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Submitted By,
Arpan Adak [Roll No.: 10200318067]
Soutrik Pal [Roll No.: 10200318024]
Biswajyoti Paul [Roll No.: 10200318062]
Sagnik Chakraborty [Roll No.: 10200318035]

Under supervision of
Dr. Himadri Sekhar Dutta
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Kalyani Government Engineering

College Kalyani-741235, Nadia, West
Bengal SESSION: 2018 -2022
Kalyani Government



[Govt. of West Bengal]

Certificate of Approval

This is to certify that Arpan Adak, Soutrik Pal, Biswajyoti Paul,

Sagnik Chakraborty have completed the project work entitled
under my supervision. This project work is submitted fulfilling the
norms of academic standard for B. Tech Degree in Electronics and
Communication Engineering of the Maulana Kalam Azad University
of Technology.

………………………… …………………
Head of the Supervisor
Department of Electronics & Department of Electronics &
Communication Engineering Communication Engineering
(Kalyani Government Engineering (Kalyani Government
College) College)


Department of Electronics and Communication

Engineering (Kalyani Government Engineering


A project is the partial implementation of our technical knowledge

and it was a golden opportunity for having confidence and being self-
confident. We feel blessed and honored to have so many wonderfully
talented people, who always inspired us. Their proper guidance and
technical support lead us to complete the project successfully.

We are grateful to Dr. Himadri Sekhar Dutta, faculty, Dept. of

Electronics and Communication Engineering of Kalyani Govt. Engineering
College for his spontaneous guidance and encouragement, which helped
us to go to the proper path. We are sure about the fact that without his
support and technical reason we could not have completed this project.

We are grateful to Prof. Sukla Basu, Professor and Head of the

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Kalyani
Government Engineering College for allowing us the necessary
instruments in the laboratory for basic experiments for carrying out this
project properly.

We are also thankful to all the faculty members of the Department

of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Kalyani Government
Engineering College, Nadia for giving us the proper technical support and
valuable time, which helped us to complete our work properly. We
always got the enthusiasm from them to take the bold step for taking the
project. Last but not the least; we got lots of favour from the non-
technical faculty members of the Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering of Kalyani Government Engineering College.
Thanks to all the friends and mates who have also guided us for the

Arpan Adak ………………………

Soutrik Pal ………………………

Sagnik Chakraborty ………………………

Biswajyoti Paul ………………………

Sl No Topic Page No

1 Abstract 5

2 Introduction 6-10

3 Internal Structure Of Solar Cell 11

4 Working Principle 12-13

5 Literature Review 14-16

6 Equivalent Circuit 17-21

7 Modelling of Photovoltaic Current 22

8 Modelling of Shunt Resistance Current 23

9 Modelling of Series Resistance Current 24

10 Modelling of Solar Saturation Current 25

11 Modelling of Solar Current 26

12 I-V Characteristic curves varying 27


13 P-V Characteristic curves varying 28


14 Characteristic curves varying 29-30


15 Effect of Series Resistance 31

16 Effect of Shunt Resistance 32

17 Efficiency Calculation 33

18 Results and Discussion 34-35

19 Conclusion 36

20 Future Scope 37

21 References 38-39

Solar energy is an important part of life and has been in use

since the beginning of time. Increasingly, man is learning how
to yoke this important resource and use it to replace
traditional energy sources. Solar cells are the development to
store solar energy and reproduce electricity. But the amount
of energy converted is very less, that is the efficiency of
conversion is poor. The main challenge is to improve
efficiency so that the losses can be minimized. The Maximum
PowerPoints are found and the Fill Factor is calculated. The
comparative study of silicon solar cells and panels with
different sizes is done in this paper using MATLAB and
SIMULINK models. The simulated results are compared with
the practically tested solar cells at Standard Test Conditions

The most popular renewable energy sources currently are

Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydro energy, Tidal energy,
Geothermal energy and Biomass energy . Renewable
energies are sources of clean, inexhaustible and increasingly
competitive energy. They differ from fossil fuels principally in
their diversity, abundance and potential for use anywhere on
the planet. They produce neither greenhouse gases which
cause climate change nor emissions which cause pollution.
Their costs are also falling at a sustainable rate, whereas the
general cost trend for fossil fuels is in the opposite direction
in spite of their present volatility. Renewable energy creates
jobs thus being good for the local community.

1. Solar Power Is Good for the Environment
The most commonly known fact about solar energy is
that it represents a clean, green source of energy. Solar
power is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.
There’s nothing about solar power that pollutes mother
nature. Solar power doesn’t release any greenhouse
gasses, and except for needing a source of clean water
to function, it uses absolutely no other resources.
Hence, it’s safe and environmentally friendly. Yet,
people are still in doubt why solar energy is good.
Solar power is self-sufficient and installing solar panels
on your roof is a safe and easy path to contribute to a
sustainable future. Starting on your home is a great way
to show you care about the environment.

2. Solar Electricity Makes Your Home Go Off-the-Grid

The decrease in the cost of solar panels serves as a great
example of why there should be an increase in the use
of solar energy. Traditional electricity relies heavily on
fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Not only are
they bad for the environment, but they are also limited
resources. This translates into a volatile market, in which
energy prices alter throughout the day.
Solar electricity boosts your electricity independence! By
investing in a 4kW solar system, which is the most
common domestic size, you can easily protect yourself
against unpredictable increases in utility prices, and
enjoy cheap electricity throughout the entire day – the
sun will never increase its rates and it gives you energy
Once you have solar panels up on your roof, you’ve
technically reached an energy-independent status. Solar
battery storage systems can also help store electricity
for night time and rainy days.

3. Solar Power Can Use Underutilised Land

You may continue to wonder why solar power. With the
increasing need of solar energy, it’s become easily
accessible to most of us. Across countries, there are vast
land that are far away from big cities or capitals, and are
not used for anything at all.
With solar power, we can actually make use of the land
and subsequently generate great value; solar energy
provides a source of power for everyone. In this way, we
don’t need to use high-priced land that might be better
suited for other applications.
You might have heard of solar farms – panels used to
harvest solar energy in large numbers. This highlights
perfectly how solar power makes use of underutilised
land. For instance, a 45 acre solar farm has been
recently built in the UK, and it’s able to power 2,500

4. Solar Power Causes Less Electricity Loss

Electricity needs to be transported from big power
plants to end-consumers via extensive networks. Long
distance transmissions equal power losses. Ever
wondered what are solar panels used for? They’re on
your roof to get energy from the sun. Rooftop solar
power is helpful in increasing electricity efficiency,
considering the short distance. Your energy becomes
domestic and as a result, you’re in control of your own
bills and energy usage. Furthermore, solar power
systems are durable, thus chances of service
interruption are reduced.

5. Solar Power Improves Grid Security

When there are many of us switching to solar power, we
are less likely to experience blackouts or brownouts.
Every household in the UK that have solar cells installed,
functions as a small power plant. This, in turn, provides
us with a greater electricity grid security, especially in
terms of natural or human-caused disasters.
With the help of solar panel grants, you can also be paid
to export electricity back to the grid.

6. Solar Power Creates Jobs and Economic Growth in the

Our national economy can be helped by solar power.
The more people who opt for solar, the more needs will
be for companies to install solar panels. This creates
additional jobs for skilled workers, and consequently
keeps the economy growing.
In 2015, for instance, the UK become the second-largest
solar employer, with 35,000 people, and the continent’s
largest solar photovoltaic (PV) panel installation market.

7. Solar Power Is A Free Source of Energy

The sun provides us with more energy than we could
ever use, and no one can monopolize the sunlight. Your
solar power system will start saving money from the
moment it’s turned on, however, the advantages of
solar power are best visible in the long term. The longer
you have your solar power system, the more you enjoy
the benefits of solar technology and support the
Aside from solar electricity, solar energy has a second
application. We often associate solar energy with
electricity, which is acquired through PV panels, but it’s
also possible to use the energy generated by the sun for
heating purposes. This process is accomplished by
deploying solar thermal systems that simply convert the
sunlight into heating solutions.
The acceptance of solar technology is at hand and we
can start by increasing our use of solar panels.

The P-N Junction :

The most commonly known solar cell is configured as a large-
area p-n junction made from silicon. In practice, p-n junctions
of silicon solar cells are made by diffusing an n-type dopant
into one side of a p-type wafer (or vice versa). If a piece of p-
type silicon is placed in close contact with a piece of n-type
silicon, then a diffusion of electrons occurs from the region of
high electron concentration (the n-type side of the junction)
into the region of low electron concentration (p-type side of
the junction). When the electrons diffuse across the p-n
junction, they recombine with holes on the p-type side.
However, in the absence of an external circuit, this diffusion
of carriers does not go on indefinitely because charges build
up on either side of the junction and create an electric field.
The electric field promotes charge flow, known as drift
current, that opposes and eventually balances out the
diffusion of electrons and holes. This region where electrons
and holes have diffused across the junction is called the
depletion region because it contains practically no mobile
charge carriers. It is also known as the space charge region,
although the space charge extends a bit further in both
directions than the depletion region.

The antireflection layer is typically an oxide of silicon,

tantalum, or titanium. The three energy-conversion layers
below the antireflection layer are the top junction layer, the
absorber layer, which constitutes the core of the device, and
the back junction layer.

The electrical contact layer on the face of the cell where light
enters is generally present in some grid pattern and is
composed of a good conductor such as a metal. The absorber
layer is made up of silicon, gallium arsenide, indium
phosphide, and copper indium selenide. The materials used
for the two junction-forming layers must be dissimilar to the
absorber to produce the built-in electric field and to carry the
electric current.

A solar cell is made of two types of semiconductors, called p-

type and n-type silicon. The p-type silicon is produced by
adding atoms—such as boron or gallium—that have one less
electron in their outer energy level than does silicon. Because
boron has one less electron than is required to form the
bonds with the surrounding silicon atoms, an electron
vacancy or “hole” is created.

The n-type silicon is made by including atoms that have one

more electron in their outer level than does silicon, such as
phosphorus. Phosphorus has five electrons in its outer energy
level, not four. It bonds with its silicon neighbour atoms, but
one electron is not involved in bonding. Instead, it is free to
move inside the silicon structure.

A solar cell consists of a layer of p-type silicon placed next to

a layer of n-type silicon (Fig. 1). In the n-type layer, there is
an excess of electrons, and in the p-type layer, there is an
excess of positively charged holes (which are vacancies due
to the lack of valence electrons). Near the junction of the two
layers, the electrons on one side of the junction (n-type layer)
move into the holes on the other side of the junction (p-type
layer). This creates an area around the junction, called the
depletion zone, in which the electrons fill the holes (Fig. 1,
When all the holes are filled with electrons in the depletion
zone, the p-type side of the depletion zone (where holes
were initially present) now contains negatively charged ions,
and the n-type side of the depletion zone (where electrons
were present) now contains positively charged ions. The
presence of these oppositely charged ions creates an internal
electric field that prevents electrons in the n-type layer to fill
holes in the p-type layer.

When sunlight strikes a solar cell, electrons in the silicon are

ejected, which results in the formation of “holes”—the
vacancies left behind by the escaping electrons. If this
happens in the electric field, the field will move electrons to
the n-type layer and holes to the p-type layer. If you connect
the n-type and p-type layers with a metallic wire, the
electrons will travel from the n-type layer to the p-type layer
by crossing the depletion zone and then go through the
external wire back of the n-type layer, creating a flow of

1. [Nataraj Pandiarajan, Rama Badran, Rama Prabha and

Ranganathan 2012] - They have worked on the
application of circuit models for energy conversion
systems. Solar energy is directly converted to electrical
energy without any electrical parts by the use of
photovoltaic systems. PV systems are widely utilized to
cater power demands of the society in many countries.
The efficacy of the PV system depends on the operation
of the system components and its performance. The
efficiency of the solar system conversion technology
stands at about 15 to 25% mainly because of the
conversion of DC power to AC power through battery
bands. The best way to utilize the PV System energy is to
deliver it to the AC mains directly, without battery banks.

2. [Britt; Jeffery s. (tucson.AZ) Wiedeman; Scott

(Tucson.AZ) 2017] - They have presented an experimental
investigation to study a semiconductor material used in a
PV cell and its importance in determining the efficiency of
the solar cell at various parameters such as regards to
behaviour with respect to temperature, weight and as
well as other parameters with which it is used and all
those contribute to the deciding factor of efficiency of the
PV cell The inventor has conducted many experimental
researchers to devise improvised methods and apparatus
for forming thin film layers of semiconductor materials.
3. [H.O Njoku and C.V. Ekechukwu 2017] - These authors
have worked on thermal performance, modelling of the
reverse absorber shallow solar pond. There are many
applications of solar energy catering to the varied
demands of the society which are cost-effective and
culminate in efficient effective use of solar thermal power
which are usually required for low temperature
applications. Some of the popular applications are air
heaters, crop dryers, solar cookers, solar stills-solar ponds
etc. However, a lot of research is still going on about in-
cooperating these applications with some modifications.

4. [Ho; Frank. (Yorba Linda, CA) Yeh; Milton Y (Santa

Monica, CA) 2018] - Has worked on improving the
efficiency of Solar Cells. They have found that the
efficiency of the solar cell varies from 15% to 22% and
innovations are being carried out by changing the
combination of semiconductor material in the PV cell and
finding improved efficiency. The inventor has analyzed
the properties of semiconductor material thoroughly and
has come out with a combination of cells- cascaded cell
permits achieving more than the overall efficiency of 23%.

5. [Rizwan Arshad, Salman Tariq, Muhammad Umair Niaz,

Mohsin Jamil 2018] - this research paper explains a
practical approach to enhance the efficiency of solar
panel by the use of mirrors and cooling mechanism.
reflectors are cheap, easy to handle, simple enough to
use and need no extra equipment or devices to use. But
CPV operates efficiently in concentrated light as long as
the solar cells are kept cool by means of some heat sink.

6. Britt; Jeffery s. (tucson.AZ) Wiedeman; Scott (Tucson.AZ)

2019] - They have presented an experimental
investigation to study a semiconductor material used in a
PV cell and its importance in determining the efficiency of
the solar cell at various parameters such as regards to
behaviour with respect to temperature, weight and as
well as other parameters with which it is used and all
those contribute to the deciding factor of efficiency of the
PV cell .

To understand the electronic behavior of a solar cell, it is

useful to create a model which is electrically equivalent and is
based on discrete ideal electrical components whose behavior
is well defined. An ideal solar cell may be modeled by a
current source in parallel with a diode; in practice no solar cell
is ideal, so a shunt resistance and a series resistance
component are added to the model. The resulting equivalent
circuit of a solar cell is shown below.

From the equivalent circuit it is evident that the current

produced by the solar cell is equal to that produced by the
current source, minus that which flows through the diode,
minus that which flows through the shunt resistor :
I = IL -ID-ISH … (i)
I = output current (ampere)
IL = photogenerated current (ampere)
ID = diode current (ampere)
ISH = shunt current (ampere)
The current through these elements is governed by the
voltage across them :
Vj = V+IRs … (ii)
Vj = voltage across both diode and resistor RSH (volt)
V = voltage across the output terminals (volt)
I = output current (ampere)
RS = series resistance (Ω)

By the Shockley diode equation, the current diverted through

the diode is :

... (iii)

I0 = reverse saturation current (ampere)
n = diode ideality factor (1 for an ideal diode)
q = elementary charge
k = Boltzmann's constant
T = absolute temperature
VT = kT/q, the thermal voltage.
At 25 °C, VT ≈ 0.0259 Volts

By Ohm's law, the current diverted through the shunt resistor

is :

Substituting (iii) and (iv) into (i), we get the characteristic
equation of a solar cell, which relates solar cell parameters to
the output current and voltage :

When an external load is used with the cell, its resistance can
simply be added to RS and V set to zero to find the current.
When RSH is infinite there is a solution for V for any I less than
IL+I0 ;

... (vi)

The general form of the solution is a curve with I decreasing

as V increases (see graphs lower down). The slope at small or
negative V (where the W function is near zero) approaches
-1/(RS + RSH), whereas the slope at high V approaches -1/Rs.

Open-circuit Voltage Short-circuit Current

When the cell is operated in open-circuit, I = 0 and the voltage
across the output terminals is defined as the open-circuit
voltage. Assuming the shunt resistance is high enough to
neglect the final term of the characteristic equation, the
open-circuit voltage VOC is :

... (vii)

Similarly, when the cell is operated at a short circuit, V = 0,

and the current I through the terminals is defined as the
short-circuit current. It can be shown that for a high-quality
solar cell (low RS and I0 , and high RSH) the short-circuit current
ISC is :


It is not possible to extract any power from the device when

operating at either open circuit or short circuit conditions.

Solar Current
The current equation of a solar cell is given as follows :


IPH = (ISC + Ki(T-298) ) X Ir / 1000
IPH = Photovoltaic current (A)
ISC = Short circuit current (A)
Ki = Short circuit current of the cell at 25℃ and 1000 W/m2
T = Operating temperature (K)
Ir = Solar irradiation(W/m2 )


VT = (k x T)/q
ISH = Shunt current (A)
V = Short circuit current (A)
NP = Number of PV modules connected in parallel
NS = Number of PV modules connected in series
RS = Series resistance
RSH = Shunt resistance
VT = Diode thermal voltage


IRS = ISC / (exp (qVoc / NSknT -1)

q = electron charge
Voc = open circuit voltage
Ns = number of cells connected in series
n = ideality factor of the diode
k = Boltzmann’s constant 1.308 x 10^-23 J/K


IO = IRS[T/TR]3 exp[(q x Eg0 /nk(1/T - 1/TR)]

Tr=nominal temperature 298.15 K
EG0= bandgap energy of the semiconductor = 1.1eV


I = NPxIPH - NPxI0 x [exp((V/NS + I x RS/NP) / (nxVT) - 1)] - ISH


CELL TEMPERATURE - Temperature affects the characteristic

equation in two ways: Directly, via T in the exponential term,
and indirectly via its effect on I0. While increasing T reduces the
magnitude of the exponent in the characteristic equation, the
value of I0 increases exponentially with T. The net effect is to
reduce VOC (the open-circuit voltage) linearly with increasing
temperature. The amount of photogenerated current IL
increases slightly with increasing temperature because of an
increase in the number of thermally generated carriers in the
cell. The overall effect of temperature on cell efficiency can be
computed using these factors in combination with the
characteristic equation.

As series resistance increases, the voltage drop between the

junction voltage and the terminal voltage becomes greater for
the same current. The result is that the current-controlled
portion of the I-V curve begins to sag toward the origin,
producing a significant decrease in the terminal voltage V and
a slight reduction in ISC, the short-circuit current.

J-V ch. for series resistance 5 Ω J-V ch. for series resistance 10 Ω

J-V ch. for series resistance 20 Ω


As shunt resistance decreases, the current diverted through

the shunt resistor increases for a given level of junction
voltage. The result is that the voltage-controlled portion of the
I-V curve begins to sag far from the origin, producing a
significant decrease in the terminal current I and a slight
reduction in VOC.
These effects are shown for crystalline silicon solar cells in the
I-V curves displayed in the figures below.

J-V ch. for shunt resistance 10 Ω J-V ch. for shunt resistance 50 Ω

J-V ch. for shunt resistance 1000 Ω


The efficiency of a solar cell is determined as the fraction of

incident power which is converted to electricity and is defined
as :
Pmax = Voc* Isc * F.F.
F.F. = Pmax /(Voc* Isc )
F.F. = (Vmax* Imax )/(Voc* Isc )

Voc is the open-circuit voltage and Isc is the short-circuit current
F.F. is the fill factor and η is the efficiency
Pin = Incident Power
Pmax = Maximum power obtained

The efficiency (η) is given as

η = Pmax / Pin

S Vmax (V) Imax (A) Voc (V) Isc (A) Fill Pmax
(W/m2) Factor (W)

400 0.48 2 0.55 2.5 0.70 0.96

600 0.47 3.1 0.56 3.5 0.74 1.46

800 0.46 4.5 0.57 4.8 0.76 2.07

1000 0.45 5.6 0.58 6 0.72 2.52


S (W/m2) Pmax (w) Pin (W) Efficiency (%)

400 0.96 6.82 14.07

600 1.46 10.02 14.57

800 2.07 13.70 15.11

1000 2.52 17.24 14.60


As we aim to maximize the efficiency, we can see from the

above observations maximum efficiency that is achieved is
15.11 % and that has occurred when the solar intensity (S) is
800 W/m2, which is not the maximum solar intensity.
Hence, we conclude that the reflection of light is less at that
solar intensity and fill factor.
The typical value of the Fill Factor ranges from 0.7 to 0.8 which
indicates the success of our experiment. The average Fill
Factor calculated is 0.73. The maximum efficiency is obtained
when F.F. is 0.76 which is close to 0.8. So, concluding that the
efficiency is maximum when F.F. is close to 0.8.


Open circuit P-V, I-V curves were obtained from the simulation
of the PV cell designed in a MATLAB-SIMULINK environment.
Various values of the voltage and current obtained have been
plotted in the open circuit I-V curves of the PV cell at insolation
levels ranging from 400 W/m2 to 1000 W/m2.
The performance of the photovoltaic device depends on the
spectral distribution of solar radiation. The values for all the
output parameters are found to be satisfactorily comparable.


Future researchers can work on improving the efficiency

further as the efficiency used in the industry ranges from 18%
to 22%.
More parameters can be varied to study the improvement of
the Fill Factor and efficiency.
Future researchers can also try to work with Monocrystalline
Panels as they can provide higher efficiency.




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