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Cac cym tir how ich trong bai vit thu informal va formal Thu informal 1. Chao héi dear. Hi... 2. Gidi thigu ~ How are you? / How are things (with you)? / Hows it going? / How's ife? (Dao nay ban thé nao?) ~ I hope you're fine. / | hope you and your family are well. (Tdi hy vong ban/ gia dinh ban én) 3. Viétly do ~ I'm Gust) writing to let you know about (disappointing news) (i do): Tl viét thu nay d& cho ban biét ve mt tin dang thét vong = I'm writing to tell you about (disappointing news): Toi viét thy nay 48 ndi véi ban ve = _|'am writing this email to share (unpleasant news) with you: Toi vit thy nay d8 chia sé tin chan pho voi ban (Cum tir hou ich: = _ Disappointing news (Mét tn aang tht vong), unacceptable news (Mot tn Khéng thé chp nan nd), unpleasant news (Mot tin gay kh chiu), bad news (Mottin xéu) + Bod news! joyful news! pleasant news (Méttin tt) 4. Nhdc aén mot tin t6¢/ xdu TMRRMERAE dle hues Ald Did you know/ hear that + reason: Ban c6 biét la. (Cym tir hou ich: next month membership fees of my book club will go up by 20% .. Mr David Price is not going to our (club meeting) on September 5. Bay td sythdtvong tie devirh de fd helene i {in very disappointed dissatisied discontented frustrated to earn about the news. ilu 4 ‘Im shocked/ angry/ furious when | heard about the news. ‘What an inconvenience! (Sao bat tign thé!) ‘How frustrating! (That dng thdt ven!) What a rip-off (®t qua ail) How do they expect us to pay so much? (Ho nght gi ma cho rng ching ta $6 tré nhidu tién nur thé) Voi bai yéu cu tang phi clb, 6. Hanh dong vite grr dl ‘ 1m going to write a complaint letter to the manager! im going to call them tonight and talk about it 7. Cat két Well, time to go/ Got to go now! (Thai to phai arbi) Look after yourself! (Git gin sic khde nhé) Drop me aline soon! Make sure you write back soon. (Nhé viét thu som cho 16) ‘Well its time to say goodbye (én Ide te phi ai ri) . 8. Ky ten Your friend (Ban ca cau) Best wishes (Gti cau nhding li chac tét ¢ep) Hugs and hisses (Gm nén that nhiduly Lots of fove (Yeu cau lam Bye for now (Bai bai) How is your new job? Tell me broy sis (Céng vige cia cau thé ndo, vit cho minh nhé) Thu formal 4. Chao hai Dear Siv/ Madam Mr Ms Thura éng ba 2 vibe iy do fagarding |'am writing regarding your letter about + N: Toi viét thy phan hbi bite thy ca ban v8 {am wrting this email to express my feeings about + N: Toi vit thu 48 bay t8 cém gidc eda minh vb ‘Vm writing to complain about + N: T8i viét thu phan nan v8 (Cum tir hibu ich: the cancellation ofthe yoga event (viéc sy kin yoga bi hoén) \ Me absence J MA Dancl Puce CM vag mat g a ; @ Tecent change of the membership fees. (Sy thay déi vé phi clb) & Ar #6 the late shipment ef my computer (may tinh ship muén) fy ; 1 ( 3. Dién giai lai ly lo According tothe news, .. (paraphrase db ba) (uy 98 ngbinBu Cdn) fd « tng Adib, chal “lin nha > Ba = Accoulin, meus” ne a aa Gti BE Heer in Adj 2d = Cem xu ~ Honest), | fee! frustrated Mssatisfied discontented to hear the news. ~ Tobe honest, | feel disappointed about the way you manage the club and a bit shocked to hear the price. (bai tang phi) ~ _Itwas so disappointing) frustrating to hear the news. 5. NOIly do Because | want to meet him and also have prepared several questions to ask him. (bai vdng mat) | spent the whole week for it. | have been looking forward to meeting him for a long time (bai vng matt) Because many members have been waiting for this event for months and now this happens (bai vang mat) ‘As a student like most members in our book club, we do not have much money to pay for that. (Bai tng phi) eet that the members pinion wee et tten ie aczun when making his decison. a ng PMG) fay t 6. Duara loi ggiy I would recommend that you should ... (Tdi ggi ¥ ban nén...) I would be grateful if you could... (Ti sé rat biét on néu ban c6 thé...) I think you should consider + Ving (T6i nghi ban cé thé xem xét) Another solution! altemative is to... (MOt céch giai quyét khac la nén ...) ~ khi mudn dura ra nhidu hon 1 181 i Ke nin vill Besides, you could ... (Bén canhd6, ban céthé...) Can > eould | want > woud Gife 1 7. Cum tirhau ich | think you should consider raising membership fee only by 5% (not 20%) (tang phi) | would be grateful if you could ‘anes tne ‘meeting, so that Mr. A can come and join us. (ving mat) Ce ors sui ima haiatoey to MNIRNNE (ea m49 Agp ewe | baleVe that a lt of members as the same question as me. (Tdi tin rng ahidu than vién elb cing c6 eau rnhu 18). howe @ wir chin a cheat 8 Cai két 4 | would be grateful if you could look into the matter. (Ti sé rdt biét on néu ban c6 thé xem xét van a nay) | hope that you consider my suggestions (Hy vong ban xem xét d& nghj cla t6i) | look forward to your prompt reply. (Che hdi am cia ban) Looking forward to hearing from you soon if my request/ recommendation is acceptable. (TOi che héi am cua ban xem yéu cdul gol 7 cia tai ob dug chép thuan khéng) 9. Kyten Yours sincerely Best regards ‘Your faithfully ‘TEST I: TRAVEL CLUB (edu ge b du leh) PART 2: You are a member of the travel club Fill inthe form. Write ia sentences. Use 20 ~ 30 words. You have 7 minutes in total. Please write some reasons why you are interested in travel. ((vidt i do ti sao ban thich i du ich) ike travelling because I feel not only happy but also comfortable PARTS: You are a member ofa tavel club, You ae talking o some other members in the travel elub chat room, Tall to them using sentenees. Use 30 ~ 40 words per answer. You have 10 minutes in tual. (ri loi 3 cat hdi cia 3 gui) ofcourse I will make a lot of new friends. ‘Sam: Hit Welcome othe club. Can you remember the first time you went on a journey by yourself? What was it like? (chao mimg ban dén véielb, ban o6 nhs ln du tién di du ich 1 minh? Ban 43 thich né ntn? Hi Sam, I'm happy to become a member ofthe club. Sure. remember th Fist ime I went on a journey, it was when was sateen years ol. went to Ha Long Bay. I loved it so much. It has a breathtaking view (one of 7 wonders in the world). And I met a lot of new frends from many countries inthe world. Miguel: Welcome! What are the most intersting places to vii in your county? (nog dia ‘muro ban Ia gi?) ‘The most interesting places to visit in my country are Ha Long, Bay, Ho Chi Minh City, Sword lake and Sam Son beach. but [love Ha Long bay the most because it isso beau, Michele: What isthe most exciting journey you've been on? (cu hinh inh th v mht ba byl gi? ‘My most exciting journey is travelling alone in Bali, Indonesia after I graduated. I stayed with one local woman and went around the island by motorbike. I fel really satisfied. iém ma ban thich nbét 6 dit PART 4: Youare a member of the travel club, You received this email from the club, Dear Members, We are writing to tell you that the famous travel writer Mr. David Price will unfortunately not be able to atend our next lub meeting, Although Mr. Price will ot be thereto sign eopies of his new book Around the World in Eighty Way’ wg tie ti = Ee L jon Englis Course at Amicecan Pam Colsr— Agi. 2% shudysngy per 2 _mmmifis 1 you guid the conse echue and _usygue —_ —1 Wate ee fe Wait ahout_youn eels and _cecemannce tw tons AY words You howe 0 mans Yow be Lull at touse alfa cpeakag Cte bul tn dhe Hayat coe’ dinage the tur te abtid thie towse Waite aben, oe 2 yaw yolgs+ Abu dition why you onn't Attend and whet you vwmnuld Daw Ni er Fave] takin pou sin the fix English Couse al Amicon Dicom Contr jer Studyung. yoa_o_monffs , 2 gun thi Conse eyectioe a uiegul De 3 fe vant] Ao fe polis bis Bnofisls conse 2 wil supe mst. next mail — (= pautrpate aoe thou, Dama shident at AE Drom wAtbiig this tui that f wil nol be abe de atind the tow ¢ a is ia “Lh an Prgisfk tonse of youn Gals. but ww Ae ou! F tent nee the une becuse 2 wll ita a y b he ve sul be vey ut thy gure te” ee 4 7 q ww A _ 2 = re : Sh ) thevy ot — ge vold lee you a te vol Hf ak yet ETD my sald” sng ho é ti a A ovat tan abn aon, ow aul (tun e a} el tanh ‘ew jee plated the bts ka toon you HB onda fice x satgad hamye 4 Wale Jannat you puinct White abel yen al What you Wadd Like te de White about wor 2 Ot [anal liek fafa nd — mabe aw | appt Saha heme Wie LB A uaid, Oran Ny There oe Aonbing a tall unl om Wall» a” Mon, pends ee (Mw qermal ee de (ay tr fin Lam. a iftdental_ MEL La “about fuseeaaninge Al Wale eG ham 4 Tat hans tow sal mony 1 stuould poy 4 Tilda" Pais cc 08 + SuPermark : : ee cadd (ti adt_ bet oni semana oie Lincs 's salen (ni Kel cao a C f wou 0) bs Pe} —beeke—sutay — manta Ase, because Capi sacks fan che)» li wild tke tr dint ane TP you howe ©) splat sche ipl. Yow au anumiza of dhe beck club — peter moi well no _dimger fable tv confine ea _paublems with, du, _ fh wail 4: sail ep yo le ames Pewee, pla sxpect Wal you pls is pe gto eget — > Waite a = pth cus eT MK bi _able ty continue then gyro ery eons Yn_gonig tv call thum tomght curd. fat abrut it wal d's You qv i ten | ont yr bruh “ay Aura. 2304 goed bye _— peg Dea 8 enn My ‘nav is then tha Tom warping. dfs tuna teen brn clas unde ei Suggests ae geumablauata’s dal Pat pl op fanaa ane re Servier mbobeas must woit 4-6. tee Rr Mambs lle oa dal i ema yk suey F a 4 brook aw [Bimal alia Suggs oat you hcl hacy wa roth gametes li eras owas | Scene (ing aoa Baal, AR ete oe gor geal Demy Sie | —— | a P Arowe_ben «book sl trumbxa nce 2015 fam watig— thus _tenoul _2xpauss my _disa-pporatmeal tying Camenltation of ste Anaf_praugram aa a you alixnahes Te be hduat yf gal dna pprunbid becouic the qua beck s pauganin Was — V fae tun wattage Jor Raneellid | } sti veces qua agsutis de ae thus lappa. ‘Thurequ l. T Afi You Shand. fk as palated te Hus fob Courg ap fy de fic the va nay 2 — Ants option +5 fe dolivin put tht ay 4 4 month 8 Abs wall raduce ha _ai a a g f _ fang Jd th tak ye uae at cua Mest towcwienfe gf My tonnondahion aug Ya wept : _ thot - + ' hh Me jam Jon wl fleco gets wull_ ge up by Wetiep hited Po eet a it ay - merge ils. ob and a tal shuckad fe daa die pss student Hide ames tmombess ui cu bore clu we cle nel have msiclr Taw pin feted ty Mfrs pachbor Coung cap ff de fp Lh ole whi nay). Finotlas | opine 45 fi tomindin Auusunge inumberstup gees cally bry. Ser C0 {i ?t Aech_joawond tt tieaig sins ysis 44 ny —sccommendahors | deapioble 1 nol 1 A yanatente _anctfs perks coh ome fh ¢ 7 five you Gorn (eon perdi 3 . LA lap estel cl bs oberg Y yeu y / poaposal Ly 3 { torn = | here repO Rkimién| ere Opp ed ters, ( 20- 30 words) art 2: Please write some reasons why you are interested in compu al ‘around. Tuse t ident in my study. _ io help mé tually becoming more independent xplore the world ‘Computers are to sat Part 3. Ina computer club chat room. What do you use your computer for? a kes, movies Well, | utilize my computer to download and store @ huge collection of F not to say a and programs on my school subjects. It’s a really wonderful machine. magical one, >. Can you remember the frst eomputer you used? What was it like? after q To tell the truth, my first computer was stolen couldn't remember much about it except it was one of the small blai <— What would you like to learn from computer club? Qh, for me its always rewarding to know how to restore a broken unit in my. ise 1 that, the computer club offers a friendly atmosphere for learning exchanging information and ideas. Part 4: Computer Club ‘You are a member of a computer club. You received this e-mail from the club: Dear Member, We are writing tell you that the, famous expert, Ms Tasmeen Mohammed will unfortunately not be able to give a talk at our next club meeting club due to personal Teasons. She has requested we reschedule the talk for next year in either January or March. Please contact the club secretary if you have a preference for one of the two months. Our meeting will take place as usual with a discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of learning on the Internet. Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you are planning to do. Write about 50 wors. You have 10 minutes. Hey Sally, Did you get the email from the club about the delay of our next club meeting due to Ms Tasmeen’s absence? Oh, I’m over the moon! You know, we’re terribly busy with a ton of our class exercise. Anyway, we should join the next discussion in either Jan or March. Love, b. Write about your feelings and whay "You have 20 minutes. Write an e-mail to the secretary of the clu! Would you like to do. Write 120-150 words. Dear Sit/ Madam, er since 2010. I am My name is Linda Bria Lemire and I have been a computer ding the cancellation of the writing this email to express my deepest disappointment ita amed. 4 eds i following club appointment due to the absence fhe Tass have to go on MY Se any Taiwan from January to May in the following year. Therefore, will club appointment ically despite any Furthermore, you he hat our schedule would not change dramatically desP! = hoa cath, ‘ensure our plan It would be grateful if you could sparsilidé Ms Tasmeen to attend 10 ¢ rhe occurring as usual. If not, you should invite another famous computer eXP' fone, ook forward oresiving your responsi msonaensons erable Yours faithfully, Linda Bria Lemire

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