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Guide to install

Download links and requirements

Game (any of the two links):
knA (password (I recommend this because there isn’t problem
with mega download limit)
Sega Tools V.04:
This tool will be used to configure the game
Node js
Guide to install it, this is required to run Minime V16
Minime V16
Page to patch the game
Extra Content
*The next links are for ipad or Tablet and chunihands*
Pc controller: (I recommend v.03,only for brokenithm-
(brokenithm evolved, WebSocket method for any touch device) Tools\ Brokenithm-
(brokenithm for android, with apk include)
Tools\ Brokenithm Controller Android
Apps for touch devices:
Extra guides:
Try to read this carefully, these games are difficult to patch and many errors usually
appear, in case you need help, contact at .
Search for Shinrin Ouja Moriking#5709
This guide is upgradeable, if you find an error or dead lnk, please report it.
Set up

1. Extract the game into any folder of your liking

In my case: D: \ Games \ Chunithm Crystal, it may be that in the mega link
the path is like this Chunithm \ SDBT_1.40.00, the last two are the same.
2. Extract sega tools in Chunithm Crystal \ Chunithm Crystal \ app \ bin, we
will choose the one called chuni and it should be this
3. Extract minime V016

4. Install node.js, without it we will not be able to continue

5. Extract content, it is optional, but this will include many things, download
those that you consider less tools, in the Chunithm Crystal \ Chunithm
Crystal \ app \ data folder
6. Patch the game, visit and
drag your chuniApp.exe which is in Chunithm Crystal \ Chunithm Crystal \
app \ bin, I recommend this configuration, download the file and replace it
in \ Chunithm Crystal \ Chunithm Crystal \ app \ bin
7. It’s time to configure the Sega tools, so we proceed to open segatools.ini

I leave the routes for the [vfs] section so that they can be based on what
to put as routes, in appdata a new folder must be created.

For the part of the dns and the keychip, because of the patch that we
already made, you can leave it like this, but you can still try putting your
ip, I recommend this guide:
and in key chip the only thing we would have to do is use the same ip but
replace the last two digits with .1.0, here is an example
*If you do not feel secure, leave the data that was already in the segatools.ini*

8. We put inject.exe that can be run as administrator

Let's not forget to put apply
9. Now it remains to open the minime start.bat as administrator, so that it
installs some things

After everything has been installed successfully, we close the window.

For now, the game is available, what we will do now is open it just to configure it, we
will execute the start.bat that is in
Chunithm Crystal \ Chunithm Crystal \ app \ bin

Loading times may be delayed, if you notice that in 10 min you do not continue
to communicate with the author of the guide,
To navigate use the keys 2 or s and 1 is to enter the options in them select
Press 1 until Off comes out and we change the number from 60 to 99
After configuring it will ask us to restart, with that ready we can play, those who will
play with the keyboard all they need is to open minime v16 as normal user in the
start.bat and l the star.bat of the folder bin.
1 - test
2- service
External Controllers
All drivers have a file called chuniio.dll, which will be replaced in Chunithm Crystal \
Chunithm Crystal \ app \ bin

Now with replacing that, it only remains to open the exe of each of the apps, which
already bring instructions, in the case of chunihands it is without chunio it is only to
execute the exe.
For the websocket method, it is only to put one of the links on our device

Common Iusses

This happens when the segatools is incorrectly configured, you haven’t accepted
the firewall or the error I had is that I did not set the inject.exe as administrator.
This only happens when while loading the game in the configuration menu, check if
in chunihands all the sensor is red, in case they are not and you move your hand
and it remains green, press the reset button in chunihands.
When completing this, this window will appear in the menu and we will press enter
to simulate the card entry.
Always remember to open minime not as administrator before playing to be able to
use data saving.

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