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Posted ByRita Zhang

The Level 6 HSK exam includes writing, reading, and listening sections. Pinyin does
not accompany the characters in the test. Students may take the test online or
they may opt for the handwritten version. Prior to beginning to study for this
exam, you should have an understanding of the rules and test format of the Level
6 HSK exam; these are described in the next paragraph.

Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level VI) can easily comprehend written
and spoken information in Chinese and can effectively express themselves in
Chinese, both orally and on paper. Test takers will acquire over 5000 Chinese
characters and master HSK Level 6 related grammar.

Content and Duration of the Level 6 HSK Exam

HSK (Level VI) test is made up of listening comprehension, reading comprehension
and writing sections and contains 101 items.
The test will last for 140 minutes in total (including 5 minutes in which test takers
fill in personal information).

Test Structure for HSK (Level VI)

1. Listening

Part I contains 15 items. Test takers will listen to each item only once. For each
item, test takers will listen to a short paragraph. 4 options are given on the test
paper and test takers should select the option corresponding with what he/she
has heard.
Part II contains 15 items. Test takers will listen to each item only once. Test takers
will listen to three interviews, each with 5 questions. For each question, 4 options
are given on the test paper and test takers should select the right answer based
on what he/she has heard.
Part III contains 20 items. Test takers will listen to each item only once. Test
takers will listen to several paragraphs, each with several questions. For each
question, 4 options are given on the test paper and test takers should select the
right answer based on what he/she has heard.

2. Reading

Part I contains 10 items. For each item, 4 sentences are given and test takers is
required to pick out the one with faulty wording or formulation.
Part II contains 10 items. For each item, a short paragraph is given with 3 to 5
blanks. For each blank, test takers should select the best answer from the 4
options based on the context.
Part III contains 10 items. Two passages are given, each with 5 blanks. For each
blank, test takers should select the right sentence from the 5 options given based
on the context.
Part IV contains 20 items. Several passages are given, each with several
questions, and test takers should select the right answer from the 4 options for
each question.
3. Writing
Test takers should first read a narrative passage of about 1,000 Chinese
characters in 10 minutes, and then condense the passage to a shorter one of
about 400 Chinese characters in 35 minutes. The subject is undefined and up to
the test-takers. Test-takers are only required to retell the content of the passage
and his/her own opinions are not necessary.

Suggestions for Studying for the Level 6 HSK Exam

1. Grammar and Vocabulary. You need to understand over 5,000 Chinese
characters at this level and master the grammar that will be on the Level 6 HSK
exam. There are several learning tools you can use to build your
vocabulary. Skritter is an excellent app for learning to write Chinese characters.
The entire HSK vocabulary list is available on Nuli! and so you don’t even need to
type or download anything. It’s quick, simple, and efficient!
Grammar books will help you with the exam; for example, you may purchase 《汉
语近义词学习手册》, which gives you great examples, or 《21 天征服新 HSK 高
级语法》, which teaches you common synonyms. Both learning materials have
explanations in English and Chinese.
2. The Listening Portion. In the listening portion of the Level 6 HSK exam, there is
a lot of information found within each question, so you need to focus intently
when you are listening to the audio. Take notes while you listen, making sure to
write down any key words that will aid you in choosing the correct answer
quickly. Continue listening to Chinesepod and/or Chinese radio in your free time
every day to boost your listening skills. And, of course, you should listen to the
materials of the official mock paper repeatedly until you have no doubt of the
meaning of the audio.
3. The Reading Portion. To review what you have already learned, read the
Graded Chinese Reader 2. Then being reading books that were written for native
speakers of Chinese, particularly Chinese idiom stories and Classic literature. The
abridged Chinese Classic literature 《西游记》《三国演义》 is also helpful. For
students who enjoy documentaries, you can check out 《舌尖上上的中国》. The
narrators use standard Chinese and speak clearly at a medium speed, and you can
read the subtitles and learn new vocabulary words.
Hint: Keep track of the time while completing the reading portion of the exam.
Attempt to finish the entire portion with three to five minutes to spare, since the
extra time will allow you to double-check your work.
4. The Writing Portion. You will be given a text to read that has 1,000 characters.
After ten minutes, you will have to summarize it in 400 characters (the text will be
taken away). You must be able to type or write characters by hand, as well as
focus well on the events that occur in the story so that you will remember it all.
This degree of mastery requires that you spend time writing in a Chinese journal
or composing emails that you send to your Chinese friends and/or teacher. Ask
them to let you know if you used any expressions incorrectly. As you improve, you
should increase the length of the material you write and incorporate different
phrases and expressions. Then, you will be confident when you’re ready for the
HSK exam.
Learning is continual. The HSK exam is there to “promote learning through
testing.” Regardless of what level you are at, continue learning Chinese; that
sensation of pride and accomplishment is priceless.

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