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After reurbanisation

 According to this cyclical model of urbanisation, reurbanisation will be succeeded by a second cycle, i.e.
 However, by the end of the 1990s, there was no major city in the world that had started such a second
cycle of urbanisation.

How does the internal structure of Hong Kong change as it grows?
The Central Business District (CBD) of Hong Kong is located at Central District.
CBD Characteristics:
- __________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________
Changes: _______________________________________________________

 This refers to old urban areas adjacent to the CBD.

Inner city  Characteristics:
- __________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________
 Changes:
- __________________________________________________________
Due to ___________ factors in these areas, ___________ people and
___________ order activities move out, whilst ___________ people and
___________ order activities move in. ___________________ occurs.
 Examples: Yau Ma Tei, Sheung Wan, Wan Chai

 Major locations:
Industrial land use - Tai Kok Tsui, San Po Kong, Kwun Tong, Tsing Yi, Tuen Mun
 Changes:
- Before the 1980s: ______________________
- Since the 1980s: ______________________, because of the
_________________________________ from Hong Kong to the mainland
of China
How do the urban areas of Hong Kong change as it grows?

Ways of expanding urban areas

- By vertical expansion
- For example, constructing high-
rise buildings
- By taking up rural areas
- For example, developing new
towns in the New Territories

- By reclamation

- By urban renewal/redevelopment
- Rebuild low-rise, old buildings with
taller ones to increase land supply in
urban areas
What are the processes involved in such changes?

Rural areas Main urban areas

 This process leads to the expansion of a city.
 Situation in Hong Kong : Active period: early 1970s and before 1970s
Intensification in urban areas
Outward expansion of urban areas; leading to the development of New Kowloon.
Leading factors: rural-urban migration, migrants from the mainland
high birth rate and high natural increase rate

Process: Process:

Suburbs Main urban areas

Suburbs/Rural Main urban areas
and small urban areas
This process leads to the revival of a city. This process leads to the expansion of a city.
Situation in Hong Kong: Happens since the 1990s It turns rural areas at city fringe into suburbs.
Mainly richer people moving back to the old urban Many people living in the suburbs work in the main urban areas.
areas. Situation in Hong Kong: Active period: 1970s–1990s
Leading factors (tick ‘’ the correct answers): Leading factors (tick ‘’ the correct answers):
Redevelopment in the inner city Urban decay in the inner city
Central location of the inner city Lower land prices in the suburbs
Well-developed infrastructure More jobs in the suburbs
Lower land prices in the inner city Improvements in transport networks
The scale is small.


Rural/Small urban areas Suburbs Main urban areas

This process results in the decrease in the attractiveness of the city. Many people living in the small urban areas work in
the small urban areas.
Leading factors:
- Push factors in the city and pull factors in the rural/small urban areas.
- Advancements in communication technology allow people to work at home.
This process is more common in cities of more developed countries
Hong Kong has not experienced this process because Hong Kong is a small area.

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