SIMAK KKI BIOLOGI 2016 - Nadira Fitria Adzani

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With Kensha
1) If the picture above was taken from the x-
section of a roundworm, which feature of
roundworm is illustrated in the picture?
A. Pseudocoelom

B. Flame-cells

C. Nervous system

D. Circulatory system

E. Nephridia


- Simetri bilateral

- Ekskresi tubular

- Kutikula sebuah

- Pseudocoelom
2) During transcription, which enzyme moves
along the exposed strands and adds
complimentary nucleotides?
A. Helicase

B. DNA Polymerase

C. RNA Polymerase

D. Ligase

E. Topoisomerase

1) Diputus ikatannya oleh helikase/enzim restriksi.

2) DNA Polimerase -> bikin untaian baru membuka


3) Ligase -> nyambungin.

[] RNA Polymerase
Enzim yang membantu mempercepat proses pembentukan RNA.

Main enzyme in transcription, which uses a single-stranded DNA

template to synthesize a complementary strand of RNA.

RNA Polymerase ngebentuk strand di arah 5' to 3', nambahin

nukleotida to the 3' strand.

[] Topoisomerase
Mengurangi tegangan untaian DNA.
3) In which of the following taxa does the mature
sporophyte depend completely on the
gametophyte for nutrition?
A. Fern

B. Bryophyte

C. Equisetum sp.

D. Cycas rumphii

E. Gnetum gnemon

Sporofit harus membutuhkan gametofit yang udah

established sebelumnya.

- Fase dominan: gametofit

Lumut (Bryophyta) -> Fase dominan: gametofit.

Paku (Pteridophyta) -> Fase dominan: sporofit.
4) The Hardy-Weinberg principle can not apply on
A. There are no net mutations that change the allele


B. Individuals do not migrate between populations.

C. Mating is random in the population.

D. Natural selection occurs.

E. The population is large.

Hukum Hardy-Weinberg
Populasi besar.

Perkawinan acak.

Semua genotif viabilitas dan fertilitasnya sama.

Tidak boleh ada: seleksi, mutasi, dan migrasi

(populasi HARUS tertutup).

5) What is the function of trichomes?
A. To generate secretory products to cause sting.

B. To provide nutrition.

C. To increase water loss from the epidermis.

D. To produce attracting/alluring glucose.

E. To increase herbivory.
6) What is the name of interaction, if two species
of birds may fight over the tree holes that they
both use as nest sites?
A. Interference competition

B. Physical competition

C. Unstable competition

D. Exploitation competition

E. Mutualism


Interference competition: kaya ibu-ibu. Ada

sumber daya yang banyak, tapi pada rebutan

sumber dayanya gitu.

Physical competition: berantem fisik.

Unstable competition: intraspesies.

Exploitation competition: yang direbutin cuma


Mutualism: menguntungkan kedua pihak.

7) Which term below refers to symbiotic
relationships that involve fungi living between the
cells in plant leaves?
A. Pathogens

B. Endosymbioses

C. Endophytes

D. Lichens

E. Mycorrhizae


Pathogens artinya penyakit.

Endosymbioses: mitokondria dan kloroplas masuk

ke dalam sel.

Endophytes: jamur di batang -> bisa menjadi


Lichens: penggabungan jamur dan alga.

Mycorrhizae: di akar, membantu penyerapan

8) When iodine solution is used to stain a cell in
the laboratory, which cell structure is most
readily seen?
A. Vacuole

B. Cytoplasm

C. Golgi complex

D. Lysosome

E. Nucleus

Iodin bakal ngewarnain starch/pati amilum sampai

menjadi warna kehitaman.

Kalo udah masuk sel, secara khusus akan mewarnai

9) Which of the followings uses light energy to
generate ATP, do not release oxygen?
A. Photoautotrophs

B. Photoheterotrophs

C. Chemoautotrophs -> chemical

D. Chemoheterotrophs that perform decomposition

E. Parasitic chemoheterotrophs

Fototrofi -> sumber energi cahaya.

Fotoautotrof -> sumber karbon: udara (CO2)

CO2 -> C6H12O6

Fotoheterotrof -> sumber karbon: materi organik kompleks

C6H12O6 -> CO2

A genomic library can be made using a restriction enzyme and DNA
ligase only.


cDNA library requires both of these as well as reverse

transcriptase and DNA polymerase.

1) Proses 1

Genom (target) -> E. restriksi (potong) -> plasmid + ligase (sambung)

2) Proses 2

RNA transkriptom (target) -> transkrip balik (RNA -> cDNA) -> E.
restriksi (potong) -> plasmid ligase (sambung)
Seed production by apomixis is a form of sexual reproduction.


There is fusion of gametes, the embryo is virtually genetically

identical to the maternal genotype.
Yang sexual adalah peleburan inti jantan dan

generatif ovum. Sedangkan, apomixis ini asexual dan

tidak normal.

Kalau ada gamet berfusi, tidak selalu identik dengan

genotipe maternal.
Inti generatif I + ovum + zigot -> embrio 2n

Inti generatif II + IKLS -> endosperma

1) Apogami: Inti generatif + sinergid -> embrio 2n

antopoda -> embrio 2n

2) Partenogenesis: Ovum -> embrio n (haploid)


3) Embrioni: Sel nukleus -> embrio 2n

Sifatnya adventif, tidak berada di lokasi seharusnya.

Cats can survive falls better than humans.


Cats benefit from their apparent ability to prepare for landing on

all four feet.
Kalo kucing jatoh, dia badannya langsung ngeflip

gitu. Jadi, energi dia ada yang terdispersi sehingga

mengurangi bahkan meniadakan cedera saat

terjatuh dari tempat tinggi.

Makanya dijuluki kucing nyawa ada tujuh.

13) Which of the following is TRUE of homologous
(1) They are usually the same size and shape.

(2) They are inherited from different parents.

(3) They contain the same set of genes.

(4) They contain identical DNA sequences.

Yang beda itu adalah proses epigenetiknya.

Kromosom homolog dibentuk untuk persilangan

atau crossing over. Agar terbentuk satu set genes

yang sama, namun dengan alel yang berbeda

(bisa dominan/resesif).

Same set of genes itu maksudnya satu set dari

bapak, satu dari ibu.

14) Plants has a unique photosynthetic pigment.
The leaves of this plant appear to be reddish
yellow. What colors of visible light are being
absorbed by this pigment?
(1) Red

(2) Blue

(3) Green

(4) Violet
15) Choose characteristics of the muscle tissue below:
(1) Located in walls of heart

(2) Involuntary

(3) One or two nuclei per fiber

(4) Resistance to fatigue is least

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