Roadmap For New Bloggers 1-1-Min

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One of the hardest things we had to do when we first started our blog was figuring out
"what was next". Because we were completely new to the blogging world (and did not
take the time to invest in ourselves), we ended up wasting a lot of time!

This is why we decided to create this roadmap. As a new blogger, we want you to know
exactly what to do every step of the way. This new, redesigned roadmap will walk you
through which parts of the course you have to complete as well as the action items that
you have to do along the way.

Although the course itself takes 6-7 weeks to complete, we decided to create you a
customized year-long plan to help you grow your blog with clarity and purpose. If you
follow this roadmap to a tee, you WILL see results.



After going through this course, these are the following things you should expect to
have accomplished:

You will have a completely new mindset about your blog (#FastLaneBloggerMindset)
You will launch your brand new blog (using our Launch Plan and Wordpress videos)
You will learn Affiliate Marketing and how to apply it to your blog
You will learn SEO and how to get repeat traffic from Google
You will learn the skills behind Trust Marketing so you can create an automated
email marketing strategy
You will start building your email list
You will launch your first Affiliate Machine around an Authority Pillar (1 pillar post,
7-10 sub articles)

Once you have accomplished all of these, you are well on your way towards your
mission which is exactly what this roadmap is for.

We have outlined a step-by-step path for you to...

Build an Affiliate Machine So You Can Profit from Your

Passions and Achieve Time Freedom.


This course is your step-by-step blue
THE BLOGGING print to building an Affiliate Machine. MONTH 1
FAST LANE  Follow the steps in this roadmap Focus on completing
ACCELERATOR month on month, as you focus on Weeks 1-4 of the course.
growing your Authority Fortress.

MONTH 2 For new bloggers, before you move

NEW BLOGGER  on, take this time to set up your blog.
Complete Weeks 5-6 of the
course, then complete Action Pit PIT STOP Use the the Launch Plan in the bonus
section to help you.
Stop 1

In this pit stop, we want you to start building the first MONTH 3
pillar of your Authority Fortress. Focus on producing
ACTION at least 1 pillar article and 5 sub-articles. Once you
In Month 3, focus on completing
PIT STOP 1 Action Pit Stop 2 and completing
have 5 articles, you can officially launch and share
Weeks 7-8 of the course.
your blog with the world!

In this 2nd pit stop, we want you to

MONTH 4 continue creating at least 5 sub-articles
In Month 4, make sure you have your machine going. ACTION around your existing Authority Pillar. If you
This means you have a value gift and a value series PIT STOP 2 haven't yet, start applying for affiliate
around your Authority Pillar. You should also begin programs and optimize your old articles.
Pinterest at this point to help you get traffic to your

This month, your focus is on link building to your
existing Authority Pillar. This means guest posting
on other blogs and doing link swaps.


In Month 6, your focus is to fuel your machine by starting your
2nd Authority Pillar. This should have 1 pillar article and 7-10 sub-
articles. Continue link building to help grow your blog's authority.

In this month, your main focus is to finish writing your
sub-articles and set up your Trust Marketing system
for your 2nd Authority Pillar. Create and implement a
value gift and email automation around your 2nd
Authority Pillar topic.

This month, your MONTH 8
focus is to start In this month, we want you to stop and reflect. Analyze
building your 3rd your Machine Numbers and use your skills in Affiliate
Authority Pillar. Mastery and Search Omnipresence to improve your
This means content. Focus on link building to the content in your 2nd
creating another Authority Pillar to build your blog's authority.
pillar article and
related sub-
articles. In month 10, your focus is to fuel your machine by creating more
relevant content around your 3rd Authority Pillar. Aim to write at
least 5 more SEO-optimized affiliate articles.

In this month, your main focus is to
set up your Trust Marketing system
for your 3rd Authority Pillar. Create
MONTH 12 and implement a value gift and email
In this month, we automation around your 3rd
want you to stop and Authority Pillar topic.
analyze your Machine
Numbers again. At
this point, you should
have built your
Affiliate Machine with
3 Authority Pillars.
Focus on link
building, improving
your SEO and If you've made it this far, it means
optimizing your CELEBRATE 1 you've pushed forward and strived
affiliates. YEAR AS A towards your goal. After the 1-year
BLOGGER! mark, we have no doubts that all
your efforts will start compounding!

Join the Blogging Fast Lane Course

Adapt a Fast Lane Mindset

MINDSET MASTERY Launch your blog!


Create your first value gift

Launch your 1st Authority Pillar

Turn on your Affiliate Machine

SKILL ACQUISITION Get your first email subscriber
Make your first affiliate sale

Launch your 2nd authority pillar

Reach 1000 pageviews in 1 month

Get 500 email subscribers

Make your first $100 in 1 month
ACCELERATION Launch your 3rd authority pillar
Get 1000 email subscribers BFL ACCELERATOR

Reach 5000 pageviews in 1 month

Reach 10,000 pageviews in 1 month
Make $500 in 1 month

Reach 25,000 pageviews in 1 month

Get 5000 email subscribers
Make $1000  in 1 month
Make $2000 in 1 month

Launch a digital product

Close a 4 figure brand partnership
Make $5000 in 1 month
Primary Focus: Complete Weeks 1-4 of course
Secondary Focus: "Launch blog"

Fast Lane Targets

The first month in this roadmap is designed for you to work your way through Module 1 of
the Blogging Fast Lane course. Complete each exercise in the Funnel Foundation Workbook
to help you determine your Blue Ocean.

Once you have completed the first module, jump in to the new Blogger Pit Stop to help you
launch your new blog.

Set up Asana (or any other task management tool)

Complete Week 1

Complete New Blogger Pit Stop (more details in next page)

Complete Week 2

Complete Week 3

Complete Week 4
What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


This Pit Stop is only for brand new bloggers. If you do not have your blog set up yet, this is
for you. 

By now, you should have already finished Module 1 and identified your Blue Ocean... now
comes the fun stuff - actually getting your blog online!

Following the bonus lessons that are given to you in this course, we want you to begin
setting up your blog.

Use the BONUS lessons in the 7-Day Fast Lane Launch Plan as well as the Wordpress Video
Vault to guide you on what to do. By the end of this Pit Stop, you should have bought
hosting (this is where your blog lives), chosen a theme, and created your About Me, Contact,
and Legal pages.

Once all of those are done, you should be ready to "launch your blog". Remember, without
you sharing your blog, no one will find it yet. Launching it is just so that Google starts
recognizing your site. We purposely don't ask you to write any articles just yet as we want
you to go through Modules 2 and 3 first.

We want to make sure that you take the time to learn how to write awesome SEO-optimized
affiliate articles. This is something a lot of bloggers DON'T DO so they end up wasting a lot
of time writing articles that won't drive traffic (and money) to their blogs.

We also recommend that you purchase a premium theme from the get-go! The one-time fee
of $35-$60 will save you TONS of time in the long run! Find a theme you love and don't try
to customize too many things. You got this!

Pit Stop Targets

Purchase a domain and hosting (click here to get 63% off Bluehost) 

Follow the 7-day launch plan to help you set up your blog


Primary Focus: Complete Weeks 5-6 of course
Secondary Focus: Complete Action Pit Stop 1

Fast Lane Targets

During the second month, work your way through Weeks 5-6 of the Blogging Fast Lane,
learning the concepts related to Search Omnipresence and Affiliate Marketing.

Once you've completed these lessons, we want you to complete your first Action Pit Stop.
Details of this Pit Stop can be found on the next page. As a brand new blogger, this is an
exciting time because now you can put together all the new skills you've just learned on
SEO and Affiliate Mastery.

If you're having trouble writing, remember that writing, just like anything else, is a skill. The
more you do it, the better you will become. Remember to focus on providing valuable
content that is solving a user's problem.

Complete Week 5

Complete Week 6

Complete Pit Stop 1 (more details on the next page)


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


In this Action Pit Stop, we want you to focus on building one pillar in your Authority Fortress.
You would have already completed your Authority Fortress plan during the lessons, and now
it's time to start creating the content for it.

Focus on building one pillar at a time, starting off by writing 1 pillar post and at least 5 sub-
articles underneath. This Pit Stop should roughly take two weeks to implement.

Remember to use the SEO Cheat Sheet (located in the Fast Lane Playbook) to make sure that
all the articles that you produce are SEO-optimized. This can be found in Module 2 resources.

Once you have your 1st pillar and 5 sub-articles on your blog, you are now ready to launch
your new blog and share it with the world! This is an EXCITING TIME as you can now get
feedback from your friends and family.

Remember, your blog is (and always will be) a work in progress. There is no such thing as a
perfect blog! The most important part of your blog is the content so make sure you take the
time to create detailed articles using all the skills you've just learned.

At this point, DO NOT worry about including affiliate links in your articles just yet. Most
affiliate programs need at least 5 articles to see if they will approve you to join their
program. You will optimize your articles with links in Action Pit Stop 2 so for now, focus on
just writing.

Pit Stop Targets

Write 1 pillar article

Write at least 5 sub-articles

Get feedback from the Fast Lane Family. Post your blog in this thread

Share your new blog on your personal or business social media pages (if you have
one). Remember to ask for feedback! Ask your friends to comment, share, and let
you know what they love about your articles and new blog.

Over the span of a few weeks, continue sharing your articles across your social
media pages. Start with your pillar article, then schedule and share your sub-
articles after. 


Primary Focus: Complete Weeks 7-8 of course
Secondary Focus: Complete Action Pit Stop 2

Fast Lane Targets

Your focus for this month is to complete creating related sub-articles around your 1st
Authority Pillar. Follow the instructions in Action Pit Stop 2 which will be explained in more
detail in the next page.

After this is done, complete Weeks 7-8 of the Blogging Fast Lane Accelerator course which
will walk you through how to set up your Trust Marketing system.

This is an exciting time because it means that you will be able to start applying for affiliates
AND growing your email list!

Complete Pit Stop 2 (more details on the next page)

Complete Week 7

Complete Week 8

Create a value gift

Set up an email automation


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Before moving on to finishing weeks 7 and 8 of the course, we want you to continue
building your Authority Pillar.

Your first step is to begin applying for affiliates. Go through the Affiliate Black Book and find
relevant affiliate partners for your Blue Ocean. Take a look at other blogs in similar Blue
Oceans and study the products that they promote. If you can, prioritize any high-ticket
affiliates ($30-$50+ commission per sale).

Some affiliates might take some time to get approved; meanwhile, we want you to start
creating content.

We want you to focus on creating at least 5 more relevant sub-articles for your first
Authority Pillar. This way, you will have at least 1 Authority Pillar and 10 articles on your
blog. As usual, use the SEO Cheat Sheet to help you produce SEO affiliate articles that will
support your pillar article.

Once you have been approved for a few affiliate programs, begin optimizing your articles
using the skills that you learned in our Affiliate Mastery Module. Use buttons, tables, and
proper call-to-action words to get your readers to click on your links and buy.

Once you have your articles ready, you can begin interlinking them together, using the
strategy we outlined in Search OmniPresence (lesson name: Building an Interlinking Strategy).
Again, this Pit Stop should roughly take two weeks to implement. After you finish, go
straight to finishing the rest of the course.

Pit Stop Targets

Start applying for affiliate programs related to your Blue Ocean

Write at least 5 sub-articles

Optimize all your blog articles (including the ones you wrote in the 1st Pit Stop)
with affiliate links. Use your skills learned from the Affiliate Mastery module.

Start interlinking your articles to the pillar post and vice versa.

As you produce and publish each article, remember to share them across your
social channels!


Primary Focus: Finish tasks from the Trust Marketing module
Link building
Get on Pinterest

Fast Lane Targets

In this month, your main focus is to to input your Machine Numbers and work on link
building to the content that you've just created in the last few months. For link building,
you can either do link swaps or guest posts to improve your blog's authority. Aim to write at
least 2 guest posts this month!

Use this time to also start applying the Pinterest strategies that you learned in the Pinterest
Explosion Course (found in the bonus section) to your blog. This means creating high-
quality pins for each article, joining repin threads, or tribes. This, combined with link
building, will help you drive traffic to your Authority Pillar.

Track your Affiliate Machine Numbers

Write at least 2 guest posts

Swap links

Do the Pinterest Explosion Bonus Course

Start getting high quality pins on all your articles


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Primary Focus: Link building and Pinterest

Fast Lane Targets

This month is for playing catch up with all the missed tasks throughout the last few months.
Use it as a checkpoint to see where you are and what you need to do.

If you're a brand new blogger, at this point you should have the following:
Launched blog
1 Authority Pillar (pillar article and 7-10 sub-articles)
Affiliate links on your articles
Pinterest pins
Value gift
Email automation

If you're missing any of these items, use this month to complete it so you can go full steam
ahead with building out the rest of your Affiliate Machine.

Write at least 2 more guest posts

Swap links

Create new pins for your articles


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Primary Focus: Fuel your machine (2nd Authority Pillar)

Fast Lane Targets

You are half-way into your Fast Lane journey, congratulations! For this month, your focus is
fueling your current machine by creating your 2nd Authority Pillar.

Focus on writing detailed, SEO-optimized affiliate posts to build your authority! Remember to
start with 1 pillar post on a topic, then follow it by creating at least 5 more sub-articles.

If you're not yet getting any organic traffic from Google, remember that this is normal. You are
most likely just now getting out of the Google Sandbox! The most important thing is that you
continue link building, guest posting, AND circulating your articles on Pinterest.

Write 1 pillar article

Write at least 5 sub-articles

Write at least 2 more guest posts

Swap links

Create new pins for your articles


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Primary Focus: Finish your 2nd Authority Pillar

Fast Lane Targets

This month, your focus is to finish the rest of your pillar articles for your 2nd Authority Pillar.
Remember, each Authority Pillar should have at least 7-10 sub-articles. Once you are done with
this, it is time to implement your Trust Marketing system on your 2nd Authority Pillar.

This means coming up with a value gift and email automation to help drive pageviews to the
affiliate articles that you are creating. You don't have to spend a long time creating your value
gifts. The important part is that you focus on solving a simple problem that your readers might

Finish sub-articles for your 2nd Authority Pillar

Start interlinking your articles to the pillar post and vice versa.

As you produce and publish each article, remember to share them across your
social channels!

Create a value gift

Set up an email automation


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Primary Focus: Analyze Machine Numbers and link building

Fast Lane Targets

In this month, your main focus is to analyze your 2nd Authority Pillar. Assess your Machine
Numbers and work on link building to the content that you just created in the last few months.
Are people signing up for your email list? How are your open rates for your value automation?

If you have been following the roadmap, you should already be seeing some traffic using
Pinterest, social media, and Google (depending on your niche). During this month, continue link
building and working on Pinterest.

Track your Affiliate Machine Numbers

Check your open rates and email automations

Swap links

Write at least 2 guest posts


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Primary Focus: Fuel your machine (3rd Authority Pillar)

Fast Lane Targets

Your main focus this month is to start creating your 3rd Authority Pillar. You can do this by
writing your pillar post and creating at least 5 related sub-articles underneath. By this point,
you should have a solid understanding of SEO and how to find long-tail keywords for your
affiliate articles.

Make sure you identify the different stages of user intent and integrate that into your sub-
articles. Prioritizing high-ticket affiliates and making them more prominent in your blog's CTAs
should also improve your conversion.

Write 1 pillar article

Write at least 5 sub-articles

Swap links

Create new pins for your articles


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Primary Focus: Finish your 3rd Authority Pillar

Fast Lane Targets

For this month, your focus is just fueling your current machine by creating more relevant sub-
articles for your 3rd Authority Pillar. Focus on writing detailed, SEO-optimized affiliate posts to
build your authority.

Continue on with your Pinterest strategy for every piece of content you create. Don't forget to
interlink relevant content to the pillar article and as always, keep link building.

Finish the rest of the sub-articles for your 3rd Authority Pillar

Start interlinking your articles to the pillar post and vice versa.

As you produce and publish each article, remember to share them across your
social channels!

Write at least 1-2 guest posts


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Primary Focus: Finish your 3rd Authority Pillar

Fast Lane Targets

This month, your focus is to implement the Trust Marketing system on your 3rd Authority Pillar.
This means coming up with a value gift and email automation to help drive pageviews to the
affiliate articles that you are creating.

Take this time to also track your Machine Numbers for your new pillar, adding the new articles
that you just wrote.

Start interlinking your articles to the pillar post and vice versa.

As you produce and publish each article, remember to share them across your
social channels!

Create a value gift

Set up an email automation


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


Primary Focus: Analyze Machine Numbers and link building

Fast Lane Targets

Congratulations! By this time, you should have already built your Authority Fortress made up of
3 Authority Pillars.

You now have a well-oiled Affiliate Machine that you can continuously tweak and optimize. At
this point, focus on link building to the content you've created for your Authority Fortress.

In the next few months, you do not need to keep producing content but instead, focus your
efforts on optimizing what you have. Link build, promote, optimize, and use your time to keep
fueling your Affiliate Machine!

Track your Affiliate Machine Numbers

Focus on link building to all your pillars

Improve your relationship with your email subscribers!

CELEBRATE! You have worked so hard over the last year and we are certain that
all your efforts will begin compounding as your blog continues to grow!


What went well this month? What new skills have I learned?

What am I most proud of?

What am I going to improve on next month?


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