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This module has been designed to: Purposive Communication
▪ Prepare you for effective
communication with different
audiences in diverse contexts and
situations through the integration
of listening, speaking, reading,
writing, and viewing. Prepared by:
▪ Enhance your competencies in the
Tiffanny Gail M. Nova
recognition and use of verbal and
non-verbal cues in real-world
contexts by determining
appropriate approaches through
heightened cultural and
intercultural awareness to adapt
oneself in various local and global

▪ Provide you opportunity to develop

communication skills needed in
different real-life scenarios and
thus, the you are not only being

prepared professionally for your
chosen career paths, but also as
ethical, moral and responsible
individual in dealing with others.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 2


Pre – test 3
Learning Outcomes
Required Materials and Resources
Pre -activity 5
Content and Discussion 6
Assessment Activities 11
Online Resources and Activities
References 13
Posttest 14
Summary 16
Key Terms
Answers to Exercises
Course Material: Purposive Communication 3

Communication and Types of Communication


Communication is one of the important skills that you need to acquire

when you start working. This skill gives you the edge to relate yourself and be understood.
So, let us find out your communication skills by answering The Communication Quiz.

The Communication
Instruction. For each statement, select the item in the column that
best describes you. Please answer questions as you actually are.

10 Statements to Answer


Very Often
Not at All


1 I try to anticipate and predict possible causes of confusion, and I deal with
them up front.
2 When I write a letter, email, or other document, I give all of the
background information and detail I can to make sure that my message is
3 If I don't understand something, I tend to keep this to myself and figure it
out later.
4 I'm surprised to find that people haven't understood what I've said.
5 I can tend to say what I think, without worrying about how the other
person perceives it. I assume that we'll be able to work it out later.
6 When people talk to me, I try to see their perspectives.
7 I use email to communicate complex issues with people. It's quick and
8 When I finish writing a letter or email, I scan it quickly for typos and so
forth, and then send it off right away.
9 When talking to people, I pay attention to their body language.
10 Before I communicate, I think about what the person needs to know, and
how best to convey it.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 4


Planning your message. For Questions (2,10)

It is important that before you start communicating with others, you think first of what you want to
say and why you want to say it.
Creating a clear, well – crafted message. For Questions (1,8)
Upon knowing what you want to say, you need to be responsible in sending a clear and concise
message. That is why it is best to know how you want to say the message.
Choosing the right channel. For Question (7)
Along with knowing how to send the message, you need to know the best channel to use to send
your message. It needs to be efficient.
Receiving and Interpreting a message. For Questions (3,6)
To be a good communicator, you need to also let the other person talk and actively listen.
Feedback. For Questions (4,9)
Without receiving a feedback, you will not be sure if people have understood your message.

Adapted from The Communication Quiz available from

Do you want to take another Communication Skill test? Just click here

Learning Outcomes

- recognize the types of communication

- assess a communication style
- write a reflection essay
- Exhibit higher levels of comprehension by analyzing texts (written, visual, oral, etc.)
- Appreciate the complexity of the human condition and interpret the human
experience from various perspectives

Required Materials and Resources

- worksheets
- PowerPoint presentation
- Recorded videos
Course Material: Purposive Communication 5


Read the questions and circle the right answer for each question.
Familiarity on Communication Skills
1) Which of these is a communication skill?
A) talking clearly
B) chewing gum
C) looking bored

2) Which of these is a communication skill?

A) talking at the same time as someone else
B) listening to what people say
C) putting your fingers in your ears

3) Which of these is not a communication skill?

A) running
B) texting
C) chatting to people

4) What body language shows you are listening?

A) turning away from the speaker
B) nodding and making eye contact
C) looking out of the window

5) Which of these is not a communication skill?

A) laughing
B) swimming
C) asking questions

6) Someone is telling you about an accident they've had. How would

you react?
A) look pleased
B) look behind you
C) look concerned
Course Material: Purposive Communication 6

Content and Discussion

What is Communication?
Communication is Latin word which means “to share”. Thus, we can define
communication as the sharing of information among individuals. The information can be
ideas, concepts, behaviors, or written contents. This sharing of information can be done
in several ways. Below are different definitions of communication:

Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a

common system of symbols, signs, or behavior. https://www.merriam-

Communication is the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech,

writing, or signs.

Communication is the the act of communicating with people.

”Communication is transfer of information from one person to another, whether or not it elicits
confidence. But the information transferred must be understandable to the receiver – G.G.

“Communication is the intercourse by words, letters or messages”- Fred G. Meyer.

There are three (3) important elements of communication that you need to know.

1 The sender is the one who delivers the message.

2 The medium is the important platform over which the information is conducted.
3 The receiver is the one who receives the information from the source or the
Course Material: Purposive Communication 7

Types of Communication

To further understand communication, you need to be familiar with its types.

The first type is according to mode. The mode is the way communication is
expressed. It is categorized by verbal-nonverbal communication and visual

Verbal communication is the use of words to share information to other people. It can be
spoken or written. An example of verbal communication is saying “No” when someone asks you
to do something you do not want to do. Another is when you write a cover letter in your
résumés (resumes).

While nonverbal communication is the sharing of information through a nonverbal platform

such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of voice, and distance. An
example is if you are meeting a person for the first time, a good handshake consists of a full
and firm handclasp with palms embraced web to web.

Visual Communication is the sharing of information and ideas using symbols and imagery. The
understanding of the images is subjective. Examples of this type of communication is by using
infographics, charts, graphs, interactive content, and many more to represent information.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 8

Another type of communication is according to context. The context refers to the

setting where the communication takes place. It is categorized into five (5). These are
the following:

INTRAPERSONAL Communication - communication with one's self, and that may include self-talk,
acts of imagination and visualization, and even recall and memory.
INTERPERSONAL Communication - is the process of exchange of information, ideas, and feelings
between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods.
EXTENDED Communication - Involves the use of electronic media, tele, audio, or phone
conferencing, video conferencing, Skype calls, and other technological means.
ORGANIZATIONAL Communication - simply refers to communication that takes place in business
INTERCULTURAL Communication - is the verbal and nonverbal interaction between people from
different cultural backgrounds.

The last type of communication is according to purpose and style. The purpose of
information is to inform, to express feelings, to imagine, to influence, and to meet
social expectations. Every individual has a unique style in communication with
others. This style is their way of interacting and exchanging information with others. Now,
individuals communicate through a formal or informal manner.

Formal communication refers to interchange of information officially. The flow of communication

is controlled and is a deliberate effort.

Informal communication is the casual and unofficial form of communication wherein the
information is exchanged spontaneously between two or more persons without conforming the
prescribed official rules, processes, system, formalities and chain of command.
Course Material: Purposive Communication 9


is a style in which is a style in which COMMUNICATION is a style in which
individuals express
individuals have is a style in which individuals clearly
their feelings and
developed a individuals appear state their opinions
opinions and
pattern of avoiding passive on the and feelings, and
advocate for their
expressing their surface but are firmly advocate for
needs in a way that
opinions or really acting out their rights and
violates the rights of
feelings, others. Thus, anger in a subtle, needs without
protecting their aggressive indirect, or behind- violating the rights
rights, and communicators are the-scenes way. of others.
identifying and verbally and/or

meeting their physically abusive.

A passive
The passive communicator will say, believe, or behave like:
communicator will
▪ “I’m unable to stand up for my rights.”
say, believe, or
▪ “I don’t know what my rights are.”
behave like:
▪ “I get stepped on by everyone."
▪ “I’m weak and unable to take care of myself.”
▪ “People never consider my feelings.”
Course Material: Purposive Communication 10

The aggressive communicator will say, believe, or behave like:

▪ “I’m superior and right and you’re inferior and wrong.”
▪ “I’m loud, bossy and pushy.”
▪ “I can dominate and intimidate you.”
▪ “I can violate your rights.”
▪ “I’ll get my way no matter what.”
▪ “You’re not worth anything.”
▪ “It’s all your fault.”
▪ “I react instantly.”
▪ “I’m entitled.”
▪ “You owe me.”
▪ “I own you.”

The passive-aggressive communicator will say, believe, or behave like:

▪ “I’m weak and resentful, so I sabotage, frustrate, and disrupt.”
▪ “I’m powerless to deal with you head on so I must use guerilla warfare.”
▪ “I will appear cooperative but I’m not.”

The assertive communicator will say, believe, or behave in a way that says:
▪ “We are equally entitled to express ourselves respectfully to one another.”
▪ “I am confident about who I am.”
▪ “I realize I have choices in my life and I consider my options.”
▪ “I speak clearly, honestly, and to the point.”
▪ “I can’t control others but I can control myself.”
▪ “I place a high priority on having my rights respected.”
▪ “I am responsible for getting my needs met in a respectful manner.”
▪ “I respect the rights of others.”
▪ “Nobody owes me anything unless they’ve agreed to give it to me.”
▪ “I’m 100% responsible for my own happiness.”
Course Material: Purposive Communication 11

Assessment Activities


With the rise of the “new normal”, communication rapidly changed. Reflect on the question
How did coronavirus transform the way we communicate? Please answer briefly.









KEY CONCEPTS 5 4 3 2-1
____________ Highly Effective Effective Developing Ineffective SCORE
GRAMMAR -There are no -There are 2-3 -There are 4 or more -The answer needs
grammatical error/s grammatical error/s grammatical error/s revision.
5 points seen in the answer seen in the answer seen in the answer.
KNOWLEDGE - The students The students The students The students
demonstrate high demonstrate demonstrate some demonstrate limited
degree of considerable understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of the understanding of the lesson and task. lesson and task.
lesson and task. lesson and task.
5 points

CONTENT - Words are selected - Some words are - Words need to be The answer needs
wisely selected wisely selected wisely revision.
5 points - Answers are - answers just needed - some ideas are not
organized and logically few editing well-thought of

Course Material: Purposive Communication 12


Among the four (4) Communication Styles, which do you think is the best style to adopt in
communicating with other people? Explain your answer briefly.











KEY CONCEPTS 5 4 3 2-1
Highly Effective Effective Developing Ineffective SCORE
GRAMMAR -There are no -There are 2-3 -There are 4 or more -The answer needs
grammatical error/s grammatical error/s grammatical error/s revision.
5 points seen in the answer seen in the answer seen in the answer.
KNOWLEDGE - The students The students The students The students
demonstrate high demonstrate demonstrate some demonstrate limited
degree of considerable understanding of the understanding of the
understanding of the understanding of the lesson and task. lesson and task.
lesson and task. lesson and task.
5 points
CONTENT - Words are selected - Some words are - Words need to be The answer needs
wisely selected wisely selected wisely revision.
5 points - Answers are - answers just - some ideas are not
organized and needed few editing well-thought of
logically presented

Course Material: Purposive Communication 13

Online resources and activities

Dealing with difficult people

There would be times that you would

encounter people that you may find difficult to
deal with may it be in school or soon in your
workplace. This might be challenging and
unavoidable, but it is important to have
knowledge on how to deal with these “difficult”
people so that you can mitigate the situation right
away and you can communicate with them
effectively. Check the following sites to learn

How to deal with difficult people. Click here and watch TED Talks in YouTube.
A Guide To Dealing With Difficult People. Click here and read the article.


Course Material: Purposive Communication 14



Self-Assessment Questions

Congratulations! You have successfully completed Week 1. You may now assess yourself if you
have achieved the expected learning outcomes of this section. Write your answers and discuss
it with me at the next available session.

1. You have read the different definitions of Communication. Provide your OWN definition
of Communication.


2. Write the advantages and disadvantages of verbal and nonverbal communication.

Which one do you think is mostly used when we communicate with others? Explain
Course Material: Purposive Communication 15

3. Identify your communication style. Explain why.

Course Material: Purposive Communication 16

Communication is Latin word which
means “to share”. Thus, we can Formal communication refers
to interchange of information
define communication as the sharing
officially. While informal
of information among individuals.
communication is the casual
and unofficial form of
The three important elements of communication wherein the
communication are the sender, information is exchanged
medium and the receiver. spontaneously between two or
more persons without
The types of communication are conforming the prescribed
according to mode, context and official rules, processes, system,
purpose and style. formalities and chain of
Verbal communication is the use of words
to share information to other people. The four (4)
Nonverbal communication is the sharing communication styles are
of information through a nonverbal Passive communication,
platform such as eye contact, facial Aggressive
expressions, gestures, posture, tone of communication, Passive-
voice, and distance. Visual Communication Aggressive
is the sharing of information and ideas communication, and
using symbols and imagery. Assertive communication.

The type of communication according to context

is categorized according to five (5): These are
interpersonal communication, intrapersonal
communication, extended communication,
organizational communication, and intercultural
Course Material: Purposive Communication 17


communication purpose Interpersonal communication Passive communication

sender style Intrapersonal communication Aggressive communication
medium verbal Organizational Passive-aggressive
communication communication communication

receiver nonverbal Extended communication Assertive communication

mode visual Intercultural communication

context Formal Informal communication


Anderson, P. V. (2018) Technical Communication: a reader-centered approach, 9th ed.

Pascual, J. C. , (2016) Purposive Communication

Sebastian, E. L. (2017) English Communication 2

Abulencia, E. F. (2014) Fundamentals of Business Communication

Krizan, A.C., (2014) Business Communication: theories and best practices 7th ed.

no author (2013) Principles of Business Communication

Hennings, D. G. (2000) Communication in action: teaching literature-based language arts 7th ed.

McCrum, R. , Cran, W. and MacNeil, R. (1986) The story of English, 1st American ed.

Madrunio (2018). Purposive Communication: using English in Multilingual Contexts


Familiarity on Communication Skills Answers: 1. A 2. B. 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. C

Assessment activities answers vary


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