Grade 1

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Grade 1

Little Champs

your Genius at
Program Overview
Kids are naturally inclined towards anything joyful and fun. Enable
them explore their hidden potential through our diverse
multidisciplinary live fun-based programs.

At BrightChamps, we adopt a unique fun based approach so that

learning becomes play, which allows kids to explore their passion and
discover their hidden talents. Our curriculum covers the entire
spectrum in a playful way, from coding to design thinking, modern
tools like AR & VR, to Robotics and IoT and the next generation rage, like
artificial intelligence and machine learning.

A BrightChamps kid will discover and develop his interests to the

maximum potential through our meticulously crafted programs. The
skills are supplementary as well as complimentary to the school
curriculum via our personal learning as well as group learning, which
also makes them perform better in their regular curriculum.

Our methodology enables them to grasp Science & Maths concepts by

coding, visualizations and animations. We offer a unique curriculum
which is meant to inculcate new age skills in your kids to make them
poised for success and encourage them to take on challenges. Their
fundamental relationship to technology changes from being a
consumer to a creator.

All courses have been crafted meticulously by IIT, IIM graduates and
ISRO scientists in collaboration with MIT & Stanford.
The 5 Pillars Of Our Curriculum
The curriculum is designed to bring out the genius in your child. We
offer an all-encompassing technology curriculum for kids, covering
coding foundation to scientific exploration, and design thinking to
robotics. It is also the only platform to provide specific teaching
expertise for different faculties of technology.


Team Technology
Work Social Foundation Creative
Collaboration (TECHIZENS)

Advanced Scientific
Tech Exploration
Course Module

Coding Fundamentals
20 classes

Mobile App Development

10 Classes

Mobile App Development II

20 Classes

Game Development
8 Classes

Scientific Exploration
8 Classes

3D Modelling
16 Classes
Advanced Tech

12 Classes

Design Thinking NOIPMAHC

6 Classes

18 Classes

Codi Math
18 Classes

14 Classes
Your Kid’s Journey to become
Technology Creator & Mathematics
First Hands On App Development
Coding Certificate
1 - 20 21-50
Classes Classes


19 Projects Coding 28 Projects App

Foundation Development

Scientific Exploration Your First Game

Certificate 59-66 Developed 51-58
Classes Classes

4 Projects Scientific 8 Projects Game

Exploration Development

3-Dimensional AR/VR
67-82 Models Created 83-94 Certificate
Classes Classes


16 Projects 3D 12 Projects
Modelling AR/VR

HTML-CSS Your First Logo

Certificate 101-118 Design 95-100
Classes Classes

3 Projects 6 Projects Design

HTML-CSS Thinking

First Code To Maestro
119-136 Solve Maths 137-150
Classes Classes

16 Projects 14 Projects
Codi Math Microbit
Module Coding
(1 - 20 Classes)

1 Provides basic understanding of coding and

develops skills to solve problems

2 Apart from coding skills, it will also boost the

learning capabilities by encouraging students to
inhibit the habit of tackling with logical thinking.

3 This module covers the fundamentals of coding

such as loops, functions, logical and arithmetic
operations and many more.

20 19 11
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

Coding Introduction, programming &

1 Geometric Shapes

2 Alice in Wonderland Sequence & Algorithm

dna gnimmargorP kcolB ot noitcudortnI
3 Photo frame of your family Debugging
seigolonhcet gnimmargorp

4 Patterns made easy Loops: Repeat & Nested Repeat

Events, IPO, Introduction to Play lab

5 Catch the Bird Flying
Story creation

6 Angry RoboCop Conditionals

7 Flappy Bird Variables, Flappy Bird

8 Happy Feet Dance Party Checkpoint-1

9 Types of Loops While and Repeat Until Loops

10 Minecraft Hero Functions & IPO concept

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

11 Princess & the Frog Story Intro to Sprite Lab, Event Handling

12 Continents Custom Behaviour

dna gnimmargorP kcolB ot noitcudortnI

13 Water Cycle Sprite Lab Insights

seigolonhcet gnimmargorp
14 Wizard App Events, Variables

15 Car Game Switch Cases

16 Ship Game Sound , Algorithm of Navigation

17 Sunrise Sunset Game lab Introduction

18 Cake Defender Functions, Controls

19 Help the Duckies- Part-1 Game lab -2 Variables control

20 Help the Duckies- Part -2 Game lab -3 Variables

Coding Fundamentals
Module Mobile App
(21 - 50 Classes)

1 Mobile application development and its

understanding is very crucial, which this
module deals with from the very beginning.

2 Students will be able to develop mobile

applications that can be used in real devices.

3 The game development in this module provides

an opportunity for students to learn how different
hardware and software work together.

30 28 16
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

21 My Rainbow Screen RGB Color codes

22 Debugging Questionnaire Screen addition with text input element

23 Guess the Movie Text +Image Horizontal alignment

dna dnetnorf fo slatnemadnuf gnihcaeT

24 Equation Calculator Arithmetic rules

tnempoleved ppa fo dnekcab

25 Series Generation Global & Local variable Increment.

26 Customized Colorful Snowflake User Interrupt, Functions

27 Translator App Text to Speech

28 Quiz with Lifeline (50:50) Show & Hide Randomization

29 Call Your Superhero Checkpoint-1

30 Multi Screen Number Lock App Screen Navigation

31 Picture Diary with Lock App Record Creation

32 Shopping Store User Interface

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects
Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

33 Party Planner App Application of Screen Navigation

34 Covid Guidelines App Checkpoint-2

35 Clicker & Flicker game Function & UI Control

36 Odd one Out game UI Control blocks

37 The Correct Sequence Coordinates

tnempoleved ppa fo dnekcab dna dnetnorf fo slatnemadnuf gnihcaeT

38 Shapes around you Introduction to Turtle

39 Create a Greenhouse Application of Turtle

40 2 -level Maze Mouse Movement

41 Maze of Hurdles with Timer Mouse Movement +Variables

42 Rock Paper Scissor Functions

43 Hat Cat Superman Nested Functions

44 Set your Text Dropdown, Fonts & text form

45 Rental Application Dropdown

46 Party Planner App Arrays

47 Rainbow Creation Application of Arrays

48 My Health Report Read & Retrieve Record

49 Helper App Application of Record & Retrieve

50 Culmination Project Final Checkpoint

Mobile App Development

Module Game
(51 - 58 Classes)

1 Game development module will help

students to learn how to create dynamic
games in Scratch.

2 Students will be introduced to developing games

on Scratch using the concepts learned in coding

8 8 6
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

51 Universal Tour Introduction to Oops concepts - scratch

yb stpecnoC sPOO fo slatnemadnuF

.gnidoc fo level cisab otni gnippets
52 My Music Band Events & Encapsulation

53 Star Runner Pen Extension & Abstraction

54 Bull’s Eye Cloning & Inheritance

55 Math Race Logical & Mathematical Operators

56 Pokemon Catcher Sensing

57 Hungry Fish Coordinates

58 Dino Jump Motion, IPO, Sensing

Game Development
Module Scientific
(59 - 66 Classes)

1 Scientific Exploration deals with the natural

phenomenon and presents various
understanding with the help of different
visualization, coding and animation tools.

2 Students will be able to understand different physical

aspects in this module at the same time being able
to grasp logical aspects of coding to develop to
present information in a creative manner.

8 4 4
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

59 The Four Seasons(part-1) Seasons & their Animation

.noitamina hguorht ylniam gnidoc

60 The Four Seasons(part-2) Seasons & their Animation

61 How do Plants Grow? (Part-1) Plants Life Cycle and animation fo stpecnoc decnavdA

62 How do Plants Grow? (Part-2) Plants Life Cycle and animation

63 Scientific Facts- Part 1 Reasoning & Animation

64 Scientific Facts- Part 2 Reasoning & Animation

65 States of Matter (Part-1) Matter Properties and Looks

66 States of Matter (Part-2) Matter Properties and Looks

Scientific Exploration
Module 3D Modelling
(67 - 82 Classes)

1 With the hands-on development of different shapes

based on 2D and 3D architecture, this module will
open up the way of thinking and visualising structures.

2 The designing involved in the creation of 3D shapes

and structures will develop an engineered approach
of accepting things.

16 16 11
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

67 Create 2D and 3D shapes Introduction to 2D & 3D shapes

68 Basic Ring & Heart Ring Grouping of 3d objects

gnilledoM & gnipytotorP,gniknihT

69 WIFI signal Application of Grouping

.stcejbo lanoisnemid 3 fo
70 Design a Coffee Mug Vertical Alignment of Objects

Importance of measurements in 2D & 3D

71 Design a Lock shapes.

72 Design a Room Checkpoint-1

73 Design a Fruit Concept of Duplicate Rotation

74 Design the layers of the earth Placement of 3D object inside 3D object

75 Design a Ice Blocker Tray Properties of 3D objects

76 Harry Potter’s Bookmark Checkpoint-2

5 Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects
Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

gnilledoM & gnipytotorP,gniknihT

77 Design a keychain Solid to Hollow Shapes

.stcejbo lanoisnemid 3 fo
78 Wings Angular alignment

79 Parachute Application of angular alignment

80 Hot Air Balloon Streamlined shapes

81 Glider Twisted 3D Object

82 Plane Final Checkpoint

3D Modelling
Module AR/VR
(83 - 94 Classes)

1 From the concept of 3D and Physics to the

design of Augmented & Virtual Reality this
module is well equipped with what it takes to
make learning and creating more logical.

2 Students will be able to enrich their knowledge

with physics, gravity and various movements
which eventually gets converted into an amazing
project to have more fun along with the learning.

12 12 10
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

83 Hogwarts Calling Understanding of 3d environment

84 Camping Time Path Movement

gnilledoM & gnipytotorP,gniknihT

85 Treasure Hunt Run Parallel/ Run Independently

.stcejbo lanoisnemid 3 fo
86 Underwater Aquarium Camera Movement

87 Find the Diamond Functions

88 History of Flights Interstage Transition

89 Smart Society Checkpoint-1

90 Physics Arena Weight & Gravity

91 Space & its Mystery Static & Dynamic Collisions

92 Parkour game Introduction to variables

93 Pick me please Cospace Property/Linear & Angular Velocity

94 Anti Gravity Room Gravity Pull & Lists

Module Design
Thinking ?
(95 - 100 Classes)
1 Design thinking module is designed to make
students learn and adopt design thinking to
enhance user experience.

2 Students will learn different parameters of design

thinking and how to use design thinking framework to
solve problems having a user centric approach.

6 6 5
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects


Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

95 Think out of the Box!! Introduction to Design Thinking

a ni ngised ot desu gnikniht

xob eht fo tuo dna evitaerC

cirtnec resU .yaw tnereffid

96 Stages of Design Thinking Design Thinking Framework

97 5
User Centric approach Empathy, Customized design

98 User Interface (Color Coding) Color Psychology, UI vs UX

99 Improve the Experience Design Heuristics

100 Design using design thinking Stepping into Website Designing

Design Thinking
(101 - 118 Classes)

1 Introduction to HTML and CSS delivers the basic

understanding of how to create a website.

2 This module will focus students to develop various

projects to learn static, dynamic and responsive websites.

3 Students will be able to create dynamic, multiple pages websites.

18 3 16
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

101 My Profile (Part-1) Introduction to Basic HTML tags

More into CSS Styling using “id”

102 My Profile (Part-2) and “Class” attribute

egap elpitlum sa llew sa elgnis etaerc

ot ,stpecnoc ecnavda ot cisab gnisU
103 My Profile (Part -3) Introduction to “id” attribute, Addition of

104 My Profile (Part-4) Adding Images to a Webpage

Adding Images to Website, “Class”

105 My Profile (Part-5) attribute

106 My Profile (Part-6) More on CSS styling using

107 Our Environment (Part-1) Introduction to Lists & Navigation Bar

108 Our Environment (Part-2) Lists, Image tag and Styling

109 Our Environment (Part-3) Multiple Images in a single Row

110 Our Environment (Part-4) Add Table to a the Webpage

5 Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects
Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

111 Our Environment (Part-5) Multi Page Website

egap elpitlum sa llew sa elgnis etaerc

ot ,stpecnoc ecnavda ot cisab gnisU
112 Our Environment (Part-6) Completion of Sub Pages of Website

Gift Shop (Part-1) Section tag, span tag, google fonts, box
sizing property, hex code, flex display

More on flex properties, border and

114 Gift Shop (Part-2)
background styling

115 Gift Shop (Part-3) Text formatting

116 Gift Shop (Part-4) Break tag, display and transition property

117 Gift Shop (Part-5) HTML forms and its properties

118 Gift Shop (Part-6) Footer tag and its properties

Module Codi Math
(119 - 136 Classes)

1 CodiMath module introduces students to

computational thinking.

2 With the help of this module student will learn

mathematical concepts using coding.

3 This module introduces students to apply coding

concepts to create exciting games and projects based
on the mathematical concepts.

18 16 11
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

119 Arithmetic Quiz Odd & Even Numbers, Counting Numbers

ot stpecnoc gnidoc ylppa lliw stnedutS .gnidoc dna

shtam fo dnelb a si eludom sihT .esu lacitcarp otni
meht ylppa dna raf os tnrael stpecnoc eht lla esU
120 Divide & Conquer Division and Multiplication

.tcejorp shtam lufgninaem a ekam

121 Know the Dimensions Length, Width & Height

122 Strongest Tower Most Stable Shape

Number Line, Positive & Negative

123 Walk on a Straight Path Number

124 Guess my Value Roman Numbers

125 Arrange in Perfect Order Ascending & Descending Order

126 Table of your Choice! Variable and its Increment

127 Number War Broadcasting

Crack a Code with List & its manipulation

Atbash Cipher Technique
5 Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects
Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

129 Compare Values Comparison of Numbers

egap elpitlum sa llew sa elgnis etaerc

130 Shapes and Units Shapes, Units and Measurement

ot ,stpecnoc ecnavda ot cisab gnisU

131 What is the Time? Time Measurement

132 Mark your calendar Date, month and year

133 Make a garden Area, perimeter

134 Count your way Skip counting

135 Place and Face value Place value

136 Animate the maths Create an educational video to teach

addition multiplication division and
subtraction. BODMAS

Codi Math
Module Microbit
(137 - 150 Classes)

1 Provides strong understanding of playing with

the simulated environment of Electronics.

2 Students will have fun learning and playing with

LED and different patterns of LEDs.

3 Develops wide range of knowledge in the mindset of

students in terms of sensors and their use to monitor
and control various parameters.

4 This module will develop curiosity among students

to learn more about how electronics work.

14 14 11
Classes Projects Concepts

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

137 Getting Started with Microbit Familiarization with Microbit

tiborciM morftalp eht htiw scinortcelE fo scisaB

138 Escape the Trap LEDs and Coordinates

139 Temperature Alarm Different Temperature & Alerts

140 Dice Game Shake Microbit & Send Data

141 Music with Microbit Playing Music with Buttons

142 Light Sensor Reading the Ambient Light

143 Sound Detector Detect Sound & Display Alert

144 Interacting Microbit Buttons and Logo Touch to Interact

145 Microbit and Math Different Mathematical Operators

146 Microbit Compass Direction with Microbit

Below Is An Indicative List Of The Projects

Activity/Program/App Name
Class No Depending on the learning curve of the child Concepts Focus Areas
the trainer may change the projects

htiw scinortcelE fo scisaB

147 Buttons and Sensors Using Function in Microbit

tiborciM morftalp eht

148 Microbit for Various Roles Using Arrays and Text

149 Different Sensors Together Playing with Multiple Sensors

150 LEDs Pattern with Sensors More on Functions and Arrays


Accelerator Achiever Champion


6 month
6 month
++ DURATION: 1 year +


30 Classes, 2 per week 66 Classes, 2 per week 150 Classes, 2 per week

Build your own app, In addition to previous
Learn Basics of Coding deepen your modules, learn cutting
and take home a fully understanding of maths edge technologies like
functional App too. and science through our AI, ML, Robotics, IoT, AR,
unique scientific VR
exploration programme.
MODULES Gain understanding of MODULES
Coding Fundamentals, Artificial intelligence and 3D Modelling, AR & VR,
Mobile App Development Machine learning Design Thinking, HTML/CSS,
Codi Math, Microbit
Mobile App
Creativity, Decision IMPROVEMENT AREA
Development II, Game
Making, Cognitive Development, Creativity, Critical
Flexibility Scientific Exploration thinking, Coordination
with others, Emotional
Intelligence, Cognitive
Coding Fundamentals, Design thinking,
Mobile App Development Complex problem CERTIFICATIONS
solving, critical thinking, 3D Modelling, AR & VR,
judgement and decision Design Thinking,
making HTML/CSS,
Codi Math, Microbit
Mobile App
Development II, Game
Development, Scientific
Parents’ Endorsements

I was pleasantly surprised to see the
excitement of my 12 year old son
Aaryan, as he completed the first few
classes of BrightChamps. The course is
highly engaging and seems to radically
enhance the new age skills needed for
future success.

House Wife

After reviewing all the options, I
affirmatively selected BrightChamps for
my daughter. It is undoubtedly the
most holistic program, given the unique
curriculum and expertise they offer.

IT Professional
Student Success Stories

Vivaan developed his first

App at Age 7. Don’t Let your
Child Miss Out!

Aanya developed and

published a game on the App
Store at the age of 9

Shreyasi developed an AI
based chat bot at the age of

Everybody should learn to
program a Computer
because it teaches you how
to think

Steve Jobs

Learning to write programs
stretches your mind, and
helps you think better,
creates a way of thinking
about things that I think is
helpful in all domains

Bill Gates
Contact Us
+91 7019528484

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