Brocade SANnav

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Product Brief

Brocade® SANnav™
Management Portal and
SANnav Global View
Abstract All of the Complexity of Managing a SAN
Highlights IT organizations are facing an ever-increasing volume, variety, and
velocity of data, yet users still expect data centers to deliver maximum
• Eliminate tedious and repetitive tasks performance, business intelligence, and operational efficiency. As
to manage, monitor, and alert on issues organizations race to modernize the data center to support innovation
impacting the SAN
and digital transformation, these demands are driving the storage network
• Gain an immediate understanding of to evolve even faster to accommodate new applications. Therefore,
the health, performance, and points of SAN administrators need ways to simplify management, visualization,
interest across the SAN and analysis of their SAN performance and overall operational health.
• Quickly identify anomalies through Many organizations, however, lack these capabilities due to the growing
alarms to facilitate fault isolation and complexity of their IT environments and the lack of easy-to-use SAN
troubleshooting management tools.*
• Scale your business services without Brocade® SANnav™ Management Portal and SANnav Global View empower
compromising performance through IT by simplifying processes and delivering the right information at the
state-of-the-art software infrastructure
right time. SANnav Management Portal processes and transforms billions
• Get to the right information at the right of metrics about SAN behavior and performance into actionable insights,
time with near real-time processing, allowing administrators to quickly identify, isolate, and correct problems
even at scale even before they start impacting the business. In addition, SANnav
• Manage up to 25 different user sessions Management Portal and SANnav Global View eliminate the tedious and
at the same time with the same repetitive tasks of managing, monitoring, and alerting on issues impacting
performance the SAN. These products accelerate administrative tasks by applying a
single action across multiple SAN switches using bulk actions.
• Accelerate the deployment of new
switches, hosts, and targets with
configuration policy management
Figure 1: Dramatization of Both Brocade SANnav Management Portal and
• Identify zoning database inconsistencies SANnav Global View
at any time through zone summary
• Safeguard the integrity and security
of the entire SAN with automatic
identification, retrieval, and application
of FOS certificates
• Meet the performance demands of the
largest enterprises by aggregating up to
20 instances with SANnav Global View

Autonomous SAN
Brocade SANnav Management Portal,
with its intuitive one-click drill-down
interface, leverages Brocade autonomous
SAN technology to deliver a more
dynamic, more comprehensive, and
faster SAN management experience. The
user interface enables administrators to
simplify monitoring, troubleshooting, and *Three-quarters of senior IT decision-makers surveyed by ESG said that their IT environment has become more complex in the
last two years. ESG, ESG Master Survey Results, 2021 Technology Spending Intentions Survey, December 2020.
provisioning across both global and local

Brocade SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View

Product Brief

as possible to free up operational

Scale without cycles so administrators can
Compromising focus on tasks. With configuration
Autonomous SAN (cont.) Performance policy management, it accelerates
An administrator can seamlessly drill the commissioning or replacing
Most organizations are
down to view historical or real-time of switches, hosts, and storage
overwhelmed by the enormous
I/O traffic on any point of interest by arrays. It also has features
volume of storage data that
invoking investigation mode on any that automatically identify
they must process daily. Even
SAN switch, port, extension tunnel, inconsistencies with zoning
well-managed IT organizations
extension circuit, or flow. This ability databases in multiple SAN fabrics,
struggle to keep up with the
to point and click anywhere within the security-related features, and many
demand for storage. SANnav
SANnav Management Portal to access other features.
investigation mode dramatically reduces Management Portal enables linear
troubleshooting time. scale of business services without
compromising performance so SANnav Management
The combination of SAN telemetry and
automation technologies unlocks the
that organizations can easily scale Portal
their management to meet the
capabilities to deliver a self-learning, self- SANnav Management Portal is a
requirements of new servers and
optimizing, and self-healing autonomous next-generation SAN management
storage being deployed. With the
SAN. application, architected from the
enormous growth, organizations
Self-Learning: ground up with a simple browser-
also need to reduce the manual
based graphical user interface
• Gather and transform millions of data process of correlating millions
(GUI) and a focus on streamlining
points into network intelligence of data points to extract useful
common workflows, such as
information for the business. To
• Visualize application-based and device- configuration, zoning, deployment,
based performance and health metrics
increase efficiency, enterprises
troubleshooting, and reporting.
need tools that collect, aggregate,
• Detect abnormal traffic behavior and With SANnav Management
distribute, and serve up the
degraded performance Portal, the administrator’s
right data at the right time.
frequent tasks of configuring
• Eliminate operational steps by SANnav Management Portal
SAN switches or provisioning new
automatically learning application flows delivers actionable intelligence
devices to fabrics are no longer
Self-Optimizing: in a consumable and uniquely
a matter of sending hundreds
optimized manner for up to 25
• Optimize critical application of individual CLI commands
different users at the same time.
performance by automatically to multiple switches. Instead,
This actionable intelligence is
prioritizing traffic configuration policy management
collected and processed in near
• Guarantee application performance
and zoning management allow
real-time via streaming from FOS
by proactively monitoring and actively SAN administrators to quickly and
switches and state-of-the-art
shaping traffic consistently configure hundreds of
software infrastructure for SANnav
switches and devices in matters of
• Eliminate human errors and Management Portal.
seconds and, very importantly, in a
performance impacts through open
non-error-prone fashion. SANnav
DevOps automation technology
Reduce Administrative Management Portal also increases
• Optimize administrative resources with
Tasks by Automating operational efficiencies by enabling
cloud-like SAN orchestration enhanced monitoring capabilities,
Processes providing faster troubleshooting,
Even the most experienced and greatly simplifying frequent
• Instantly notify end devices of
storage administrator can get and common configuration use
congestion for automatic resolution
overwhelmed by the operational cases.
• Ensure data delivery with automatic steps required to deploy and
failover from physical or congestion manage new resources, fabric
issues zoning, inventory, reports, and
• Detect and automatically reconfigure security settings and extract
out-of-compliance fabrics intelligence from it all. SANnav
Management Portal focuses on
• Eliminate performance impacts by
automatically taking corrective action
automating as many processes
on misbehaving devices

Brocade SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View

Product Brief

Key features and capabilities of • Network Port Traffic Congestion points of interest, allowing faster
Brocade SANnav products include the dashboard – Allows the SAN identification and troubleshooting.
following: administrator to quickly (up to the Filters are used and can be
minute) and accurately identify defined in almost every Brocade
• Configuration management – congested or oversubscribed SANnav feature.
Applies consistent switch and fabric ports (E_Ports or
monitoring configurations across • Investigation – Collects and stores
F_Ports). It identifies the topmost
environments with the policy- SAN performance statistics and
congested or oversubscribed
based configuration management telemetry data, which is then
ports over a period of time, up
feature. It allows users to view used to provide clear and intuitive
to the last 2 hours, for further
switches that have experienced time series graphs that plot key
investigation. Administrators
configuration drifts and examine traffic metrics. It includes MAPS
can instantly drill down into
what exactly has changed in the violations details for ports, links
any hot spots for investigation
environment. When such drifts and trunks, extension tunnels and
and take corrective action.
occur, SANnav Management Portal circuits, as well as flows, in order
Using this dashboard eliminates
allows the administrator to rectify to help users understand and
the guesswork by quickly and
the problems by enforcing the investigate complex traffic pattern
accurately identifying the
configuration policy on the switches behaviors. In addition, for selected
ports that are either culprits or
associated with the policy. This ports, it can collect metrics more
victims of SAN congestion or
ensures operational stability and frequently and in near real time (at
maximum uptime. 10-second intervals).
• Contextual-based topology
• Zoning – Removes the complexity • Reporting – Generates customized
views – Allows users to quickly
of managing large zone databases reports that provide summaries of
locate an object of interest
for multiple fabrics. SANnav inventory, performance, and health
without having to sift through
Management Portal dramatically information, including all data
irrelevant information. Visualizing
simplifies zoning configuration captured using Brocade Fabric
relevant contextual information
by providing highly simplified Vision® technology. Reports can be
about a specific device, such as a
and intuitive workflows. With configured and scheduled directly
particular switch, enables users to
zone summary views, you can from Brocade SANnav products
see all directly connected entities
quickly identify all of the zone to show only the most relevant
in the data path for that switch,
database inconsistencies, such data, enabling administrators
as well as all end-point physical
as orphan zones or orphan zone to prioritize their actions and
devices connected to that switch
members, and take action to repair optimize network performance
(see Figure 2). The topology view
them with simplified workflows. efficiently.
also enables users to search and
SANnav Management Portal helps graphically view various contexts, • Alarms – Aggregates group-
tremendously with policy-based such as switches, switch ports, related events through an
zoning, which allows users to hosts, host ports, storage, and intelligent data model that
quickly and accurately provision storage ports. While doing a reduces millions of events and
and zone servers and storage arrays context-based search, users can violations into hundreds of alarms.
across multiple fabrics. type any word to search within SAN switches generate many
• Health Summary dashboard – that context. A drop-down display events and MAPS violations
Provides at-a-glance views and under the search box then shows over the course of their lifetime:
summary health scores for fabrics, the search results. SNMP traps, RASlog or syslog
switches, hosts, and targets that events sent from FOS switches
• Filters – Provides users with
may be contributing to performance to SANnav Management Portal.
the ability to sort through large
issues within the network. The Many of the raw events or MAPS
amounts of data by selecting
summary health score represents violations are often closely
only attributes of relevant entities
the overall health of the network related or even repeated. SANnav
with a powerful and graphical
from various perspectives, providing Management Portal alarm features
SQL-like query mechanism. For
an overall score from 1 to 100. A reduce and summarize those
example, users can search for all
score above 90 is healthy, 71 to 90 related or repeated events and
fabric 32G ports that are online
is degraded, and 70 or below is violations into a manageable
and that are connected to a
poor. number of alarms.
specific host. This filter reduces
the displayed content to only the

Brocade SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View

Product Brief

Figure 2: Topology View from SANnav Management Portal SANnav Global View aggregates
the configuration policy drifts
detected by each SANnav
Management Portal instance in a
dashboard summary widget. With
a few clicks, SANnav Global View
provides the ability to enforce a
customer’s “golden” configuration
policy across all instances of
SANnav Management Portal
that it manages. Subsequently,
when drifts are detected by each
SANnav Management Portal
instance, they are aggregated into
the main SANnav Global View
Summary dashboard, thereby
eliminating the need for the SAN
administrator to monitor each local

In addition, administrators can Brocade Fibre Channel hardware

SANnav Global View includes integrated network
Whether an organization has data easily navigate from SANnav
Global View down to the local sensors that gather millions of
center locations across the globe real-time metrics that SANnav
or a single multitenant data center, environment managed by SANnav
Management Portal to investigate Management Portal uses to
it is important for administrators to identify, monitor, and analyze the
be able to understand the health points of interest. Important events
across all local environments are overall health and performance
of the entire SAN. With SANnav of the SAN. This data is then
Global View, administrators can propagated at a global level for
instant visibility in the alerts box. contextualized into dashboards
quickly visualize the health, that can be used to quickly detect
performance, and inventory of Using powerful search capabilities
within SANnav Global View, and isolate problems. At a glance,
multiple SANnav Management administrators have actionable
Portal instances using a simple, administrators can then seamlessly
navigate across instances and drill intelligence on the overall health
intelligent dashboard. of their fabric, switches, servers,
down into any individual SANnav
Management Portal instance for and storage, which they can view
additional details (see Figure 3). in the form of summary health
score circles (see Figure 3). The
summary health score circles
Figure 3: Dashboard Display of SANnav Global View
help administrators quickly
identify areas that require further
investigation. Administrators can
drill down from each dashboard
into investigation mode to further
examine any relevant data for
performance optimization or

Brocade SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View

Product Brief

strategic and frequent use cases. the critical skills needed to install,
Realize the Autonomous Brocade SANnav products further configure, manage, and maintain
SAN simplify operations through SAN environments utilizing
self-discovery and self-healing Brocade products. Visit www.
Today’s IT organizations are
capabilities, which are used to
evolving, gradually shifting their
focus away from infrastructure identify and reconfigure out-of-
management and toward compliance fabrics and switches, Maximizing Investments
delivering value-added applications keeping the infrastructure up and
running. For ongoing management To help optimize technology
and services. An autonomous investments, Brocade, a Broadcom
SAN self-discovers, self-heals, processes, such as reporting,
Brocade SANnav products company, and its partners offer
and simplifies operational complete solutions that include
processes and management tasks. automate the collection of data
and generate customizable reports professional services, technical
It leverages machine learning support, and education. For more
and advanced analytics with for different stakeholders.
information, contact a Brocade
automation to predict behavioral sales partner or visit www.
changes with historical trends Brocade Global Support
and real-time monitoring. In the
Brocade Global Support has the
future, administrators will be able
to leverage machine learning to
expertise to help organizations System Requirements
build resilient, efficient SAN
create application profiles based SANnav Management Portal and
infrastructures. Leveraging 25+
on application behavior. They will SANnav Global View software
years of expertise in storage
then be able to apply automation and documentation are available
networking, Global Support
software to run varying responses to download. For details on
delivers world-class technical
to a given situation, allowing them the recommended system
support, implementation, and
to see the potential impact before specifications, refer to www.
migration services to enable
committing to an application or Both the SANnav
organizations to maximize
infrastructure change. Management Portal Base Edition
their hardware and software
investments, accelerate new and the SANnav Management
Administrators can use SANnav
technology deployments, and Portal Enterprise Edition fully
Management Portal and SANnav
optimize the overall performance support managing FICON
Global View to build the foundation
of their network. environments.
for an autonomous SAN. These
innovative products streamline
workflows to accelerate the Training and Education Browser Support
deployment of new applications, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge are
Brocade Education provides free
switches, hosts, and targets. They supported.
web-based training on Brocade
also automate key processes,
SAN products and technologies.
such as deploying new resources,
allowing administrators to reduce
These self-paced training modules Software Evaluation
help customers and partners build
repetitive tasks and focus on 30-day, full-featured evaluation
versions of SANnav Management
Portal and SANnav Global View
Figure 4: Dramatization: Intuitive One-Click, Drill-Down Interface for Increased
are available for download. Please
Workflow Efficiencies refer to the Brocade SANnav FAQ
for more information. Install the
software in only minutes, and start
experiencing more effective SAN

Brocade SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View

Product Brief

Server Requirements
Max. Switch Ports/Instances
Product/Edition Operating System Host Type vCPU Memory Hard Disk
under Management
SANnav Management Portal Bare Metal/ESXi
RHEL 7.9, 8.4, 8.5, & 8.6
Base Edition (Manages switches 600 ports ESXi/HyperV VM 16 cores 48 GB 600 GB
CentOS 7.9 only
only, no directors) OVA (CentOS 7.9)
Bare Metal/ESXi
RHEL 7.9, 8.4, 8.5, & 8.6
Up to 3000 ports ESXi/HyperV VM 16 cores 48 GB 600 GB
SANnav Management Portal CentOS 7.9 only
OVA (CentOS 7.9)
Enterprise Edition (Required to
manage directors) Bare Metal/ESXi
Between 3000 and up to RHEL 7.9, 8.4, 8.5, & 8.6
ESXi/HyperV VM 24 cores 96 GB 1.2 TB
15,000 ports CentOS 7.9 only
OVA (CentOS 7.9)

Up to 20 SANnav Management RHEL 7.9, 8.4, 8.5, & 8.6 Bare Metal/ESXi
SANnav Global View 16 cores 32 GB 450 GB
Portal instances CentOS 7.9 only ESXi/HyperV VM

Note: The only supported release of CentOS is CentOS 7.9. SANnav Management Portal and SANnav Global View cannot be installed and are not supported on
any other release of CentOS including 8.x.

Note: SANnav Management Portal is not supported on Security Enhanced Linux (SE Linux) in Enforcing or Permissive mode on CentOS or RHEL (any version).

Ordering Information
All Brocade SANnav products are offered via subscription-based licensing. For additional details, refer to the
Brocade SANnav FAQ on

SANnav Management Portal

License Supported Ports Duration

Trial (Enterprise Edition with no license) 15,000 30-day trial period.

Base Edition (Manages switches only, no BR SKUs are offered for 1-year to 7-year durations in increments of
directors) 1 year. All OEM SKU durations continue to be 1, 3, or 5 years.
Enterprise Edition (Required to manage BR SKUs are offered for 1-year to 7-year durations in increments of
directors) 1 year. All OEM SKU durations continue to be 1, 3, or 5 years.
SANnav Global View
License Supported Instances Duration
20 SANnav Management Portal
Trial (No license) 30-day trial period.
20 SANnav Management Portal BR SKUs are offered for 1-year to 7-year durations in increments of
SANnav Global View license
instances 1 year. All OEM SKU durations continue to be 1, 3, or 5 years.

For product information and a complete list of distributors, visit our website at:
Copyright © 2018–2022 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. All
trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.
SANnav-PB110 June 22, 2022

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