Cereal Crops

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Indo and Burma/South Eastern Asia

Botanical name: oryza sativa (IBPS AFO 2020-21)
Family: gramineae/poaceae
Genus: oryza, it has 24 species,

Only 2 species are cultivable

a) O. sative (India)
b) O. glaberima (grown in west Africa)

Oryza sativa has 3 varietal types:

a) Indica: grown in India, also called tropical rice

b) Japonica: grown in japan, also called subtropical rice
c) Javanica: grown in Indonesia, wild rice

Chromosome number: 2n=24

Inflorescence: panicle, which has 6 stamens.

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Orzya sativa is evolve from oryza nivara (2n=48)

Oryza sativa genome: AA (the complete set of genes or genetic
material present in a cell or organism.)
Rice is a Stable food of Asia.
Maximum hybrid rice cultivated in china.
Water requirement in rice for overall growth: 1250 mm.
5000 littre water requirement to produce 1 kg rice.
Upland rice also known as Ghaiya rice, well known for its drought
A major part of Paddy is grown under lowland conditions in India.
Rice is a self-pollinated crop, C3 and short day crop.
Climate: hot and humid.
Rice is a semi aquatic plant grown best under submerged condition,
under these conditions the atmosphere oxygen is transported by
aerenchymatous tissue of leaves.
In kharif, dry nursery gives higher yields compared to wet nursery.
Lysine content- 4 % (essential amino acid used for protein systhesis)
Lodging does not occur in japonica spp of rice.

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Rice contains about 70% carbohydrate and 6-7% protein.

Rice protein is called oryzein.
Rice field submerged in 5 cm deep water.
Test weight of rice 25 gm and basmati rice 21gm.
Fruit type is caryopsis.
Dehusked rice is called as brown rice.
18% silicon is found in hull of rice.
Rice bran oil percentage: 18-20%.
Fat percentage in rice: 2-2.5%.
Polishing percentage: 2%
Hulling percentage: 66%
weight of rice grain
hulling percentage = × 100
weight of paddy grain
Husk percentage: 33%
Milling percentage: 50-55%
Harvesting index: 40%
The gene responsible for dwarfness is Dee-Gee-Woo-gene.
IR-8 = dee-gee-woo-gene x peta.
IR-8 introduced in India in 1966.
TN-1 variety introduced in India by G. V. Ghalam from international rice
research institute in 1964.
Jaya= TN-1 X T-141 (miracle rice).
Mutant dwarf varieties: jagannath, sattari, prabhavati.
Suitable variety for waterlogged soil: jalmagan
First hybrid of basmati rice in world: PRH-10 (1970)
First hybrid of rice in India: CORH-1 (1994)
Aroma in rice is due to 2-Acetyl-1 Pyroline.
Irrigation water/Cumulative pan evaporation ratio(IW/CPE) -1.20
Gap filling is done in paddy field 7-10 days after transplanting.
Protein percentage in rice bran 12-15%
Gas emitted from rice field is CH4/methan.
In rice at the time of harvesting, moisture content should be 20-24%.
At the time of rice storage grain moisture should be 10-12%.
For the control of blast disease beal fruit is used.

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Hypogeal germination.
Mat type nursery is related to paddy.
Critical stage for irrigation- booting stage.

Rice field submerged in 5 cm deep water.

Test weight of rice 25 gm and basmati rice 21gm.
Fruit type is caryopsis.
Lemma & palea is called hull.

Stem of rice called as clum/haulm which is made up of a series of nodes

and internodes.
Seed multiplication ratio: 1:80 (Varieties)
1:100 (Hybrids)

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Minimum/base: 10-12⁰C
Optimum/cardinal: 30-32⁰C
Maximum: 38-40⁰C
Average temp: 21-37⁰C
Blooming temp: 26.5-29.5⁰C
For ripening: 20-25⁰C
Panicle initiation: 20-22⁰C

Soil: clay loam is best for rice cultivation

Ph: 4-6 or 5.5-6.5.
Seasons of rice cultivation:
Seasons Sowing Harvesting
Aus/autumn April- May August- September
Aman/kharif June-July October- November
Boro/summer November- December March- April

Research institute:

CRRI: central rice research institute, cuttack ( Orissa) 23 april 1946

IRRI: international rice research institute, los banos, phillippines, 1960
DRR (directed of rice research): Hyderabad A.P.
*Name changed to Indian Institute of Rice research.

2019-20: common rice-1815/q
Grade A-1835/q
2020-21: common rice- 1868/q
Grade A- 1888/q
N management through LCC:
Time of application is decided by LCC score

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Take observations from 14 DAT in transplanted rice or 21 DAS in direct

seeded rice.

Rice field covers 11% of arable land.

Rice farming is 10,000 years old.

Varieties famous in India: Ratna, Jaya, Rasi, Triveni, Mandya, Swarnapraba,

Red Annapoorna, Aishwarya, Basmati.

Seed rate:
Broad casting: 100 kg/ha.

Drilling: 60 kg/ha.

Dapog method: 1.5-3.0 kg/m2.

SRI / Medagasker method: 6-7 kg/ ha.
Hybrid rice: 15 kg/ha.
Transplanting: 20 x 10 cm
Hybrid: 20 x 15 cm

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SRI/ medagasker: 8 x 8 inch / 25 x 25 cm

Nursery area:
Wet method: 1:10 m2
SRI method: 1: 100 m2
Dapog method: 1:250 m2
Seedlings become ready to transplant:
Kharif: 20-25 day after sowing (3-4 leaf stage)
Rabi/dry land areas: 30-35 day after sowing
Depog: 12-14 day after sowing
SRI method: 10-12 day after sowing

Depog method:

Soil less method.

Introduced from manila Philippines.
The depog nursery constructed for the rising of seedlings without any
Rice seeds contain sufficient food in the endosperm to permit the young
seedlings to grow for up to 14 days without receiving any outside
nutrients except air, water and sunlight.
11 to 14 days old rice seedlings are used for transplanting.
For nursery sowing about 1.5 to 3 kg sprouted seeds per meter square
are required.
25-30 m2 nursery area is sufficient for one ha.

SRI method:

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Introduced from Madagascar.

Developed by hennery di leley in 1980.
Firstly adopted by TNAU in India.

Aerobic rice system:

Aerobic rice cultivation is an advanced way of cultivation by reducing
water wastage. In aerobic rice cultivation, rice is cultivated as direct
sown in non-puddle aerobic soil under supplementary irrigation and
fertilizer with suitable high yielding rice varieties.

Important operations in rice:

Hulling: removal of hull.

Puddling: it is a process of destruction of soil aggregates by mechanical

force in soil with excessive moisture content and reduced the percolation
loss. Puddling increases the bulk density of soil. It is done by puddler.
Objective of puddling
 To reduce percolation losses of water.
 To reduce weeds infestation.
 To increase nutrient availability.

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Milling: the aleurone layer and embryo are removed during the polishing
of rice ( thus loss of Vit-B)
Parboiling: hydrothermal process (treated by hot water) for conservation
of Vit-B12
Bushing: It involves cross ploughing the young crop, 4 to 6 weeks after
sowing with a light country plough in 5-10 cm standing water, once or
twice. Purpose behind this to control weeds, optimize crop stand and
provide soil aeration.
Ploughing on field after direct sowing for getting suitable no. of plants.

Fertilizer management:

NPK ratio – 120:60:60

Rice uptake nitrogen in both from- ammonia and nitrate.
Ammonical Nitrogenous fertilizer should be given in the reduced zone.
CH4 Methane released from paddy field.
Respiration in rice plant by aeren chyma cell.
Nitrogen use efficiency in rice 30-40%.

Bio fertilizers:

Azolla and Blue green algae (BGA) anabaena azollae helps in biological
nitrogen fixation.
Azolla is a water fern and BGA is found on azolla’s leaves.
Nitrogen fixation by BGA in rice field 20-25 kg/ha.
Azatobacter, a non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria also fixes
atmospheric nitrogen biologically in rice field.

Hybrid rice:

Developed by Y.L. Ping in 1970 at china.

Hybrid rice introduced in india-1994.

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Golden rice:

Father of golden rice is Ingo Potrykus.

Rich in β-carotene , Vit – A and ferritin ( for iron)
It is genetically modified crop.

Super rice:

Developed by G.S. Khush.

Lunishree variety is known as super rice.

Paira/utera (relay) cropping

This is the cropping system where succeeding crop (linseed, moong,

gram, and lentil) is broadcasted 10-12 days before of harvesting of
preceding (rice) crop.
It is known as paira in west Bengal and Bihar, utera in Chhattisgarh
and Madhya Pradesh.

Some important points

 Fruit of rice is known as caryopsis.

 In paddy field widely used nitrogenous fertilizer is ammonium
sulpphate(20.6% N, 24% S)
 Akiochi disease in rice due to H2S toxicity.
 Highest nitrogen losses in the rice crop due to denitrification.
 Reclamation disease of cereals is caused by copper deficiency.
 Montek disease caused by rice root nematode.


Caused by Zn deficiency.
Most effective on nursery stage.
First reported by Y.L. Nene in 1966 at pantnagar.
Managed by Znso4 0.5%
Also called iron rust.

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Browning of rice:

Caused by iron toxicity.

Phalguna variety is tolerance to iron toxicity.

White eye:

Caused by iron deficiency

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ORIGIN: south west Asia/ Afghanistan

Botanical name: Triticum astivum ( bread wheat)
Family: Gramineae/poaceae
Chromosome number: 2n=42 (hexaploid)
Basic chromosome number: 7

Classification of wheat:

a) T. aestivum (2n=42): Mexican dwarf wheat, 87% area covered by T.
aestivum, evolved by Dr. N.E. Borlaug. It is also called as Bread
wheat. Most suited for chapati and bakery. It is cultivated
throughout India
b) T. vulgare (2n=42): tall wheat for rainfed condition, typical wheat for
alluvial soil

a) T. durum (2n=28): Marconi wheat, best for drought condition, used
for suji purpose, covered 12% of total wheat. It is best suited for
preparation of noodles, vermicelli, etc.

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b) T. dicocum (2n=28): emmer wheat called as winter / spring wheat,

used for uppumav purpose, mainly grown in south India, only 1 %
covered of total wheat area.

a) T. spherococum (2n=14): Indian dwarf wheat
b) T. monococum (2n=14): Einkon wheat

MSP (2020-21): 1925/q

2021-22: 1975/q
Per capita availability: 182 g/day.

Important institute:

Indian institute of wheat and barley research, karnal, Haryana (1965*)

Seed rate:

Dibbling method: 25-30 kg/ha.

Normal sowing: 100 kg/ha.
Late sowing: 125 kg/ha.

Ideal sowing time is 15th October to 1st week of November.

Late sowing: 15 December.

Sowing depth:

for single gene dwarf varieties: 5-6 cm

double gene dwarf varieties: 4-5 cm
triple gene dwarf varieties: 3-4 cm
average sowing depth: 5 cm
Sowing methods:

Drilling: fertilizer-cum-seed drills are most common.

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Behind the plough method
 Kera: when seeds are dropped by hand in the furrows made by
country plough is known as kera method.
 Pora: when seeds are dropped by funnel/nai attached to the plough
is known as Pora method.
Dibbling method: in this method less seeds required.

FIRB method ( furrow irrigation raised bed)


Soils with a clay loam or loam texture, good structure and moderate
water holding capacity are ideal for wheat cultivation.
Ph: 6 to 7.5


Minimum/base: 4⁰C
Optimum: 20-22⁰C
Maximum: 32⁰C
Temperature for vegetative stage is 16-22ºC. Temperature above 22ºC
decreases the plant height.

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C3, self-pollinated, long day plant.

Cool and moist weather required during the vegetative growth.
Warm and dry weather during grain formation stage.

Important points

Staple food of world.

King of cereals.
Wheat has first rank among the cereals in the world in terms of area and

Wheat and mustard intercropping ratio 9:1

Harvesting index: 40-50%
Spacing: 22.5 x 10 cm
Germination type: hypogeal.

Fruit type: caryopsis.

Inflorescence: head/ ear/spike.

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Zigzag axis called as Rachis.

Spikelets are composed of flower called florats.

Water requirement: 500- 600mm.
Number of irrigation required: 6.
IW/CPE ratio: 90%
For storage moisture percentage: 10-12%
Moisture content at harvesting stage: 25-30%
Shelling percentage of wheat: 60%
Triticale is a manmade cereal which is cross of wheat x rye (by rimpu,
swidon, 1875).
Norin (Nor) = reduced height (Rht1,2)
Gene found in wheat – Norin/Rht-1, 2.
First variety of triticale is DT-46.
Goojo method is used for production of hybrid seed in wheat.
Larma rojo all three rust resistant variety.
Seed multiplication ratio: 1:20
Wheat having 11-13% gluten protein. This is use in bakery.
Gluten is harmful to children’s health.
Wheat protein is rich in niacin & thiamin.
Test weight of wheat is 40 gm and phalaris minor 2 gm.
Critical stage for irrigation is CRI after 21 DAS. Discovered by B.L.
Perling index: in wheat used to determine the hardness of grain.
Objectional weed: convolvulus arvensis.
Bio fertilizer: Azotobacter.
Absolute weed of wheat: Chenopodium album (bathua), dicot weed.

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Norin-10 is dwarfing gene in wheat which is discovered by Dr. N.E.

Boulaug in 1962.
Phalaris minor is a mimicary weed of wheat. Earlier controlled by
isoproturon, now a days it is controlled by solfosulforen.
Common herbicide for wheat is 2, 4-D.
Bio-fertilizer: Azotobacter (Non-symbiotically)
Wheat varieties were made in 1963 from Mexico. Most important varieties
released are Sonora 64 & Lerma Rojo which has non-lodging, higher yield
and Fertilizer response. Increase in wheat production during 1963-67 was
called as “Green revolution”.
Wheat is responsible for success of green revolution in India.
Wheat and rice are responsible for success of green revolution in world.
First cultivated crop was wheat (6000 B.C.)

Root system in wheat:

Two types of root:

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Seminal roots: temporary and responsible for nourishment to plant in

early stage.
Crown roots: permanent and appeared after tillering stage(20-22 DAS)

Critical phases for irrigation are:

CRI: 20-25 DAS

Second most critical stage: Flowering
Third important stage: jointing and milk stages

No of irrigations Stages:

No. of stages
2 CRI + LJ
3 CRI + B+M
4 CRI + LT + F + M
5 CRI + LT + LJ + F + M
6 CRI + LT + LJ + F + M + D

CRI – Crown root initiation; LT – Late tillering; LJ – late jointing; F- Flowering;

M- milking; D – Dough stages

 If water is available for one irrigation only then it should be applied at

CRI stage.
 And available for 2 irrigation then it should be applied at CRI and
flowering/booting stage.

Weeds of wheat crop:

1. Objectionable weed: convolvulus arvensis

2. Associated weed: phalaris minor, avena fatua and chenopodium album
3. Horrible weed: sorghum halepense
4. Satellite weed: phalaris minor, avena fatua.

Problematic mono-cot weeds are:

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Phalaris minor – (Canary grass), control by: sulfosulfuron 20g/ha

Avena fatua (Wild oat),

Polypogan monspliensis

Treat the seeds with Carbendazim or Thiram at 2 g/kg of seeds 24 hours

before sowing.

NPK fertilizer: 120:60:40 NPK kg/ha.

 Half dose of nitrogen and full dose of P & K applied as basal dose and
remaining half dose of nitrogen applied as top dressing at 1 st irrigation.

NOTE: insect, all disease, disorders, important varieties we will cover


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ORIGIN: Central America and Mexico.

Botanical name: Zea mayz
Family: gramineae/poaceae
Chromosome number: 2n=20
Maize is C4 plant and non-tiller plant.
Maize is a cross pollinated crop due to protoandry (having the male
reproductive organs come to maturity before the female).
Protein in maize is called zein (10%)
Oil percentage -4%, carbohydrate – 70%.
Germination type – hypogeal type.
White bud in maize caused by zinc deficiency.
Maize is a monoecious plant having two types of inflorescence.
Male part is known as tessel and female part is known as silk.

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Removal of male part is known as De-tesseling.

Maize is an indicator plant for Zn deficiency.
Maize is a back bone of America.
Bihar is a leading state in rabi maize.
In maize yellow colour due to cryptoxanthin.
Maize is known as queen of cereals.
Opaque-2 gene present in quality protein maize (QPM) varieties.
Water requirement: 600-800 mm.
Maize is a short day plant.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) established the first
Coordinated Crop Improvement Project on maize (CCIPM) in 1957. In
1963 it was renamed as All Indian Coordinated Maize Improvement Project
It was further upgraded to Directorate of Maize Research (DMR) in
January 1994. On 9th February, 2015 DMR was upgraded to ICAR-Indian
Institute of Maize Research (ICAR-IIMR) to further consolidate the maize
research programme in the country. The headquarters of ICAR-IIMR was
shifted from New Delhi to Ludhiana in 2016.
Seed multiplication ratio: 1:80 (Varieties)
1:100 (Hybrids)

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In maize deep and fibrous root system.

I. Seminal root
II. Crown root
III. Brace/prop root


Flint corn (Zea mays indurata)

Entire outer portion of kernel is hard starch.

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Flint comes in many colours such as white, yellow, red-blue or their

Cultivated in India.

Dent corn (Zea mays indentata)

About 95% of production in USA is dent corn.

The amylase of soft starch in the core contracts when the grain is dried
producing characteristic dent in the top of the kernel.
May be yellow, white and red colour of kernel.

Sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata)

Grown for food and harvested at 70% moisture content.

It is good source of energy.
About 20% of dry matter is sugar compared to 3% in dent corn.
It is also a good source of vitamin C & A.
Sweetest among all corn.

Flour corn (Zea mays amylacea)

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Kernel is largely composed of soft starch with little or no hard starch.

Kernels are easy to grind.
Primarily used by natives of Andean Highlands of South America.

Popcorn (Zea mays everta)

Its kernel is small and extreme form of flint corn.

When heated to 170°C, the grain swells and burst and turning inside
out. At this temperature, the water held in the starch turns to steam and
the pressure causes the explosion.

Waxy corn (Zea mays ceretina)

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Due to waxy appearance of the kernel, it is called as waxy corn.

The starch is entirely amylopectin whereas dent has 78% and 22%
Hybrids of waxy are raw materials for wet milling starch industry for
textile and paper sizing and corn oil.

Pod corn (Zea mays Tunicata)

Husked, primitive type of corn.


2019-20: 1760/q
2020-21: 1850/q


Irrigated maize = 60 x 25 cm
Rainfed = 45 x 20 cm


Well drained sandy loam soil.

Maize is susceptible to water logging.
Ph- between 6.5 and 7.5.


Minimum/base temperature: 8-10⁰C

Optimum temperature: 32-35⁰C
Maximum temperature: 40-44⁰C

Seed rate:

Composite variety: 15-20 kg/ha.

Kharif: 15-20 kg/ha.
Baby corn: 25 kg /ha.
Hybrid: 20-25 kg/ha.
Fodder maize: 40-45 kg/ha.

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Dibble the seeds at a depth of 4 cm along the furrow in which fertilizers

are placed and cover with soil.

Thinning and gap filling:

If two seeds were sown, leave only one healthy and vigorous seedling per
hole and remove the other on the 12-15 days after sowing.

NPK ratio:

Hybrid variety- 120:50:40

Composite variety- 100:50:40

Water requirement:

About 600-700 mm is needed for 100 days crop.

NOTE: insect, all disease, disorders, important varieties we will cover


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Center of origin for barley is south East Asia/Ethopia.

Botanical name: Hordeum vulgare
Family: gramineae/poaceae
Chromosome number: 2n=14

Types of Barley

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1. Six row barley (hordeum vulgare)

 All three spikelets are fertile.
 Mostly cultivated in India
2. Two row barley (hordeum distichon)
 Lemma does not bear awns/hoods.
3. H. Distichon:
 Only central spikelet is fertile.

Barley mostly used in the malt production.

Moisture percentage in malt: <14%
Inflorescence: spike/head/pearl.
Barley seed: cariyopsis
Pearl barley is used for kidney disorder.
Lugdi is a fermented drink developed by hull less barley grains.
It is a Rabi cereal crop.
Protein - 11.5%, carbohydrate - 74%, fat - 1.3%, crude fibre - 3.9%, ash
- 1.5%.
Soil requirement: Barley is tolerant to salinity and alkalinity, but,
sensitive to acidity. Drained, fertile deep loam
Soil pH 7-8.
Barley grown in high N soils.

Climatic requirement:

Climate necessary for successful barley cultivation is similar to wheat.

It performs well in cool climate.
It can’t tolerate to frost.


In rainfed sowing: before end of October.

In irrigated condition, first or second fortnight of November.
In Hilly zones barley is sown as summer crop in April-May.

Seed rate:

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Irrigated condition – 75-80 kg/ha.

Rainfed – 100 kg/ha.
Late sowing: 100-120 kg/ha.


22.5 x 10cm spacing for irrigated and 22.5 to 25 x 10 cm for rainfed.

Depth of sowing 5cm(irrigated)
In rainfed condition it is 6- 8cm.

MSP: (2020-21): 1525/q

2021-22: 1600/q

Varieties: Two types:

Huskless barley is preferred; Karan 18 & 19 is popular varieties and

have more demand from farmers.
Suited for hills: Himani, Dolma, Kailash.
Suited for rainfed areas: Ratna, Vijay, Azad, Ameru (best for malt).
Suited for irrigated areas: Jyoti, Ranjit, Clipper (best for malt &
brewing), and Karan 18 & 19.
Dual purpose (fodder and grain): Ratna, Karan2, Karan 5, Karan 10

Water management:

Water requirement is 200-300mm.

2-3 irrigations give good yields.
Critical stage: active tillering stage (30-35 DAS)

NOTE: insect, all disease, disorders, important varieties we will cover


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ORIGIN: south east asia

Botanical name: sorghum bicolor
Family: poaceae/gramineae
Chromosome number: 2n=20
King of coarse cereals.
First hybrid: CSH-1 (1964)
HCN free variety: sirsa-20
Inflorescence: panicle
Poor in lysine and rich in leucine.
Biofertilizer: azospirillum (symbiotically associative)
C4, often cross pollinated crop, short day plant.
Seed multiplication ratio:1:100
Known as camel crop because it has capacity to withstand against
drought condition.

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Green fodder contain HCN (Dhurin, prussic acid) toxic compound for
HCN present in early stage (40-50 DAS) in upper leaves.
Protein: 10-12%
Water requirement: 400-600 mm.
Drought and salinity tolerant variety: CSH-9
For fodder purpose harvested at Knee stage.
High dose of sorghum caused pellagra disease (Vit-B deficiency)
Limit of HCN: 0.5%
Ratooning technique: Harvest the main crop leaving 15 cm stubbles.
Spacing: 45 x 15 cm or 45 x 10 cm.
Sowing at 5 cm depth.


Minimum/base temperature for germination: 7-8⁰C

Optimum temperature: 27-32⁰C

Seed rate:

Normal: 10-12 kg/ha

Fodder: 40-45 kg/ha

MSP: 2019-20: 2550 (Hybrid) and 2570 (Maldandi)

2020-21: 2620 (Hybrid) and 2640 (Maldandi)

NOTE: insect, all disease, disorders, important varieties we will cover


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Origin: Africa
Botanical name: pennisetum typhodium.
Family: poaceae/gramineae
Chromosome number: 2n=14
Highly drought tolerant among all cereals.
Cross pollination due to protogyney.
Other name: cattle millet, spike millet, candle millte, cumbu.
Grain contains 12.4% of moisture, 11.6% of protein, 5% of fat, 67% of
carbohydrates and 2.7% of minerals.
Lowest water requirement among all cereals(25cm/250 mm)
Warm weather crop.
Germination: hypogeal type.
Sensitive to water logging and acidic soil.
Considered to be a poor man’s food.
First hybrid: HB-1 (1965) ( tift 23A x bill 3B)
Spacing:45 x 15 cm

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Mineral rich cereal.

Moisture percentage at harvesting stage: 20%
Moisture percentage at the time of storage: 10-12%
P. purpureum - Elephant grass
Seed multiplication ratio: 1:200

Soil: Loamy sands to loams well drained.

Seed rate:

4-5 kg/ha
Fodder: 10-12 kg/ha.

Spacing: 45 x 12-15 cm

Sowing depth: 2-3 cm

Sowing time: June- July

MSP: 2019-20: 2000 rs/q.

2020-21: 2150 rs/q.

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Finger millet/Ragi

 Origin: India
 Botanical name: Eleusine corcona
 Family: graminaea
 Chromosome number: 2n=36

Important points related to Ragi

 Seed rate: 8-10 kg/ha, in transplanting: 4-5 kg/ha

 Spacing: 20-25 x 10 cm
 Sowing depth: 3-4 cm
 NPK Dose: 40:40:0
 Highest water use efficiency: 13.4 kg/ha mm
 For cultivation, tropical and subtropical climate required
 Protein: 9.2%

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Proso Millet

 Origin: India
 Botanical name: Panicum miliaceum
 Chromosome number: 2n=36
 Family: gramineae

Important points related to porso millet

 Seed rate: 8-12 kg/ha

 Spacing: 25 x10 cm
 Sowing depth: 3-4 cm
 Other name: cheena
 It is a warm weather crop.
 Protein: 12.5%

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Kodo Millet

 Origin: south east Asia (India)

 Botanical Name: Paspalum scrobiculatum
 Chromosome number: 2n=40
 Family: gramineae

Important points related to Kodo millet

 Seed rate: 10-15 kg/ha

 Spacing: 45 x 10 cm
 Sowing depth: 3-4 cm
 Sowing time: June- July

Foxtile Millet

 Origin: china
 Botanical name: Setaria Italica
 Family: gramineae
 Chromosome number: 2n=18
 Seed rate: 8-10 kg/ha
 Spacing: 30 x 10 cm
 Sowing depth: 2-3 cm

CONTACT- 9669186818, 9926868282 36

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