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take/get a taxi
get in a taxi/get out of a taxi
be in a taxi
(You go somewhere by taxi.)
go/come/arrive by taxi
hail a taxi (=wave or call to a taxi to stop for you to get in)
phone for/call a taxi (=telephone for a taxi to come)

a taxi rank (British English), a taxi stand (American English) = a place where taxis wait for

How much will that cost?
How much is the fare please?
How much do I owe you?

Can you take the quickest route please?

How long is the ride?
Can you get me there faster?

Would you mind making a quick stop?

FARE - the price you pay to travel somewhere by bus, train, plane etc

Excuse me.
Is there a ..............near/around here?
Where is the ........, please?
Can you help me? I am looking for the/a .........?
How do I get to...?
What is the best way to the...?/Which way should I go?

Turn left/right (into …-street).

Take the first/second/... turn on the left/right
Make a left/right turn
Take a left/right...

How long does it take by bus?

How long does it take on foot/to walk there?

It's about a ...-minute walk./It will take you ... minutes to walk there.

go straight ahead
go down ... street until you get to...

It’s on ... (street)

It’s next to the ...
It’s between the ... and the ...
It’s on the corner of ... and ....

Where can I take the bus?
Which bus do/will I have to take?
How many stops until I am supposed to get off? / How many stops until...?
How long is the ride?
How often does the bus come?

take the bus number ___

Get on at ____ station/street/stop
Get off when you get to...

bus stop - the place where a bus regularly stops on a route to let passengers get on and off


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