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4th Sunday of Easter 2020

Today is the 4th Sunday of Easter and it is

commonly known as “Good Shepherd
Sunday,” a day on which the Church recalls the
relationship between God and His people as
described in the image of Shepherd and Sheep.
According to the psalmist we are: “The sheep of
God’s flock.” Jesus is the Good Shepherd.

In the first reading of today, Peter, played his

pastoral role very well. Through the power of the
Holy Spirit, his preaching converted three
thousand persons in one day. Work well with the
Holy Spirit, you become a powerful instrument in
God’s hands. Peter did. So, God gave him an
abundant harvest of souls. You and me can still do

In the second reading, the same Peter reminds us that, a shepherd must endure for the sake of his flocks as Christ
did. He suffered and carried our faults in his own body on the cross.”

In today’s gospel, Christ highlighted the qualities and marks of a good shepherd. First, “he is the one who enters
through the gate.” Second, “his sheep hear his voice, and follow him because, they know his voice.” Thirdly, “he
calls his own sheep, and guides them.” This simply means that, a good relationship must exist between a shepherd
and his flock. A relationship based on love, trust, and mutual respect.

So, as the sheep of his flock, we must make Christ the shepherd of our soul. We must listen to his voice in the
scriptures, and in the teachings of the Church. Also, to be truly part of Christ’s flock, we must follow his examples.

As the sheep of God’s flock, let us heed the daily call of Christ our good shepherd who says: “Behold I stand at
the door of your heart and knock. If you open the door, I will come in” (Rev 3:20). Yes, Jesus the good shepherd
of all nations stands there patiently knocking. He wants to lead us to the stream of eternal life. So, let us not walk
away from Him. The psalmist advices us thus: “Oh that today you will listen to his voice, harden not your hearts”
(Ps 95:8).

If we draw close to him, we shall hear, and recognize his voice. He invites us: “Come to me, and I will give you
rest” (Mt 1:28). He never fails, because he knows the path we walk every day. As his little children, he knows
when to carry us on his shoulders, for our own safety.

So, let us confidently sing: “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. Surely, goodness and mercy
shall follow us all the days of our life (Ps 23:1.6). Alleluia, alleluia

God Bless you.

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