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Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765 – 774

Effect of dietary taurine levels on growth and feeding behavior

of juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus
Shin-Kwon Kima, Toshio Takeuchia,*, Masahito Yokoyamab, Yuko Muratac,
Masaki Kaneniwad, Yoshitaka Sakakurae
Graduate School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Minato, Tokyo 108-8477, Japan
National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Tamaki, Mie 519-0423, Japan
National Research Institute of Fisheries Science, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-8648, Japan
Japan International Research Center for Agriculture Sciences, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8686, Japan
Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan
Received 20 January 2005; received in revised form 22 April 2005; accepted 26 April 2005


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary taurine levels on growth and feeding behavior of juvenile
Japanese flounder. Three different taurine level diets were prepared by supplementation of taurine (T-0%, 0.5% and 1.5%) to the
basal diet. Fish meal washed with 70% ethanol to remove taurine was used as the sole protein source. Feeding experiments were
carried out twice at 20 8C by using different size of fish (average body weight: 0.3 g in Experiment I and 3.7 g in Experiment
II). The feeding behavior of fish was observed throughout the experimental period. At the end of experiments, fish were killed
for amino acids analysis.
The final average body weight and feed efficiency of juvenile Japanese flounder fed the T-1.5% diet was significantly higher
than those of fish fed the T-0% diet in Experiments I and II. Abnormal feeding behavior such as multiple feeding while
swimming in the water column was observed in the T-0% group in Experiment I. These findings indicate that taurine is essential
for normal growth and development of normal feeding behavior of juvenile Japanese flounder.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Feeding behavior; Growth; Japanese flounder; Juvenile; Taurine

1. Introduction senting one of the most important species of marine

stock enhancement in this country (Masuda and Tsu-
In Japan, 20 million hatchery-reared juveniles of kamoto, 1998; Tanaka et al., 1998). However in most
the Japanese flounder are released each year, repre- cases, lower survival has been observed than expected.
Furuta (1996, 1998) suggested that mortality due to
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +81 3 5463 0545. predation is higher in hatchery-reared juveniles than in
E-mail address: (T. Takeuchi). wild juveniles. In the natural environment, mysids
0044-8486/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
766 S.-K. Kim et al. / Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765–774

were formed to the most important food organisms for fluids) had reduced concentrations of taurine in their
juvenile flounder after settlement (Hirota et al., 1990), plasma, since such solutions did not contain taurine
and the abundance of mysids affected the growth of (Geggel et al., 1985; Vinton et al., 1987; Zelikovic et
flounder juveniles in the nursery grounds (Tanaka, al., 1990). The role of taurine in mammals has been
1993; Furuta, 1996). Live mysids were found to be a extensively studied and reviewed in Sturman and
higher quality of food than formula feed for juvenile Chesney (1995).
flounder (Sekai et al., 1997). Taurine is the most In fish, it is known that cysteine sulfinate decar-
abundant free amino acid in mysids (Park et al., boxylase activity differs among fish species and he-
2000). Mysids contain about 30 mg/g of taurine. patic cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase activity of
This is a very large amount (up to 4- to 10-fold the flounder is low (Yokoyama et al., 2001). Park et al.
amount) compared with rotifer, Artemia or artificial (2001) reported that juvenile flounder fed a taurine-
diets (Park et al., 2000). supplemented fish meal diet showed significantly bet-
Taurine (2-aminoethane sulfonic acid) is not incor- ter growth than those fed a non-supplemented fish
porated into protein and exists as a free amino acid in meal diet. We also demonstrated that jack mackerel
tissues of mammals. Taurine is synthesized from me- meal contained about 2.3 mg/g of taurine (Kim et al.,
thionine via cystine by a series of enzymatic reactions. 2003). This study was conducted to investigate the
The various potential pathways of taurine synthesis effects of taurine deficiency and determine the effect
are reviewed elsewhere (Oja and Kontro, 1983). The of dietary taurine on growth and feeding behavior of
predominant route of synthesis varies among species juvenile Japanese flounder.
and depends on the type of tissue. However, the
enzyme cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase appears to
be the rate-limiting step in taurine biosynthesis in 2. Materials and methods
many mammalian species (Jacobsen and Smith,
1968). In mammals, taurine is present in high concen- 2.1. Experimental diets
tration in plasma and cells, plays an important role in
several biological processes such as the development The formulation and percentage of crude protein
of the central nervous system (CNS) and the retina, and lipid in the experimental diets are shown in
calcium modulation, membrane stabilization, bile Table 1. Jack mackerel meal contained about 6
acid-conjugation, reproduction, and immunity (Stur- mg/g of taurine. So the fish meal was washed 3
man, 1988, 1993; Huxtable, 1992; Sturman and Ches- times with 70% ethanol to remove the taurine. The
ney, 1995). A dietary deficiency of taurine in cats washing treatment, likely removed other compo-
results in malfunctioning of a number of systems, nents, such as FAA, IMP (inosine 5V-monopho-
including the visual system resulting in decreases in sphate) and inosine were analyzed in both washed
visual acuity, electroretinogram, and visual evoked fish meal and non-washed fish meal using amino
responses along with degeneration of the retina and acid analysis and high performance liquid chroma-
tapetum lucidum, the biological mirror behind the tography (HPLC) (Tsuchimoto et al., 1985). Based
retina (Sturman et al., 1982; Jacobson et al., 1987; on these analyses, attractants were added to diets to
Morris et al., 1990). In addition spontaneous resorp- adjust their contents to the level of non-washed fish
tion, abortion, and stillbirths are frequent, and surviv- meal (Table 2). Three experimental diets were pre-
ing offspring have abnormal development (Sturman et pared using the washed-fish meal as the primary
al., 1987; Palackal et al., 1988; Sturman and Messing, protein source and supplemented with 0%, 0.5%
1991). Cats have low activity of cysteine sulfinate and 1.5% taurine (Wako Pure Chemical Industries,
decarboxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme for taurine Ltd., Osaka, Japan). All ingredients were mixed
biosynthesis, and are, therefore, dependent on a die- with distilled water, to make a mash, pelleted with
tary source of taurine (Knopf et al., 1978; De La Rosa a press machine and freeze dried for 24 h. The
and Stipanuk, 1985; Sturman et al., 1986). Human content (mg/g) of free amino acids in the diets are
infants, children, and adults who were fed totally with shown in Table 3. Crude protein and lipid content
parenteral nutrition (via intravenous administered were adjusted to 55% and 10% in the experimental
S.-K. Kim et al. / Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765–774 767

Table 1 Table 3
Composition and crude protein and lipid contents of the experimen- Free amino acid composition (dry basis mg/g diet, mean F S.D.,
tal diets n = 5) of the experimental diets
Ingredients Ta-0% T-0.5% T-1.5% Amino acid T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5%
Jack mackerel meal (washed) 74.0 74.0 74.0 Essential amino acid
Attractantb 0.8 0.8 0.8 Arginine 0.09 F 0.00 0.09 F 0.00 0.09 F 0.00
Taurine 0.0 0.5 1.5 Lysine 0.15 F 0.00 0.15 F 0.00 0.14 F 0.00
a-Starch 8.0 8.0 8.0 Histidine 4.66 F 0.07 4.22 F 0.47 4.86 F 0.63
Dextrin 5.0 5.0 5.0 Phenylalanine 0.06 F 0.00 0.05 F 0.00 0.06 F 0.00
Cellulose 1.9 1.4 0.4 Tyrosine 0.00 F 0.00 0.00 F 0.00 0.00 F 0.00
n 3 HUFAc 4.2 4.2 4.2 Leucine 0.12 F 0.01 0.11 F 0.01 0.10 F 0.00
Mineral mixtured 4.0 4.0 4.0 Isoleucine 0.11 F 0.00 0.11 F 0.01 0.10 F 0.01
Vitamin mixturee 1.5 1.5 1.5 Methionine 0.14 F 0.00 0.12 F 0.01 0.13 F 0.01
Choline chloride 0.5 0.5 0.5 Valine 0.25 F 0.01 0.26 F 0.00 0.26 F 0.00
Vitamin Ef 0.1 0.1 0.1 Threonine 0.08 F 0.00 0.08 F 0.02 0.08 F 0.00

Chemical analysis Non-essential amino acid

Crude protein (%) 54.5 F 0.1 55.8 F 0.2 55.4 F 1.3 Taurine 0.56 F 0.00 5.56 F 0.66 16.00 F 2.92
Crude lipid (%) 9.8 F 0.1 10.5 F 0.1 9.8 F 0.1 Cystathionine 0.23 F 0.00 0.25 F 0.01 0.24 F 0.02
T means taurine supplemented experimental diet. Alanine 1.22 F 0.01 1.25 F 0.05 1.18 F 0.02
See Table 2. Glycine 0.35 F 0.00 0.35 F 0.00 0.35 F 0.01
n 3 HUFA: n 3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (EPA, 7.6%; Glutamic acid 0.65 F 0.04 0.63 F 0.02 0.64 F 0.01
DHA, 38.5%.Nippon Chemical Feed Co., Ltd., Chiba, Japan). Serine 0.05 F 0.00 0.05 F 0.00 0.05 F 0.00
Mineral mixture ingredient (g/100 g): NaCl 1.0 g, MgSO4d 7H2O Aspartic acid 0.06 F 0.00 0.07 F 0.00 0.07 F 0.00
15.0 g, NaH2PO4d 2H2O 25.0 g, KH2PO4 32.0 g, Ca(H2PO4)2d H2O Proline 0.22 F 0.01 0.25 F 0.05 0.26 F 0.01
20.0 g, Fe-citrate 2.5 g, Ca-lactate 3.5g, Trace element mixture 1.0 g.
Trace element mixture ingredient (mg/100 mg): ZnSO4d 7H2O 35.3
mg, MnSO4d 4H2O 16.2 mg, CuSO4d 5H2O 3.1 mg, KIO3 0.3 mg,
CoCl2d 6H2O 0.1 mg, Cellulose 45 mg. diets. Taurine was measured at a level of 0.6 mg/g
Vitamin mixture ingredient (mg/118 g): Vitamin B1 900 mg, in T-0% diet, 5.6 mg/g in T-0.5% diet and 16 mg/g
Vitamin B2 1500 mg, Vitamin B6 600 mg, Vitamin B12 1.5 mg, l- in T-1.5% diet, respectively.
Ascorbic acid 75  103 mg, Niacin 6  103 mg, Ca-pantotenate
1500 mg, Inositol 30  103 mg, Biotin 90 mg, Folic acid 225 mg,
p-Aminobenzoic acid 750 mg, Vitamin K3 750 mg, Vitamin A 2.2. Experimental fish
600 000 IU, Vitamin D3 600 000 IU.
dl-a-Tocopheryl acetate, purity 50% (Nippon Roche, Tokyo, Two feeding experiments were conducted at the
Japan). Where appropriate, data are the mean F S.D. (n = 5). National Research Institute of Fisheries Science,
Yokohama, Japan. Juvenile Japanese flounder (Para-
Table 2 lichthys olivaceus) were obtained from the Nisshin
Attractant composition used in the experimental diets
Marin Tech, Aichi, Japan. Before starting the experi-
Attractant ment, juvenile Japanese flounder were fed a commer-
Trace free amino acids cial diet for 5 days in Experiment I (Higashimaru,
Histidine 375.2 Kagoshima, Japan) and for 33 days in Experiment II
Alanine 105.8
Glycine 25.2
(Nippon Formula Feed, Ehime, Japan). Experiment I
Glutamic acid 45.1 was conducted using two replicate tanks per dietary
Proline 25.9 treatment. Each tank conformed 30 fish (average body
weight 0.3 g) (60-l aquaria, 60  35  30 cm3). In
Nucleotide-related compounds Experiment II, replicates of 10 fish (average body
Inosine 135.4
IMPa 87.4
weight 3.7 g) were placed randomly into each of six
Total 800 mg/100 g in diet 60-l aquaria. Fish in two tanks in each experiment
All attractants are produced from Wako Pure Chemical Industries,
were fed one of the three experimental diets, T-0%, T-
Ltd., Osaka, Japan. 0.5%, T-1.5%, respectively. Fish were fed three times
IMP means inosine 5V-monophosphate. a day to satiation for 4 weeks at a water temperature of
768 S.-K. Kim et al. / Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765–774

20 8C. At the end of the feeding trial, fish were 2.4. Feeding behavior observation
weighed and stored at 80 8C for free amino acid
analysis, and three fish from each aquaria were fed the Aquaria were used for 4 weeks in Experiment I and
respective experimental diet for an additional 2 days. were set up indoors under 12L:12D light conditions.
These fish were placed in separate plastic flasks con- Filtered seawater was added to a depth of 40 cm and
taining 1-l of water at 20 8C and starved for 24 h. the water in the aquaria was exchanged at 850 ml/min.
After 24 h, water samples from each plastic flask were Fish feeding behavior was recorded for about 7 min
collected to determine taurine excretion using the each morning for four days using a CCD camera
method of Yokoyama and Nakazoe (1991). In these (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Osaka,
experiments, the trials were conducted for 4 weeks, Japan). The video recordings were analyzed to deter-
because in a preliminary experiment more than 50% mine the effects of the different taurine diets on
of the fish fed T-0% died after 5–6 weeks. feeding behavior using the classification method of
Miyazaki et al. (2000). Feeding behavior was identi-
2.3. Free amino acids analysis fied as one of four specific patterns (A, B, C and D)
as: fish consumed the diet and then returned immedi-
Frozen fish from each group were dissected and the ately to the initial position (A); fish returned in the
brain, liver, eyes and muscle were used for free amino same direction but not close to the initial position (B);
acid (FAA) analysis. Other frozen fish were used for fish returned in a different direction after feeding (C);
FAA analysis of whole body. The whole body and fish fed several times in a single off-bottom behavior
tissues (n = 5 in Experiment I; n = 3 in Experiment II) (D). Feeding behavior was observed 30 times in T-0%
were homogenized with 2% sulfosalicylic acid and group, 28 times in T-0.5% group and 30 times in
centrifuged at 2300g for 15 min at 5 8C. For deter- T1.5% group, respectively. Differences in the feeding
mination of taurine excretion, water samples were behavior duration in the three experimental diets
deproteinized by the addition of 10% sulfosalicylic groups were compared by the v 2 test.
acid, followed by centrifugation at 2300g for 15 min
at 5 8C. Free amino acid levels were determined
individually with an automatic amino acid analyzer 3. Results
(Model L-8500A, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). Statistical
analysis of growth performances and FAA concentra- 3.1. Effects of dietary taurine on growth
tion in fish fed the three T-0%, T-0.5% and T-1.5%
diets are performed using one-way ANOVA and The growth of juvenile Japanese flounder was
Tukey’s multiple-range test. improved with taurine supplementation (Table 4). In

Table 4
Results of the 4-week feeding trial in Experiments I and II1
Kind of diets Taurine content Mean body weight (g) Percent Feed* Mortality
in diet (%) Initial Final gain (%) efficiency (%)
Experiment I
T-0% 0.06 0.3 F 0.1 1.0 F 0.4c 294c 0.74c 1.6
T-0.5% 0.56 0.3 F 0.1 2.0 F 0.8b 656b 0.99b 3.3
T-1.5% 1.60 0.3 F 0.1 2.4 F 0.9a 818a 1.24a 3.3

Experiment II
T-0% 0.06 3.7 F 0.2 11.3 F 2.8b 306b 1.69c 0
T-1.5% 0.56 3.7 F 0.2 14.5 F 2.4a 393a 1.86b 5
a, b, c
Means with different superscripts within the same column are significantly different ( P b 0.05).
Water temperature 20.0 F 0.2 8C.
* Feed efficiency ratio formula: weight gain/the dry weight of diet consumed.
S.-K. Kim et al. / Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765–774 769

Experiment I, the final average body weights of juve- T-0% (1.0 g). The final body weight, percent gain and
nile flounder fed the T-1.5% (2.4 g) and T-0.5% (2.0 feed efficiency ratio were affected by the taurine
g) diets were significantly higher than that of fish fed content of the experimental diets. In Experiment II,

Brain Liver
25 0.8 40 1.5

Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

Cystathionine content (µmol/g)
a a
Taurine content (µmol/g)

Taurine content (µmol/g)

0.6 30
15 A b
b 0.4 20 A
B 0.2 10 B
5 B
c c
0 0.0 0 0.0
T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5% T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5%

Muscle Eyes
60 8 0.8
Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

12 a
Taurine content (µmol/g)

Taurine content (µmol/g)

6 0.6
40 A
B 4 A b 0.4

20 b B
2 C 0.2

c C c
0 0 0 0.0
T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5% T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5%

Whole body
40 4
Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

Taurine content (µmol/g)

30 3
25 Cystathionine
20 2
15 b

10 1
5 c
0 0
Initial T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5%

Fig. 1. Taurine and cystathionine content in the brain, liver, muscle, eyes, whole body and initial whole body of juvenile Japanese flounder in
Experiment I. Means (n = 5) with different superscripts within the same column are significantly different ( P b 0.05).
770 S.-K. Kim et al. / Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765–774

Brain Liver
20 1.2 30 1.0

Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

a 1.0 25 a
Taurine content (µmol/g)

Taurine content (µmol/g)

15 b
0.8 20 b
10 0.6 15
0.4 10
0.2 5
0 0.0 0 0.0
Initial T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5% Initial T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5%

Muscle Eyes
40 8 12 0.6
Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

10 a
Taurine content (µmol/g)

Taurine content (µmol/g)

30 6
8 bA 0.4
20 4 6 B
4 0.2
c C
10 2
0 0 0 0.0
Initial T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5% Initial T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5%

Whole body
40 5
Cystathionine content (µmol/g)

Taurine content (µmol/g)

30 Taurine

3 Cystathionine
b 2
0 0
Initial T-0% T-0.5% T-1.5%

Fig. 2. Taurine and cystathionine content in the brain, liver, muscle, eyes and whole body of initial and final juvenile Japanese flounder in
Experiment II. Means (n = 5) with different superscripts within the same column are significantly different ( P b 0.05).
S.-K. Kim et al. / Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765–774 771

Table 5 Experiment I are shown in Fig. 1. The taurine content

Taurine and NH3 excretion of Japanese floundera of whole body and tissues of the T-1.5% group were
Kind of diets 17-fold in brain, 16-fold in liver, 34-fold in muscle,
T-0% T-0.5% T-1.0% 16-fold in eyes and 17-fold in the whole body higher
Experiment I than those of the T-0% group. The cystathionine
Taurine ND ND ND content in the whole body and tissues of juvenile
NH3 9.3 F 2.7 8.7 F 2.4 8.4 F 2.7 Japanese flounder decreased with increasing dietary
Experiment II
taurine level.
Taurine ND ND ND
7.9 F 2.9 8.2 F 2.5 8.5 F 2.4 3.2.2. Experiment II
Data are the mean F S.D. (n = 3). The taurine content of whole body and tissues of
ND, not detected. the T-1.5% group were 3-fold in brain, 17-fold in
Amol/g body weight per 24 h.
liver, 13-fold in muscle, 3-fold in eyes and 12-fold
the final body weight of juvenile flounder was 14.5 g in whole body higher than those of the T-0% group
in the T-0.5% and T-1.5% groups, respectively. The (Fig. 2). The cystathionine content in the whole body
weight gain of juvenile flounder fed the T-0% diet was and muscle of juvenile Japanese flounder decreased
significantly lower than that of the other experimental with increasing dietary taurine level. Dietary taurine
groups. Feed efficiency ratio of the T-0% group was content had no apparent effect on the content of
significantly lower compared to the T-0.5% and T- cystathionine in brain, liver and eyes. In Experiments
1.5% groups. In Experiment II, the growth of juvenile I and II, taurine excretion was not detected in among
flounder was not significantly different between the T- group (Table 5).
0.5% and T-1.5% groups.
3.3. Effects of dietary taurine on feeding behavior in
3.2. Effects of dietary taurine on taurine accumulation Experiment I
in tissues, whole body and on excretion
The patterns of feeding behavior are shown in Fig.
3.2.1. Experiment I 3. The frequencies of types A and B were very high in
The taurine and cystathionine content in brain, the T-0.5% and T-1.5% groups. The frequencies of
liver, muscle, eyes and whole body of fish from types C and D were very high in the T-0% group. The


Frequency (%)




TAU-0% TAU-0.5% TAU-1.5%

Fig. 3. Composition of the feeding patterns observed in 7 min. Types A, B, C and D in Experiment I. See explanation of feeding types in
Miyazaki et al. (2000).
772 S.-K. Kim et al. / Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765–774

Experiment II (initial size 3.7 F 0.2 g). The beneficial

effects of dietary taurine have been demonstrated in
many species. Conceicao et al. (1997) suggested a
correlation between taurine levels and the growth of
turbot larvae. Park et al. (2000) reported that juvenile
Japanese flounder fed a mysid meal diet contained
higher levels of taurine (above 20 mg/g) than juvenile
Japanese flounder fed a fish meal diet. Park et al.
(2001) also suggested that the taurine content in the
diet affects growth and metabolism of sulfur contain-
ing amino acids in juvenile Japanese flounder, and
concluded that the taurine requirement is 15–20 mg/g
in the diet. Kim et al. (2003) also reported that taurine
has an important role during the juvenile period (ini-
tial size 0.4 g) of Japanese flounder, but did not
significantly improve growth of fingerling fish (initial
size 14.7 g). This indicates that taurine is a condition-
ally essential amino acid during the ontogenetic de-
velopment of juvenile Japanese flounder.
The taurine content of whole body and tissues
increased with an increase in dietary taurine. In con-
trast, the concentration of cystathionine in the whole
body and tissues decreased with an increase of dietary
taurine. Cystathionine is an intermediate in the trans-
sulfuration pathway from methionine to taurine (Fin-
Fig. 4. The feeding action of juvenile Japanese flounder in T-0% kelstein and Martin, 1986). Yokoyama et al. (2001)
and T-1.5% groups of Experiment I.
reported that the activity of cysteine sulfinate decar-
boxylase differs among species and the activity in
frequency of feeding behavior types A and B was flounder is very low. Therefore cystathionine might
80% in the T-1.5% group, while in the that of the T- accumulate in the whole body and tissues of juvenile
0% group types A and B was only 20% (Fig. 4). flounder in fish fed a diet without taurine supplemen-
tation and the accumulated cystathionine of these fish
might be used for taurine biosynthesis.
4. Discussion Taurine is synthesized from methionine via cystine
by a series of enzymatic reactions. The enzyme cyste-
In this study, taurine supplementation was found to ine sulfinate decarboxylase appears to be the rate-lim-
be related to growth and feed efficiency ratio of iting step in taurine biosynthesis in many mammalian
juvenile Japanese flounder, indicating that the dietary species (Jacobsen and Smith, 1968). The activities of
taurine requirements change ontogenetically. In Ex- cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase in fetal liver and brain
periment I, weight gain and feed efficiency ratio were of humans, monkeys, rabbits, rats, guinea pigs and cats
improved with the increase on dietary taurine. In are lower than in adult tissues (Sturman and Hayes,
Experiment II, weight gain was not significantly dif- 1980). This may explain the difference in growth of the
ferent between the T-1.5% and the T-0.5% group, but different size fish used in Experiments I and II.
feeding performances were higher than those of the T- In Experiment I, the T-1.5% group showed 80% of
0% group. This result indicates that the early stage type A and B feeding patterns, however, the T-0%
juvenile Japanese flounder of Experiment I (initial juvenile group showed only 20%. This is similar to
size 0.3 F 0.1 g) require taurine in their diets but results of Furuta (1996, 1998) using live mysids and a
this requirement is reduced for the larger juvenile of commercial diet. Furuta (1992) reported that fish fed
S.-K. Kim et al. / Aquaculture 250 (2005) 765–774 773

live mysids exhibited type A feeding behavior which intracellular taurine are maintained by a Na+-depen-
was speculated to be important in avoiding predation. dent taurine transporter in the plasma membrane. They
Miyazaki et al. (2000) reported that this swim-up generated a mouse model with a disrupted gene coding
feeding behavior was divided into the following four for the taurine transporter. These mice show markedly
phases: aim, creep, attack and return. As flounder eyes decreased taurine levels in a variety of tissues, reduced
are on the upper body side surface, they may not be fertility, and loss of vision due to severe retinal degen-
able to recognize bottom-dwelling predators during the eration. These findings suggest that taurine is very
creep phase. Therefore, flounder juveniles are more important for the development and maintenance of
vulnerable to predation when they are in the creep normal retinal function and morphology.
phase of their feeding action. This suggests that mul- In conclusion, dietary taurine supplementation was
tiple feeding behavior (type D) is very dangerous and a related to the growth performance and feeding behav-
behavior liable to predation. This means that taurine is ior of juvenile Japanese flounder. Taurine content of
an essential amino acid for normal feeding behavior whole body and tissues increased with an increase in
avoided predation in juvenile Japanese flounder. dietary taurine. This result indicates that the early
The taurine content of brain and eyes depended on stage juvenile Japanese flounder require taurine in
the taurine level in the diet. The osmoregulatory role their diets. This is the first report of taurine deficiency
of taurine may be important in the central nervous in juvenile Japanese flounder. Further studies are
system. In many tissues in marine animals (flounder necessary to understand the physiological roles of
and skate erythrocyte, skeletal muscle of smooth dog- taurine during ontogenetic development and develop-
fish and the brain of numerous species), taurine com- ment of feeding behavior of this species.
prises more than 50% of the free amino acid pool
(Lombardini et al., 1979). During acclimatization of
marine species to dilute seawater, plasma osmolarity Acknowledgment
declines and several tissues lose taurine to maintain a
constant cell volume (Forster and Goldstein, 1979). This research was financially supported by the
Because these animals ingest other marine species Sasakawa Scientific Research Grant from the Japan
containing large quantities of taurine and because Science Society.
they are losing intracellular taurine, this excess taurine
must be excreted. Fish actually have a net renal
tubular secretion of taurine into their urine (King et References
al., 1982). Chesney et al. (1998) reported that taurine
is an important osmolyte in the brain and the renal Chesney, R.W., Helms, R.A., Christensen, M., Budreau, A.M., Han,
medulla of infants. In these tissues, taurine is a pri- X., Sturman, J.A., 1998. The role of taurine in infant nutrition.
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