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SNDT Women’s University

BA III Psychology Semester V 2017-18

DC IX Title-Experimental Psychology Theory

No. of Credits-4, Marks 100 (25 internal, 75 external)

Course Objectives:

The learner will be able to

1. Explain basic concepts of experimental psychology

2. Describe experimental designs
3. Generate ideas for research
4. Develop Hypotheses and operational definitions of variables.

Module I: Introduction to Experimental Psychology

Objectives: After studying the module learner will be able to:

1. Explain the Experimental method

2. Define key concepts in experimental psychology
3. Descibe the importance of control in experiments
4. Describe different types of variables

1.1 Experimental Method – ( To be covered from Kothurkar p. 2 &

3, DAmato p. 7 to 10)

1.2 Concepts of Variable - theoretical and operational definition

(for discussion only), types of variables (to be covered from
Snodgrass P. 18 to 22)
1.3 Control in experimentation ( To be covered from McGuigan p.
63 to 75 - Techniques of control )

1.4 Limitations of experimental method – Short note

Module II: Experimental Designs

Objectives: After studying the module learner will be able to:

• Differentiate between experimental and correlational

• Explain dimensions of experimental designs
• Generate ideas for research, as well as develop
hypotheses and operational definitions for variables.
• Design an experiment with single IV and two IVs

2.1 Experimental and correlational designs – Short note (To be

covered from Snodgrass p. 17 & 18)

2.2 Dimensions of experimental designs – Short note & part of long

answer question (To be covered from Snodgrass p. 22 & 23)

2.3 Designs with single IV (To be covered from Snodgrass p. 23 to 25)

2.4 Designs with two Independent variables (To be covered from

Snodgrass p. 25 to 30)

Module III: Psychophysics

Objectives: After studying the module learner will be able to:

1. Describe the basic concepts of psychophysics

2. Relate physical stimuli and psychological experience
3. Calculate AL, DL and PSE
4. Describe traditional and modern methods of

3.1 Basic concepts in Psychophysics: Sensitivity, Threshold, Point of

Subjective Equality,

Constant and Variable Errors

3.2 Method of Limits: Computation of AL and DL

3.3 Method of Constant Stimuli: Computation of AL and DL

3.4 Method of Average Error: Computation of PSE & CE

3.5 Modern Psychophysics: Signal Detection Theory

(This chapter is to be covered from Postman and Egan, Kothurkar p.

26 to 30 and Snodgrass p. 66 & 67)

Module IV: Learning and Conditioning

Objectives: After studying the module learner will be able to:

1. Explain the effect of serial position curve

2. Differentiate between classical conditioning and
operant conditioning
3. Understand the concepts of generalization and
4. Understand transfer of training

4.1Attributes of verbal learning, Factors affecting learning

4.2 Serial position curve
4.3 Methods of presenting verbal material-serial and complete
4.4 Classical and instrumental conditioning
A. Shaping, generalization, and discrimination
b. Contingency verses contiguity
4.5 Transfer of training

• For the learning section of this chapter i.e. for 4.1 to 4.3
Postman and Egan book - chapter 15- should be referred
• Instead of 4.1 as given earlier in terms of attributes of verbal
learning, dimensions of variations in verbal learning should be
taught. This part should be covered from Postman and Egan.
• For factors affecting learning the point ‘How learning proceeds’
should be taught from Postman and Egan.
• 4.4 a & b should be covered from Snodgrass p. 148 to 161
• 4.5 can be covered from Kothurkar p. 248 to 267

Books for Reading:

Text Book:

Kothurkar, and Vanarase (1986): “Experimental Psychology: A

Systematic Introduction”, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Postman, L. & Egan, J.P. (1949), reprint 2009/2012. Experimental

psychology: An introduction. ND: Kalyani Publication.

Snodgrass, J. G., Berger, G. L., & Haydon, M. (1985). HUMAN


Reference Books

1. Christensen, L. (2012). Experimental Methodology. Pearson.

2. D’Amato, M.R. (2009). Experimental psychology: Methodology,

psychophysics and

learning. N.D.: Tata McGraw-Hill.

3. Woodworth, R.S. & Schlosberg, H. (reprint 2008, 6th ed.),
Experimental Psychology.

ND: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.

4. Desai, B. and Abhyankar, S.C. (2001).


Paddhati. Pune: Narendra Prakashan.

5. Zachmeister, J.E., Zachmeister, E.B., and Shaughnessy, J.J. (2009).

Essentials of

research methods in psychology. N.D.: Tata McGraw-Hill.

6. Mishra, B.K. (2008). Psychology: The study of human behavior.

N.D.: PHI Learning.

7. Solso, R.L., MacLin, M.K. (2008). Experimental psychology: A case

approach. N.D.:

Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Ltd.

9. Myers, A. and Hansen, C. (2002). Experimental Psychology. U.S.:

Thomson Wadsworth.

10. Rajamanickam, M. (2005). Experimental Psychology: with

Advanced Experiments,

Volume 1 & 2. New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company

B. A III Psychology 2016-17 –Semester VI (2017-18)

DC Title- Cognitive Psychology (Theory)

No. of Credits-4, Marks 100 (25 internal, 75 external)

Course Objectives:

The learner will be able to:

1) Describe different cognitive processes

2) Describe the theoretical foundations underlying various

cognitive functions

3) Apply the knowledge of the cognitive processes in everyday


Module I- Introduction to Cognitive Psychology

Objective: After studying the module, the learner will be able to

• Describe historical roots of cognitive psychology

• Explain the research methods in cognitive psychology

1.1 Historical overview of the development of cognitive psychology

(To be covered from Galotti 5th edition- Influences on the study of
cognition p. 5 to 13)

1.2 Domains of Cognitive Psychology - (To be covered from Solso p.

7 to 12 for 15 marks)

1.3 Paradigms of cognitive psychology – (To be covered from

Galotti 5th edition p. 17 to 21)

1.4 Methods used to study cognitive psychology – (To be covered

from Galotti 5th edition p. 13 to 16)
Module II- Attention and Perception

Objectives: After studying the module, the learner will be able to

• Describe the basic primary cognitive processes

• Explain the various perspectives used to study attention and

2.1 Attention -It’s Nature - (For discussion only)

2.2 Theories of Attention – (To be covered from Galotti 5th edition

- Selective – p. 68 to 76

- Divided – p. 89 to 93

- Automaticity and Effects of Practice – P. 82 to 89

2.3 Perception- its nature - (For discussion only)

2.4 Approaches to Perception - (To be covered from Galotti 5th

edition 41 to 57)

- Bottom up Approach

- Top down Approach

- Gestalt Approach

Module III Memory

Objectives: After studying the module, you will be able to

• Understand the various perspectives of memory

• Apply the concept of memory to enhance their memory

3.1 Models of Memory

3.2 Autobiographical Memory/Flashbulb Memory & Eye Witness


3.3 Working Memory

3.4 Schemas and memory

3.5 Mnemonics

• Except for 3.3 i.e Working memory, the whole chapter to be

covered from Matlin 3rd edition
• 3.3 i.e. ‘Working memory’ to be covered from Galotti 5th
edition p. 108 to 116

Module IV - Problem Solving and Decision Making

Objectives: After studying the module, the learner will be able to

1) Examine few higher order cognitive processes

2) Gain understanding in the various perspectives on Problem solving

and decision making

4.1 Define Problem, Problem Solving & Types of Problems. (To be

covered from Sternberg 6th edition)

4.2 Approaches & Obstacles to Problem Solving (To be covered from

Galotti 5th edition p. 253 to 266)

4.3 Stages/ Processes/ Improvement in Decision Making (To be

covered from Galotti 4th edition p. 458 to 460)
4.4 Cognitive Illusions (To be covered from Galotti 5th edition p. 296
to 305)


1. Class test

2. Critical evaluations of new research in the field of Cognitive


3. Design Experiments

4. Topic Based Assignment


• Galotti, K.M. (2007). Cognitive Psychology in and out of the Lab.

(4th ed.). Thomson Learning

• Matlin, M.W. (2005). Cognition. 6th ed., Bangalore: Prism



• Galotti, K.M. (2008). Cognitive Psychology: Perception,

Attention, and Memory. Wadsworth New Delhi: Cengage Learning

• Solso, R.L (2006). Cognitive Psychology.6thed, Pearson


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