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Each kalpa is reigned over by a succession of 14 Manus, and the reign of each Manu is
called a manvantara. A manvantara consists of 71 maha yuga (306,720,000 solar years).

After each manvantara follows one samdhi kala of the same duration as a sathya yuga. It is
said that during a samdhi kala, the entire earth is submerged in water.

Thus a day of Brahma equals 14 times 71 maha yuga + 15 times samdhi kalas

= 994 maha yuga + 15 × 1,728,000 years

= 994 maha yuga + 25,920,000 years

= 994 maha yuga + 6 maha yuga

= 1,000 maha yuga.

At what time period are we

Currently, 50 years of Brahma have elapsed. Since 50 years of Brahma have already elapsed,
this is the second Parardha (second 50 years of the 100 year life), also called as Dvithiya

The last Kalpa, the ending day of the 50th year is called Padma Kalpa. We are currently in
the first 'day' of the 51st year. This Brahma's day or Kalpa is named as Shveta-Varaha Kalpa.

Within this Day, six Manvantaras have already elapsed out of the 14 Manvantaras and this is
the seventh Manvantara, named as – Vaivasvatha Manvantara.

Within the Vaivasvatha Manvantara, 27 Mahayugas (4 Yugas together is a Mahayuga), and

the Satya, Treta and Dwapara Yugas of the 28th Mahayuga have elapsed, out of 71
Mahayugas. This is the Kaliyuga of the 28th Mahayuga.

This Kaliyuga began nearly in the year 3102 BCE . (After the war of Mahabharata)

The current Kaliyuga originated in the full moon day (Friday) of the month Magh of 3140 BCE
(4 days after Bhishma's death) and got its effect after 37 years*, on the day after the death
of Sri Krishna*, in 3102 BCE's Shukla Pratiptha in Tithi (on the first day of the Vasant
Navratri/ the first day of Vikram Samvat(Lunar 1st day of Chaitra)/ Pratipad of Vasanti Puja).
As per the information above about Yuga periods, only 5,120 years (now at 2018 AD) are
passed out of 432,000 years of current Kali Yuga, and hence another 426,880 years are left
to complete this Kali yuga of 28th Mahayuga of Vaivaswatha Manvantara.
*37 years - these years are known as years of Yugasandhi (the years between two yugas)

*Shri Krishna's death - Amavasya of Falgun 3102 BCE

So, we are in the first day (Sveta-Varaha kalpa) of 51st year of Brahma, in the Kali yuga of
the 28th Mahayuga of the 7th Manvantar (Vaivasvatha Manvantara). And passed almost
5120 years (Approximately).

Time determination

From many texts, the time which is found is like this.

1. Brahma time Calculations

At first comes the Purusha and Prakriti.

Purusha is also known as Mahavishnu or Karanodakshya Vishnu. He is eternal. In him
stays the Prakriti. From them the Universe (Hiranyagarbha or Brahmanda) is created.

[I am not explaining the Story of Creation, cause it will take me away from the topic ]

This is not the only Universe. There are thousands of Universes. And we are in one are in
one in one of them. Their lives only one Bramha in each in each Universe. He is created
from Brahmandiya Vishnu or Kshirodakshya Vishnu. As Brahma has born and so does he
have to die too.
So let us us see-

1. In this universe Brahma has taken birth for 6 times times and died this is the seventh life
of Brahma. The brahmanas of our Universe respectively are-

i. Virinchi Prajapati

ii. Padmabhu Prajapati

iii. Swayambhu Prajapati

iv. Parmeshthi Prajapati

v. Surajyeshtha Prajapati

vi. Hemagarbha Prajapati

vii. Shatanand Prajapati (present brahma)

viii. Chaturmukha Prajapati

ix. Hanuman Prajapati

If you have given concentration on the Puja, then you will surely hear the Sankalpa done on
the Puja, as -

"Om Vishnuh Vishnuh Vishnuh Om

Shri Govinda Govinda Mahapurushasya
Vishnurajnaya pravartamanasya
Adya Brahmanah dwitiya parardhe
Shri Sweta-varah Kalpe Vaivaswat Manwantare
Ashtavinshatame yuge Kaliyuge Kali-prathama charane....."

[Only the required part is is mentioned]

Now, watch the word Adya Brahmanah means in the time of the present Brahma, dwitiya
parardhe means in the second half (second 50 years of his life, it is the first day of the 51st
year of Brahma), Shri Sweta-varah Kalpe means the name of this day of Brahma is Sweta-
varah (the day of Brahma is known as Kalpa, Vaivaswat Manwantare means in the time of
Vaivaswat Manu, Ashtavinshatame yuge means inthe 28th Mahayuga, Kali yuge means in
the age of Kali, Kali-prathama charane means in the first quarter of the age of Kali.

It is a clear knowledge given about the time we are in.

Some important facts-

1. The life of 1 Brahma is 100 Brahma years.

2. 1 year of Brahma = 360 Brahma Day & Night.

3. 1 Brahma Day & Night = 2 Kalpa [1 Brahma Day = 1 Brahma Night = 1 Kalpa]

4. 1 Kalpa = 1000 Mahayuga

5. 1 Mahayuga (Chaturyug / Combination of 4 Ages)

= 4 × 432,000 years of Satya Yuga + 3 × 432,000 years of Treta yuga + 2 × 432,000 years of
Dwapar yuga + 432,000 years of Kali yuga
= 4,320,000 years

6. Satya Yuga = 1,728,000years

7. Treta Yuga = 1,296,000 years

8. Dwapar Yuga = 864,000 years

9. Kali Yuga = 432,000 years

2. Manu Time Calculations

I have told this earlier that we are in the time of Vaivaswat manu. In each Kalpa 14 Manus
will have to come. The names of the Manus respectively are-

1. Svayambhuva Manu

2. Svarocisha Manu

3. Uttamauja Manu

4. Tapasa Manu

5. Raivata Manu

6. Chakshusha Manu

7. Vaivaswat Manu (current)

8. SavarniManu

9. Daksha-savarni Manu

10. Brahma-savarni Manu

11. Dharma-savarni Manu

12. Rudra-savarni Manu

13. Deva-savarni Manu

14. Indra-savarni Manu

The timing between to between to Manus is called Manwantar. Which means it is the time
between Vaivaswat Manu and Savarni Manu.

We have crossed 27 Mahayugas of this Manwantar. It is the Kalyuga of the 28th Mahayuga.

According to the calculation of mathematician Aryabhatta and the calculations of Surya

Siddhanta and the coronation of Maharaja Parikshit, the Kalyug started at 3102 BCE. So, we
have cross 5120 years of years of Kali Yuga in 2018. That is in 2019 it will be 5121 years.

1. 1 Kalpa =14 Manwantars = 1000 Mahayuga

2. 1 Manwantar = 1000÷ 14 Mahayuga

Calculations of time crossed by the Manus till now-

1. 6 Manwantar
= 6 × 1 Manwantar
= 6 × 1000 ÷ 14 Mahayugas
= 6 × 1000 ÷ 14 × 4,320,000 years
= 1,851,428,571 years

2. Time crossed in this Manwantar

= 27 Mahahugas + Satya yuga +Treta yuga + Dwapar yuga + 5120 years of Kali yuga
= 27 × 4,320,000 years + 1,728,000 years + 1,296,000 years + 864,000 years
= 120,533,120 years

3. The total years crossed by the Manus

= The total number of years crossed in Sweta-varah Kalpa
= 6 Manwantars + Time crossed in this Manwantar
= 1,851,428,571 years + 120,533,120 years
= 1,971,961,691 years

Calculations of time crossed by the Brahmas till now-

1. Time crossed by the 6 Brahmas

= 6 × 1 Brahma lifetime
= 6 × 100 Brahma years
= 6 × 100 × 360 Brahma Day and Night
= 6 × 100 × 360 × 2 Kalpa
= 6 × 100 × 360 × 2 × 1000 Mahayugas
= 6 × 100 × 360 × 2 × 1000 × 4,320,000 years
= 1,866,240,000,000,000 years

2. Time crossed by the Present Brahma

= 50 Brahma years + The total number of years crossed in Sweta-varah Kalpa
= 50 × 360 Brahma day and night + 1,971,961,691 years
= 50 × 360 × 2 Kalpas + 1,971,961,691 years
= 50 × 360 × 2 × 1000 Mahayugas + 1,971,961,691 years
= 50 × 360 × 2 × 1000 × 4,320,000 years + 1,971,961,691 years
= 155,520,000,000,000 years + 1,971,961,691 years
=155,521,971,961,691 years

Total Calculation

Time crossed from the starting of our Universe

= Time crossed by the 6 Brahmas + Time crossed by the Present Brahma
= 1,866,240,000,000,000 years + 155,521,971,961,691 years
= 2,021,761,968,961,691 years
Therefore according to Hinduism, we are in the year 2,021,761,968,961,691.

[In the year 2018]

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