Lab Testing User Guide V8i

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Lab Testing User Guide

gINT V8i User Manual

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Sales and General Support:

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Setting up Lab Testing ......................................................................................................................... 6
Adding Lab Testing Support .................................................................................................................. 6
Modifications Made when You Add Lab Testing Support ............................................................. 6
Removing Lab Testing Support ............................................................................................................ 8
Appending Items from the Most Recent Lab Testing Version .................................................. 9
Using Defaults and Calibrations .........................................................................................................10
Field Defaults ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Lab Testing User Interface ............................................................................................................... 12
Relational Database Structure ....................................................................................................... 13
Lab Testing Tables .............................................................................................................................. 15
Defining a Lab Specimen .......................................................................................................................15
LAB SPECIMEN table ................................................................................................................................. 15
Some Typical Reports................................................................................................................................ 16
Water Content / Density .......................................................................................................................17
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Data Entry...................................................................................................................................................... 17
WC DENSITY table fields ......................................................................................................................... 18
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations............................................................................................. 19
Void Ratio and Saturation Calculations............................................................................................ 21
Some Typical Reports................................................................................................................................ 23
Atterberg Analysis ...................................................................................................................................26
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 26
Data Entry...................................................................................................................................................... 27
ATTERBERG table fields........................................................................................................................... 28
ATTB READINGS table fields .................................................................................................................. 29
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations............................................................................................. 30
Some Typical Reports................................................................................................................................ 31
Sieve Analysis ............................................................................................................................................36
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 36
Data Entry...................................................................................................................................................... 36
SIEVE table fields ........................................................................................................................................ 37
SV READINGS table fields ........................................................................................................................ 40

Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations............................................................................................. 41
Setting up a Sieve Readings List in DATA DESIGN ....................................................................... 46
Setting up Individual Tares for Sieves ............................................................................................... 48
Some Typical Reports................................................................................................................................ 49
Hydrometer Analysis ..............................................................................................................................54
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 54
Data Entry...................................................................................................................................................... 54
HYDROMETER table fields ...................................................................................................................... 55
HYD READINGS table fields .................................................................................................................... 56
Setting up Hydrometer Calibrations in the Library Table ........................................................ 58
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations............................................................................................. 62
Some Typical Reports................................................................................................................................ 64
Fine Specific Gravity................................................................................................................................65
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 65
Data Entry...................................................................................................................................................... 65
FINE SG table fields .................................................................................................................................... 65
FINE SG READINGS table fields............................................................................................................. 66
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations............................................................................................. 67
Some Typical Reports................................................................................................................................ 67
Compaction .................................................................................................................................................68
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 68
Data Entry...................................................................................................................................................... 68
COMPACTION table fields........................................................................................................................ 69
COMP READINGS table fields ................................................................................................................. 71
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations............................................................................................. 72
Optional Calculation of Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content ........... 74
Some Typical Reports................................................................................................................................ 76
Unconfined Compression ......................................................................................................................80
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 80
Data Entry...................................................................................................................................................... 81
UNCONF COMPR table fields .................................................................................................................. 82
UNC READINGS table fields .................................................................................................................... 84
Setting up Load Ring Calibrations in the Library Table ............................................................ 84
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations............................................................................................. 87

Some Typical Reports................................................................................................................................ 91
Consolidation .............................................................................................................................................93
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 93
Data Entry...................................................................................................................................................... 94
CONSOLIDATION table fields ................................................................................................................. 96
CONSOL READINGS table fields ............................................................................................................ 97
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations............................................................................................. 98
Some Typical Reports............................................................................................................................. 100
Direct Shear ............................................................................................................................................. 103
Background ................................................................................................................................................ 103
Data Entry................................................................................................................................................... 103
DIRECT SHEAR table fields .................................................................................................................. 105
DSHR READINGS table fields .............................................................................................................. 107
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations.......................................................................................... 108
Reporting..................................................................................................................................................... 108
Falling Head Permeability ................................................................................................................. 109
Background ................................................................................................................................................ 109
Data Entry................................................................................................................................................... 110
FALL HEAD K table fields ..................................................................................................................... 111
FHK READINGS table fields ................................................................................................................. 115
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations.......................................................................................... 116
Reporting..................................................................................................................................................... 119
Appendix A -- Suggested Field Defaults .................................................................................... 120
Appendix B -- Lab Database Structure Manipulation .......................................................... 122
Adding Tables to Lab Testing Support.......................................................................................... 122
Parent is LAB SPECIMEN, relationship is one-to-one............................................................... 122
Parent is LAB SPECIMEN, relationship is one-to-many........................................................... 123
Making LAB SPECIMEN a Child of a Non-POINT Table .......................................................... 124
Extending the Keysets of Lab Testing Tables ............................................................................. 125
Appendix C -- Scenarios using Wet Specimens in Sieve Analysis .................................... 127
Scenario 5: Wet specimen, no split, incremental weighing .................................................. 127
Scenario 6: Wet specimen, split sieve ........................................................................................... 128
Scenario 7: Wet specimen, coarse fraction sieved wet .. Error! Bookmark not defined.

The lab testing subsystem of gINT is a suite of laboratory test tables that integrate with
each other and with other areas of gINT. Using the gINT lab testing module, you can
automate the calculation of all the computed values you normally generate from your raw
lab data, and report on a wide range of lab data in combination with borehole data.

This user guide provides in-depth reference information for understanding the lab testing
tables and fields, their purposes, their interdependencies, and how data is reported. The
user guide can be read from start to finish, or referenced for information on specific topics.
To learn about lab testing without reading the entire user guide, and with step-by-step
hands-on examples, we recommend the gINT tutorial entitled Using gINT Lab Testing, or
the gINT University course gINT 007 - Lab Testing.

This user guide is divided into chapters by test (each corresponding to one tab in the Lab
Testing tab bar). Also, an introductory chapter is provided at the beginning of the user
guide, describing how lab testing is set up for the first time. In each test-specific chapter,
the following sections are provided:
• Background: Briefly describes what the test is for and how it is performed
• Data entry: Overview of how data entry is performed, and the field
• Field descriptions: Details on each field in the table or tables maintained in the tab
• Data entry scenarios: Example data for various scenarios
• Reporting: Descriptions of reports that utilize the test’s data
• Special topics: Included if any are relevant
Note that the “Background” sections rely heavily on information from Soil Testing Manual:
Procedures, Classification Data, and Sampling Practices, by Robert W. Day (McGraw Hill,
2001). Where this reference book has been quoted directly, page number references are

Setting up Lab Testing

Adding Lab Testing Support

To add lab testing support to a database that lacks it (either a project or data template file),
go to INPUT and open the database. Under the Additional Modules menu you will see Lab
Testing Support. If this has a checkmark, then lab testing support is already in the
database, otherwise select that menu item. [Alternately you can add lab testing support in

If you add lab testing support to a data template file (or generate the template from a
project that has lab testing), then you can clone this file to create new projects. The lab
testing tables will be cloned with the non-lab tables, eliminating the need to add lab testing
support to each project. We recommend this approach.

Most of the fields supplied by the program when lab testing support is added cannot be
deleted and only their Default, Description, and Caption properties can be modified.
Other fields are optional and can be deleted or modified like any other field you would add.
You can add your own fields to any of the lab testing tables and you can rearrange the
order of the fields for data entry.

Modifications Made when You Add Lab Testing Support

Database Tables Added
The following tables are added to the database when you add lab testing support:

Table(s) Description

LAB SPECIMEN This is the parent table of all lab testing tables. Each test specimen
is identified by a unique PointID-Depth combination. Optional data
can also be entered that relates to the specimen, such as color and

WC DENSITY Water content, wet density, and dry density data for the specimen.

ATTERBERG and ATTB READINGS Liquid and plastic limits computed from Casagrande or cone
penetrometer techniques.

SIEVE and SV READINGS Grain size distribution using sieve analysis.

HYDROMETER and HYD READINGS Grain size distribution of fine particles using hydrometer analysis.

FINE SG and FINE SG READINGS Fine (less than #4 sieve) particles specific gravity data.

COMPACTION and COMP READINGS Compaction testing data.

Table(s) Description

UNCONF COMPR and UNC READINGS Unconfined compression testing data.

CONSOLIDATION and CONSOL Consolidation testing data.


DIRECT SHEAR and DSHR READINGS Direct shear testing data.

FALL HEAD K and FHK READINGS Falling head permeability testing data.

These are discussed in detail in “Lab Testing Tables” starting on page 15.
 Note: If you already have a table with the same name as one of those listed above, the
program will indicate that the table already exists and lab testing support will not be
added. You will have to rename or delete the existing, duplicate-named table before you
can add lab testing support. However, generally this is not an issue because the table
names in the above list are reserved names. You cannot create a table in DATA DESIGN
called ‘ATTERBERG’, for example, although you can caption a table with such a name.
You’ll see an error when you try to name a new table using a reserved name, and you’ll
have to enter a different name.

Fields added to PROJECT

The following fields are added to the PROJECT table:

Field Description

Water_Unit_Wt Unit weight of water. This determines the units for densities; for example,
‘62.42796’ will generate densities in pounds per cubic foot, whereas ‘1’
will give grams/cubic centimeter (equals metric tons/cubic meter).

Coeff_of_Consol_Factor Determines the units for coefficient of consolidation (Cv). 1 = square

meters/year. 10.76391 = square feet/year.

If these fields already exist, they will not be altered when lab testing is added.

Library Tables Added

The following library tables are added to your library. Their definitions are stored in DATA
DESIGN  Library Tables, and input into them is performed in Library Data.

Library Table Description Described In

COMPACTION List of compaction methods, such as ‘ASTM D1557 “Compaction” on page 68

METHODS Method A’, that can be associated with a compaction
test. Used for reporting only.

Library Table Description Described In

HYDROMETER List of hydrometer calibrations. Data from at least one “Setting up Hydrometer
CALIBRATIONS calibration must be added if you wish to perform Calibrations in the Library
hydrometer calculations. Table” on page 57

LOAD RINGS List of load ring calibrations. Data from at least one “Setting up Load Ring
calibration must be added to perform unconfined Calibrations in the Library
compression calculations. Table” on page 84

If these library tables already exist, fields that don't already exist will be merged in.

Lookup Lists Added

The following lookup lists are added to your library file. They are located in DATA DESIGN
 Lookup Lists, but cannot be user-modified.

Lookup List Description


LAB IN OR MM Inches or Millimeters

LAB LENGTH UNITS Feet, Meters, Inches, Centimeters, Millimeters

LAB SV WEIGH METHODS Cumulative or Incremental

LAB TEMP UNITS Centigrade or Fahrenheit

LAB WEIGHT UNITS Pounds, Kilograms, Grams, Newtons, Kilonewtons

If these lists already exist, they will not be altered when lab testing is added.

Removing Lab Testing Support

You can remove lab testing support from a project, with the result that all lab testing tables
and their data are deleted.

To remove lab testing support, do the following:

1. Go to INPUT. Ensure that you are viewing a table that is not a lab testing table.
2. Select the Additional Modules  Lab Testing Support option (the menu item should
already be checked, indicating that lab testing support is in place). The following
prompt appears:

3. Check the Remove Support radio button. Click OK.
4. You are prompted again with a message warning you that all your lab data will be
deleted. Click OK again.
5. Notice that all the lab testing tables, and the Lab Testing tab, are gone. However, the
library tables, lookup lists and readings lists that were added to your library still

Appending Items from the Most Recent Lab Testing Version

If gINT Software adds new functionality to lab testing after you first add lab testing support
to your project, you may find your project is out of date. This may include new fields, tables,
library tables, user system data items and so on. To add the most recent items to your
project, do the following:
1. Ensure that your version of gINT is the most current available (Help  Check For
gINT Update).
2. Open the project in INPUT. Ensure that a non-lab table is selected.
3. Select the Additional Modules  Lab Testing Support option (the menu item
should already be checked, indicating that lab testing support is in place). The
following prompt appears:

4. Check the Append Missing Items radio button. Click OK.

5. All lab testing items created more recently than when your project was created are
added to the project.

Using Defaults and Calibrations

Before entering data for particular test types, you may need to set up some defaults,
calibrations, and reading lists.

• Defaults are defined on an individual field basis and can speed up data entry by
having the program supply the values of fields when new records are added.
• Calibrations are library table data that is required for certain tests, specifically
unconfined compression and hydrometer analysis.
 Note: The HYDROMETER CALIBRATIONS table is described in the
“Hydrometer Analysis” chapter, and the LOAD RINGS library table in the
“Unconfined Compression Analysis” chapter.
• Reading lists are only used for sieve analysis, but provide a very quick way to add all
the standard sieve sizes at once prior to performing data entry. The sieve readings
list is described in the “Sieve Analysis” chapter.

Field Defaults
You can specify a default for any field (except a key field) in DATA DESIGN  Project
Database or DATA DESIGN  Library Tables using the Default Value property and its
associated radio button group. To specify a field default:
1. Go to the INPUT tab.
2. Right-click in a cell and select Field Properties.

3. Select one of the following radio buttons to the right of the Default Value property
ο Literal - as shown: If you select this option, you also enter a value in the Default
Value property. This value is automatically entered in the corresponding data
entry field when a new row is created. For example, Weighing_Method in the
SIEVE table can default to ‘C’ (cumulative) each time a new record is created. A
suggested list of default values for various fields and tables appears in “Appendix
A -- Suggested Field Defaults” on page 120.
ο Copy previous record: Repeats the entry in this field from the previous row.
ο Lookup from Field: Select this option to use the value in a field in a higher-level
table to provide the default. A Lookup from field setting for a field enables you
to create a place to set the field’s defaults on a borehole by borehole, project by
project, specimen by specimen or similar basis. For example, you could define

— 10 —
master Diameter and Height fields in the POINT table for the WC DENSITY
fields of the same names, and reference the POINT table fields from the Field
Properties in the WC DENSITY fields. When you enter values in the POINT record
for a borehole, this would establish defaults for all WC DENSITY records for the
Note that after setting up defaults for fields in various tables, you should save your current
database structure to your data template. This enables the same defaults to be established
in any project subsequently cloned from the data template.

— 11 —
Lab Testing User Interface
In the INPUT application, projects with lab testing support have the Lab Testing tab. You
click on this tab to move to the lab testing tables. To move back to the other project tables,
you click on the Main Group tab.

In all but the Lab Specimen and Wc Density tabs, you see a split screen view with two
grids such as in the Atterberg tab shown here:

Each tab in the third tab bar (except for Lab Specimen) corresponds to a particular test
type. Within each of these tabs the top grid contains the parent table data and bottom grid
contains child table data. The parent grid will show all of the records for that test that are
defined for the point that is currently selected in the object selector. The child grid will
show the data for the currently selected parent record. You can move between the two
grids by clicking with the mouse or by pressing Ctrl-Tab.

— 12 —
Relational Database Structure
The following diagram illustrates the parent-child relationship structure of all standard lab
testing tables, using the standard database diagram symbols for one-to-many ( ) and
one-to-one ( ).

As can be seen from the diagram, there are potentially many LAB SPECIMEN records for
each POINT record (each LAB SPECIMEN record represents a specimen from a different
depth within the borehole). Also, all of the tables in the third column (WC DENSITY,
ATTERBERG, and so on) have a one-to-one relationship with LAB SPECIMEN. In other
words, these Column 3 tables enable the creation of records that have the same PointID-
Depth combination as some LAB SPECIMEN record. Tables in Column 4 are one-to-many
children of particular Column 3 tables, and provide the ability to enter individual readings
that are summarized in the parent record. For example, each SIEVE record can have
multiple SV READINGS children.

— 13 —
 Note: It is not required for LAB SPECIMEN to be a child of POINT; it could be the child of
another table. Refer to “Making LAB SPECIMEN a Child of a Non-POINT Table” on page

— 14 —
Lab Testing Tables

Defining a Lab Specimen

The LAB SPECIMEN table is the parent for all the lab testing tables. The PointID and Depth
of each test specimen must be defined here before any data can be input elsewhere, with
the following exception: if you add a record to one of the lab testing tables and that
PointID-Depth combination was not defined in LAB SPECIMEN, gINT will show a message
that it does not exist and allow you to add it to LAB SPECIMEN on the fly. For example, let's
say you enter data in the Sieve tab for PointID = ‘B-1’ at Depth = 5, and then save. If a
record at B-1 depth 5 was not defined in the Lab Specimen tab, gINT will show a message
that it does not exist and ask if you wish to add it.

At least one specimen must be defined in the LAB SPECIMEN table before the program will
allow you to move to the other lab testing tables.

Deleting or renaming a record in LAB SPECIMEN deletes or renames all the data associated
with the record. There are no required fields in this table except PointID and Depth.
However, if you wish to show void ratios or degrees of saturation in reports, the Specific-
_Gravity value must be input.


Field Name Description

PointID Identifies the borehole of the lab specimen. Chosen in the object selector, from
the set of PointID values in the POINT table.

Depth The depth of the lab specimen in the borehole.

Specific_Gravity This value is needed in certain reports, particularly the LAB SUMMARY graphic
table, to determine void ratios and saturation percent for specimens with this
point-depth combination. However, this is not necessarily the same value as
you will enter in a field of the same name in the FINE SG, FINE SG READINGS, or
HYDROMETER tables for this point-depth combination. For information on
computing void ratio and saturation percent, see the section entitled “Void
Ratio and Saturation Calculations” in the “Water Content/Density” chapter.

Description If a description is specified here, this value will override the computed
Classification in reports for all tests with this PointID-Depth combination.

LAB SPECIMEN table notes:

• The Description field can be deleted or renamed in DATA DESIGN; the three other
fields cannot (although they can be captioned).

— 15 —
Some Typical Reports
This table is not directly reported in any reports.

— 16 —
Water Content / Density

Water content (or moisture content) is the quantity of water contained in soil or rock on a
volumetric or gravimetric basis. The property is expressed as a ratio, which can range from
zero (completely dry) to the value of the material’s porosity at saturation. Water content is
calculated by dividing the volume of the water by the total volume of the sample. Density is
mass m per unit volume V—how heavy something is compared to its size. This feature can
be used to determine what optimum water content correlates with the maximum dry

Data Entry
The Wc Density tab is for data entry in the WC DENSITY table. You need to have a parent
LAB SPECIMEN record for the desired depth to create a WC DENSITY record (or you can
create it on the fly).

Any or all of the three final results fields (Water_Content, Wet_Density and Dry_Density)
can be input directly. If the data exists in other fields for calculating these values, the
program will do so and overwrite any values that are in those fields. Clicking the Save icon
generates values in any fields that are calculated.

Note that the Diameter and Height must be in millimeters and the weight of the total
specimen (Wt_Spec_Tare) and its tare (Wt_Tare) must be in grams. The weights for the
Water Content determination can be in any consistent units, that is, WC_Wt_Wet,
WC_Wt_Dry and WC_Wt_Tare can all be in grams, all be in pounds, etc.

The calculated densities are determined using the Water Unit Weight value in the
PROJECT table. For example, a Water Unit Weight of 62.42796 generates densities in
pounds/cubic foot, whereas a value of 1 generates values in grams/cu cm. Densities cannot
be calculated without a value in that field. Changing the Water Unit Weight will not change
existing results—you must recalculate by saving (or selecting gINT Rules  Recalculate
Current Table).

The specifics of the calculations are in “Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations” on page 19.

— 17 —
WC DENSITY table fields
Field Name Caption Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB

SPECIMEN record. (Chosen in the object selector)

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB

SPECIMEN record.

WC_Wt_Wet Water Content Wet Weight of wet soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If
Wt+Tare omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Dry Water Content Dry Weight of dry soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If
Wt+Tare omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Tare Water Content Wt Weight of tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,

Tare Water_Content cannot be calculated.

Water_Content Also known as moisture content. This value is in percent.

It will be calculated if the data exists, or can be input

Diameter Specimen diameter in mm. If omitted, Wet_Density is

not computed.

Height Specimen height in mm. If omitted, Wet_Density is not


Wt_Spec_Tare Wt Specimen + Tare In grams. Weight of total specimen + tare. If omitted,

Wet_Density is not computed.

Wt_Tare In grams. Weight of tare. If omitted, Wet_Density is not

computed. Enter 0 if none.

Wet_Density Also known as wet unit weight or total unit weight. In

units determined by the Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT
(62.42796 generates densities in pounds/cubic foot; 1
generates values in grams/cu cm). Will be calculated if
the data exists, or can be input directly.

Dry_Density Also known as dry unit weight. In units determined by

the Water_Unit_Wt field in PROJECT. Will be calculated
if the data exists, or can be input directly.

WC DENSITY table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in

— 18 —
• No fields have an associated lookup

Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations

Calculations are per ASTM D2216.

Water Content Calculations

There are three ways to calculate Water_Content:

• From WC_Wt_Wet, WC_Wt_Dry and WC_Wt_Tare.


Entered Calculated

WC_Wt_Wet WC_Wt_Dry WC_Wt_Tare Water_Content

95.3 80 20.2 25.59%

• From Wet_Density and Dry_Density:


Entered Calculated

Wet_Density Dry_Density Water_Content

133.2 115.424 15.40%

• From Dry_Density and source fields for Wet_Density (Diameter, Height,

Wt_Spec_Tare, and Wt_Tare)

(see Wet_Density calculations, below)

Wet Density Calculations

Wet_Density (also known as total unit weight or wet unit weight) can be calculated in
either of two ways:
• From Diameter, Height, Wt_Spec_Tare, Wt_Tare and Water_Unit_Wt:

Cubic cm example:

— 19 —
Entered Calculated

Diameter Height Wt_Spec_ Wt_ area sq volume cu Water_ Wet_

(mm) (mm) Tare (g) Tare (g) cm cm Unit_Wt Density

50.8 152.4 655.7 0 20.2683 308.8889 62.42796 132.52

Cubic ft example:

Entered Calculated

Diameter Height Wt_Spec Wt_ net wt area sq ft volume Water_ Wet_

(mm) (mm) _ Tare Tare spec lbs cu ft Unit_Wt Density
(g) (g)

50.8 152.4 655.7 0 1.445571 0.021817 0.010908 1 132.52

• From Water_Content and Dry_Density:


Entered Calculated

Dry_Density Water_Content Wet_Density

101.26 23.98% 125.54

— 20 —
Dry Density Calculations
Dry_Density (also known as dry unit weight) can be calculated from the following:

• From Water_Content and Wet_Density:


Entered Calculated

Water_Content Wet_Density Dry_Density

31.32% 119.5 90.999

• From Water_Content and Wet_Density’s source fields (Diameter, Height,

Wt_Spec_Tare, and Wt_Tare)

(see “Wet Density Calculations,” above)

• From Wet_Density and Water_Content’s source fields (WC_Wt_Wet, WC_Wt_Dry

and WC_Wt_Tare)

(see “Water Content Calculations,” above)

Void Ratio and Saturation Calculations

Void Ratio and Saturation % are calculated values displayed in reports, primarily the LAB
SUMMARY graphic table. They are calculated via the Rep_Void_Ratio and Rep_Saturation
user system data items respectively, and are derived from the Water_Content and
Dry_Density values in the current WC DENSITY record, as well as Water_Unit_Wt in
PROJECT (to establish the units for densities) and Specific_Gravity in LAB SPECIMEN.

 Note: If there is no Specific_Gravity value in the parent LAB SPECIMEN record, Void
Ratio and Saturation % are not calculated. Also, note that if Dry_Density is missing
from the WC DENSITY record, the Dry_Density field in UNCONF COMPRESS, then
CONSOLIDATION, then DIRECT SHEAR is accessed until a value is found (refer to the
Rep_Dry_Density user system data item in the library for details).

Void Ratio Example:

— 21 —
Entered Calculated

Dry_ Specific_ Water_ Void Ratio

Density Gravity Unit_Wt

108 2.65 62.42796 0.532

Saturation % Example:

Entered Calculated

Water_ Specific_ Void Ratio Saturation

Content Gravity %

17.89% 2.65 0.532 89.13

— 22 —
Some Typical Reports
LAB_SUMMARY (Summary of Laboratory Results ) graphic table/text table
In standard libraries (such as ‘gint std US.glb’) water content and wet and dry density
values are reported for each borehole-depth combination using the US_LAB_SUMMARY
(Summary of Laboratory Results) graphic text doc and text doc. They appear directly in the
Water Content and Dry Density columns, and indirectly through computations in the
Saturation and Void Ratio columns.

— 23 —
The plot-vs-depth column at right in this log report graphs, among other things, moisture
content (filled circle markers) against plastic limit to liquid limit horizontal range lines.

— 24 —
INDEX_PROPS (Index Properties vs. Depth) Graph
Water_Content is also plotted as one curve in the Index Properties vs. Depth
(INDEX_PROPS) graph. Notice the solid zig-zag line curve with filled circle data markers

— 25 —
Atterberg Analysis

Atterberg limits are a basic measure of the nature of a fine-grained soil. Depending on the
water content of the soil, it may appear in four states: solid, semi-solid, plastic and liquid. In
each state the consistency and behavior of a soil is different and thus so are its engineering
properties. Therefore, the boundary between each state can be defined based on a change
in the soil's behavior. The Atterberg limits can be used to distinguish between silt and clay,
and they can distinguish between different types of silts and clays.

The plastic limit (PL) is the water content where soil starts to exhibit plastic behavior. A
thread of soil is at its plastic limit when it is rolled to a diameter of 3 mm and crumbles. To
improve consistency, a 3 mm diameter rod is often used to gauge the thickness of the
thread when conducting the test.

The liquid limit (LL) is the water content where a soil changes from plastic to liquid
behavior. The original liquid limit test of Atterberg's involved mixing a pat of clay in a
round-bottomed porcelain bowl of 10-12 cm diameter. A groove was cut through the pat of
clay with a spatula, and the bowl was then struck many times against the palm of one hand.

Casagrande subsequently standardized the apparatus and the procedures to make the
liquid limit measurement more repeatable. In the Casagrande method, soil is placed into
the metal cup portion of the device and a groove is made down its center with a
standardized tool. The cup is repeatedly dropped 10mm onto a hard rubber base until the
groove is closed for 13 mm (½ inch). The moisture content at which it takes 25 drops of the
cup to cause the groove to close is defined as the liquid limit.

Another method for measuring the liquid limit is the cone penetrometer test. It is based on
the measurement of penetration into the soil of a standardized cone of specific mass.
Despite the universal prevalence of the Casagrande method, the cone penetrometer is often
considered to be a more consistent alternative because it minimizes the possibility of
human variations when carrying out the test.

The plasticity index (PI) is a measure of the plasticity of a soil. It is the size of the range of
water contents where the soil exhibits plastic properties. The PI is the difference between
the liquid limit and the plastic limit (PI = LL - PL). Soils with a high PI tend to be clay, those
with a lower PI tend to be silt, and those with a PI of 0 tend to have little or no silt or clay.

The liquidity index (LI) is used for scaling the natural water content of a soil sample to the
limits. It can be calculated as a ratio of difference between natural water content, plastic
limit, and plasticity index: LI=(W-PL)/(LL-PL) where W is the natural water content.

The activity (A) of a soil is the PI divided by the percent of clay-sized particles present.
Different types of clays have differing specific surface areas. This controls how much
wetting is required to move a soil from one phase to another, such as across the liquid limit
or the plastic limit. From the activity, one can predict the dominant clay type present in a

— 26 —
soil sample. High activity signifies large volume change when wetted and large shrinkage
when dried. Soils with high activity are very reactive chemically.

Normally, activity of clay is between 0.75 and 1.25. It is assumed that the plasticity index is
approximately equal to the clay fraction (A = 1). When A is less than 0.75, it is considered
inactive. When it is greater than 1.25, it is considered active.

Data Entry
The Atterberg tab is for data entry into the ATTERBERG (parent) and ATTB READINGS
(child) tables. One ATTERBERG table record can be created for each borehole-depth
combination present in its parent (the LAB SPECIMEN table). The ATTERBERG record
holds data that applies to or is calculated from all of its child (ATTB READINGS) records.
Multiple ATTB READINGS records can be created for an ATTERBERG record, and each
holds data from one plastic limit reading, or one liquid limit test performed with a
Casagrande cup or cone penetrometer, for the parent’s borehole-depth combination.

Liquid_Limit and Plastic_Limit can be input directly in the ATTERBERG (parent) record.
Alternately, if ATTB READINGS records exist for an ATTERBERG record, the Liquid_Limit
and Plastic_Limit in the parent will be calculated from its set of child records.

In the ATTB READINGS (child) table, the Water_Content for each reading is calculated
from the WC_Wt_Wet, WC_Wt_Dry, and WC_Wt_Tare fields (all three must be provided),
or can be entered directly. Water_Content, or values for the three source fields to compute
it, must be present in every ATTB READINGS record. For plastic limit tests, this is all that is
entered. For liquid limit tests, you also enter either a value for Number_Blows (when using
the Casagrande cup method) or Cone_Pen_Initial and Cone_Pen_Final (when using the
cone penetrometer method). Note that Casagrande cup and cone penetrometer tests
cannot be combined for the same borehole-depth combination.

In the lower grid you can enter 1) only liquid limit, 2) only plastic limit readings, or 3) both
liquid and plastic limit readings. The program automatically inserts a zero into the upper
grid for the item that is not input in the lower grid, for example, if only liquid limit readings
are input in the lower grid, the calculated Liquid_Limit will be inserted in the upper grid
and zero will be inserted for the Plastic_Limit.

— 27 —
 Note: This is to accommodate ASTM specification D 4318 (Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit,
and Plasticity Index of Soils), section 20.1.4 which states in part: "If the Liquid Limit or
Plastic Limit tests could not be performed, or if the Plastic Limit is equal to or greater
than the Liquid Limits, report the soil as nonplastic, NP."

In southeastern Alaska there are soils where the Liquid Limit test can be performed and
yields values in the range of 20 but the Plastic Limit test cannot be run. Your first
reaction might be to input a value of "0" and expect the ASTM functions to classify such
a soil as a clay since the PI would be 20. Section 20.1.4 says otherwise, that is, since the
Plastic Limit test could not be run the soil is non-plastic and therefore a silt. The ASTM
Classification function in gINT accommodates this condition.

For additional details on calculations, see “Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations” on page 30.

ATTERBERG table fields

Field Name Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN record.
(Specified in the object selector).

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN record.

Liquid_Limit In %. Calculated from the data in liquid limit-type readings records in ATTB
READINGS (records with either blows or cone penetrometer values).
Alternately, this can be directly entered in ATTERBERG, but the manually
entered value will be overwritten if there is child liquid limit data. For
Casagrande cup (blows) data, any number of readings can be provided. For
cone penetrometer data, a minimum of three readings is required.

Plastic_Limit In %. Calculated from the data in plastic limit-type readings records in ATTB
READINGS (records lacking blows and cone penetrometer values).
Alternately, this can be directly entered in ATTERBERG, but the manually
entered value will be overwritten if there is child plastic limit data.

Organic Affects the ASTM classification in reports.

ATTERBERG table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• None of the fields have captions
• There are no associated lookups

— 28 —
ATTB READINGS table fields
Field Name Caption Description

WC_Wt_Wet Water Content Wet Weight of wet soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If
Wt+Tare omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Dry Water Content Dry Weight of dry soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If
Wt+Tare omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Tare Water Content Wt Weight of tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,

Tare Water_Content cannot be calculated.

Water_Content In %. Will be calculated if values are present in the

three source fields, or can be input directly. Must be
present or calculatable for all readings.

Number_Blows Number of Blows For Casagrande cup liquid limit readings. Leave
blank for plastic limit readings.

Cone_Pen_Initial In mm. For cone penetrometer liquid limit readings.

Leave blank for plastic limit and Casagrande cup

Cone_Pen_Final In mm. For cone penetrometer liquid limit readings.

Leave blank for plastic limit and Casagrande cup

ATTB READINGS table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• There are no associated lookups
• No fields are used directly in standard reports or user system data items (see

— 29 —
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations
Atterberg indices and soil classification are covered in ASTM D2487.

Scenario 1: Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit Values Directly Entered

This is the simplest case. You can directly enter Liquid_Limit and Plastic_Limit values in
the parent ATTERBERG table, and these will be used in reporting if nothing is entered in
the lower grid. However, if data is entered in child ATTB READINGS records from which
parent Liquid_Limit or Plastic_Limit values can be calculated, the calculated parent values
will overwrite the entered parent values on saving.

Scenario 2: Plastic Limit Calculation from ATTB READINGS Data

The ATTB READINGS records that are used for plastic limit calculation are those that do
not contain Number_Blows, Cone_Pen_Initial, and Cone_Pen_Final values. They contain
Water_Content values, either directly entered, or computed from the WC_Wt_Wet,
WC_Wt_Dry, and WC_Wt_Tare values in the same ATTB READINGS record. Multiple
readings records can be entered, but a single record is acceptable.

The Plastic_Limit value in the parent ATTERBERG record is computed as the average of
the Water_Content values in the child plastic limit ATTB READINGS records.


Calculated in Calculated in
Entered in ATTB READINGS READINGS (upper grid)

WC_Wt_Wet WC_Wt_Dry WC_Wt_Tare Water_Content Plastic Limit

(g) (g) (g) (%)

18.16 17.38 14.56 27.65957 28.3849

17.08 16.44 14.21 28.69955

17.98 16.88 13.06 28.79581

Scenario 3: Casagrande Liquid Limit, with Single-Point Reading

If only one reading exists, the ASTM D4318 one point method is used. The requirement for
the one-point method is that Number_Blows be between 20 and 30.

— 30 —

Entered in ATTB READINGS Calculated in ATTERBERG

Water_Content Number_Blows n/25 ** 0.121 Liquid_Limit

59.62963 24 0.96 0.99507272 59.33582

Scenario 4: Casagrande Liquid Limit, with Two-Point Readings

If two readings are used, liquid limit values are computed for each reading using the one-
point method, then the two one-point values are averaged. As with the one-point method,
Number_Blows values must be between 20 and 30.


Calculated in

Liquid_Limit Liquid_Limit
Water_Content Number_Blows n/25 ** 0.121 (lower grid) (upper grid)

59.62963 24 0.96 0.99507272 59.33582 60.16367

60.42618 27 1.08 1.00935578 60.99151

Scenario 5: Casagrande Liquid Limit, with Multi-Point (3 or More) Readings

If three or more readings are obtained, a best fit line through a graph of the logarithm of
blows vs. arithmetic water contents is used and the Liquid_Limit is defined as the water
content at 25 blows on this best fit line.

Scenario 6: Cone Penetrometer Liquid Limit

You must have a minimum of three readings. Each ATTB READINGS record must have a
Water_Content value (or values in WC_Wt_Wet, WC_Wt_Dry, and WC_Wt_Tare), as well
as Cone_Pen_Initial and Cone_Pen_Final values.

Computation of Liquid_Limit is achieved by calculating a best fit line through a graph of

arithmetic penetration vs. arithmetic water contents, and the Liquid_Limit is defined as
the Water_Content at 20 mm penetration on this best fit line.

Some Typical Reports

In standard libraries (such as ‘gint std US.glb’), ATTB READINGS data is only used in
calculations of ATTERBERG table values, and is not reported. ATTERBERG table values
(Liquid_Limit, Plastic_Limit, and Organic) appear in several graphs (in combination with
data from other lab testing tables) and one text table/graphic table.

— 31 —
ATTERBERG_LIMITS (Atterberg Limits Results) graph
The graph in the upper portion plots plasticity index (liquid limit less plastic limit) against
plastic limit for each point-depth combination in the ATTERBERG table.

Beneath the plot, the graphic table reports liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index
data by each borehole-depth combination. Fines and Classification are additionally
reported if there is percent finer and reading (sieve size) data available from the SV
READINGS (sieve analysis) table.

— 32 —
INDEX_PROPS (Index Properties vs. Depth) Graph
The range between Plastic Limit and Liquid Limit at each depth is plotted as a horizontal
line ranging from the Plastic Limit (square marker) to the Liquid Limit (triangle marker).
The Water Content line shows how water content at various depths relates to these

— 33 —
LAB SUMMARY (Summary of Laboratory Results) graphic table/text table
This table reports Atterberg liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index data regardless of
whether there is data in other tables.

— 34 —
Other Graphs/Reports
ATTERBERG table data is used in other standard graphs and reports in the following ways:

• In the GEOTECH BH PLOTS Log, the plot-vs-depth column at right graphs, among
other things, moisture content (filled circle markers) against plastic limit to liquid
limit horizontal range lines.
• In the COMPACTION graph, the liquid limit, plastic limit and PI values are printed as
text next to the graph.
• In the COMPACTION MULTIPLE CURVES graph, the LL, PL, and PI for each specimen
are listed in the graphic table beneath the graph.
• In the GRAIN SIZE graph, the LL, PL, and PI for each specimen are listed in the
graphic table beneath the graph.
• In the GEOTECH BH PLOTS log, the plot-vs-depth column at right in this log graphs,
among other things, moisture content at various depths (filled circle markers)
against the range of plastic limit to liquid limit (bounded horizontal line segments).

— 35 —
Sieve Analysis

A sieve analysis is a procedure used to assess the particle size distribution of a granular
material. The size distribution is often of critical importance to the way the material
performs in use. It can be used for any type of non-organic or organic granular round
materials including sands, clays, coal, soil, crushed granite or feldspars, and a wide range of
manufactured powders.

For coarse material (sizes that range down to #200 mesh, that is, 75 μm) a sieve analysis
and particle size distribution is accurate and consistent. However, for material that is finer
than #200 mesh, dry sieving is significantly less accurate. This is because the mechanical
energy required to make particles pass through an opening and the surface attraction
effects between the particle and the screen increase as the particle size decreases. To
determine particle size distribution for these finest sizes, hydrometer analysis is

Sediment samples may undergo grain size analysis through sieves. Graphing the
cumulative weight percent retained vs. passing grain size (sieve number) will result in the
sediment grain-size distribution curve. The grain-size distribution curve is used to
quantitatively classify the sediment type.

Data Entry
The Sieve tab is for data entry in the SIEVE and SV READINGS tables. One SIEVE table
record can be created for each borehole-depth combination present in the LAB SPECIMEN
table and holds data that applies to all of its child (SV READINGS) records. Multiple SV
READINGS records are created for a SIEVE record, and each holds data from one sieve
reading obtained for the parent’s borehole-depth combination.

— 36 —
A SIEVE (parent) table record sets up the specifications for performing calculations, and its
data is typically not reported. The SV READINGS (child) records hold the raw data, and
most of the resulting calculations, from tests.

The readings list feature in DATA DESIGN provides a convenient way to populate the SV
READINGS table with child records for each new SIEVE record. This eliminates the need to
manually enter the Sieve Size and Name for each SV READINGS record. Refer to “Setting up
a Sieve Readings List in DATA DESIGN” on page 46. You only need to enter data in the SV
READINGS records you use; records for unused sieve sizes are automatically eliminated
when you save.

SIEVE table fields

Field Name Caption Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB

SPECIMEN record. (Specified in the object selector).

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB

SPECIMEN record. Required.

Wt_Total_Spec Required in all sieve analysis scenarios where

Percent_Finer values are calculated rather than directly
entered. Represents the total weight of the specimen that
goes into the sieve (before any sieving or drying).

— 37 —
Field Name Caption Description

Wt_Passing_ This value is calculated in all scenarios, following a Save. In

Split_Sieve unsplit specimens, it represents the total weight of the
specimen that passed the sieves, that is, the total weight of
the specimen less the weight retained in the sieves.
In split specimens, it is the weight of the specimen less the
weight of material coarse-sieved. For example, if the
smallest coarse sieve is #10, this value will be the weight of
the portion that passes the #10 sieve.

Wt_Fines_Tested With unsplit specimens, this field is not used; for split sieve
specimens it is required. It specifies the weight of the
fraction from the original specimen used for sieving in fine

Size_Split_Sieve With unsplit specimens, this field is not used; for split sieve
specimens it is required, and specifies the size of the
smallest sieve included in coarse sieving, in mm. For
example, if the smallest coarse sieve is #10, this value would
be 2 (mm).

Weighing_Method Specifies how Soil_Tare values in the child records are

interpreted. The options are C for cumulative and I for
incremental. Cumulative weighing sums the weights of soil
retained on each sieve and those coarser. Incremental
weighing only records the weight retained on each sieve
individually. This is the same for split and unsplit specimens.

Wt_Sieving_ With unsplit specimens, this field is not used; for split sieve
Tare_Coarse specimens it is required. Used for entry of a single tare value
(that applies to all sieves) when there is no split. Tare values
are entered separately in Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse
(applying to the coarse sieves) and Wt_Sieving_Tare_Fine
(applying to the fine sieves) when split. This is the default
setup for sieve analysis in gINT. However if you need to
specify different tare weights for the various sieves, this can
be done by adding a Wt_Sieve_Tare field in SV_READINGS.

Wt_Sieving_Tare_Fine Required when split sieving. Tare weight for all fine sieves
(see Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse).

— 38 —
Field Name Caption Description

WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse Water Content Wet weight, including tare, for moisture content adjustment
Coarse Wet of an unsplit specimen or the coarse fraction of a split
Wt+Tare specimen. To utilize a wet total weight in an unsplit
specimen requires the use of three fields:
WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse, WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse, and
WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse (all using the same units). In a split
specimen, the corresponding three _Fine fields are also
required. The principle is that some portion of the soil
sample is set aside for moisture content testing. The
weighing dish is weighed to establish the tare value, and the
moist sample on the dish is weighed to establish the wet
weight with tare (this value). The sample is heated to
vaporize the moisture, and it is re-weighed. The difference
between the wet and dry weights is the weight of the
moisture lost, and the ratio of the lost moisture to the weight
of the dry sample is the moisture content percentage (saved
as Water_Content_Coarse). This percentage can then be
used to convert dry Soil_Tare weights into equivalent wet
weights for calculation of Percent_Finer values.

WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse Water Content Dry weight, including tare, for moisture content adjustment
Coarse Dry of an unsplit specimen or the coarse fraction of a split
Wt+Tare specimen. See WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse.

WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse Water Content Tare weight for moisture content adjustment of an unsplit
Coarse Wt specimen or the coarse fraction of a split specimen. See
Tare WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse.

Water_Content_Coars Moisture content percentage calculated for an unsplit wet

e specimen or the coarse fraction of a split wet specimen. See

WC_Wt_Wet_Fine Water Content Wet weight, including tare, for moisture content adjustment
Fine Wet of the fine fraction of a split specimen. See
Wt+Tare WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse. With unsplit specimens this field is not

WC_Wt_Dry_ Fine Water Content Dry weight, including tare, for moisture content adjustment
Fine Dry of the fine fraction of a split specimen. See
Wt+Tare WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse. With unsplit specimens this field is not

WC_Wt_Tare_ Fine Water Content Tare weight for moisture content adjustment of the fine
Fine Wt Tare fraction of a split specimen. See WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse. With
unsplit specimens this field is not used.

— 39 —
Field Name Caption Description

Water_Content_Fine Moisture content percentage calculated for the fine fraction

of a split wet specimen. See WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse. With
unsplit specimens this field is not used.

Coarse_Sieved_Wet If you sieve the coarse fraction of a split specimen wet, you
can have gINT adjust the wet weights you enter so that the
final calculations for Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve and the
Percent_Finer values are corrected for the moisture
content. To accomplish this, check the Coarse_Sieved_Wet
checkbox. Normally this box is unchecked. Note that gINT
assumes that the fine fraction is always sieved dry, so wet
sieving of the dry fraction is not offered as an option.

SIEVE table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• SIEVE table records are not used directly in any reports or graphs (see SV
READINGS, below)
• Only one lookup is assigned: for Weighing_Method, the LAB SV WEIGH METHODS
lookup list

SV READINGS table fields

Name Caption Description

PointID Hidden pointer to the parent SIEVE record, in combination with Depth.

Depth Hidden pointer to the parent SIEVE record, in combination with PointID.

Reading Sieve Sieve size, in mm. Required. This value specifies, for the current
Size specimen, which sieve size the associated Soil_Tare (entered) and
Percent_Finer (calculated) values correspond to. Reading values can be
automatically populated from a readings list if one exists in DATA
DESIGN. See “Setting up a Sieve Readings List in DATA DESIGN” on page 46.

Name Optional user-friendly name corresponding to the Sieve Size. Name

values can be automatically provided on creation of new SIEVE records if
they are specified in the current Readings List.

— 40 —
Name Caption Description

Soil_Tare Soil + Entered for each sieve size with data. If incremental weighing, enter the
Tare weight retained on each sieve; if cumulative, enter the sum of the weights
on this sieve and those coarser. Enter dry weights only (unless
performing wet sieving of the coarse fraction and Coarse_Sieved_Wet is
checked, in which case you enter wet weights for the coarse fraction and
dry weights for the fine).

Percent_Finer When you save, Percent_Finer is calculated for each SV READINGS

record with a Soil_Tare value. The resulting set of values will vary
depending on the settings in the parent SIEVE record. Alternately,
Percent_Finer values can be entered directly, if you do not need them

SV READINGS table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• No associated lookups.

Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations

Various data entry scenarios are possible, depending on your needs. The most common
ones, unsplit sieve and split sieve without moisture calculations, are described below (in
addition to the non-calculated scenario, direct entry of Percent_Finer values). More
complicated scenarios involving wet specimens are described in “Appendix C -- Scenarios
using Wet Specimens in Sieve Analysis” on page 127.

The calculations for sieve analysis are detailed in ASTM D422.

Scenario 1: Percent Finer values directly entered

If the Percent Finer (Percent_Finer) values are directly entered into the SV READINGS
grid, nothing is required in the parent record except Depth, and no calculations are

— 41 —
Scenario 2: Dry total weight supplied, no split, incremental weighing
Incremental weighing records the weight retained on each sieve individually. Values are
required in Wt_Total_Spec, Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse, and Weighing_Method in the
parent SIEVE record and Soil+Tare values in the relevant child SV READINGS records.
When you save, Percent_Finer is calculated for each SV READINGS record with a
Soil+Tare (called Soil_Tare in the database) value, and the Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve in the
parent SIEVE record is also calculated.

We are doing an incremental calculation, no split, no moisture content, with the following

Entered in SIEVE Record

Wt_Total_Spec Tare_Coarse

128.3 20.8

The resulting Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve is 10.2, and the Percent_Finer values are as shown
in the right column of the following table.

Entered in SV READINGS Calculated

net Wt_Passing_
Wt_Sieving_ soil Percent_ Split_Sieve
Sieve Size Soil_Tare Tare_Coarse wt percent(n) Finer

#4 20.8 20.8 0 0.00% 100.00%

#8 33.6 20.8 12.8 9.98% 90.02%

#16 46.5 20.8 25.7 20.03% 69.99%

#30 52.9 20.8 32.1 25.02% 44.97%

#50 46.5 20.8 25.7 20.03% 24.94%

#100 33.6 20.8 12.8 9.98% 14.96%

#200 29.8 20.8 9 7.01% 7.95%

total_sieved 1 7.95%

Wt_Total_Spec 3 7.95%

— 42 —
Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve 10.2 7.95% 10.2

Note that in this scenario (and all the subsequent ones), the assumption is that all of your
sieves are the same weight, and a single tare value can be entered in the parent record (in
Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse when there is no split, or separately in Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse
and Wt_Sieving_Tare_Fine when split). This is the default setup for sieve analysis in gINT.
However if you need to specify different tare weights for the various sieves, this can be
done—see “Setting up Individual Tares for Sieves” on page 48.

Scenario 3: Dry total weight supplied, no split, cumulative weighing

Cumulative weighing sums the weights of all soil retained on each sieve and those coarser.
The same set of fields is required for cumulative weighing (with dry weights and no split)
as for incremental: namely Wt_Total_Spec, Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse, and
Weighing_Method in the parent SIEVE record and Soil+Tare values in the relevant child
SV READINGS records. Percent_Finer is calculated for each SV READINGS record with a
Soil+Tare value. Also, the Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve in the parent SIEVE record is

We are doing a cumulative calculation, no split, no moisture content, with the following

Entered in SIEVE Record

Wt_Total_ Wt_Sieving_
Spec Tare_Coarse

61.78 20.2

The resulting Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve is 52.94, and the Percent_Finer values are as shown
in the second column from the right in the table.

Entered in SV READINGS Calculated

Sieve Size Soil_Tare Wt_Sieving_ net percent(n) Percent_ Wt_Passing_

Tare_Coarse soil wt Finer Split_Sieve

#20 20.2 20.2 0 0.00% 100.00%

#30 22.45 20.2 2.25 3.64% 96.36%

#50 24.07 20.2 3.87 6.26% 93.74%

#100 25.65 20.2 5.45 8.82% 91.18%

#200 29.04 20.2 8.84 14.31% 85.69%

— 43 —
Entered in SV READINGS Calculated

Sieve Size Soil_Tare Wt_Sieving_ net percent(n) Percent_ Wt_Passing_

Tare_Coarse soil wt Finer Split_Sieve

total_sieved 8.84

Wt_Total_Spec 61.78

Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve 52.94 52.94

Scenario 4: Dry total weight supplied, split sieving, incremental weighing

You can split the test specimen into coarse and fine fractions. This is commonly done when
the soil has a large gravel fraction. The entire coarse fraction, and a portion of the fine
fraction, are sieved. That is, the total sample is sieved through successive sieves until the
one designated as the “split sieve” is used (designated in gINT using Size_Split_Sieve,
entered in mm). The fraction passing this sieve is not passed through subsequent sieves in
its entirety. Instead, a much smaller fraction called the “fines fraction”, designated in gINT
as Wt_Fines_Tested, is removed and sieved through the fine sieves.

Data entry is required in the following fields in the SIEVE parent record for split sieving
(using dry weights): Wt_Total_Spec, Wt_Fines_Tested, Size_Split_Sieve,
Weighing_Method, Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse, and Wt_Sieving_Tare_Fine. Dry weights
are entered in the Soil_Tare field in child SV READINGS records. Percent_Finer values are
calculated in the child records, and Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve is calculated in the parent.

— 44 —
We are doing a split sieve calculation, dry weights only, incremental method, with the

Entered in SIEVE Record

Wt_Total_ Wt_Fines_ Size_Split_ Wt_Sieving_ Wt_Sieving_

Spec Tested Sieve Tare_Coarse Tare_Fine

502.6 170 4.75 28.3 18.4

The resulting Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve is 261.2, and the Percent_Finer values are as shown
in the right column of the following table.

Entered in SV READINGS Entered in SIEVE Calculated

Wt_ Wt_
Sieving_ Sieving_
Soil Tare_ Tare_ net soil Percent_ % of tot
Sieve Size _Tare Coarse Fine wt percent(n) Finer fines

3" 28.3 28.3 0.00 0.00% 100.00%

1-1/2" 67.6 28.3 39.30 7.82% 92.18%

3/4" 67.9 28.3 39.60 7.88% 84.30%

3/8" 123.4 28.3 95.10 18.92% 65.38%

#4 (4.75) 95.7 28.3 67.40 13.41% 51.97%

#8 50.8 18.4 32.40 9.90% 42.06% 19.06%

#16 40.2 18.4 21.80 6.66% 35.40% 12.82%

#30 35.2 18.4 16.80 5.14% 30.26% 9.88%

#50 31.8 18.4 13.40 4.10% 26.17% 7.88%

#100 25.9 18.4 7.50 2.29% 23.88% 4.41%

#200 22.6 18.4 4.20 1.28% 22.59% 2.47%

coarse sieved 241.40

Wt_Total_Spec 502.6

Wt_Passing_Split_ 261.20 22.59%


— 45 —
Setting up a Sieve Readings List in DATA DESIGN
You can define a set of sieve sizes in mm, and corresponding user-friendly names, that will
automatically be inserted in the SV READINGS table when you add a SIEVE record. To see
how this feature works, do the following:

1. Go to DATA DESIGN  Readings Lists. Notice that a table of sieve sizes appears,
with a Reading column for the measurement in mm, and a Name column for a
corresponding user-friendly name for each.

2. Click the drop-down arrow on the object selector, and notice that there are multiple
lists in the current library.

You can edit an existing list, and add lists to or delete them from the library,
comparably to working with library tables. In particular:

ο Entering data in the bottom row (preceded by an asterisk) adds the record.
ο Highlighting a row and pressing Delete removes a record.
ο File  Copy Page creates a new list that is a duplicate of the current list, but
with a new name. This enables you to make a copy of a list, then edit the copy,

— 46 —
without altering the original.
ο File  Delete Current Page removes the current list permanently from the
3. Go to DATA DESIGN  Project Database, and open the current database. Select SV
READINGS in the object selector.
4. Highlight the Reading field (captioned as “Sieve Size” in INPUT) in the Fields list at
5. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Default List property. Notice that all
the sieve readings lists that exist in DATA DESIGN  Readings are available for

To configure the database to use a particular sieve readings list to populate the child
records for a new SIEVE record, you do so here, namely, in the Default List property
for the Reading field in the SV READINGS table in DATA DESIGN  Project
Database. Note that this does not change the set of readings attached to any existing
SIEVE record, only ones you create after setting up the association the readings list.

6. Go to INPUT  Sieve (INPUT  Lab Testing  Sieve in some databases). Create a

new row in the bottom of the upper (parent) table grid by clicking in the Depth cell
in the bottom row (the one with an asterisk to the left) and selecting a currently
unused Depth value. Click another cell in the row, and notice that a new set of
records, pre-populated with Sieve Size and Name values, appears in the lower (SV

— 47 —
7. Highlight the new row in the upper grid, and press Delete to remove it.

Setting up Individual Tares for Sieves

Some labs will place the entire sieve with the material retained onto the scale. In this case
the tare for each sieve will be different and the tare weights in the parent grid do not apply.

To input tare weights for each individual sieve in the test, you must add a numeric field
called Wt_Sieve_Tare to the SV READINGS table. Note that this exact field name must be
created, although you can caption it differently. If the Wt_Sieve_Tare field exists and all the
data rows in SV READINGS for the current parent record have values in this field, the
program will ignore the sieving tare values in the parent SIEVE record and use the
individual tare values in the child. However, if some of the child records containing
Soil_Tare values have Wt_Sieve_Tare values and others do not, you will receive an error
message to fill in Wt_Sieve_Tare for all the data rows or leave them all blank (and use the
sieving tares in the parent grid).

— 48 —
Some Typical Reports
GRAIN SIZE (Grain Size Distribution) graph
The graph in the upper portion plots the results of sieve and hydrometer tests performed
on soil specimens. These are known as grain size or particle size curves. For the sieve
analysis, the percent finer is plotted for each sieve size opening (in US units on the upper
scale and mm on the lower). For the hydrometer analysis, the percent fine is plotted for
each grain size.

— 49 —
The lower portion provides an analysis of the sieve and hydrometer tests, combined with
Atterberg data (including classifications derived from the Atterberg data). Percentages of
gravel, sand, silt, and clay-size particles have been calculated, as well as D100, D60, D30 and
D10 particle sizes. The D100 is the largest particle size recorded, the D60 is the particle size
corresponding to 60% finer by dry weight, D30 is the particle size corresponding to 30
percent finer by dry weight, and D10 is the particle size corresponding to 10% finer by dry
weight. Using the particle size dimension data, the coefficient of uniformity and coefficient
of curvature can be calculated.
Cu = D60 / D10

Cc = (D30)2 / D10 x D60

These two parameters are used in the USCS to determine whether a soil is well-graded
(many different particle sizes) or poorly graded (many particles of about the same size).

If the sieve and the hydrometer tests are performed correctly, the portion of the grain size
curve from the sieve analysis should flow smoothly into the portion of the curve from the
hydrometer analysis. A large and abrupt jump in the grain size curve from the sieve to the
hydrometer test indicates errors in the lab testing procedure. [Source: Soil Testing Manual:
Procedures, Classification Data and Sampling by Robert Day, McGraw Hill, 2000.]

Notice that each curve is for one specimen, that is, one PointID-Depth combination. Each
page in the report contains a maximum of five curves, each identified under ‘Specimen
Identification’ (including legend symbols) at the bottom. The specimens presented as
curves and table data on each page are not necessarily grouped together functionally; after
each page fills up with five specimens, a new page is started. If you want to limit the results
to particular PointID-Depth combinations, you can do this at output time in the Borehole
ID, Depth field. Alternately, or in addition, you can specify the sort order of specimens
using the Sort 1 and Sort 2 fields.

— 50 —
GSD DOUBLE (Grain Size Distribution) Graph
This graph is equivalent to the GRAIN SIZE graph, except that the tabular data at the
bottom is removed and only the grain size graphs appear, two to a page.

— 51 —
FINES CONTENT (Fines Content Frequency) Histogram
This histogram provides a frequency distribution of the various fines content percentages
for specimens spread over some range of boreholes. The data for all specimens is
condensed onto a single report page.

— 52 —
While you can obtain the histogram for specimens across the entire project or for selected
boreholes or specimens, the most useful application is to set up a range filter to select
samples in a particular lithology layer across the project. To accomplish this, you enter
something similar to the following in the Range Filter query builder fields at the lower
right of the OUTPUT tab:

Field Value

Range Top Field [LITHOLOGY].[Depth]

Range Bottom Field [LITHOLOGY].[Bottom]

Include Top/Bottom Top

Criterion Field [LITHOLOGY].[Graphic]

Criteria ='CL'

Or ='CL-CH'

Or ='CLG'

Or ='CL-ML'

Or ='CLS'

In this case, specimens with a depth within the depth range of a lithology layer containing
clay soils (CL, CL-CH, CLG, CL-ML or CLS) will be included in the histogram, and all other
specimens will be excluded.

Other Graphs/Reports
SV READINGS table data is used in other standard graphs and reports in the following
• In the LAB SUMMARY graphic table or text table, the maximum sieve size and
percentage less than the #200 sieve are reported for each specimen (PointID-
Depth combination).
• In the INDEX PROPS graph, percentage of fines is plotted against depth for each
boring (PointID).
• In the GEOTECH BH PLOTS log, the plot-vs-depth column at right in this log report
graphs, among other things, fines content percentage (curve with hollow square
Custom reports can reference or use values from SIEVE and SV READINGS as the user

— 53 —
Hydrometer Analysis

The particle distribution for fines (silt and clay size particles finer than the #200 sieve) is
determined by a sedimentation process. A hydrometer is used to obtain the necessary data
during the sedimentation process. The hydrometer test is based on Stoke’s law, which
relates the diameter of a single sphere to the time required for the sphere to fall a certain
distance in a liquid of known viscosity. The idea for the hydrometer analysis is that a larger,
and hence heavier, soil particle will fall faster through distilled water than a smaller, and
hence lighter, soil particle. The test procedure is approximate because many fine soil
particles are not spheres, but rather have a plate-like shape. Thus, while the sieve analysis
uses the size of a square sieve opening to define particle size, the hydrometer analysis uses
the diameter of an equivalent sphere as the definition of particle size.

Hydrometer testing is performed in accordance with ASTM D422. The soil specimen is first
wet-sieved (to remove particles too large for hydrometer analysis) and washed with
distilled water. Water is evaporated from the soil-water solution if necessary to bring the
total volume to less than 1000 mL. A dispersing (defloculating) agent, typically 5 grams of
sodium hexametaphosphate, is added, and the soil, water and dispersing agent are
thoroughly mixed and allowed to soak overnight. This is to prevent the clay-sized particles
from aggregating into flocs (clods) during the test. Remixing is performed, if needed. Then
the slurry is added to a 1000-mL glass sedimentation cylinder, water added to the 1000 mL
mark, and the cylinder closed with a rubber stopper and shaken for a minute. The cylinder
is set down in a location free of vibration and other disturbances, and readings are taken at
1, 2, 5, 15, 30, 60, 250 and 1440 minutes. About 20-25 seconds before each hydrometer
reading is due, the hydrometer is carefully inserted into the solution, and read by
determining the number on the stem of the hydrometer that corresponds to the water
meniscus. Then the hydrometer is removed and cleaned. A temperature reading is also
taken. Two types of hydrometers are supported in ASTM D422: the 151H is graduated to
read in specific gravity, the 152H in grams per liter of suspension. The latter is more
popular since it records the actual mass of soil particles and dispersant in solution. (Day,
2001, p 54).

Data Entry
The Hydrometer tab is for data entry in the HYDROMETER and HYD READINGS tables.
One HYDROMETER table record can be created for each borehole-depth combination
present in the LAB SPECIMEN table and holds data that applies to all of its child (HYD
READINGS) records. Multiple HYD READINGS records are created for a HYDROMETER
record, and each holds data from one hydrometer reading obtained for the parent’s
borehole-depth combination.

If only final results (particle size and percent finer for each reading event) are to be input,
all of the upper grid (HYDROMETER) record information (except Depth) can be left blank.
Otherwise, all fields in the row are required except for Calibration 2nd Order Term.

— 54 —
Typically the calibration field values (Type, Temperature Units Calibration, Calibration
Intercept and Calibration Slope) are entered by selecting a value in the HydrometerID
selection list, which selects a hydrometer that you have previously calibrated and defined
in the HYDROMETER CALIBRATIONS library table, as described in “Setting up Hydrometer
Calibrations in the Library Table” on page 57.

 Important Note: Do not use the ‘US_DEMO’ hydrometer selection in

HydrometerID. It is provided only as an example, and bears no relationship to the
actual composite corrections you need to use for actual hydrometers in your lab.
Calibrate your own hydrometer or hydrometers, define it/them in HYDROMETER
CALIBRATIONS, and specify it in HYDROMETER table rows in HydrometerID.

For each reading event, create one child record with the Time, Hydrometer Reading, and
Temperature of each reading. After all reading events are entered, click the Save icon, and
the Particle Size and Percent Finer values are calculated automatically. Note that if a
temperature field is blank, the value from the record above it is used.

HYDROMETER table fields

Field Name Lookup Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN record.
(Specified in the object selector)

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN record.

Wt_Dry_ In grams. This is the net (just soil, no tare) weight in grams of the specimen
Specimen that was actually used in the hydrometer test.

Percent_Of_ Percent of the total original specimen that is represented by the

Total hydrometer test specimen, e.g., if hydrometer specimen split on #40 sieve,
this field contains the % passing the #40 sieve.

Specific_ This specific gravity is that of the hydrometer specimen and is not
Gravity necessarily the same as the specific gravity given in the LAB SPECIMEN or
FINE SG tables.

Temperature_ Lookup!lab The temperature units used in the test readings. This may or may not be the
Units_Test temp units same as the calibration units.

HydrometerID Libtbl! Selects a set of calibration values for one hydrometer from the
hydrometer HYDROMETER CALIBRATIONS library table. On supplying a
calibrations HydrometerID and saving, the program will copy the calibration
parameters from the specified library table row to the corresponding fields
in the current HYDROMETER row (if you leave all four of the calibration
fields empty). If you specify a HydrometerID but also supply values in
some of the calibration parameter fields, the program will use the library
table values for the empty fields only.

— 55 —
Field Name Lookup Description

Type Lookup!lab Identifies the type of hydrometer used (151H or 152H). Can be input
hydrometer manually or supplied by specifying a HydrometerID.

Temperature_ Lookup!lab Specifies the temperature units used in the calibration. The units used in
Units_ temp units the actual test can be different. Can be input manually or supplied by
Calibration specifying a HydrometerID.

Calibration_ The composite correction at a temperature of 0. Extrapolated to the Y axis

Intercept intercept from the best-fit line between composite correction values
obtained from distilled water and dispersant in the hydrometer at various
temperatures (at least three). Can be input manually or supplied by
specifying a HydrometerID.

Calibration_ The change in composite correction for a one degree change in

Slope temperature. Must be negative. Calculated as the slope of the best-fit line
between three or more composite correction values obtained at various
temperatures. Can be input manually or supplied by specifying a

Calibration_ Coefficient of the square of the temperature, for users who desire a
2ndOrder Term calibration curve rather than a line. Can be input manually or supplied by
specifying a HydrometerID, but is generally omitted from both the

HYDROMETER table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• No fields are captioned.

HYD READINGS table fields

Field Name Description

Time Time of reading, in minutes from start.

Hydrometer_ The value observed on the hydrometer at the top of the meniscus. For hydrometer
Reading type 151H, this is the digits after ‘1.0’, e.g., input ‘1.013’ as ‘13’, ‘1.0135’ as ‘13.5’. A
152H hydrometer is read directly without omitting any digits.

Temperature Temperature of the suspension at the time of the hydrometer reading, in the units
specified in Temperature_Units_Test in the parent HYDROMETER record. A blank
field will take the value of the reading above it.

— 56 —
Field Name Description

Particle_Size Calculated from the other values on a Save. This is the calculated particle size in
mm, computed using Stoke’s law from the time after start of test, the temperature of
the solution, a correction factor, and the effective depth from the surface of the
solution to the level at which the density is being measured by the hydrometer.

Percent_Finer Calculated from the other values upon a Save. This is calculated from the
hydrometer reading and the dry weight of the specimen.

HYD READINGS table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• No fields are captioned.
• No fields have associated lookups.

— 57 —
Setting up Hydrometer Calibrations in the Library Table
The composite correction (see ASTM D422) is a value subtracted from the specific gravity
reading recorded on the hydrometer at a particular time. Composite correction is used to
adjust each hydrometer reading downwards to reflect the effect of dispersant specific
gravity, meniscus height, and temperature-induced error. The correction value is
temperature dependent, and so is obtained from an (almost always) linear equation that
plots the offset in specific gravity against the temperature of the solution. From the solution
temperature at the time of the reading, the composite correction to deduct at that
temperature is derived from the equation.

In addition to correcting for temperature, the composite correction line or curve

compensates for the following:

• The change in specific gravity due to adding dispersant.

• The height of the meniscus. Since the hydrometer reading is supposed to be taken at
the bottom of the meniscus, but this cannot be seen through a soil suspension,
readings are taken at the top of the meniscus and the composite correction
compensates for the distance between meniscus top and bottom.

— 58 —
Each hydrometer/dispersing agent combination has its own correction line (or curve). This
is obtained experimentally as described in ASTM D422, by taking hydrometer readings at
various temperatures for the specified hydrometer and dispersing agent solution, and
plotting these points on a graph. A best-fit line between the experimental points is drawn,
and the slope and Y-intercept of this line determined, as shown:

The slope and intercept specified in Calibration_Slope and Calibration_Intercept are

used to calculate the composite correction value for a given temperature.

Composite_correction is calculated as follows:

composite_correction = (Calibration_Slope x Temperature) + Calibration_Intercept

where: Calibration_Slope, Temperature, and Calibration_Intercept are all

in the
same temperature units (Celsius or Fahrenheit)


Entered in HYDROMETER (or Entered in HYD Calculated

library table) READINGS

Calibration_ Calibration_ Temperature composite

Intercept Slope correction

13.15383 -0.38163 22 4.76

— 59 —
Entered in HYDROMETER (or Entered in HYD Calculated
library table) READINGS

13.15383 -0.38163 22.1 4.72

13.15383 -0.38163 22.3 4.64

 Note: When Calibration_2ndOrderTerm is specified, the equation is the


composite_correction = (Calibration_2ndOrderTerm x Temperature2) +

(Calibration_Slope x Temperature) + Calibration_Intercept

You name and define each hydrometer-dispersant combination in the HYDROMETER

CALIBRATIONS library table in DATA DESIGN  Library Data. The list of defined
hydrometers from the HYDROMETER CALIBRATIONS table appears in the drop-down list
when you perform data entry in the HydrometerID field in the Hydrometer tab.

The following table defines the fields in the HYDROMETER CALIBRATIONS library table,
which correspond to fields of the same names in the HYDROMETER table in the project

Field Name Lookup Description

HydrometerID The name you assign to this hydrometer-dispersant

combination. Names from this field in the library table will be
shown in the drop-down selection list for the HydrometerID
field in the upper grid in the Hydrometer tab in INPUT.

Type Lookup!lab Identifies the type of hydrometer used (151H or 152H).


Temperature_ Lookup!lab Specifies the temperature units used in the calibration. The units
Units_ Calibration temp units used in the actual test can be different.

Calibration_ The composite correction at a temperature of 0 (in the units of

Intercept Temperature_Units_Calibration). Extrapolated to the Y axis
intercept from the best-fit line between composite correction
values obtained from distilled water and dispersant in the
hydrometer at various temperatures.

— 60 —
Field Name Lookup Description

Calibration_ Slope The change in composite correction for a one degree change in
temperature. Must be negative. Calculated as the slope of the
best-fit line between composite correction values obtained at
various temperatures.
Note that the hydrometer calibrations may have a 0 value for the
intercept and slope. The reason for this is that some users enter
corrected hydrometer readings. In this case there is no
calibration correction necessary, and zero is specified for both
the slope and the intercept.

Calibration_ Coefficient of the square of the temperature, for the rare case of
2ndOrder Term users who desire a calibration curve rather than a line. Generally
omitted from both the HYDROMETER table and the

Notes Field for your internal documentation, not used in the program.

— 61 —
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations
Calculations are as defined in ASTM D422.

Percent Finer
Percent finer for each readings row is calculated by first correcting the hydrometer
reading: by deducting the composite correction, then by multiplying the result by a specific
gravity correction factor. The corrected hydrometer reading is divided by the weight of soil
represented by the soil in the hydrometer (weight of soil in hydrometer / percent of
original specimen). In other words, since the soil in the hydrometer test is a fraction of the
original specimen (the percent passing the finest sieve, such as #40 or #200), this soil’s
mass is converted from its mass in the hydrometer to its extrapolated mass in the total
specimen. The corrected hydrometer reading is then divided by this value to obtain the
percent finer for the reading.

• spec_grav_correction from Specific_Gravity


Entered in HYDROMETER Calculated


Specific_ Gravity spec. gravity correction

2.75 0.98

2.67 0.996

• Percent_Finer from Hydrometer_Reading, composite_correction and



Entered in HYDROMETER Record

Wt_Dry_ Percent_Of_ Specific_ Test_ Calibration_ Calibration_

Specimen Total Gravity Temperature Slope Intercept

52.5 75.35 2.67 C -0.3816289 13.15383

Entered in HYD READINGS Calculated

— 62 —
Entered in HYD READINGS Calculated

Time Hydrometer_ Temperature composite reading spec. gravity Percent_

Reading correction less CC correction Finer

2 39.8 22 4.76 35.04 0.996 50.09

5 37.9 22 4.76 33.14 0.996 47.38

15 34.1 22 4.76 29.34 0.996 41.94

30 33 22.1 4.72 28.28 0.996 40.43

60 31.1 22.3 4.64 26.46 0.996 37.82

240 27 23.5 4.19 22.81 0.996 32.61

1440 21.9 22.1 4.72 17.18 0.996 24.56

Particle Size
Particle size for each readings row is computed from the effective depth of the hydrometer,
and the time in minutes, using Stoke’s law. Effective depth is the distance from the surface
of the solution to the level at which the density of solution is being measured by the
hydrometer. Stoke’s law takes the square root of the ratio of effective depth to time, and
multiplies it by a soil viscosity correction factor to derive the particle size in mm.
• effective_depth, from Hydrometer_Reading


Entered in HYD READINGS Calculated

Time Hydrometer_ Reading effective_depth

2 39.8 9.8126

5 37.9 10.1223

15 34.1 10.7417

— 63 —
• viscosity_correction, from Temperature and Specific_Gravity


Entered in Entered in Calculated


Specific_ Gravity Temperature viscosity correction factor

2.67 22.1 0.013205

2.67 22.3 0.013175

• Particle_Size, from Time, effective_depth, and viscosity_correction


Entered in HYD READINGS Calculated

Time Hydrometer_ Temp- viscosity correction effective Particle_ Size

Reading erature factor depth

2 39.8 22 0.01322 9.8126 0.029283

5 37.9 22 0.01322 10.1223 0.01881

15 34.1 22 0.01322 10.7417 0.011187

Some Typical Reports

The reports and graphs for hydrometer analysis are the same as for sieve analysis, namely
the GRAIN SIZE, GSD DOUBLE, and FINES CONTENT graph reports, and miscellaneous
appearances of the data in other reports. Refer to the “Reporting” section in the “Sieve
Analysis” chapter.

— 64 —
Fine Specific Gravity

The definition of specific gravity is the ratio of the weight in air of a given volume of a
material at a stated temperature to the weight in air of an equal volume of distilled water at
a stated temperature. The specific gravity test is made on that portion of soil which passes
the No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve. The test is performed using a pyknometer, also called specific
gravity bottle. This is a glass flask with a close-fitting ground glass stopper with a capillary
tube through it so that air bubbles may escape from the apparatus. A vacuum pump is
typically used to assist in the removal of air bubbles. The flask is weighed with distilled
water up to a specific mark, and then with distilled water/soil suspension (with air bubbles
removed) up to the same mark. From the two weights, and the weight of dry soil that has
been added, the specific gravity of the soil is calculated. Adjustment is also made for the
temperature at which the readings are performed, if this deviates from 20 degrees C. The
procedure is specified in ASTM D854.

Data Entry
The Fine SG tab is for data entry in the FINE SG and FINE SG READINGS tables. One FINE
SG table record can be created for each borehole-depth combination present in the LAB
SPECIMEN table. Multiple FINE SG READINGS records can be created for a FINE SG record,
and each holds data from one specific gravity reading obtained for the parent’s borehole-
depth combination.

The Fine SG tab provides the means to calculate the specific gravity of the fines fraction of
a soil specimen from multiple readings. The specific gravity values of the readings are
computed individually, then averaged and used to populate the Specific_Gravity field in
the parent FINE SG record. However, this value is not reported in any standard reports or
used in calculations elsewhere in lab testing.

The Readings_Temperature_Units (Fahrenheit or Centigrade) field in the FINE SG table is

required. Also, for any readings row created in FINE SG READINGS, all fields are required
except Specific_Gravity (which is calculated from the other fields).

FINE SG table fields

Field Name Lookup Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN

record. (Specified in the object selector)

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN


— 65 —
Field Name Lookup Description

Specific_ The calculation of this value is the purpose of the Fine SG tab. The
Gravity specific gravity values of the readings are computed individually,
then averaged and used to populate the Specific_Gravity field in the
parent FINE SG record

Readings_ Lookup!lab Specifies the temperature units for values entered in the
Temperature_ temp units Temperature field in FINE SG READINGS. Fahrenheit or Centigrade.

Notes Optional field for any information you choose to store here.

FINE SG table notes:

• No fields are captioned.

FINE SG READINGS table fields

Field Name Caption Description

Wt_Bottle_ Wt Bottle + Weight of bottle plus water. Any consistent units. Required.
Water Water

Wt_Bottle_ Wt Bottle + Weight of bottle plus water plus soil. Any consistent units. Required.
Water_ Soil Water + Soil

Wt_Dry_Soil_ Wt Dry Soil + Weight of dry soil plus tare. Any consistent units. Required.
Tare Tare

Wt_Tare Weight of tare. Any consistent units. Required.

Temperature Temperature at which the reading is taken, in the units specified in

Readings_Temperature_Units in the parent FINE SG row. Required.

Specific_ This value is calculated from the other fields in the FINE SG
Gravity READINGS row. Values in this field are averaged to provide the
calculated value of Specific_Gravity in the parent record.

FINE SG READINGS table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• No fields have associated lookups.

— 66 —
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations
Calculations are specified in ASTM D854.

The only meaningful scenario is the one in which the Specific_Gravity in the parent FINE
SG record is computed by calculating the individual Specific_Gravity values in the child
FINE SG READINGS records from weight and temperature values, then averaged to create
the value in the parent.

• FINE SG READINGS Specific_Gravity from Wt_Bottle_Water,

Wt_Bottle_Water_Soil, Wt_Dry_Soil_Tare, Wt_Tare and Temperature


Entered in FINE SG

Depth Readings
(ft) Temperature

1 C

Entered in FINE SG READINGS Calculated

Wt_ Wt_ Wt_Dry_ Wt_Tare Temper- Net temp_ Corrected Specific_

Bottle_ Bottle_ Soil_Tare ature Wt. correction_ Dry Mass Gravity
Water Water_ Soil factor

500 600 160.64 0 19 160.64 1.0000 160.64 2.649077

550 655 178.5 10 22 168.5 0.9996 168.43 2.652482

500 600 160.64 0 18 160.64 1.0004 160.70 2.650136

550 655 178.5 10 21 168.5 1.0000 168.50 2.653543

Some Typical Reports

Fine specific gravity data is not reported in any standard reports or used in calculations
elsewhere in lab testing.

— 67 —

Compaction is the process of increasing the bulk density of a soil or aggregate by driving
out air. For any soil, for a given amount of compactive effort, the density obtained depends
on the moisture content. At very high moisture contents, the maximum dry density is
achieved when the soil is compacted to nearly saturation, where (almost) all the air is
driven out. At low moisture contents, the soil particles interfere with each other; addition
of some moisture will allow greater bulk densities, with a peak density where this effect
begins to be counteracted by the saturation of the soil.

The result of soil compaction is measured by determining the bulk density of the
compacted soil and comparing it to a maximum density obtained from a compaction test, to
determine the relative compaction.

Lab testing for compaction consists of compacting a soil at a known water content into a
mold of specific dimensions using a certain compaction energy. The procedure is repeated
for various water contents to establish the compaction curve. The most common test
procedures for compaction are the modified Proctor (ASTM D1557) and the standard
Proctor (ASTM D698). The latter uses a lower compaction energy, and is used less
frequently. In either case, the test procedure is to prepare soil at a certain water content,
compact the soil into the molds, and then, by recording the mass of soil within the mold,
obtain the wet density of the compacted soil. By knowing the water content of the
compacted soil, the dry density can be calculated.

This compaction procedure is repeated for the soil at different water contents, and then the
dry density versus water content is plotted on a graph to obtain the compaction curve. The
peak point of the compaction curve is known as the laboratory maximum dry density. The
water content corresponding to the peak point of the lab compaction curve is known as the
optimum moisture content. (Day, 2001, p 293).

Data Entry
The Compaction tab is for data entry in the COMPACTION and COMP READINGS tables.
One COMPACTION table record can be created for each borehole-depth combination
present in the LAB SPECIMEN table and holds data that applies to all of its child (COMP
READINGS) records. Multiple COMP READINGS records are created for a COMPACTION
record, and each holds data from one compaction test reading obtained for the parent’s
borehole-depth combination.

The COMPACTION record is for entry of mold weight and volume fields utilized in the
calculation of Wet_Density and Dry_Density values in its child COMP READINGS records.
It also has certain fields whose values are reported on compaction graphs
(Max_Dry_Density, Opt_Moisture_Content, and Method). However, with one exception
(optional automatic calculation of Max_Dry_Density and Opt_Moisture_Content,

— 68 —
described in “Optional Calculation of Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content”
on page 74), nothing is calculated in the COMPACTION record.

The child COMP READINGS records contain four source fields used in calculating
Water_Content, Wet_Density and Dry_Density (these source fields are Mold_Volume,
Volume_Units, Mold_Weight, and Weight_Units). It also contains the three result fields.
Any or all of the three final results fields can be input directly. If the data exists in other
fields for calculating these values, the program will do so and overwrite any values that are
in those fields. Clicking the Save icon generates values in any fields that are calculated.

Mold_Volume, Volume_Units, Mold_Weight, and Weight_Units are necessary in

COMPACTION if Wet_Density will be calculated from Wt_Soil_Mold in COMP READINGS
rows. The mold weight and volume and Wt_Soil_Mold must be input in the weight and
volume units specified. The weights for the water content readings can be in any consistent
units. The weights for the Water_Content determination can be in any consistent units,
that is, WC_Wt_Wet, WC_Wt_Dry and WC_Wt_Tare can all be in grams, all be in pounds,

The calculated densities are determined using the Water Unit Weight value in the
PROJECT table. For example, a Water Unit Weight of 62.42796 generates densities in
pounds/cubic foot, whereas a value of 1 generates values in grams/cu cm. Densities cannot
be calculated without a value in that field. Changing the Water Unit Weight will not change
existing results—you must recalculate by saving.

The specifics of the calculations are in “Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations” on page 72.

COMPACTION table fields

Field Name Caption Lookup Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB

SPECIMEN record. (Specified in the object selector).

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB

SPECIMEN record.

Max_Dry_ This value is reported on compaction graphs, and typically is

Density directly entered. However, it can be set up to be optionally
calculated from COMP READINGS data using cubic spine

Opt_Moisture_ Optimum This value, in percent, is reported on compaction graphs,

Content Moisture and typically is directly entered. However, it can be set up to
Content be optionally calculated from COMP READINGS data using
cubic spine interpolation.

— 69 —
Field Name Caption Lookup Description

Method Libtbl! Identifies the ASTM method used in performing the tests.
Compaction This is an optional field used in reporting. Methods can be
methods added to the COMPACTION METHODS library table, and
subsequently used for lookup here. Note that while a
number of fields are provided in the library table for future
use, only Method (MethodID) and Description appear in
lookups or reports.

Mold_Volume The volume of soil that the mold holds, in the volume units
specified. This value must be entered if Wet_Density will be
calculated from Wt_Soil_Mold in COMP READINGS rows.

Volume_Units Lookup! lab Volume units used for entry of Mold_Volume and
length units calculation of Wet_Density. Your entry (‘Ft’, ‘M’, ‘In’ etc. is
interpreted as the corresponding cubic unit (cu ft, cu m, etc.)

Mold_Weight Tare weight of the mold. This value must be entered if

Wet_Density will be calculated from Wt_Soil_Mold in COMP
READINGS rows. It must be input in the weight units

Weight_Units Lookup! lab Weight units used for entry of Mold_Weight and calculation
weight of Wet_Density.

Notes Optional field not used in gINT standard lab testing reports,
but available for your use in customized reports.

— 70 —
COMP READINGS table fields
Field Name Caption Description

Wt_Soil_Mold Wt Soil + Mold Weight of soil plus mold, in the units specified in the Mold_Weight
field in the parent COMPACTION record.

WC_Wt_Wet Water Content Weight of wet soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,
Wet Wt+Tare Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Dry Water Content Weight of dry soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,
Dry Wt+Tare Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Tare Water Content Weight of tare, in any consistent units. If omitted, Water_Content
Wt Tare cannot be calculated.

Water_Content Also known as moisture content. In percent. Will be calculated if

the data exists, or can be input directly.

Wet_Density Also known as wet unit weight or total unit weight. In units
determined by the Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT (62.42796
generates densities in pounds/cubic foot; 1 generates values in
grams/cu cm). Will be calculated if the data exists, or can be input

Dry_Density Also known as dry unit weight. In units determined by the

Water_Unit_Wt field in PROJECT. Will be calculated if the data
exists, or can be input directly.

COMP READINGS table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• There are no associated lookups

— 71 —
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations
Calculations are as specified in ASTM D1557 and D698.

Water Content Calculations

Water_Content can be calculated from the following:

• From WC_Wt_Wet, WC_Wt_Dry and WC_Wt_Tare as follows:


Entered in COMP READINGS Calculated

WC_Wt_Wet WC_Wt_Dry WC_Wt_Tare Water_Content

70.2 65.4 4.7 7.91%

• From Wet_Density and Dry_Density:


Entered in COMP READINGS Calculated

Wet_Density Dry_Density Water_Content

123.36 114.31 7.91%

• From Dry_Density and source fields for Wet_Density (Wt_Soil_Mold,

Mold_Weight and Mold_Volume)

(see “Wet_Density Calculations,” below)

Wet Density Calculations

Wet_Density (also known as total unit weight or wet unit weight) can be calculated from
the following:
• From Wt_Soil_Mold, Mold_Weight and Mold_Volume as follows:


— 72 —
Entered in COMP Entered in COMPACTION Calculated

Wt_Soil_Mold Mold_Weight Mold_Volume Volume Units Wet_Density

9.312 5.2 0.0333333 ft 123.36

• From Water_Content and Dry_Density


Entered in COMP READINGS Calculated

Dry_Density Water_Content Wet_Density

114.32 7.91% 123.36

— 73 —
Dry Density Calculations
Dry_Density (also known as dry unit weight) can be calculated from the following:

• From Water_Content and Wet_Density


Entered in COMP READINGS Calculated

Water_Content Wet_Density Dry_Density

31.32% 119.5 90.999

• From Water_Content and Wet_Density’s source fields (Wt_Soil_Mold,

Mold_Weight and Mold_Volume)

(see “Wet Density Calculations,” above)

• From Wet_Density and Water_Content’s source fields (WC_Wt_Wet, WC_Wt_Dry

and WC_Wt_Tare)

(see “Water Content Calculations,” above)

Optional Calculation of Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content

By default, Max_Dry_Density and Opt_Moisture_Content (Optimium Water Content)
fields in the COMPACTION table are not calculated by gINT from the data in the COMP
READINGS table. This is because the computation methodology for these values is subject
to user discretion, and gINT typically does not interpret data. However, you can add a
checkbox field to COMPACTION that will cause the values entered in these two fields are to
be calculated automatically when unchecked, using the cubic spline interpolation method
of curve fitting. When checked, the default behavior is performed, namely, any values
directly entered in these two fields are left intact following saves.

To set up optional calculation of Max_Dry_Density and Opt_Moisture_Content using cubic

spline curve fitting, add the following field to the COMPACTION table in DATA DESIGN:

Name Type

Do Not Calc Max Opt Boolean

Be sure to create the field name exactly as written above.

— 74 —
After creating this field in DATA DESIGN, automatic calculation will occur in INPUT for
COMPACTION rows that have this field unchecked. If the field doesn't exist, or it exists and
is checked, the program will not perform the calculation, allowing you to insert whatever
values you wish.
 Disclaimer: Soil testing results, especially compaction tests, are open to
interpretation. The automatic calculation methodology in gINT, if you activate it,
may not be correct in the judgment of persons reviewing the work. It is your
responsibility to double-check the results and make adjustments if you deem them

The calculation uses the Cubic Spline vs. Independent Axis (unadjusted) curve fitting
method. Therefore, at least three points are required. If the fit fails for any reason, a
message box will appear informing you that it could be not done. Note that this algorithm
bases its results only on the data in the COMP READINGS table, and there is no accounting
for rock correction or additional plot points that you may have added.

Note also that the calculated results using this method may or may not match the curve-
fitting algorithm used to generate the curve(s) in the COMPACTION and COMPACTION
(MULTIPLE CURVES) graphs in your library. Lab testing libraries created by gINT Software
will typically specify this method, which appears as the ‘Cubic Spline vs Ind (unadjusted)’
selection in the Graph Line Option property of the Data Representation tab in the report
properties for the graph in REPORT DESIGN. However, you may find it worthwhile to
verify that this method is indeed specified in the report designs for your graphs, and
change it if it isn’t.

— 75 —
Some Typical Reports
COMPACTION (Moisture-Density Relationship) graph
This graph plots a single compaction curve per report page, one for each COMPACTION row
with child COMP READINGS data. A sample appears below, followed by discussion of the

— 76 —
In the graph, the points on the moisture-density curve are obtained from the
Water_Content and Dry_Density values in the child COMP READINGS records for the
point-depth combination indicated in the Source of Material field on the report. The curve
interpolated between the points utilizes cubic spline curve fitting. The peak vertical value
of the compaction curve is the laboratory maximum dry density, with the corresponding
value on the X axis representing the optimum moisture content. The higher the maximum
dry density, the more densely the soil can be compacted. Also, the moisture content value
at this point is useful for grading contractors, who thereby know at approximately what
water content the soil can be compacted most efficiently.

Along the right edge of the graph area are three zero air voids curves, also known as 100%
saturation curves. These curves represent the relationship between water content and dry
density for a condition of saturation for each of three specific gravities. The right side of the
compaction curve typically parallels the zero air voids curves for many soil types.

To the right of the graph area, various data is reported, including the Atterberg indices for
the point-depth combination (if this data is present in the Atterberg tab), the test method
name (from the Method field in COMPACTION), and the entered or calculated
Max_Dry_Density and Opt_Moisture_Content.

— 77 —
This graph report combines the data from all COMPACTION rows in the project onto one
report page for each five COMPACTION rows. This makes it possible to visually compare
compaction curves for various point-depth combinations. A sample appears below:

The graph in the upper portion is comparable to that in the COMPACTION graph report, but
with multiple compaction curves displayed (up to 5 per report page) rather than a single

— 78 —
The lower portion provides selected compaction data for each of the compaction curves,
combined with the Atterberg data for the same point-depth (including classifications
derived from the Atterberg data and fines content).

Notice that each curve is for one specimen, that is, one point-depth combination. Each page
in the report contains a maximum of five curves, each identified under ‘Specimen
Identification’ (including legend symbols) at the bottom. The specimens presented as
curves and table data on each page are not necessarily grouped together functionally; after
each page fills up with five specimens, a new page is started.

— 79 —
Unconfined Compression

This test compresses a soil sample to measure its strength. The modifier "unconfined"
contrasts this test to the triaxial shear test. This test method covers the determination of
the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil in the intact, remolded, or
reconstituted condition, using strain-controlled application of the axial load. It provides an
approximate value of the strength of cohesive soils in terms of total stresses.

The test consists of applying a vertical compressive pressure to a cylinder of laterally

unconfined cohesive soil. The unconfined compression test is also known as a simple
compression test, and complies with ASTM D2166. An undisturbed sample of sufficient
diameter is obtained, such as extruded from a sampler, and trimmed on the top and bottom
to create a cylinder. The height, diameter and weight are measured, and water content and
dry unit weight calculated. Then the soil cylinder is centered upright on a loading device
capable of loading the soil specimen at a constant rate of strain. The device is adjusted so
that the upper platen just makes contact with the top of the soil specimen, and the vertical
deformation gauge is zeroed. A vertical load is applied to the specimen, with a strain rate as
specified in ASTM D2166.

During the shearing of the soil specimen, two measurements are periodically recorded. One
is the change in height of the soil specimen, called deflection in gINT. When divided by the
initial height, deflection is converted to a value called axial strain, or simply strain,
expressed as a percentage. The second measurement is vertical load or axial load, which is
the force exerted on the surface exposed to that force. Load is converted to a value called
stress, which measures the average amount of force exerted per unit area. Stress is
expressed as the ratio of axial load to loaded surface area.

The shearing portion of the test continues until failure of the specimen, which means either
than the specimen breaks apart, or 15% axial strain is reached. Then end-of-test moisture
content measurements can be obtained, if desired, and overall strength and strain-at-
failure values can be computed. The purpose of calculating moisture content and density is
to determine whether there was a significant change between starting and final water
content, which could indicate that the soil specimen dried out or bled water during testing.

(Day, 2001, p 251)

— 80 —
Axial load is measured mechanically or electronically. Load is measured mechanically by
compressing a pre-calibrated load ring (also called a proving ring) and measuring the
change in diameter, which translates to a value in units of force, such as psi.

Different load rings respond with greater or lesser amounts of diameter deflection to the
same force, depending on ring material used, thickness, diameter and other factors, but the
relationship between force and deflection are roughly linear.

Double load rings are also sometimes used, which consist of a stronger ring inside a weaker
ring. The purpose of a double ring is to ensure that deflection in an appropriate range is
measured, since selection of a single ring of the best deflection characteristics for the
specimen can be guesswork. The weak outer ring measures weaker force; however if the
force is beyond the range of what the outer ring can appropriately measure, the strong
inner ring is encountered and compressed.

Data Entry
The Unconf Compr tab is for data entry in the UNCONF COMPR and UNC READINGS tables.
One UNCONF COMPR table record can be created for each borehole-depth combination
present in the LAB SPECIMEN table and holds data that applies to all of its child (UNC
READINGS) records. Multiple UNC READINGS records are created for a UNCONF COMPR
record, and each holds data from one unconfined compression test reading obtained for the
parent’s borehole-depth combination.

— 81 —
The parent UNCONF COMPR record holds values that define the parameters of the test,
such as load ring calibration data for the load ring used, the diameter and height of the
specimen, and values for optional water content and wet/dry density computation. Also,
the values of Strength and Strain_at_Failure in the parent row are computed as the Stress
and Strain values from the child row with the maximum Stress value. Nothing is reported
from UNCONF COMPR in the standard reports.

On a save, if a Load_Ring name as been supplied, gINT will copy the calibration parameters
from the LOAD RINGS library table to the corresponding fields in the UNCONF COMPR
record. Alternately the calibration values can be entered into UNCONF COMPR directly, and
Load_Ring omitted. See “Setting up Load Ring Calibrations in the Library Table” on page 84.

In the readings table, the first record is assumed to be the initial condition before loading
occurs. The initial load and deflection readings can be gauge readings which are not
necessarily zero. The calculations use the differences between the readings and these initial

UNCONF COMPR table fields

Field Name Lookup Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN record.
(Specified in the object selector).

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN record.

Strength Calculated. Strength is the maximum Stress value for the child records in
UNC READINGS for Strain values less than or equal to 15%. If the Strain
values continue beyond 15% with increasing stress, the program
interpolates the stress at 15%.

Strain_At_ Calculated. The Strain value in UNC READINGS for the maximum Stress
Failure value.

Load_Ring Libtbl! load Specifies the name of a load ring calibration in the LOAD RINGS library
rings table. If entered, on a save the program will copy the values from the row
with this Ring_ID in the LOAD RINGS library table to Slope_Initial,
Slope_Break and Slope_2ndary in the UNCONF COMPR record. See
“Setting up Load Ring Calibrations in the Library Table” on page 84.

Slope_Initial Required. If load is electronically measured, enter ‘1’. For single load rings,
enter the slope of the load-vs.-dial-units line. For double load rings, enter
the slope of the line for the outer ring. Imported from LOAD RINGS library
table if Load_Ring is specified.

Slope_Break For double load rings only, otherwise omitted. Enter the load dial reading
corresponding to the point where the inner ring begins to deflect.
Imported from LOAD RINGS library table if Load_Ring is specified.

— 82 —
Field Name Lookup Description

Slope_2ndary For double load rings only, otherwise omitted. Enter the slope of the line
for the inner ring. Imported from LOAD RINGS library table if Load_Ring
is specified.

Deflection_ Lookup! lab Required. Specifies the distance units (inches or mm) in which
Units in or mm Deflection_Reading values will be entered in UNC READINGS.

Stress_Area Lookup! lab Required. Specifies the units of area in which Stress values are reported,
length units interpreted as square units, i.e., ‘ft’=square feet, ‘m’=square meters, etc.

Seating_ Optional correction values that shifts the curve to the left to account for
Correction loose initial seating. It is in units of strain percentage. Positive values shift
the curve to the left. The value is directly deducted from each calculated
Strain value in the UNC READINGS child records, which indirectly
changes the Stress values also, due to the role of Strain in calculating
corrected area.

Diameter Required. Diameter of the cylindrical specimen in mm.

Height Required. Height of the cylindrical specimen in mm.

Wet_Density In units determined by the Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT (62.42796

generates densities in pounds/cubic foot; 1 generates values in grams/cu
cm). Will be calculated if the data exists.

Dry_Density In units determined by the Water_Unit_Wt field in PROJECT. Will be

calculated if the data exists.

Water_ In percent. Will be calculated if the data exists.


Wt_Spec_ For optional calculation of water content and densities. Weight of total
Tare specimen + tare, in grams. If omitted, Wet_Density is not computed.

Wt_Tare For optional calculation of water content and densities. Weight of tare, in
grams. If omitted, Wet_Density is not computed. Enter 0 if none.

WC_Wt_Wet For optional calculation of water content and densities. Weight of wet soil
plus tare, in any consistent units. If omitted, Water_Content cannot be

WC_Wt_Dry For optional calculation of water content and densities. Weight of dry soil
plus tare, in any consistent units. If omitted, Water_Content cannot be

WC_Wt_Tare For optional calculation of water content and densities. Weight of tare, in
any consistent units. If omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

— 83 —
Field Name Lookup Description

Notes Optional field for entry of any useful information about the test. Not
reported in standard gINT reports.

UNCONF COMPR table notes:

• None of the fields are captioned.

UNC READINGS table fields

Field Name Description

Load_ Observed value of load ring deflection in units particular to the measuring device.
Reading Converted to a load value through the specified load ring calibration.

Deflection_ Observed value of height deflection of the compressing platen, in units specified in
Reading Deflection_Units. In the first UNC READINGS row, this value is assumed to be the
starting value of the gauge, and later UNC READINGS rows deduct the initial value
from their own deflection readings when Strain is computed.

Stress Calculated. The average amount of force exerted per unit area, in the area units
specified in Stress_Area.

Strain Calculated. Percentage of the original height of the specimen represented by the
difference between the current and original Deflection_Reading values.

UNC READINGS table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• No fields have an associated lookup.
• No fields are captioned.

Setting up Load Ring Calibrations in the Library Table

The Load_Reading value in each readings record is an observed value of load ring
deflection in units particular to the measuring device. This value must be converted to a
load value in force units (such as psi) for it to be used in stress calculations. This
conversion is accomplished by means of a load ring calibration curve, which defines the
relationship between deflection units and load units.

• For a single ring the curve is linear with an intercept of zero. To define the
calibration for a single ring, only the Slope_Initial field needs to be defined.
• For a double ring, instead of a single, linear relationship between deflection units
and load units, the relationship curve has two lines with different slopes, and a

— 84 —
break point defining where one ends and the other begins, as shown:

For a double ring unit, Slope_Initial, Slope_Break and Slope_2ndary must all be

• For a load cell, there is no calibration, as the load force is provided directly and
doesn’t need to be converted. In this situation, you create a load ring calibration in
the LOAD RINGS library table with a slope of 1, and reference this calibration in the
These calibration values can be entered directly into the parent UNCONF COMPR row.
Alternately, they can be defined in a named row in the LOAD RINGS library table, and
referenced via the Load_Ring field in UNCONF COMPR. On a save, if a Load_Ring name as
been supplied, gINT will copy the calibration parameters from the LOAD RINGS library
table to the corresponding fields in the UNCONF COMPR record.

The LOAD RINGS library table contains the following fields:

Field Name Description

Ring_ID Specifies the name of a load ring calibration. When selecting a value for the
Load_Ring field in the UNCONF COMPR table in INPUT, the drop-down list is
populated with the names from Ring_ID in the LOAD RINGS library table.

— 85 —
Field Name Description

Slope_Initial Required. If load is electronically measured (using a load cell), enter ‘1’. For single
load rings, enter the slope of the load-vs.-dial-units line. For double load rings,
enter the slope of the line for the outer ring.

Slope_Break For double load rings only, otherwise omitted. Enter the load dial reading
corresponding to the point where the inner ring begins to deflect.

Slope_2ndary For double load rings only, otherwise omitted. Enter the slope of the line for the
inner ring.

Slope Units Optional field for documentation purposes only. Identifies the units used for load
(Y axis) when calculating slopes.

Notes Optional field for documentation purposes.

— 86 —
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations
Calculations are as specified in ASTM D2166.


During the shearing of the soil specimen, the height deflection of the compressing platen is
recorded for each reading. The observed value of height deflection of the compressing
platen is recorded as Deflection_Reading, in units specified in Deflection_Units in the
parent record. In the first UNC READINGS row, this value is assumed to be the starting
value of the gauge, and later UNC READINGS rows deduct the initial value from their own
deflection readings when Strain is computed.

If the Deflection_Units are inches, Deflection_Reading values are converted to mm before

calculating, since Height is in mm. Also, since Strain is expressed as a percentage, the
system must multiply the ratio by 100.
• Strain from Deflection_Reading and Height


Entered in

Deflection_ Reading Reading Strain Strain
(in) (mm) ratio %

0.2 5.08 0.000000 0.0000

0.22 5.588 0.003333 0.3333

0.24 6.096 0.006667 0.6667

0.26 6.604 0.010000 1.0000

0.29 7.366 0.015000 1.5000

0.32 8.128 0.020000 2.0000

0.361 9.1694 0.026833 2.6833

— 87 —
Stress (UNC READINGS) -- single load ring
• Stress from Load_Reading, Strain, Slope_Initial and Diameter (single load ring)


Entered in

Slope_Initial Deflection_Units Stress_Area Diameter Height area, sq mm area, sq ft

0.29843 I Ft 63.5 152.4 3166.922 0.03409

Entered in

Load_ Deflection Strain Load_Reading load, less

Reading Reading % less initial initial Stress

100 0.2 0.00000 0 0.000 0.000

276 0.22 0.33333 176 52.524 1535.669

409 0.24 0.66667 309 92.215 2687.129

482 0.26 1.00000 382 114.000 3310.805

512 0.29 1.50000 412 122.953 3552.782

540 0.32 2.00000 440 131.309 3774.973

566 0.361 2.68333 466 139.068 3970.162

— 88 —
Stress (UNC READINGS) -- dual load ring
• Stress for ( Load_Reading(n) — Load_Reading(1) ) ≤ Slope_Break

As long as the stress for a reading is below the Slope_Break value, the calculations
are the same as for a single load ring.

• Stress for ( Load_Reading(n) — Load_Reading(1) ) > Slope_Break

If the stress for a reading exceeds the Slope_Break, the Slope_2ndary field is
brought into the stress calculation.



Slope_ Slope_
Initial Break Slope_2ndary Deflection_Units Stress_Area Diameter Height

3 382 0.75229 I Ft 63.5 152.4

Entered in UNC
READINGS Calculated

Load_Reading area, sq area, sq

Load_ Reading Strain less initial load mm ft Stress

100 0.00000 0 0 3166.92 0.03409 0.000

276 0.33333 176 52.52368 3166.92 0.03409 1535.669

409 0.66667 309 92.21487 3166.92 0.03409 2687.129

482 1.00000 382 114.00026 3166.92 0.03409 3310.805

512 1.50000 412 136.56896 3166.92 0.03409 3946.216

540 2.00000 440 157.63308 3166.92 0.03409 4531.751

566 2.68333 466 177.19262 3166.92 0.03409 5058.543

— 89 —
Strain and Stress with Seating Correction
With a non-zero Seating_Correction value, the Seating_Correction is deducted from each
Strain value.

Note that this also changes the calculated Stress values, since Strain is used in obtaining
the corrected area from the measured area.

Example (same as single-ring Stress above, but with Seating_Correction = 0.2:

Entered in

Deflection_ Stress_ Seating_ area, sq area, sq

Slope_Initial Units Area Correction Diameter Height mm ft

0.29843 I Ft 0.2 63.5 152.4 3166.922 0.03409

Entered in

with Load_Reading
Load_ Reading Strain, no correction correction less initial load Stress

100 0.00000 0.00000 0 0.000 0.000

276 0.33333 0.13333 176 52.524 1538.751

409 0.66667 0.46667 309 92.215 2692.540

482 1.00000 0.80000 382 0 3317.494

512 1.50000 1.30000 412 3 3559.995

540 2.00000 1.80000 440 9 3782.677

566 2.68333 2.48333 466 8 3978.321

— 90 —
Some Typical Reports
UNCONFINED (Unconfined Compression Test)
This graph report combines the data from all specimens in the project onto one report page
for each five UNC COMPR rows. This makes it possible to visually compare stress-strain
curves for various point-depth combinations. A sample appears below:

— 91 —
The graph in the upper portion displays multiple stress-strain curves (up to 5 per report
page). The lower portion provides selected data for each of the stress-strain curves,
including classifications derived from the Atterberg data and fines content for the same

Notice that each curve is for one specimen, that is, one point-depth combination. Each page
in the report contains a maximum of five curves, each identified under ‘Specimen
Identification’ (including legend symbols) at the bottom. The specimens presented as
curves and table data on each page are not necessarily grouped together functionally; after
each page fills up with five specimens, a new page is started.

— 92 —

Consolidation is a process by which soils decrease in volume. It occurs when stress is
applied to a soil that causes the soil particles to pack together more tightly, therefore
reducing its bulk volume. When this occurs in a soil that is saturated with water, water will
be squeezed out of the soil. The magnitude of consolidation can be predicted by many
different methods. In the Classical Method, developed by Karl von Terzaghi, soils are tested
with an oedometer test to determine their compression index. This can be used to predict
the amount of consolidation.

When stress is removed from a consolidated soil, the soil will rebound, regaining some of
the volume it had lost in the consolidation process. If the stress is reapplied, the soil will
consolidate again along a recompression curve, defined by the recompression index. The
soil which had its load removed is considered to be overconsolidated. This is the case for
soils which have previously had glaciers on them. The highest stress that it has been
subjected to is termed the preconsolidation stress. The over consolidation ratio or OCR is
defined as the highest stress experienced divided by the current stress. A soil which is
currently experiencing its highest stress is said to be normally consolidated and to have an
OCR of one. A soil could be considered underconsolidated immediately after a new load is
applied but before the excess pore water pressure has had time to dissipate.

Testing consists of trimming a cylinder of soil from a sampler into a confining ring, and
placing a pair of porous plates that just fit inside the ring on the top and bottom ends of the
cylinder. This soil “sandwich” is placed inside an open-top water container, enabling the
water to enter and leave the soil through the porous plates. All of this is placed inside a
vertical compression device (oedometer) that can control the applied load and measure
specimen height deflection.

— 93 —
Vertical pressure is applied in specified increments over specified time periods, as
indicated in ASTM 2435. The time intervals are relatively long, enabling water to dissipate
into and out of the specimen. At prescribed points, the pressure is lowered for one or more
intervals, enabling the specimen to decompress, and later raised again to recompress the
specimen. The height deflection is measured at the end of each interval, prior to changing
the pressure. Following the test, data from all the measurement points is entered and
plotted as a stress-strain curve, known as a consolidation curve.

Data Entry
The Consolidation tab is for data entry in the CONSOLIDATION and CONSOL READINGS
tables. One CONSOLIDATION table record can be created for each borehole-depth
combination present in the LAB SPECIMEN table and holds data that applies to all of its
child (CONSOL READINGS) records. Multiple CONSOL READINGS records are created for a
CONSOLIDATION record, and each holds data from one consolidation test time interval
reading obtained for the parent’s borehole-depth combination.

The final Stress and Strain values can be entered directly in CONSOL READINGS for
reporting if you do not require calculations performed on raw data. In this case, no other
data entry is required in CONSOL READINGS, and the only required field in
CONSOLIDATION is Depth. However, this is the trivial case. More typically you will enter
raw test data, in which case the Height and Deflection_Units are required in
CONSOLIDATION and Cumulative_Deflection and Stress are required in CONSOL

Water_Content and Dry_Density can be calculated from raw water content/density data
from testing performed concurrently on remains from the same soil specimen. Refer to the

— 94 —
“WC Density” chapter for the specifics of calculations and calculation scenarios, which are
the same in that tab for corresponding fields as here. Water content and wet/dry density
data are not required in a parent CONSOLIDATION record for calculations, but they are
required if you want to include this specimen in the CONSOL VOID RATIO report.

The rest of the fields in both tables are for documentation and potential reporting, but not
included in current standard reports

— 95 —
CONSOLIDATION table fields
Field Name Caption Lookup Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB

SPECIMEN record. (Specified in the object selector).

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB

SPECIMEN record.

Deflection_ Lookup!lab Required for strain calculations. Specifies the distance

Units in or mm units (inches or mm) in which Cumulative_Deflection
values will be entered in CONSOL READINGS.

Diameter Required if performing strain calculations. Diameter of

the cylindrical specimen in mm.

Height Required if performing strain calculations. Height of

the cylindrical specimen in mm.

Wet_Density In units determined by the Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT

(62.42796 generates densities in pounds/cubic foot; 1
generates values in grams/cu cm). Will be calculated if
the data exists.

Dry_Density In units determined by the Water_Unit_Wt field in

PROJECT. Will be calculated if the data exists. Required
for void ratio reporting (CONSOL VOID RATIO report).

Water_ In percent. Will be calculated if the data exists.


Wt_Spec_ Wt Specimen For optional calculation of water content and densities.

Tare + Tare Weight of total specimen + tare, in grams. If omitted,
Wet_Density is not computed.

Wt_Tare For optional calculation of water content and densities.

Weight of tare, in grams. If omitted, Wet_Density is not
computed. Enter 0 if none.

WC_Wt_Wet Water For optional calculation of water content and densities.

Content Wet Weight of wet soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If
Wt+Tare omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Dry Water For optional calculation of water content and densities.

Content Dry Weight of dry soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If
Wt+Tare omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

— 96 —
Field Name Caption Lookup Description

WC_Wt_Tare Water For optional calculation of water content and densities.

Content Wt Weight of tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,
Tare Water_Content cannot be calculated.

Dry_Density_ After-test dry density value. Optional, not calculated.


Water_ After-test water content value, in percent. Optional, not

Content_ calculated.

P0 In-situ overburden pressure. Not calculated. Optional


Pmax Maximum Past Pressure. Not calculated. Optional


Cr Slope of rebound portion of curve. Not calculated.

Optional entry.

Cc Slope of virgin compression portion of curve. Not

calculated. Optional entry.

Cv50_Typical Type coefficient of consolidation at 50% consolidation.

Optional entry. Not calculated from the readings.

Cv90_Typical Type coefficient of consolidation at 90% consolidation.

Optional entry. Not calculated from the readings.

Note_1 Optional entry.

Note_2 Optional entry.

CONSOLIDATION table notes:

• P0, Pmax, Cr, Cc, Cv50_Typical, Cv90_Typical, Note_1 and Note_2 can all be
deleted or modified. The other fields cannot.

CONSOL READINGS table fields

Field Name Description

Stress Vertical stress applied to the specimen for the interval at the end of which this
reading was taken. The Stress readings can be in any units that are consistent
with the X axis scale on consolidation reports. These values are required and
reported, but not used in calculations.

— 97 —
Field Name Description

Cumulative_ The deflection readings are actual deflection from the initial specimen height, in
Deflection the units specified in the Deflection_Units field in the parent table. A positive
deflection indicates compression of the specimen, a negative value indicates swell.

Strain Calculated. Percentage of the original height of the specimen represented by the
difference between the Cumulative_Deflection and original height.

T50 Optional. Time in minutes for 50% consolidation. Used to calculate Cv50.

T90 Optional. Time in minutes for 90% consolidation. Used to calculate Cv90.

Cv50 In units specified by the Coeff of Consol Factor field in the PROJECT table (if 1,
units are m2/yr, if 10.76391, units are ft2/yr). Can be input directly but if T50
value is given, the program will recalculate Cv50.

Cv90 In units specified by the Coeff of Consol Factor field in the PROJECT table (if 1,
units are m2/yr, if 10.76391, units are ft2/yr). Can be input directly but if T90
value is given, the program will recalculate Cv90.

CONSOL READINGS table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• No captions are specified
• No lookups are specified

Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations

Calculations are per ASTM 2435.
• Strain from Cumulative_Deflection and Height



Deflection_Units Diameter Height

I 63.5 25.4

— 98 —
Entered in CONSOL
READINGS Calculated

Cumulative_ Deflection Strain

Stress Deflection Readg mm Ratio Strain %

150 0.0017 0.04318 0.0017 0.17

300 0.0029 0.07366 0.0029 0.29

550 0.005 0.127 0.005 0.5

1100 0.012 0.3048 0.012 1.2

2200 0.0291 0.73914 0.0291 2.91

300 0.0121 0.30734 0.0121 1.21

2200 0.0309 0.78486 0.0309 3.09

4400 0.0663 1.68402 0.0663 6.63

8800 0.1427 3.62458 0.1427 14.27

2200 0.1245 3.1623 0.1245 12.45

300 0.0938 2.38252 0.0938 9.38

150 0.073 1.8542 0.073 7.3

— 99 —
Some Typical Reports
CONSOL STRAIN (Consolidation Test) graph
This graph report combines the data from all specimens in the project onto one report page
for each five CONSOLIDATION rows. This makes it possible to visually compare
consolidation curves for various point-depth combinations. A sample appears below:

— 100 —
The graph in the upper portion displays multiple stress-strain curves (up to 5 per report
page). The lower portion provides selected data for each of the stress-strain curves,
including classifications derived from the Atterberg data and fines content for the same

Notice that each curve is for one specimen, that is, one point-depth combination. Each page
in the report contains a maximum of five curves, each identified under ‘Specimen
Identification’ (including legend symbols) at the bottom. The specimens presented as
curves and table data on each page are not necessarily grouped together functionally; after
each page fills up with five specimens, a new page is started.

— 101 —
This graph report is equivalent to the CONSOLIDATION graph, but plots void ratio on the Y
axis rather than strain.

— 102 —
Direct Shear

A direct shear test is a laboratory test used by geotechnical engineers to find the shear
strength parameters of soil. In the U.S., the standard defining how the test should be
performed is ASTM D 3080.

The test is performed on three or four specimens from a relatively undisturbed soil sample.
A specimen is placed in a shear box which has two stacked rings to hold the sample; the
contact between the two rings is at approximately the mid-height of the sample. A
confining stress is applied vertically to the specimen, and the upper ring is pulled laterally
until the sample fails, or through a specified strain. The load applied and the strain induced
is recorded at frequent intervals to determine a stress-strain curve for the confining stress.

Direct shear tests can be performed under several conditions. The sample is normally
saturated before the test is run, but can be run at the in-situ moisture content. The rate of
strain can be varied to create a test of undrained or drained conditions, depending whether
the strain is applied slowly enough for water in the sample to prevent pore-water pressure

Several specimens are tested at varying confining stresses to determine the shear strength
parameters, the soil cohesion (c) and the angle of internal friction (commonly friction
angle) (φ). The results of the tests on each specimen are plotted on a graph with the peak
(or residual) stress on the x-axis and the confining stress on the y-axis. The y-intercept of
the curve which fits the test results is the cohesion, and the slope of the line or curve is the
friction angle.

Data Entry
The Direct Shear tab is for data entry in the DIRECT SHEAR and DSHR READINGS tables.
The Ring_Area and Ring_Height are directly entered in the upper grid, and are used in
calculations. The other DIRECT SHEAR fields (other than Depth) are either calculated or

The fields in the lower (DSHR READINGS) grid are for entry of Normal_Stress and
Failure_Stress values observed for each reading. A point is plotted in standard reports
from each Normal_Stress, Failure_Stress pair (X and Y respectively). Cohesion_Calc and
Friction_Angle_Calc in the upper grid are calculated as the intercept and slope
(respectively) of the best-fit line between these readings points. Readings where the
Not_Used_In_Calculations field in the child record is checked are not included in the
slope/intercept calculations.

Water content and density data can optionally be entered in the child records, with their
values averaged to generate values in the corresponding fields in the parent. This is for

— 103 —
reporting purposes. Water content and density calculations are equivalent to those
performed elsewhere in Lab Testing. The result values can be entered directly in the upper
grid if averaging the moisture and density data by reading is not needed.

If the Cohesion_Calc calculates to less than zero (0), the Friction_Angle_Calc will be
recalculated so that the best fit line is forced through the origin and the Cohesion_Calc is
set to zero (0).

— 104 —
DIRECT SHEAR table fields
Field Name Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN

record. (Specified in the object selector).

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the parent LAB SPECIMEN


Ring_Area Horizontal cross-section area of the confining ring, in mm2.

Ring_Ht Height of the stationary confining ring, from the base of the specimen
to the top of the ring, in mm.

Cohesion_Calc Cohesion, calculated from readings, as the intercept of the best-fit

line between readings points, where X is normal stress and Y is
failure stress.

Friction_Angle_Calc Friction angle, calculated from readings, as the slope of the best-fit
line between readings points.

Cohesion_Assigned Optional, directly entered cohesion value that overrides

Cohesion_Calc in standard reports.

Friction_Angle_Assigned Optional, directly entered friction angle value that overrides

Friction_Angle_Calc in standard reports.

Wet_Density In units determined by the Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT (62.42796

generates densities in pounds/cubic foot; 1 generates values in
grams/cu cm). If Wet_Density data is supplied in the readings, this
will be the average of all the reading values. Otherwise, it can be
input directly for reporting.

Dry_Density In units determined by the Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT. If

Dry_Density data is supplied in the readings, this will be the average
of all the reading values. Otherwise, it can be input directly.

Water_Content In percent. If Water_Content data is supplied in the readings, this

will be the average of the readings values. Otherwise, it can be input
directly for reporting.

Soaked If checked, indicates that the specimen was soaked (saturated) prior
to testing. This can be used as a filter in your report expressions to
not report the water contents and densities as natural values.

Notes Optional field for notes about the test. Not reported in standard lab

— 105 —
DIRECT SHEAR table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
DATA DESIGN except Notes.
• No captions are specified
• No lookups are specified

— 106 —
DSHR READINGS table fields
Field Name Caption Description

Reading Normal Stress Normal pressure reading, in psf. Plotted in the DIRECT
SHEAR report along the X axis, one point plotted for each
reading. Used in calculating Calculated_Cohesion and
Calculated_Friction_Angle in the parent record.

Failure_Stress The average amount of force exerted per unit area at failure,
in psf. Plotted in the DIRECT SHEAR report along the Y axis,
one point plotted for each reading. Used in calculating
Calculated_Cohesion and Calculated_Friction_Angle in the
parent record.

Wet_Density Also known as wet unit weight or total unit weight. In units
determined by the Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT (62.42796
generates densities in pounds/cubic foot; 1 generates values
in grams/cu cm). Will be calculated if the data exists, or can
be input directly.

Dry_Density Also known as dry unit weight. In units determined by the

Water_Unit_Wt field in PROJECT. Will be calculated if the
data exists, or can be input directly.

Water_Content Also known as moisture content. This value is in percent. It

will be calculated if the data exists, or can be input directly.

Wt_Spec_Tare Wt Specimen + In grams. Weight of total specimen + tare. If omitted,

Tare Wet_Density is not computed.

Wt_Tare In grams. Weight of tare. If omitted, Wet_Density is not

computed. Enter 0 if none.

WC_Wt_Wet Water Content Weight of wet soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If
Wet Wt+Tare omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Dry Water Content Weight of dry soil plus tare, in any consistent units. If
Dry Wt+Tare omitted, Water_Content cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Tare Water Content Weight of tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,

Wt Tare Water_Content cannot be calculated.

Not_Used_In_Calc If checked, this readings record is omitted from the

calculation of Calculated_Cohesion and
Calculated_Friction_Angle in the parent record.

— 107 —
DSHR READINGS table notes:

• None of the fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in
• No lookups are specified

Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations

Calculated Cohesion and Calculated Friction Angle are calculated as the intercept and
slope (respectively) of the best fit line between the (Normal Stress, Failure Stress)
coordinate pairs in the readings records. Calculation of this line and its resulting intercept
and slope are beyond the scope of this manual.

DIRECT SHEAR (Direct Shear Test)
This graph report combines the data from all specimens in the project onto one report page
for each six DIRECT SHEAR table rows. This makes it possible to visually compare normal-
failure stress lines for various point-depth combinations. A sample appears below:

— 108 —
Falling Head Permeability

In this test, water is forced, by a falling head pressure, through a soil specimen of known
dimensions and the rate of flow is determined. This test is used to determine the drainage

— 109 —
characteristics of relatively fine-grained soils and is usually performed on undisturbed

The objective of the falling head permeability test is to allow the water level in a small-
diameter standpipe tube (burette) in a laboratory falling-head permeameter to fall from an
initial position to a final position due to seepage through the soil sample. The amount of
time it takes the water “head” to fall this distance is recorded. Based on Darcy’s law, a
coefficient of permeability (hydraulic conductivity) is calculated. The permeameter
apparatus is shown here:

(Reproduced from Day, p 373. Original is Dept. of the Army, 1970)

Some specifications for this test appear in ASTM D5084, although the gINT implementation
is different in some regards. The calculations as performed in gINT are described in “Data
Entry Scenarios and Calculations” on page 116.

Data Entry
Falling head permeability data is not reported in standard reports. Rather, the data is
entered in order to generate a single permeability (K_Calculated, captioned as
Permeability Calculated) value in the parent (FALL HEAD K) record. You can optionally
enter a K_Assigned value for comparison, and/or directly enter the K_Calculated, if you
just need to record an externally calculated value.

Water content/density values can optionally be computed for before-test and after-test, if
you provide the source data for these fields. Moisture/density values are computed the
same as elsewhere in gINT.

— 110 —
FALL HEAD K table fields
Field Name Caption Lookup Description

PointID In combination with Depth, specifies the parent

LAB SPECIMEN record. (Specified in the object

Depth In combination with PointID, specifies the

parent LAB SPECIMEN record.

K_Assigned Permeability Permeability value assigned by you, in case you

Assigned have this from another source for comparison
with the calculated value, or don’t want to

K_Calculated Permeability Average permeability calculated from the

Calculated Permeability values in the readings records.
The calculation requires values in the
K_Units_Fac, Initial_Head,
Temperature_Units, Burette_Area, Diameter,
and Height fields in the parent, and Time,
Head and Temperature values for each child
readings record.

K_Units_Fac Permeability If the calculated permeability is to be in

Units Factor mm/sec, no conversion is required and a value
of ‘1’ is entered in K_Units_Fac. If minutes are
desired rather than seconds, the factor should
be multiplied by 1/60, that is, 0.0167. If cm are
desired rather than mm, the factor should be
divided by 10, and so on. So for units of cm/sec,
the units factor would be 0.00167. Required for
calculation of permeability.

Initial_Head Specifies the initial height of the water level

(head) in the permeameter burette prior to the
start of seepage. Any units are permitted, but
must be consistent with the Head values in the
readings records. Required for calculation of

Temperature_Units Lookup!lab Specifies the units entered in the Temperature

temp units field in readings records, F or C. Required for
calculation of permeability.

Burette_Area Cross-sectional area of the permeameter

burette tube, in mm2. Required for calculation
of permeability.

— 111 —
Field Name Caption Lookup Description

Diameter Diameter of the soil specimen in the

permeameter, in millimeters. Required for
calculation of permeability.

Height Height of the soil specimen in the permeameter,

in millimeters. Required for calculation of

Change_In_Ht Change in Change in specimen height on wetting the soil

Height specimen, in millimeters. A positive value
indicates swell, a negative value indicates
compression. Used in permeability calculations
and calculation of density and saturation after
the test. If blank, the change in height is
assumed to be 0.

Wt_Spec_Tare Wt Specimen For optional pre-test calculation of water

+ Tare content and densities. Weight of total specimen
+ tare, in grams. If omitted,
Wet_Density_Before is not computed.

Wt_Tare For optional pre-test calculation of water

content and densities. Weight of tare, in grams.
If omitted, Wet_Density_Before is not
computed. Enter 0 if none.

WC_Wt_Wet_Before Water For optional pre-test calculation of water

Content content and densities. Weight of wet soil plus
Before Wet tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,
Wt+Tare Water_Content_Before cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Dry_Before Water For optional pre-test calculation of water

Content content and densities. Weight of dry soil plus
Before Dry tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,
Wt+Tare Water_Content_Before cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Tare_Before Water For optional pre-test calculation of water

Content content and densities. Weight of tare, in any
Before Wt consistent units. If omitted,
Tare Water_Content_Before cannot be calculated.

Water_Content_ Pre-test water content, in percent. Will be

Before calculated if the data exists.

— 112 —
Field Name Caption Lookup Description

Wet_Density_Before Pre-test wet density. In units determined by the

Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT (62.42796
generates densities in pounds/cubic foot; 1
generates values in grams/cu cm). Will be
calculated if the data exists.

Dry_Density_Before Pre-test dry density. In units determined by the

Water_Unit_Wt field in PROJECT. Will be
calculated if the data exists.

WC_Wt_Wet_After Water For optional calculation of post-test water

Content content and densities. Weight of wet soil plus
After Wet tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,
Wt+Tare Water_Content_After cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Dry_After Water For optional calculation of post-test water

Content content and densities. Weight of dry soil plus
After Dry tare, in any consistent units. If omitted,
Wt+Tare Water_Content_After cannot be calculated.

WC_Wt_Tare_After Water For optional calculation of post-test water

Content content and densities. Weight of tare, in any
After Wt consistent units. If omitted,
Tare Water_Content_After cannot be calculated.

Water_Content_After After-test water content value, in percent.

Wet_Density_After Post-test wet density in units determined by the

Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT (62.42796
generates densities in pounds/cubic foot; 1
generates values in grams/cu cm). Will be
calculated if the data exists.

Dry_Density_After Post-test dry density in units determined by the

Water_Unit_Wt in PROJECT.

Time_Units Not used by calculations. For documentation of

the time units used in the readings table.

Chamber_Pressure For documentation purposes. Not used in


Back_Pressure For documentation purposes. Not used in


Fluid_Used For documentation purposes. Not used in


— 113 —
Field Name Caption Lookup Description

Note_1 For documentation purposes.

Note_2 For documentation purposes.

Note_3 For documentation purposes.

FALL HEAD K table notes:

• No fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in DATA
DESIGN except the following: Time_Units, Chamber_Pressure, Back_Pressure,
Fluid_Used, Note_1, Note_2, and Note_3.

— 114 —
FHK READINGS table fields
Field Name Caption Description

Reading Time Time, since start of test, of reading. All times must be in the
same units. If other than minutes, this must be reflected in the
Permeability Factor.

Head Height of the water level head at time of reading, in any

consistent units. All Head values in readings records and the
Initial_Head in the parent table must be in the same units.

Temperature Temperature of reading, In units specified in the

Temperature_Units field in the parent table. A blank field will
take the values of the reading above it.

Permeability Calculated permeability for this reading.

FALL HEAD K table notes:

• No fields can be deleted or renamed (although they can be captioned) in DATA
• No lookups are specified

— 115 —
Data Entry Scenarios and Calculations
Water Content Calculations
Refer to “Water Content / Density” on page 17—the calculations are the same.

Permeability, with Constant Temperature less than or equal 20° C

Σ(1 to n)Permeabilityn
Permeabilityavg =


Burette_Area x (Height + Chg_in_Ht) Headinit

Permeabilityn = x Ln( ) x temp_correction
sample_area x Timen Headn

sample area = π x (Diameter/2)2

( ) — 1.30233
998.333 + (8.1855 x (Tempn-20))+ (0.00585 x (Tempn-20)2)
_correction =

(Tempn values are in °C)


Entered in FALL HEAD K Calculated

K_Units_ Initial_ Burette_ Diameter area K_
Factor Head Area mm2 mm mm2 Calculated

1 52.4 2991.86
125 61.72 3 3.22E-04

Entered in FHK READINGS Calculated

Time Head temp corrected K x units

(min) (mm) Temp correction permeability permeability factor

35 51.8 18 1.053263291 3.53E-04 3.72E-04 3.72E-04

— 116 —
Entered in FHK READINGS Calculated

140 50.2 18 1.053263291 3.29E-04 3.46E-04 3.46E-04

220 49.4 18 1.053263291 2.88E-04 3.03E-04 3.03E-04

350 47.4 18 1.053263291 3.08E-04 3.24E-04 3.24E-04

500 45.7 18 1.053263291 2.94E-04 3.09E-04 3.09E-04

1385 37.3 18 1.053263291 2.64E-04 2.78E-04 2.78E-04

Permeability, with Constant Temperature greater than 20° C

Σ(1 to n)Permeabilityn
Permeabilityavg =


Burette_Area x (Height + Chg_in_Ht) Headinit

Permeabilityn = x Ln( ) x temp_correction
sample_area x Timen Headn

sample area = π x (Diameter/2)2

( 1.372 x (20 - Tempn) — 0.001053 x (Tempn - 20)2 )

Tempn + 105
_correction = 1.002 x 10

(Tempn values are in °C)


Entered in FALL HEAD K Calculated

K_Units_ Initial_ Burette_ Diameter area K_
Factor Head Area mm2 mm mm2 Calculated

1 52.4 2991.86
125 61.72 3 2.79E-04

— 117 —
Entered in FHK READINGS Calculated

Time Head temp corrected K x units

(min) (mm) Temp correction permeability permeability factor

35 51.8 24 0.90822715 3.53E-04 3.21E-04 3.21E-04

140 50.2 24 0.90822715 3.29E-04 2.99E-04 2.99E-04

220 49.4 24 0.90822715 2.88E-04 2.61E-04 2.61E-04

350 47.4 24 0.90822715 3.08E-04 2.79E-04 2.79E-04

500 45.7 24 0.90822715 2.94E-04 2.67E-04 2.67E-04

1385 37.3 24 0.90822715 2.64E-04 2.39E-04 2.39E-04

Permeability, with Variable Temperature during the Test

Σ(1 to n)Permeabilityn
Permeabilityavg =


Burette_Area x (Height + Chg_in_Ht) Headinit

Permeabilityn = x Ln( ) x temp_correctionn
sample_area x Timen Headn

sample area = π x (Diameter/2)2

_correctionn = 998.333 + (8.1855 x (WtAvTempn-20))+ (0.00585 x —
(for Tempn ( (WtAvTempn-20)2) ) 1.30233

1.372 x (20 - WtAvTempn) — 0.001053 x

(WtAvTempn - 20)2
( )
_correctionn = WtAvTempn + 105
(for Tempn
>20) 1.002 x 10

— 118 —
Σ(1 to n)[(Timen — Timen-1) x Tempn]
WtAvTempn =

(Tempn values are in °C)


Entered in FALL HEAD K Calculated

K_Units_ Initial_ Burette_ Diameter area K_
Factor Head Area mm2 mm mm2 Calculated

1 52.4 2991.86
125 61.72 3 3.11E-04

Entered in FHK
READINGS Calculated

Time Head Temperature temp corrected K x units

(min) (mm) Temp Weighted correction permeability permeability factor

35 51.8 18 18 1.05326329 3.53E-04 3.72E-04 3.72E-04

140 50.2 19 18.75 1.02708855 3.29E-04 3.38E-04 3.38E-04

220 49.4 20 19.2045 1.00194155 2.88E-04 2.88E-04 2.88E-04

350 47.4 21 19.8714 0.97717079 3.08E-04 3.01E-04 3.01E-04

500 45.7 22 20.51 0.95329707 2.94E-04 2.80E-04 2.80E-04

1385 37.3 21 20.8231 0.97717079 2.64E-04 2.58E-04 2.58E-04

Falling head permeability data is not reported in any standard reports, although you can
include this data in custom reports.

— 119 —
Appendix A -- Suggested Field Defaults

Table Field Description

62.42796 = pounds/cubic foot, 1 = metric
PROJECT Water_Unit_Wt
tons/cubic meter,9.806 = kN/cubic meter
10.76391 = square ft/year,
1 = square meters/year.
WC DENSITY Diameter Soil sample cylinder diameter in mm

Height Soil sample cylinder height in mm

SIEVE Weighing_Method C(umulative) or I(ncremental)

HYDROMETER Temperature_Units_Test C(entigrade) or F(arhenheit)

HydrometerID Most commonly used hydrometer. Taken from


FINE SG Readings_Temperature_Units C(entigrade) or F(ahrenheit)

COMPACTION Method Identification of most commonly used

compaction test method. Can be taken from the
COMPACTION METHODS library data table.

Volume_Units Cubic Ft (feet), M(eters), I(nches), cm

(centimeters), or mm (millimeters)

Weight_Units P(ounds), KG (kilograms), G(rams), N(ewtons),

KN (kilonewtons)

UNCONF COMPR Load_Ring Identification of most commonly used load ring.

Taken from the LOAD RINGS library data table in
Data Design

Deflection_Units I(nches) or M(illimeters)

Stress_Area Square Ft (feet), M(eters), I(nches), cm

(centimeters), or mm (millimeters)

Diameter Specimen diameter in mm

Height Specimen height in mm

CONSOLIDATION Deflection_Units I(nches) or M(illimeters)

Diameter Specimen diameter in mm

— 120 —
Table Field Description

Height Specimen height in mm


Ring_Ht mm

FALL HEAD K K_Units_Fac 1 indicates units of mm/time unit used in the

readings. E.g., if time units are minutes and want
final results to be cm/sec, the units factor would
be 0.00167.

Temperature_Units C(entigrade) or F(ahrenheit)

Burette_Area square mm

Diameter Specimen diameter in mm

Height Specimen height in mm

— 121 —
Appendix B -- Lab Database Structure Manipulation
There are various ways you can alter or add to the database structure of a database that
has lab testing support. Normally you can make any of these changes without disrupting
calculations or reports. However, if you have created any custom SQL statements, these will
need to be changed to match the new database structure.

Adding Tables to Lab Testing Support

You can add additional tables to lab testing support. There are two possible scenarios:
• Parent is LAB SPECIMEN, relationship is one-to-one
• Parent is LAB SPECIMEN, relationship is one-to-many

Parent is LAB SPECIMEN, relationship is one-to-one

A new table for test records will typically have a one-to-one relationship with the standard
parent table, LAB SPECIMEN. In this scenario, it will be possible to add as many as (but no
more than) one record in the new table for each borehole-depth combination in the project

To add a new lab testing table with a one-to-one relationship to the parent LAB SPECIMEN,
do the following:

1. Go to DATA DESIGN  Project Database and open the database or data template.
2. Choose Tables  New and specify the following property settings:

— 122 —
Property Value Comments

Name (any valid table name for the new


Key Set PointID, Depth


One to One checked


Group Name Lab Testing Selecting this tab is not required, but
typically you want all lab tables included
in the Lab Testing tab.

Parent is LAB SPECIMEN, relationship is one-to-many

You may have certain tests that are performed at multiple depths within the same
specimen. In this case you need to be able to specify the depth of the lab specimen
separately from the depth of each test, but associate all of the tests to a single lab specimen
(borehole-depth combination) for reporting. You would create the test’s table as a child of
LAB SPECIMEN with a one-to-many relationship, as follows:
1. Go to DATA DESIGN  Project Database and open the database.
2. Choose Tables  New and specify the following property settings:

Property Value

Name (any valid table name for the new


Key Set PointID, Depth


One to One unchecked


Group Name Lab Testing

3. The table is created. Notice that three fields are created automatically: PointID,
LABSPECIMEN_Depth, and Depth. In INPUT all three fields are required: the
PointID and LABSPECIMEN_Depth are selected from object selectors, and the
Depth field is a column in the table grid.

— 123 —
Making LAB SPECIMEN a Child of a Non-POINT Table

By default, when you create lab testing, the LAB SPECIMEN table is created as one-to-many
child of POINT, and the other lab testing tables are created as children (or grandchildren)
of LAB SPECIMEN. This is as described in the section called “Relational Database Structure”
on page 13. However, LAB SPECIMEN can be moved in the structure so that it is a child of
some table other than POINT. For example, LAB SPECIMEN can be a child of SAMPLE.

The parent of the LAB SPECIMEN table cannot be changed once it has data. Therefore, the
easiest approach is to change the parent immediately after adding lab testing support but
before entering any lab testing data. You would do this as follows:
1. Add lab testing support to your database (as described in “Adding Lab Testing
Support” on page 6)
2. Go to DATA DESIGN  Project Database.
3. Select LAB SPECIMEN in the object selector.

4. Click the Properties icon.

5. In the Parent Table property, select the new parent (such as SAMPLE).
6. Go to INPUT  Lab Specimen. Click in the Depth field. Notice that the available set
of depths for a lab specimen in a given borehole are the set of depths in that
borehole’s SAMPLE table (or whichever parent table you specified).

If you already have lab testing data in your database and want to change the parent of LAB
SPECIMEN, the process is more complicated. You would do the following:

1. Write a correspondence file using SQL statements that port the data from LAB
SPECIMEN and its children in the source database to the target. Refer to Help 
Index  Correspondence Files and Help  Index  Sql for more information, or
consult with gINT Technical Support.

— 124 —
2. In INPUT, clone the existing database to a new, empty database (File  New
Project  Clone Project).
3. In DATA DESIGN, reassign the parent of LAB SPECIMEN in the new database.
4. In INPUT, select File  Import/Export  Import from Database and specify the
correspondence file you created.

Extending the Keysets of Lab Testing Tables

When you add lab testing support, the default structure is for LAB SPECIMEN to have a
one-to-many relationship with its parent POINT, and for each of the non-readings
(ATTERBERG, SIEVE, HYDROMETER, etc.) tables to have a one-to-one relationship with its
parent LAB SPECIMEN. However, a one-to-one relationship to LAB SPECIMEN is
inadequate for some projects.

For example, you may have a lab specimen from a depth of 5 feet, but need to split it into
separate portions by depth (such as 5.2 feet and 5.7 feet) for lab tests. In this case, you
would need to extend the keyset of each affected lab testing table to add a new key.

As with any modifications to the database, this is most easily done before data is entered in
the affected tables, that is, immediately after adding lab testing support.

To add a new key to the keyset of an empty lab testing table, do the following:
1. Go to DATA DESIGN  Project Database and open the project.
2. Select the table in the object selector that you want to alter.

3. Click the Properties icon.

4. Uncheck the One-to-One Relation checkbox, then click OK.
5. Notice that a new checkbox has been added to the field list dialog box: Allow
Duplicate Depth Values for a Lab Specimen Record.

Also, a new field has been added in the field list: LABSPECIMEN_Depth. This field is
for internal use by the software, enabling it to identify multiple records at the same
depth separately. You will not see this field in INPUT.

6. Check the Allow Duplicate Depth Values for a Lab Specimen Record checkbox.
7. Click the Add button beneath the fields list. Add a field that will be used as a
secondary key. Check the Required checkbox.
8. Click OK, then move the new field up in the list to just beneath Depth.

9. Click the Properties icon.

— 125 —
10. Click the Browse button to the right of Additional Key Fields. Select the newly
created key field and click OK.
11. Click OK to close the Properties window, and go to INPUT. Notice that your
secondary key field appears just to the right of Depth.

— 126 —
Appendix C -- Scenarios using Wet Specimens in Sieve
The Sieve Analysis section of this user guide explains the data entry and calculations for
four scenarios involving only the entry of dry total weights. However, the software also
supports calculations that compensate for moisture content. This can be performed for an
unsplit specimen, for the coarse fraction of a split specimen but not the fine, or both the
coarse and fine fractions of a split specimen. Also, in the circumstance where the coarse
fraction is sieved wet and wet weights are supplied in the child SV READINGS records, gINT
can compensate for this.

Scenario 5: Wet specimen, no split, incremental weighing

To utilize a wet total weight in an unsplit specimen requires the use of three additional
fields: WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse (Water Content Coarse Wet Wt+Tare), WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse
(Water Content Coarse Dry Wt+Tare), and WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse (Water Content
Coarse Wt Tare). The principle is that some portion of the soil sample is set aside for
moisture content testing. The weighing dish is weighed to establish the tare value, and the
moist sample on the dish is weighed to establish the wet weight with tare. The sample is
heated to vaporize the moisture, and it is re-weighed. The difference between the wet and
dry weights is the weight of the moisture lost, and the ratio of the lost moisture to the
weight of the dry sample is the moisture content percentage (saved in the parent record as
Water_Content_Coarse). This percentage can then be used to convert dry Soil_Tare
weights into equivalent wet weights for calculation of Percent_Finer values.

Note that for unsplit samples, the “coarse” moisture content fields are used, and the “fine”
are ignored. Also note that the assumption in this scenario is that the specimen is dried
before sieving, so all Soil_Tare values are dry weights.

The following calculations are used for wet total weight with no split:
• Water_Content_Coarse = wt_water / wt_dry_soil

where:wt_water = WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse — WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse

wt_dry_soil = WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse — WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse

• Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve = Wt_Total_Spec x Percent_Finer(nfinal)

• Percent_Finer(n) = SUMn+1..nfinal[ percent(n) ]

where: [ Soil_Tare(n)— Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse ] x (1 + Water_Content_Coarse)

percent(n) =

— 127 —

We are doing an incremental calculation, no split, with moisture content, with:

ο Wt_Total_Spec = 1504
ο Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse = 18.4
ο WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse = 129
ο WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse = 100
ο WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse = 16.1
ο Soil_Tare values as shown in the second column of the table below.

The resulting Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve is 241.78, the Water_Content_Coarse is

34.56%, and the Percent_Finer values are as shown in the right column of the table.

Wt_Sieving_ net dry net wet Percent_

Tare_Coarse soil wt soil wt percent(n) Finer
(entered) (entered) (calc) add wc (calc) (calc) (calc)

#4 220 18.4 201.6 69.68 271.28 18.04% 81.96%

#30 225 18.4 206.6 71.41 278.01 18.48% 63.48%

#50 225 18.4 206.6 71.41 278.01 18.48% 44.99%

#100 230 18.4 211.6 73.14 284.74 18.93% 26.06%

#200 130 18.4 111.6 38.57 150.17 9.99% 16.08%

total sieved 938.00 1262.22

total specimen 1504 0.00 1504.00

wt passing split 241.78 16.08%


Scenario 6: Wet specimen, split sieve

To utilize a wet split specimen requires the use of six additional fields (beyond the ones
necessary for a dry split specimen):

• WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse (Water Content Coarse Wet Wt+Tare)

• WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse (Water Content Coarse Dry Wt+Tare)
• WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse (Water Content Coarse Wt Tare)

— 128 —
• WC_Wt_Wet_Fine (Water Content Fine Wet Wt+Tare)
• WC_Wt_Dry_Fine (Water Content Fine Dry Wt+Tare)
• WC_Wt_Tare_Fine (Water Content Fine Wt Tare)
The assumption in this scenario is that the specimen is dried before sieving, so all
Soil_Tare values are dry weights.

The following calculations are used for wet total weight with split sieving:
• Water_Content_Coarse = wt_water / wt_dry_soil

where:wt_water = WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse — WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse

wt_dry_soil = WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse — WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse

• Water_Content_Fine = wt_water / wt_dry_soil

where:wt_water = WC_Wt_Wet_Fine — WC_Wt_Dry_Fine

wt_dry_soil = WC_Wt_Dry_Fine — WC_Wt_Tare_Fine

• Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve = Wt_Total_Spec x Percent_Finer(nfinal)

• Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve = Wt_Total_Spec — coarse_sieved

where: coarse_sieved = SUMcoarse1..coarseN[ Soil_Tare(n) —

Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse ]

• Percent_Finer(n) = SUMn+1..nfinal[ percent(n) ]

where: [ Soil_Tare(n)— Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse ] x (1 + Water_Content_Coarse)

percent(n) =

for coarse fractions;

and: percent(n) =

[ Soil_Tare(n)— Wt_Sieving_Tare_Fine ] x Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve x (1 + Water_Content_Fine)

Wt_Fines_Tested x Wt_Total_Spec

for fine fractions.

— 129 —

We are doing an incremental calculation, split sieving, with moisture content, with:

ο Wt_Total_Spec = 5201.4
ο Wt_Fines_Tested = 175
ο Size_Split_Sieve = 4.75
ο Wt_Sieving_Tare_Coarse = 28.3
ο Wt_Sieving_Tare_Fine = 18.4
ο WC_Wt_Wet_Coarse = 520.3
ο WC_Wt_Dry_Coarse = 495.8
ο WC_Wt_Tare_Coarse = 14.8
ο WC_Wt_Wet_Fine = 122.6
ο WC_Wt_Dry_Fine = 106.9
ο WC_Wt_Tare_Fine = 13.8
ο Soil_Tare values as shown in the second column of the table below.

The resulting Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve is 4805.2, the Water_Content_Coarse is

5.09%, the Water_Content_Fine is 16.86%, and the Percent_Finer values are as
shown in the right column of the table.

Wt_Sieving_ net dry net wet Percent_

Tare_Coarse soil wt soil wt percent(n) Finer
(entered) (entered) (calc) add wc (calc) (calc) (calc)

3" 28.3 28.3 0 0.00 0.00 0.00% 100.00%

1-1/2" 128.4 28.3 100.1 5.10 105.20 2.02% 97.98%

3/4" 142.7 28.3 114.4 5.83 120.23 2.31% 95.67%

3/8" 123.4 28.3 95.1 4.84 99.94 1.92% 93.74%

#4 95.7 28.3 67.4 3.43 70.83 1.36% 92.38%

#8 50.8 18.4 32.4 5.46 37.86 19.99% 72.39%

#16 40.2 18.4 21.8 3.68 25.48 13.45% 58.95%

#30 35.2 18.4 16.8 2.83 19.63 10.36% 48.58%

— 130 —
Wt_Sieving_ net dry net wet Percent_
Tare_Coarse soil wt soil wt percent(n) Finer
(entered) (entered) (calc) add wc (calc) (calc) (calc)

#50 31.8 18.4 13.4 2.26 15.66 8.27% 40.31%

#100 25.9 18.4 7.5 1.26 8.76 4.63% 35.69%

#200 22.6 18.4 4.2 0.71 4.91 2.59% 33.10%

total sieved 377.00 396.20

total specimen 5201.4

wt passing splt sv 4805.20 33.10%

Scenario 7: Wet specimen, coarse fraction sieved wet

If you sieve the coarse fraction wet, you can have gINT adjust the wet weights you enter so
that the final calculations for Wt_Passing_Split_Sieve and the Percent_Finer values are
corrected for the moisture content. To accomplish this, check the Coarse_Sieved_Wet
checkbox in the parent record. Normally this box is unchecked. Note that gINT assumes
that the fine fraction is always sieved dry, so wet sieving of the dry fraction is not offered as
an option.

An example and equations are not provided here for this option.

— 131 —

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