. The ‘chew,’ as a complex bundle of relations
thus functions somewhat similarly to the coffee-houses
and salons of the European enlightenment movement, and
as such, Wedeen concludes that the Yemeni khat chew
fulfils two of the criteria that Habermas (1991) posits as
essential to the constitution of a discursive ‘public sphere’:
‘citizens’ engagement in critical discussion and the medi-
ated reflexive role that such mini-publics play in helping to
produce the impersonal, audience oriented, broader public
of anonymous citizens’ (Wedeen 2008: 113). The socially
and politically generative potentialities of these gatherings
reveal that khat chews achieve more than unhealthy idling.
Rather, in this instance, khat can be seen to be instrumental
in bringing men more closely together, networking a form
of political consciousness with an organic democratic
Nonetheless, the example of the Yemeni khat chew is
not intended to imply that khat is an inherently democratic
entity ‘in its nature’. Rather, I want to gesture towards
the way the intrinsic properties of khat become realized
as a hybrid fusion of nature and culture, with the inalien-
able material properties of khat, such as its pharmacology,
nested within social fields coordinated by a particular
mode of consumption. I emphasize that khat retains the
capacity to be animated within many settings, each with
their shifting worlds of facts and social values. Depending
on khat’s location and how tightly it is embedded into local
regimes of knowledge and practice, khat may success-

fully do a variety of things: aid study, mediate democracy,

enhance storytelling, promote idling etc. In this sense, the
fundamental essence of khat is inextricably entangled with
the cultural uses that authorize it, and I argue that khat
cannot be meaningfully discussed without recourse to its
social context.

Fig. 7. Man dividing khat The genre, or tone, of the chew can vary from casual, The khat polemic has thus far seen khat essentialized in
into bunches in preparation contingent and open-ended, to more ceremonial events, a set of universalizing claims: as a narcotic; a drain on
for a long evening of tea,
conversation and chewing. which can be recognized by the orientations of the partici- economic growth; a strain on family structures; a public
pants’ relative seating positions, where ‘seating positions health concern; the sign of democratic hope; and a poten-
correspond to statuses in the room’ (ibid: 123). Wedeen tial node for connecting militants. With these conversa-
offers a definition of a typical ‘chew’ as gatherings where tions situated in segmented discursive arenas with little
as many as several dozen people ‘meet to debate literary cross-talk, these perspectives remain important and rele-
matters, political life and social problems’ (2008: 104). vant, but relatively hermetic and univocal. To effectively
Weir, S. 1985. Qat in Yemen:
Consumption and social
While a session will initially open with individuals pro- examine the khat controversy as a complex anthropo-
change. London: British posing topics for discussion, often several suggestions logical problem, I argue, demands recognizing the social
Museum Publications. may be made before a topic is chosen and pursued. Wedeen relations that khat inhabits and animates as part of real
WHO 2006. Expert
identifies this liminal moment, involving the choice of lived-world experience, for the various sets of actors
Committee on Drug
Dependence. World Health discussion topics, as an ‘important aspect of democratic involved, within the various institutions and material
Organ Tech Rep Ser, i, practice and personhood’, seeing ‘lively disagreements relations they inform.
1-21, 23-24 passim. about issues of mutual public concern…to make worlds in I suggest that similar controversies might be more fruit-
WHO 2003. Expert
Committee on Drug
common’ (2008: 104) as an important aspect of democratic fully mapped by incorporating the diverse sets of perspec-
Dependence. World Health practice and participatory politics. tives that jointly stabilize their object of concern. Having
Organ Tech Rep Ser 915, In Wedeen’s final analysis, the khat chew is considered shown here how khat can function multifariously, from an
i-v, 1-26, back cover.
to bring strangers into physical, spatiotemporal and affec- economic policy concern to a powerful mediator of dem-
World Bank 2012. World
Bank’s response to tive proximity, and through the establishment of mutual ocratic discussion, I contend that it is precisely through
qat consumption in shared concerns and their contestation, makes subjective such oppositions that divergent political claims function
Yemen. Accessed online coalescence possible. In this reading, khat chews don’t just to inflate ‘the controversy’. Rigorous analysis of similar
December 2012 at: http://
constitute drug-fuelled ramblings, but the ‘phenomenolog- issues thus demands attentiveness to a plurality of perspec-
org/INTYEMEN/ ical dimensions of participatory politics’, as Wedeen (ibid: tives, tracking the shifting role of the object of focus as it
Resources/YEMEN – 112) puts it, can alleviate interpersonal tensions between migrates from site to site, where it may in fact be doing
acquaintances, working out pre-existing problems and very different things.
World Bank 2007. Yemen: disputes. I have shown that khat may be used recreationally for all
Towards qat demand The ‘chew’ thus consists of an assemblage of bodies and of the buzz and benefits it may afford the user, or indeed
reduction. Sustainable affects, situated and distributed, respectively. These gath- as a crutch for a host of political, economic and public
Development Department.
Middle East and North
erings can thus be viewed as providing a unique format health interventions. The jury is out as to the future of khat;
Africa Region. for democratic politics, displaying the quality of being meanwhile the controversy chews it up. l


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