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Course Title : MM4

Course Credit : 3
Descriptive Title : Distribution Management
Prerequisite Subject/s : None
Semester/School Year : 2 Semester, A.Y.
Curricular Year : 3 Year
Course Title : MM4
Course Credit :3
Descriptive Title : Distribution Management
Prerequisite Subject/s : None
Semester/School Year : 1st Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023
Curricular Year : 4th Year
Program Educational Outcomes (Business Administration program):
Upon completion of the BSBA program, students should:

1. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

2. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing directing and controlling.
3. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resource management,
production and operations management, information technology and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various
business situations.
4. Select the Proper decision making tools critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
5. Plan and implement business related activities
6. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business environment.
7. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
8. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards.
9. Analyze the business environment for strategic direction.

Course Description: The course covers the

principles and functions of distribution
management, the roles of marketing channels
and physical distribution in the marketing
system, the
cost implications of management decisions
involving distribution. The course aims to
crystallize student’s understanding of
distribution cost analysis through their
involvement in
exercises and actual projects in the area of
distribution management.
Course Description : The course covers the principles and functions of distribution management, the roles of marketing channels and
physical distribution in the marketing system, the cost implications of management decisions involving distribution. The course aims to
crystallize student’s understanding of distribution cost analysis through their involvement in exercises and actual projects in the area of
distribution management.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
a. Understand the roles and responsibilities of the Sales Manager
b. Manage and enhance the sales force productivity and performance
c. Plan and implement an effective sales strategy for their organization
d. Design and implement distribution channel strategy
e. Manage and Channels efficiency and effectiveness; wholesaling and retailing

Course Policy:
a. Attendance: The highly accelerated pace of this course requires students to accept a great deal of responsibility for achieving their own
learning outcomes. While in class, students are expected to actively participate in discussions and groups activities, and not just listen to lecture.
Outside class time, students are expected to spend hours of preparation which will include reading assignments, homework preparations, and
research and group meetings.

b. Class Participation: Each learner is expected to actively participate in discussions on the assumption that each brings a wide range of
experiences to the learning process active
participation may include asking thoughtful questions, being willing to consider new ideas, helping the class, understand complex ideas, having a
cooperative attitude and sense of humor,and helping others comprehend the material. However, consideration of other students is strongly
encouraged to avoid dominating class discussions.

c. Written Assignments: an importance component of this course is the completion of written assignments by the students. All written work is
expected to meet college level basic writing skills. Case studies are the primary method to evaluate students’ progress in this course. Learners
are encouraged to apply case materials to their project papers.

d. Presentations: Presentation on assigned case studies and applications papers will be made in this class. Students will be required to prepare
written analyses of each assigned case and will also be required to present in class. Presentations made are to be professional in nature. The
presentations should be well organized with the topic thoroughly covered with all Case study questions answered. Handouts and visual aids are
to be professional looking and appropriate for the material to be covered. Presentations should not be exceeding the time given by the faculty.

e. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Every student is responsible to know the standards of conduct and expectations of academic integrity that
apply undertakings. Academic dishonesty will
not be tolerated and will result in the maximum penalty as defines in the Student Handbook:
1. Cheating during exams
2. Submitting spurious reports copied from previous materials other than his/her own
3. Copying another students work including assignments and reports
4. Receiving assistance from anyone else with take-home quizzes
5. Plagiarism
Course References:
a. Sales Management – Analysis & Decision Making – Johnston & Marshall (Tata McGRAW Hill 9th Edition, India Edition)
b. Havaldar, Krishna K. And Cavale, Vasant M. (2010), Sales Distribution Management international Edition) McGraw Hill

Learning Plan
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics
Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
PRE-MID 1. Analyze and discuss sales and
distribution management
2. Construct and create sales objectives,
strategies and tactics
3. Develop a sales forecast in the
distribution process
4. Categorize the nature of sales
5. Analyze the different approaches of
6. Construct a strategic plan base on the
different organizational level on the
aspect of sales forecasting and
7. Evaluate the essence of sales budget
 Evolution of Sales
 Nature and importance of
Sales Management
 Sales objectives.
Strategies and tactics
 Strategic Planning
 Marketing and Personal
Selling Strategies
 Developing Sales forecast
 Forecasting approaches
 Sales budget
a. Lecture discussion
b. Consultation
c. Cooperative learning
d. Brainstorming
e. Think, pair, share
f. Case study
Quiz 1: An Introduction to sales and
distribution management (pen and paper)
Quiz 2: Planning sales and forecasting and
budgeting (pen and paper)
Activity 1. Case Analysis on AG
refrigerators Ltd-developing sales forecast
(Rubrics on Case Analysis)
Activity 2. Group Presentation on Planning
Sales Forecasting and Budgeting (rubric on
Group Presentation)
Output: Role Play: Understanding Styles
Using Transactional analysis (Rubrics on
Role Play)
Pre-mid Examination

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