SST Holyday Homework

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Social Science Holidays Homework

Human disasters are root cause of natural disasters beacuase all humans are causing a lot of
pollution and harm to the environment which leads to nature taking revenge by natural disaster and
killing or injuring people.
In December 2004, a great tsunami struck Andaman and Nicobar islands also affecting Indian
coastline and more countries like Indonesia, Malasiya, Myanmar, Somalia, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
The magnitude of that tsunami was 8.8. This tsunami killed around 1,41,500 peolple and around
1,46,450 people went missing.This tsunami was caused by an earthquake.
Earthquakes happens due to change of tectonic plates position and industry practices, which is a
human disaster.

Acid rain is also a natural disaster caused by mixing up of gaseous acids from industries with rain.
Damage caused by acid rain
It causes harm to buildings, crops, ruins up nutrients of soil and trees cannot pull water from soil
which causes to drought in that area.
The chemical fertilizers used for crops also cause water pollution by mixing up with water that we
give to plants and going down the soil in to the water table.
Punjab uses most chemical fertilizers in comparison to all states and it has the a lot ofcancer
patients. It is recorded that in 2018 it had 36,888 patients which rose to 37,744 next year and 38,636
in 2020.
Nowadays, we use a lot of air conditioners in our homes to cool down in these hot summer days. But
when we use these appliances they realease carbon dioxide which is root cause of global warming as
it traps sun’s heat and don’t let most of it to escape and this results in warming up of temparatures.
The temparature before never reached near or above 40C but now it has reached near 43C in noon.
This will result in melting of polar ice caps and rise in sea level and it can submerge coastal cities like
New york, Mumbai e.t.c.
This rising temparatures also brings drought in many areas.
This all results in less habitable land on Earth
Due to excessive use of fossil fuels in all-over world, renewable resources like coal, oil,
petroleum,natural gas and nuclear energy. As they require perfect circumstances and million and
millions of years to form some of it.
At the rate of usage and these resources, they will get used up someday.
Nowadays we are getting lot of power cuts because of shortage of coal in thermal plants. This leads
to depletion of these coal,
We should instead use solar, hydro or wind power plants.
Solar plants will come in handy in hot summer days and wind plants in winters when wind speed
We use petroleum products in cars like petrol and diesel, we should rather use electric-powered cars
or CNG cars because they don’t use up these fossil fuels and don’t cause harm to environment.
The chemicals released by factories and waste products which are thrown away in water bodies
cause water pollution which results in the water becoming unusable and if released in a river the
villages and areas nearby it will receive polluted water wich will cause many dieseases and
eventually death for many of them.

Our Earth has 70% water but only 3%is drinkable and one-third of it is available to drink, rest is in
polar ice caps, 97% of water is saline and is present in oceans.
In this much less water we are polluting it which leads to water scarcity.
It brings more severe storms as flooding, landslide and cyclones include the process of heat to form.
As the water rise will cause flooding and flooding can cause landslide. Formation of cyclones include
heating process of water in oceans.
As told above, that global warming causes water uprising and submerging land. The drinkable water
available in coastal land in form of pond, rivers, streams and water table will get mixed up with
ocean water or salt water which will drive all of that useless.
Increasing temparatures can also cause droughts and water will be more scarce at these areas. It
could affect staple diet of India if it strikes in regions like Haryana, Punjab etc, As they grow a lot of
crops which is supplied to whole India later on.
The food chain of nature will also be affected as animals living in cold regoins or staying away from
hot regoins of the planets as they will go extinct, it will affect the whole biosphere on Earth.
People will also get affected by this scarcity of water, they will suffer from dieseases like diarrhea,
cholera and typhoid fever, People in areas like Rajasthan desert who buy water from non-desert
areas will get water shortage as they may not receive water in future.

Natural disasters are catastrophic events that threaten the safety and function of a community. It
can damage both public and personal properties significantly. These disasters can range from
hurricanes, floods to tsunamis and avalanches. Activities like deforestation, agricultural practices,
mining, etc., can cause landslides. In addition, wildfires can again damage the natural habitat of
plants and animals. There are five major types of natural disasters:-
➢ Geological Disaster: - Changes in the above or underneath the earth's surface cause geological
disasters. The effects of natural disasters due to tectonic plates are unpredictable and beyond
human control. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, avalanches, etc., are examples of
geological disasters.
➢ Hydrological Disasters: -Hydrological disasters are caused due to sudden changes in the quality or
distribution of water below the earth’s surface or atmospheric conditions. Flood and drought both
fall under hydrological disasters. These disasters can cause harm to agriculture and properties.
Limnic eruption, Tsunami, Volcano, etc., are examples of Hydrological disasters.
➢ Meteorological Disasters: -Meteorological disasters are mainly caused by extreme weather
conditions such as drought, snow, and rain. These disasters affect the weather forming process and
atmospheric conditions. Examples of meteorological disasters include blizzards, drought, cold waves,
tornadoes, cyclonic storms, etc.
➢ Space Disasters: -It includes disasters that are caused due to space activities like asteroids,
meteors, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, kilonovas, pulsar star radiations, solar storms, rouge bodies
crash, sun expansion and black hole radiations.
➢ Wildfires: -Natural disasters like drought and lightning can lead to wildfires. However, many
humans also start fires in forests to create space for agricultural land.
These activities causes these disasters are Natural phenomenon, Moon activities, Tectonic
movement, Soil erosion, Deforestation, Ocean currents, Air pressure, Seismic waves, Pollution,
Global warming and Mining.
These activities disturb the nature and causes great harm to all animal and plant life, some of these
disasters are caused by humans by global warming.
The effects of these disasters are Damages to infrastructure, Food and water scarcity, Public health
issues and diseases, Environmental issues, Economic impact, Fatalities Injuries and emotional
India ranks among the three countries that bore the impact of natural disasters in recent years.
Nearly 108 crore people were affected, while 79,730 people have lost their lives in these natural
incidences in 2021.
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The concept of sustainable
development can be interpreted in many different ways, but at its core is an approach to
development that looks to balance different, and often competing, needs against an awareness of
the environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a society. Living within our
environmental limits is one of the central principles of sustainable development. But the focus of
sustainable development is far broader than just the environment. It's also about ensuring a strong,
healthy and just society. Sustainable development is about finding better ways of doing things, both
for the future and the present. The way we approach development affects everyone. The impacts of
our decisions as a society have very real consequences for people's lives. Poor planning of
communities, for example, reduces the quality of life for the people who live in them. Sustainable
development provides an approach to making better decisions on the issues that affect all of our
lives. By incorporating health plans into the planning of new communities, for instance, we can
ensure that residents have easy access to healthcare and leisure facilities.
We all have a part to play. Small actions, taken collectively, can add up to real change.

By Atishay
Class 9th B

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