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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education (DepEd)

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Division of Leyte
San Miguel District

Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade Five (5)

I. Objective: At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
Distinguish fact from opinion (EN5LC-IIIa2.10)
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Distinguishes fact from opinion
B. References: Angeles, et al. English Expressways. Quezon City, SD Publications,
Inc., 2010. pp. 126-130.
C. Materials: strips of paper for the game, cartolina, chalk, real objects
D. Concepts: Opinion is a statement that expresses one’s ideas, feelings beliefs,
likes or dislikes. A fact is an idea that can be verified with evidence.
E. Values Integration: cooperation, self-esteem, optimism, appreciation,
F. Methodology: Inductive Method and 4A’s
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Hint Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Good morning class! How Good morning, Sir. We are

Activities is your day so far? fine.

Greeting That’s good to hear! So, Yes, Sir.

can I expect a full blast of
energy and active
participation from you?

Prayer (Learner will lead the

Before we begin the lesson
this morning, let us ask prayer)

the guidance of almighty

God and let us enlighten
our mind to completely
understand the lesson this
morning. Would you please
lead the prayer?
Management The teacher will present
classroom rules discussion
including the health and
safety protocols to avoid
the spread of COVID-19
Checking of
attendance I think everyone is present.
I’m so glad that everyone
understands the reasons
of coming to school

Let us spell out the

following words to increase
your vocabulary.
1. knight
2. mnemonic
3. pseudonym
4. tsunami
5. wreath
B. Motivation Make a stand about the
issues/situations. Do you
agree or disagree? Explain
your answer.
1. Segregation of
wastes should be
strictly implemented
in the school and at
home. (Learners’ answers may
2. The DSWD got the vary)
child under its
custody because of
her parents’
3. Wearing school
uniform should be
strictly implemented.
4. Students who
violated the
antibullying law
should be punished
by the teacher.
5. Reading
comprehension is
the basis whether
the pupils will pass
or fail in class.
C. Recall Let’s have a short review Taking a stand means to
on the past lesson that we voice your opinion on
have for Making A Stand. issues that are happening.
To make a stand is to
determine effort to agree or
Remember the formula: disagree, to defend
Information + personal something and to oppose
experiences = your stand or commend something.

D. Lesson Proper

Activity Unlocking of Difficulty

1. accumulation
2. adverse
The teacher will read an
excerpt from the article
entitled “Plastic Pollution”.

Plastic pollution is the

accumulation of plastic
objects and particles in the
Earth’s environment that
adversely affects wildlife,
wildlife habitats, and
humans... As of 2018,
about 230 million tons of
plastic are produced
worldwide each year, of
which an estimated 9 %
has been recycled and
another 12% has been
burned. This large amount
of plastic waste enters the
environment… In some
areas, there have been
significant efforts to reduce
plastic pollution.

(The teacher will ask

comprehension questions)

Are you in favor of banning

single-use plastic such as
plastic cups, plastic bags
and disposable plastic Fact
spoons and forks?

What do you understand if

a statement given is based Opinion
on data or evidences?

What do you understand if

a statement given is based
on someone’s feelings
Analysis Our topic for this morning
is about Fact and Opinion.

Let us read carefully these

two sets of sentences.

A. I believe that reading

books is still the
wisest thing to do.
Maybe it will be good
to experience Nanay
Delia’s Farm first.
I guess it’s time to
B. President Duterte is
the current
President of the
Bats are the only
true flying
The sun rises and
sets every single day.
Set A expresses opinions

Which set of sentences because it has signal

expresses opinions? How words like I believe, Maybe

did you know? What and I guess. These signal

expressions are used? Can words show that it is

you give other expressions based on someone’s

to signal opinions? opinion only.

Which set of sentences Set B expresses facts

states facts? How did you because it can be verified

know? with evidence. It is

something that is true and
tells what actually
Abstraction Here are some examples of

Dogs are the best pets

among animals.

This statement is an
opinion because not all
people believe dogs as the
best pets. Some believes
that cats, birds and other
animals are the best.

I would say that an

intelligent child always

Not all intelligent children

succeed. There are
children who are not
intelligent, but they
succeed in life. For some
people, intelligence is not
the basis for an
individual’s success in life.
It is one’s attitude towards
life that counts.

Here are some examples of


The sun is the center of

the solar system.

It is a fact. We can prove it

through scientific data and
other references.

Australia is the smallest

continent in the world.

By using world atlas or

other references we can
verify that Australia is the
smallest continent in the
world with land area of
3,300,000 sq. miles

Application The teacher will divide the

class into three (3) groups.

Group 1: Analyze Me!

The group will be given set
of pictures then they will
write one factual statement
and one opinion on each of
the picture.
Fact: Pres. Rodrigo R.
Duterte is the 16th
president of the

Opinion: Personally
speaking, Pres. Rodrigo R.
Duterte, is the best
president in the

Group 2: Module Pa More!

The group will scan the
Self-Learning Module
(SLM) provided by the
teacher. The group will
answer the activity. They
will write FACT if the
statement shows fact and
OPINION if it shows
1. Fact
2. Opinion
1. Animals need food and
3. Fact
water to survive.
4. Fact
2. I think that rules
5. Opinion
regarding cigarette
smoking should be
3. Millions of people all
over the world were
affected by Covid-19
4. Saturn is the second
largest planet in the solar
system, after Jupiter.
5. I guess the best way to
lose weight is through
proper diet and exercise.

Group 3: Color Me!

Read the statements
carefully. Color the circle
with red if it shows FACT
and blue if it shows an 1.
1. Mt. Mayon is the most 4.
beautiful volcano in the
2. Skin is the largest organ
in our body.
3. Sen. Cynthia Villar is
the richest politician in the
4. I believe that a good
education is important
than a good car.
5. In my opinion, children
learn best when they are Apples are high in fiber,
feeling comfortable. vitamin C and various

The teacher will bring a Dr. Jose P. Rizal is our

mystery box to the class. national hero.
There are things inside the
box and the learners will Bananas are good source
pick something inside the of several vitamins and
box and will compose a minerals, especially
sentence to show the potassium, vitamin B6 and
difference from Fact and vitamin C.

E. Generalization What have you learned


What is the difference

between a FACT and A fact is an idea that can

OPINION? be verified with evidence. It

is something that is true
and tells what actually
happened. We can’t
change the fact. There is
no room for difference in a
fact. A fact is universal in

Opinion is a statement
that expresses one’s ideas,
feelings beliefs, likes or
dislikes. When you express
your opinion, you state
how you feel and think
about something. It is your
decision whether to believe
or not the opinion of
IV. Evaluation Decide if each statement
tells a fact or opinion.
Write F for fact and O for
1. O
1. To my mind, Batanes is
2. F
the most beautiful
3. O
province in the Philippines.
4. F
2. Hydrogen is the lightest
5. F
and most abundant
6. O
element in the universe.
7. F
3. As far as I’m concerned,
8. O
wearing face shield is
9. F
necessary in this time of
10. O
4. The capital of
Philippines is Manila.
5. One of the substances
needed by plants in
manufacturing their food
is carbon dioxide.
6. I believe that living in
provinces is more
convenient than living in
the cities.
7. Blue whale is the largest
animal on earth based on
8. I think that the
government should ban
the use of plastic to lessen
the problem in wastes
9. It takes 365 ⅟₄ days to
complete the earth’s
revolution around the sun.
10. I guess it’s time to
change your attitude
before it’s too late.
V. Assignment Share your opinions at the
given issues. Remember to
begin your statement with
suggested expressions.

1. A ban on the use of

plastics is proposed.
2. Online learning is more
effective way of teaching
than modular one.
3. Mandatory tree-planting
as a requirement for

4. Mandatory using face

shield is a solution to
lessen the transmission of
5. There is a law on using
phones while driving.

Prepared By:

NICOMAR A. SABIANO Recommending Approval:

Teacher I
Master Teacher I
Approved By:

Principal II

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