How To Make Digital Schoolin Fun For Your Child

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How To Make Digital Schooling Fun For Your Child?

In a survey, 79% of educators agreed to the fact that technology improves a student’s
learning experiences and makes it more interesting!

Indeed! digital schooling can be utmost interesting, engaging & super fun!

We all know that fun-based learning is highly rewarding. Primarily because when students
enjoy while learning their chances of retaining knowledge improve considerably.

The much sought-after ‘Fun Element’ can make a striking di erence in your child’s
academic journey. And the best part is that it commences a series of positive academic
gains for him/her. 

Before I get down to the online school tips that add a fun element to your child’s
schooling, let me give you a quick idea about virtual schooling.

What Is Digital Schooling?

In simple words, virtual/digital/online schooling means delivering education through the
internet. In modern times, this schooling medium is used to bring down the pre-requisites

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to a minimum. So, other than imparting the best quality education, it also allows students
their share of autonomy in their education. With this brief outline of the virtual schooling
mediums, now let’s jump on to some tips for an online school that can make it fun and
happen for your child.

A Fun-Filled Virtual Classroom:

Isn’t it our dream to watch our children learn in a fun-based happy environment! As a
homeschooling parent, WE CAN CREATE an environment for students that they would love
to be in!

Games, puzzles, quizzes, virtual tours, appealing presentations, interactive sessions and
peer learning opportunities can create a highly captivating learning environment for your
children. As a stakeholder, if you visualize the possible learning outcomes from various
perspectives, you can easily master the art of student engagement.

Even if you choose the best online high school for your child, trust your instincts and bank
upon the child’s learning style during the asynchronous learning duration. Because, digital
schooling gives you ample chances to grip the child’s attention through variations in
pedagogy. Even the simplest touch of unpredictability and novelty can add value to your
child’s learning experiences. Try to use voice modulation and time-saving online resources
and see the magic unfolding before your eyes!  

Digital Schooling Tools And Educational Softwares:

Fortunately, in this informative era, we have some highly a ordable digital tools to add a
touch of real-life experience to a child’s learning. You can make use of some great
‘Augmented Reality’ applications to enrich your child’s learning. it is a great way to make
even the most complex topics ‘fun’ and ‘easy’ for kids. Imagine a topic of a physical mixture
of compounds in chemistry being taught through animated graphics and colorful
transitions depicting component compositions and their corresponding results. Your child
is likely to grasp the concepts of discriminating elements way better than any other
method that you can think of!

So, shift your styles of teaching to foster a love for learning in your child.

Utilize Digital Schooling Games Fully:

All kids love to play games! And their fondness for gaming can be utilized for a perfect
learning experience.  Gami cation strategies in a digital schooling environment kick start a

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child’s mind and urge him/her to derive new methods to solve problems. Online education
through interesting games appeals to children instantly and improves their understanding
of the subject-matter considerably. Choose some good educational online school games
and learning-oriented applications for your child. It is a great way of signi cantly improving
your child’s problem-solving abilities, thereby improving his/her overall cognition. Try
some of the trusted learning apps as per your child’s age-group and notice the brain-
boosting bene ts.  

Use Sensory Inputs And Reinforce Enough

To Stimulate Learning:
Your kids can progress well with online learning if you know the right way to apply the
multisensory approach. Unlike our regular beliefs, this approach is bene cial for all
learners and not just special learners. Stimulating learning through the ve senses is one
of the best tips for an online school. All you need to do is to create a mix of audios like
podcasts, audio lectures, music lessons, etc. with the opportunities to touch, feel, smell
and see in real. Using simple material at home can make all this possible and your child
can enjoy learning in a fun way. Do not forget to reinforce his/her best behavior because
this is what creates a positive impression of the child’s mind. And in the end, the child gets
motivated by the rewarded practices.  

Make Interactions Fun:

What is digital schooling without adding ‘YOUR TOUCH’ to it? The asynchronous portions
can be made super interesting through lively interactions. Allow fair interactions and
acknowledge the point of view of your child. Do add an element of humor to eliminate the
chances of being judgmental. In this way even the most complex topics can be dealt with
an interactive session. For instance, use examples of environmental threats say 10 years
down the line. Ask your child to share the probable feelings that he/she will have about
these issues as an adult. Throw light on what really matters in life and these discussions
will come out as eye-opening sessions for your child about the world that he/she is living

Focus On Socialization:
Most stakeholders use the online school tips to create an enriched learning environment
for their children. But despite all the e orts made within the house, they still need to focus
on social learning through interpersonal interactions within the society. Virtual education is
crippled if you do not make enough provisions for or socializing opportunities with the

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outside world. Fun time in parks, clubs, recreational/health centers are great fun yet
intellectual activities to support the holistic development of your child. Do not miss out on
any chances of such interactions.

Don’t Be A Slave To The Idea Of ‘Monotony

At Home’:
There are innumerable ways to rejuvenate your child while being at home. Your endeavor
to create a fun- lled learning environment should be beyond the regular schedules and
chores of your home. Team up with other parents who homeschool their child and arrange
joint sessions. Your child’s virtual fun time can also be multiplied with simple digital
schooling collaborative activities including some internal academic and non-academic
awards. At times choose to disclose about these activities as a surprise to see that twinkle
in your child’s eyes!

Use Concrete Stu To Make It ‘Real’:

While implementing the best online school tips, you can experiment and explore as much
as you want. Load your child’s learning with fun aspects and give a ‘real-life’ touch to it. For
example, make your child attend chemistry class with a lab coat and even have some
mock lab material ready with you. Call the child with names like ‘scientist, writer, and
environmentalist’ etc. to add a sense of worth. Mix up some music, play, and a volley of
random questioning to let the child enjoy a perfect immersive experience.

Trust me! It is up to us to create these opportunities for a child. So, once you learn how to
do all this, your child’s virtual education will be UNMATCHED!

Tell The Child How Special He/She Is:

Other than these online school tips, never forget to use verbal and non-verbal signs to
show how special your child is! Because the fun element will remain incomplete without
this touch of warmth and care. Give your child his/her due appreciation and ‘MAKE EVEN
THE SMALLEST ACHIEVEMENTS COUNT’. This will make an online school journey super
joyous and rewarding for your beloved child.

Our educational landscape is not limited to just educational theories and approaches.
Instead, it is now focusing more on unlocking the true potential of a child.

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Understanding phrases like ‘one size ts all’ and ‘tailored education’ has highlighted the
relevance of modern-day ‘student-centric’ education. As stakeholders, we are fortunate to
witness this appealing change in the education industry. However, despite the growing
reach and innumerable bene ts of digital schooling, many stakeholders still get trapped in
the misconceptions related to the ‘missing fun element’ in online education. 

I hope now you agree that it is possible to achieve marvelous results through digital

The only thing that we need to understand is that it is up to us to explore the possibilities,
and master the art of making learning fun for the child!

Follow these simple strategies and see how virtual schooling surpasses traditional schools
in ‘Fun-Based learning’!

Thanks for Reading!

 Edwin Lim  March 16, 2021  5:55 am  No Comments

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