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Community Learning Center

(CLC) DULONG BAYAN Program Accreditation & Equivalency
SESSION GUIDE-VCOT Learning Facilitator DANICA A. RANTE Literacy Level
Date Learning Strand

A. Content Standards/Focus

Numeracy Skills
B. Performance Standards/ Acquire mathematical skills for personal and social effectiveness.
Terminal Objectives
C. Learning Competencies/ 1. Demonstrates the importance and value of mathematics as a means of communicating and solving problems in
Terminal Objectives daily life, e.g., computing and comparing costs of goods to make a decision on which to buy.

2. Demonstrates creativity, interest, and curiosity in asking questions, defining problems, considering different
strategies, and finding appropriate solutions to problems through mathematics, e.g., analyzing the given data in a
problem and identifying what mathematical operation will be applied to solve the problem.

3. Expresses satisfaction in mastery of new ways of thinking through application of mathematics, e.g., deciding the
shortest and most accurate way of solving problems in daily life that require mathematical solutions.

5. Use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal

4. Buying and selling goods in the market place (as a consumer and seller)

II. CONTENT (Subject Matter)  Solving Daily Life Problems

A. References
1. Session Guide Pages
2. Module/Learner’s Material pages Addition and Subtraction in Daily Life/pp.10-44
Multiplication and Division in Daily Life/pp.4-35
3. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources (1) Top 10 Problems Teenagers Face Today - YouTube

A. Springboard/ Motivation The teacher will present a video about problems that teenagers face in today’s world and the learners will answer the
(Establishing a purpose for the lesson) questions.

1. Have you ever experienced these problems?

2. Which of these problems have you experienced?
3. How did you overcome these problems?
4. In your opinion, what good has it done you to deal with these problems?
B. Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or We face many problems in our daily lives. We need to deal with them to avoid long -term stress. In our study today, we will
Presenting the new lesson) deal with various problems using the four fundamental operations of Mathematics. Are you ready?

The teacher will ask the learners to solve these word problems.

1. Sandra read 5 books, Deacon read 6 books and Breanna read 7 books. One book was read by all three children, but
every other book was different. How many different books did the children read?

2. In Science class, Sara needed 8 test tubes for 3 different experiments. The first experiment required 2 test tubes and
the other two experiments required the same number of test tubes. How many test tubes were needed for each of the
other two experiments?

3. Branson and his sister Beatrice combined their allowance of ₱200 each, so they could buy a movie for ₱340. They
bought ₱30 containers of fruit salad with the remaining money and split the containers evenly between them. How many
containers of fruit salad did they each get?

C. Analysis (Presenting The teacher will discuss the answer to the learners.
examples/instances of the new lesson) 1. 1 common book + 4 more read by Sandra (5 -1) + 5 more read by Deacon (6 – 1) + 6 more read by Breanna
(7 – 1) = 16 different books

2. 8 test tubes – 2 test tubes = 6 test tubes; 6 test tubes divided by 2 = 3 test tubes for each of the other

3. P200 + P200 = P400 combined allowance; P400-P340 = P660 remaining money; P60 divided by P30 per
container = 2 containers of fruit salad; 2 containers divided by 2 people = 1 container each
D. Abstraction (Making generalizations The teacher will ask these questions:
about the lesson)
1. What have you noticed in our word problem?
2. How do we solve multi-steps word problem?
E. Application (Developing mastery)
F. Valuing (Finding practical applications What is the importance of investigating before you make a judgement?
of concepts and skills in daily living )
G. Evaluation (Assessing Learning) Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences each.

1. Can there be a society without a culture? Why or why not?

2. Do you know much about your own culture?
3. When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they usually think of?

H. Agreement (Additional activities for Look at least one culture from other country and explain why you think it’s wrong. Explain your answer with at least 4
application or remediation) sentences.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?
Prepared by:

ALS Mobile Teacher

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