Rovigo Famous Places

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Goodmorning. Today we are going to see some of the most famous places in Rovigo.

Rovigo is a town of 50 000 people. Rovigo is between Bologna and Venice.

1. The first place is probably the most famous place of Rovigo: “Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II” in
which there are many particular buildings that tell the story of the town. There are particular
palaces and arcades, among which stands out the fifteenth-century Loggia dei Nodari
(Palazzo dei Notari now the seat of the Town Hall). Next to the Loggia stands the Clock
Tower, in front of which is the monument to King Vittorio Emanuele II. In the square
overlook: Palazzo Roverella, Palazzo Roncale, "l'Accademia dei Concordi" built in 1580 , the
palace of the Austrian Guard Corps and the column in Istrian stone with the Lion of San
Marco, erected by the Venetian Republic.
2. The second place are The towers of Rovigo are the visible remains of the fortress ordered by
the bishop of Adria, finished in 954. Later, under the direction of the Este family in 1160, the
walls and the keep along with eight other towers and a surrounding moat completed the
castle. Torre Donà is the tallest of its kind in Italy, with its 50 meters. The Torre Grimani, also
known as Torre mozza, is seat to the group of Volunteers of cultural CTG. In the square next
to the castle along the main street del Popolo, stands the monument to polesano
deputy Giacomo Matteotti (born in Polesine and killed in Rome in 1924 by hitmen of the
fascist regime. The bronze monument built in 1978 is by the sculptor Augusto Murer from
3. The third place is : the temple “della Beata Vergine del Soccorso” called La Rotonda that is
located between Piazzale del Soccorso and Piazza XX Settembre, close to the ancient city
walls. The building was built on the occasion of the overcoming of the plague of 1575 to be
able to accommodate more worthily the devotees who arrived to the oratory to venerate the
sacred image. Designed in 1594 by Francesco Zamberlan, it was also built with architectural
elements of old bridges that crossed the Adigetto, and bricks of parts of the city walls.
When it was founded, Rovigo was part of the Republic of Venice for over a century.
The bell tower of the Temple, 57 meters high, was designed in 1655 by the architect
Baldassarre Longhena and completed in 1773.

• The altar was made in 1607 by Giovanni Caracchio . In this work we find the image of the
Madonna and Child surrounded by a glory of angels.

4. Piazza Garibaldi was occupied by the church of S.Giustina, demolished in 1809 following the
suppression of religious orders. Today the plan of the building is drawn on the "listòn" of the
On the sides of the square stand the neoclassical Teatro Sociale of 1819, Palazzo Ravenna ,
now home of "Consorzio di Bonifica"; "Palazzo del Commercio" (ex Palazzo Pretorio), now
home to the Camera di Commercio”.

5. “Grandi Fiumi” museum, is located in the former Monastery of the Olivetans in Rovigo, is an
archaeological museum that traces 3500 years of the history of the territory of the “Medio”
and “Alto Polesine” through innovative and interactive languages.
Inside the museum are preserved the works of civilizations developed along the banks of the
major European rivers. It is distinguished by the choice of scenic installations, three-
dimensional reconstructions and reproductions of ancient materials that offer a broader view
of history, linked to the particular environmental conditions of the land between the last
stretches of Adige and Po, in relation to the great European civilizations.

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