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Psy-101 General Psychology (3 units) This course gives an overview on the study of the basic principles underlying, human behavior, cognition and affect. It aims to provide the student with a general overview of the field of psychology and focuses on the different perspective in analyzing human development, namely: biological, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, psychoanalytic and socio-cultural with emphasis on the scientific approach to understanding human behavior and mental processes. It is hoped that in the end the course will facilitate personal awareness and development in the student. Personality (3 units) This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the various theories of personality representing the different schools of thought. The emphasis will be on grasping the basic principles, tools and research methods in observing, understanding and predicting human behavior. Pre-requisite: Psy-101 Statistics for Psychology (5 units) This is a course on the basic concepts and methods of descriptive and inferential statistics and their use in the design, analysis and interpretation of psychological studies. Pre-requisite: M-102 Social Psychology (3 units) This course provides a systematic introduction to the field of social psychology, which studies how other people and social situations influence the thoughts, feelings and actions of a person. The focus will be on both the historical development and current research and application of the topics covered in the course. Special emphasis will be placed on applying social psychological principles to everyday Filipino life. Pre-requisite: Psy-101 Developmental Psychology (3 units) This course employs a multidisciplinary approach in the study of developmental changes across the life span of an individual. It likewise examines the various factors that contribute to those changes in each stage of the life cycle and how these changes affect human behavior. Pre-requisite: Psy-101 Experimental Psychology (5 units) This course aims to introduce the students to the theoretical and methodological bases of scientific research in general, and the psychological experiment in particular. Students will be trained in designing, conducting, analyzing and evaluating experiments as well as in reporting the results through the experimental report. Pre-requisite: PY-102 Abnormal Psychology (3 units) This course covers the different major categories of abnormal behavior, focusing on the three key concerns of diagnosis, causation and therapy. Current issues, existing research and the clinical aspects are also examined as each type of disorder is studied. Pre-requisite: Psy-101, PY 101 Industrial Psychology (3 units) This course is designed to introduce the students to the growing field of Industrial Psychology: its development, and the application of principles governing the different facets of human resources. It describes work organizations, the workers, and their








distinct and common goals. This course also aims to explain the interplay between these primary components. Special emphasis is given to both the science and the practice of the discipline, relating these to the Philippine setting. Pre-requisites: Psy-101 PY-109LEC Psychological Testing (lecture, 3 units) This course is the lecture component of a 5-unit course on psychological testing. In this course, students will be exposed to the principles of test/scale construction. Emphasis will be on the practical and theoretical issues in developing a reliable and valid psychological instrument. Pre-requisite: PY-102 Psychological Testing (lab, 2 units) The course is designed to orient the students with basic principles, techniques and practices in psychological testing as well as introduce them to various testing materials being used in academic, industrial and clinical fields. The course will also function as a training ground for test administration, scoring and test interpretation utilizing behavioral science knowledge and skills. Pre-requisite: PY-102 Research in Psychology I (3 units) This course is a study of the scientific methods of social and psychological investigation, focusing on the techniques of problem identification, hypothesis formulation, and the construction of a research design and data-gathering instruments. The preparation of a research proposal is integral to the course. Pre-requisite: Psy-101 Research in Psychology II (3 units) This course is a continuation of PY 110 (Research in Psychology I). Students are required to implement a research project conceptualized and designed during the preceding semester. Focus of the course is on the gathering, analysis, and interpretation of data. A required output is a writ-up of the thesis that is orally defended before a panel. Pre-requisite: PY-110 Group Dynamics (3 units) This is an introductory course on the dynamics of small group interaction and how the individual as well as the group grows as a result of the interaction. This course also provides experiences directed at improving the students understanding of group processes and builds their sensitivity to group behavior. It aims to develop students facilitation skills and leadership style. Pre-requisite: Psy-101 Practicum (3 units) This is a course designed to provide the students the opportunity to be engaged in a task that would put to use the knowledge and skills learned in the major courses as well as the chance to specialize in any particular area of her choice. A system of evaluation and follow-up integral to the course. Pre-requisites: PY-101, PY-106, PY-107, PY-108, PY-109(LEC)/PY-109(LAB), PY-112. Physiological Psychology (3 units) This course gives the students an overview of the study of behavior and experience in terms of genetics, evolution, and physiology, especially the physiology of the nervous system. Also called Biological Psychology, it also examines the relationship between the physical brain and behaviors such as anger, sexual desire, hunger, fear and even questions the existence of the mind or consciousness of the brain.








Current Issues in Psychology (3 units) This is an advanced seminar course that will tackle current issues and research in a particular sub-area of psychology such as gender issues, environmental psychology, children in difficult circumstances, peace psychology, educational psychology, psychospirituality, the psychology of poverty, the psychology of labor relations, the psychology of crime and violence, etc. The course may focus on only one or on a number of current issues within the semester. The course will also tackle the Code of Ethics for Psychologists. Pre-requisite: Psy-101 Human Resource Management (3 units) This course aims to familiarize the fourth year students with the various aspects of Human Resource Management, including its function and responsibilities as well as the role that HR plays in contributing to the success of the organization. The course will also identify the current challenges that HR faces as a result of the fast paced technological changes and globalization as well as the increasing organizational competitiveness. It will also try to see employees and organizations in the micro and macro levels, to enable the students to have a wider perspective of the HR system. Pre-requisite: PY-108. Sikolohiyang Filipino / Filipino Psychology (3 units) Ang kursong ito ay isang pag-aaral tungkol sa kaganapan, perspektibo at direksyon ng Sikolohiyang Filipino. Bibigyan diin dito ang kasalukuyang pananaw at isyu sa sikolohiya pati na rin ang paggamit ng mga katutubong pamamaraan ng pananaliksik. Ang ilang mahahalagang sangkap ng kultura ay tatalakayin din. (This course is a study of the development perspective, and directions of Filipino psychology with emphasis on contemporary views/issues and indigenous methods and application of research. Interrelated aspects of Philippine culture such as Filipino personality, Filipino family, dominant and popular culture and socioeconomic and political structures are examined.) Pre-requisite: Psy-101




Family Psychology (3 units) This course uses a multidisciplinary approach to the study of family behavior and its psychological, social and cultural dimensions in contemporary Philippine setting. Emphasis is on the dynamics of family relations, interpersonal relationships, love and marriage. Pre-requisite: Psy-101 Introduction to Forensic Psychology (3 units) This course introduces how psychology is applied in a forensic setting, specifically its application to legal processes and issues, including an understanding of the psychological aspects of criminal behavior. Pre-requisites: Psy-101, PY 101, PY 102, PY 103, PY 104, PY 105, PY 106, PY 107 and PY109. Basic Psychotherapeutic Interventions This course gives an overview on the study and practice of the principles of counseling psychology and psychotherapy. It also focuses on the theoretical approaches, an understanding of the therapeutic process, application of the skills and techniques to different situations in therapy and an awareness of the different issues that may affect the psychotherapeutic process. Pre-requisites: Psy-101, PY-101



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