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Syllabus of Social Studies of class TEN for the Second Term (Bhadra, Ashwin,

Kartik and Mangsir)

Unit 6- Our Earth 4+4+7=15 marks (30 days)
6.1. Climate and Natural vegetation
6.2. Factors affecting climate
6.3. Tropical Zone: Location, Places, climate, natural vegetation and modes of life of people
6.4. Temperate Zone
6.5. Frigid Zone
6.6. Impact of climate on vegetation, wildlife and human activities in the world
6.7. North America: Map work, physical features, climate and natural vegetation and resources
and human activities
6.8. South America: Map work, Physical features, Climate, natural vegetation and resources and
human activities
6.9. Africa: Map work, physical features, climate, natural vegetation and resources and human
6.10. Nepal and its comparison with North America, South America and Africa
6.11. Earthquake and Tsunami
6.12. Map and Various techniques of Map projection and reading
Unit 7: Our Past (World History) 1+4+7= 12 marks (25 days)
7.1 End of Rana Rule and advent of democracy in 2007 BS
7.2. Political development between 2007 and 2017 BS
7.3. Ban on Political Parties in 2017: Causes and impacts
7.4. Major Political events from 2017 to 2036 BS
7.5. Political situation after 2036 until the Mass Movement of 2046 BS
7.6. Political situation after the restoration of democracy in 2046 BS
7.7. Rise of Monarch and mass movement of 2062/63 BS
7.8. Establishment of Loktantra and other major achievements after that.
7.9. First World War: Causes, course and consequences
7.10. Second World War: Causes, course and consequences
7.11. Role of Nepal in the world wars and their impacts on Nepal
7.12. Research work and report writing
 We will discuss all these chapters in detail as they are very important from examination
point of view.
 If time and situation are in our favour we can include some of the chapters from unit 5
i.e. the unit of Civic Awareness for which we will discuss later on.

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