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Herodotus of Ancient Greece

Franz Boas recorded important events in the
(Father of Modern Greek-Persian Wars and took
(study of humanity)
Anthropology) account the cultural background of
both countries.
Demography Thomas Robert Malthus declared
(study of human John Graunt that population increases as a faster
population) rate than the food supply.
Economics Period of Enlightenment inspired the
Adam Smith
(study of efficient existence of Economics. Also
(Father of
allocation of scarce because of rapid continuous
resources) industrialization and urbanization.
Geography Greek cultural power and influence
(study of the reached the peak of its geographical
(Father of
interaction between expansion where the science of
the neutral) geography emerge.
Thucydides improve the writing and
Herodotus techniques of Herodotus and
(study of important
(Father of History) emphasized on factual reporting
recorded events)
during the Peloponnesian War.
Sophists of Ancient Greece travelled
Linguistic from city to city to teach speech,
Noam Chomsky
(scientific study of grammar, poetry, gymnastics,
(Father of Linguistic)
language) mathematics and music to the
Athenian youth.
Confucius (China)
Political Science Locke’s theory of government was
(study of politics, immensely influential to the modern
(Father of Political
power, and political thinking which became the
government) foundation of modern democracy.
& Plato (Greece)
Back to the ancient Greece, Aristotle
(study of behavior
Wilhelm Wundt claimed that the brain is the seat of
and mental
the rational human mind.
Sociology Science of Sociology emerged
(study of social Auguste Comte because of social changes brought
interaction) by the Industrial Revolution
Social Science

Anthropology Strengthening Health Care System Disease Prevention Strategies

Demography Migration Mortality

Social Science Disciplines
Economics Unemployment Business Buncruptcy

Geography Lockdown Travel Restriction

History Changes the Course of History

Linguistic New terms on epidemiology and medicine

Political Science Declaring Policies on Restrictions

Psychology Isolation Loss of Loved Ones Financial Instability

Sociology Online Virtual World Exposure to Online Dangers

3.) Social science is a branch of science that deals the study of society and the relationship of individual
within the civilization. It has 9 discipline which are the anthropology, demography, economics,
geography, history, linguistics, political science, psychology, and sociology.

Anthropology is the study of people. It focuses on how the condition of human in both cultural
and biological aspects. It allows us to understand every individual that what need today. It helps us to
understand everyone's beliefs and culture that creates unity in our society.

Demography is a study of human populations including the birth, migration, aging, and death of
an individual. Demography helps the government to monitor its economy and population. If the
population is increase, then the economy will be decrease.

The study of the production, consumption and transfer of goods and services is called
economics. It helps us to understand the difference between of wants and needs, what essentials and
not essentials, also help us to know how economic works.

Geography is the study of places and the relationship between people and their environment. It
allows us to study more about the Earth and its environment that what we have today. It helps the
student to understand the physical world including the land, air, water, and the wonderful ecosystem.
History is the study of past events, specifically in human affairs. It helps us to understand and
observe the behavior of people within the society in the past. For instance, we will be able to know the
war before by looking back at the previous events. This can help the government in decision-making
regarding to our nation’s relation and connection with other country like China.

Linguistic is the study of human language including its different parts. Linguistic helps us to
understand our world and creates proper communication where we have common terms and ideas on a
certain topic. This knowledge can be applied to improving communication between people, contributing
to translation activities, assisting in literacy efforts, and treating speech disorders.

Political science is study of governments, policies, political behavior. Studying political science
help us to understand the policies and laws in our community and the country itself. It also allows us
how the politics and government work this timely relevant, especially election is coming. It helps us to
identify who among the candidate is deserving to be the rightful leader.

Human brain and mindsets work indistinctively and very complicated however it shows little
patterns where people create the same action with the same roots. The study of this behavioral and
mental forms of human being is called Psychology. It is very important today since more and more
known and unknown personalities commit suicide or are psychologically unstable. With this study,
people will be aware on how to handle things that creates disruption within their minds and cope up in
maintaining healthy mindset and decent behavior.

The interaction of human being in the society are also being studied and known as Sociology.
This refers to the pattern of social relationship and intervention of people in the community. With this,
people can assess themselves on how to create connection to people wisely. This is immensely essential
today as we face the age of online virtual world which anything can be found with just one click. Thus,
experts can assess how to control people to have proper social distancing by analyzing the patterns of
behavior of people when coming outside when the restrictions are lift. This is where government relay in
creating policies and laws to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 virus.

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