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YKAN Pind Bren nspebs Sesies rennbarelipets am REPORT OF ANALYSIS IBIS ; TESTING SURVEY RARCHON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : This so report that we have perormed the analysis of coal nominated below, ‘Samples Preparation, Testing and Analysis were performed ai PT. Indo Borneo Inspeks Services in Samarinda in accordance with ASTM SendaréMatods. Pinos CV. ANAK ANGSA MANOR ‘tess 5 ‘tenon Me. Hasbt Description of Sample Coal Sample were packed in plastic bag Weight of Sarple 1125049 Tetdter Total Moisture, Prosiate, Total Sur, Gross Calorie Value ten Cade Sarl 2. FKF-6-ABMLAO Lab SangeD wszian ANALYSIS RESULTS: “THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARDS AND ON AR DRIED BASIS UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECFIED Total Moisture (AsReceived Basis) 18.65 pet, ASTM. 8002 Inmerent Moisture (ArDied Basis) =} 1458 pet ASTM. D173 Ash Content (AnDred Basis) =: 9.89 pet ASTM. «DT Volate Matter (AirDied Basis) =; 44.26 pet, ASTM. 75 Fed Carbon (Airoved Basis) = «:=—=«3133——pat——Calelated Sulphur Content (AirDred Basis) «062 pct, ASTM 289 Gross Calorie Value (AirOied Basis): == 6136. kea/kg ASTM. «(D585 Goss Calorie Value (As Reched Basis): —=«S841_—Maalykg ASTM. «5865. Signed for and on behat of owe 2 oaaber 8, 2028 Pr. indo BomeoInspeksi Services eb. 2 SMDNS487/¥/202 This roportoflecs ou ndings a the ime and place of inspection / testing only and does notre to any ober mate. This report shal ro be reproduced except in ful without the wien approval fasting laboratory. PT. Indo Bomoe Inspeksi Services acoap no responsibil fr any oes, damage or ably suflered by any thd party as result of ary relianae upon or use ofthis report.

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