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Lombos Avenue, San Isidro, Parañaque City
Diagnostic Examination for BSAeroE
Questionnaire for Aeronautical Engineering Students

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It is your concern to make our test questions clean and neat.

Directions: In the Answer Sheet provided, shade the box of the letter that corresponds to your
answers. Pencil No. 2 should be used in marking your answers. Careless marking of your
answer sheet may lower the scores you earn on this test.
You will have one (1) hour for this test. Work as rapidly and as accurately as you can. If
you are not sure of an answer, mark the choice which is your best guess. Only one answer
should be marked for each problem. Should a mistake be made, merely erase or cross out the
wrong box and mark the correct one.

1. The boiling point of a given liquid varies

a. Directly w/ pressure
b. Inversely w/ pressure
c. Directly w/ density
d. None of the above

2. Which atmospheric conditions will cause the true landing speed of an aircraft to be the greatest?

a. Low temperature w/ low humidity

b. High temperature w/ low humidity
c. High temperature w/ high humidity
d. Low temperature w/ high humidity

3. If the temperature of a confined liquid is held constant & its pressure is tripled, the volume will

a. Triple
b. Be reduced to one-third its original volume
c. Remain the same
d. Be multiplied six times than before

4. A force experienced by an aircraft in an accelerated climbing flight that acts outward, moving around an
imaginary center.

a. Centrifugal force
b. Centripetal force
c. Force due to acceleration
d. Force due to deceleration

5. Which of the following statements is true about climb power?

a. It is the sum of power available and power required

b. It is the power allotted for descending
c. It is the difference between power available and power required
d. It is the sum between power available and power required

6. What does unsteady uniform flow mean?

a. Conditions change from point to point in the stream but do not change with time
b. Conditions do not vary with position in the stream or with time
c. At a given instant in time the conditions at every point are the same but will change with time
d. Every condition of the flow may change from point to point and with time at every point
7. What is the main cause of change in temperature in the adiabatic process?

a. Conversion of internal energy to kinetic energy

b. Conversion of kinetic energy to internal energy
c. Conversion of enthalpy energy to kinetic energy
d. Conversion of kinetic energy to enthalpy energy

8. What equation relates the change in pressure with the change in vertical height?

a. Pascal’s equation
b. Hydrostatic equation
c. Bernoulli’s equation
d. Euler equation

9. Why is the energy conversion that takes place at the upstream stagnation point?

a. Kinetic energy to internal energy

b. Kinetic energy to pressure energy
c. Kinetic energy to potential energy
d. No energy conversion takes place

10. Why is there a need for calibration of airspeed instruments?

a. To obtain the indicated airspeed

b. To obtain the true airspeed
c. To obtain the equivalent airspeed
d. To obtain the calibrated

11. Solve for the approximate speed of sound in air at which h is the average altitude in the Troposphere.

a. 500 knots
b. 570 knots
c. 600 knots
d. 620 knots

12. Which of following is true about the relationship between the true airspeed and indicated airspeed?

a. For a given true airspeed, indicated airspeed decreases as altitude increases

b. For a given true airspeed, indicated airspeed increases as altitude increases
c. For a given indicated airspeed, true airspeed decreases as altitude increases
d. For a given indicated airspeed, true airspeed decreases as altitude decreases

13. Given an aircraft weighing 9000N with span loading 600 N/m 2 and wing area of 30m2. Compute for the
aspect ratio.

a. 7.5
b. 7
c. 8
d. 8.5

14. Given a wing with root chord measuring 4.5 ft and tip chord measuring 1.5 ft. What is the taper ratio?

a. 0.34
b. 0.33
c. 0.37
d. 0.36

15. A wing w/ a very high aspect ratio (in comparison w/ a low aspect ratio wing) will have

a. Increased drag at high angles of attack

b. A low stall speed
c. Poor control qualities at low airspeeds
d. Better longitudinal stability
16. Which basic flight maneuver increases the load factor on an airplane as compared to straight-and-level

a. Climbs
b. Turns
c. Stalls
d. Banking

17. Define what is a Geopotential Altitude

a. Physical distance between aircraft and reference (e.g. Sea Level)

b. Difference in density with International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) temperature
c. Distance between Center of Earth and parallel surfaces around the spherical earth.
d. Pressure differential with respect to Pressure at Sea Level

18. What effect, if any, does high humidity have on aircraft performance?

a. It increases performance
b. It decreases performance
c. It has no effect on performance
d. Directly proportional w/ performance

19. Which items are included in the empty weight of an aircraft?

a. Unusable fuel & undrainable oil

b. Only the airframe, powerplant, & optional equipment
c. Full fuel tanks & engine oil to capacity
d. None of the above

20. Geometric Altitude is measured as the

a. Physical distance between aircraft and reference (e.g. Sea Level)

b. Difference in density with International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) temperature
c. Distance between Center of Earth and parallel surfaces around the spherical earth.
d. Pressure differential with respect to Pressure at Sea Level

21. An aircraft’s rate of climb will be equal to zero if?

a. Power available is greater than the power required

b. Power available is less than the power required
c. Power required is greater that the power available
d. Power required is equal to power available

22. Changes in the center of pressure of a wing affect the aircraft’s?

a. Lift/drag ratio
b. Aerodynamic stability
c. Aerodynamic balance and controllability
d. Aerodynamic maneuverability

23. How does the wake turbulence vortex circulate around each wingtip?

a. Inward, upward and around each tip

b. Inward, upward and counterclockwise
c. Outward, upward and around each tip
d. Outward, downward and around each tip

24. Which statement relates to Bernoulli’s principle?

a. For every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction

b. An additional upward force is generated as the lower surface of the wing deflects air downward
c. Air travelling faster over the curved upper surface of an airfoil causes lower pressure on the top
d. For a constant mass, force equals mass times acceleration
25. Floating caused by the phenomenon of ground effect will be most realized during an approach to land
when at:

a. Less than the length of the wingspan above the surface

b. Twice the length of the wingspan above the surface
c. A higher-than-normal angle of attack
d. A lower-than-normal angle of attack

26. An airplane said to be inherently stable will:

a. Be difficult to stall
b. Require less effort to control
c. Not spin
d. Easy to maneuver

27. What determines the longitudinal stability of an airplane?

a. The location of the CG with respect to the center of lift

b. The effectiveness of the horizontal stabilizer, rudder and rudder trim tab
c. The relationship of thrust and lift to weight and drag
d. The location of the CG with respect to the datum line

28. During a spin to the left, which wing(s) is/are stalled?

a. Both wings are stalled

b. Neither wing is stalled
c. Only the left wing is stalled
d. Only the rightwing is stalled

29. Wingtip vortices are created only when an aircraft is:

a. Operating at high airspeeds

b. Heavily loaded
c. Developing lift
d. Developing drag

30. Which basic flight maneuver increases the load factor on an airplane as compared to straight-and-level

a. Climbs
b. Turns
c. Stalls
d. Dive

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