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connect with Computers

Vaishali Sharma

Website Designing: HTML Next Steps... 94

Number System .................................................. 1
• Binary Number System
--=--- • Creating List(s) in a Webpage
• Inserting Images
• Decimal Number System • Creating Hyperlinks
• Conversion of Binary to Decimal, and vice-versa

I Calculations in Microsoft Excel 2010 .... 10

: ~ ) Animation Basics: Adobe Flash CS3 ... 109
• Starting Adobe Flash
• Formula • Components of Adobe Flash Interface
• Functions • Creating Adobe Flash Document
• Error results • Using Tools Panel in Adobe Flash

-::::IJ Analyse Data in Microsoft Excel 2010 .... .30 I

..r lt»J Enliven Your Characters in Flash .......... 126
• Sorting • Frames and Keyframes
• Filtering • Components ofTimeline
• Conditional Formatting • Symbols
• Creating Animation: Frame-by-Frame Animatio
Representation of Data in Microsoft Excel Tween Animation
2010 .................................................................43
..r= ~'i' r
_Codmg Club: Python Basics .................. 142
• Purpose of Charts
• Types of Charts • How to Code IDLE
• ChartTools • Print() and Input() Functions
• Components of a Chart • Math in Python
• Creating a Chart • Write and Save a Python File Using Script Mod
• Run a Python File
~ o Online ...................................................... 61
• Search Engine
:a) Coding Club: Next Steps ....................... 1 s7l
• Email • If... Else Statement
• Online Chat • While Loop
• Video Conferencing
• Social Networking : . Coding Club:C++ Basics ........................ 16~
• Biogs
• Webfeeds • Features of C++
• News Groups • Getting Started with C++
• Online Learning • C++ Tokens
• Online Shopping • Errors In Programming Language
• Online Banking
• Onllne Reservat ion ::JI Appendices
~ebsite Designing: HTML Basics ...........76 • Famous IT Personalities ........................................1.8
• HTML • Glossary ......................................................................1 8
• Structure of HTML • Assessment Sheets 1, 2 and 3 ............................lf
• HTML Editor • Sample National Cyber Olympiad Questions ..H
• Create, Save and View an HTML Document
• HTMLTags and Attributes
• in
f hclass. on the topk·· 'How d 0 computers unde:rstand your instru--;- "'ur -
pomts o t e discussion in the box beow. l i..;u.ans ... nrlte the key


Learn L1=1
=--------------------.. . .
You will learn about:
ffi The concept of Number System: Binary, Decimal
ffi The conversion of binary to decimal, and vice-versa

You know that computers can only understand machine language. Have you e\cr \~ondered hov.
quickly the language processors translate the language to the mach;ne code and \fke-~ersa? Read
further to have some fun and play with various numbers.
When you type words or numbe rs, the compu ter transla tes them into numbe rs. Even
outlines of drawings, audios or videos are transla ted and stored as large numbe rs.
A compu ter can unders tand these combi nation of numbe rs and respon ds acc~rdingly.
~ way in whicb the -numbey-s are expressed is known as the fiium ber~s te~
Examples of numbe r system are as follows:
• Binary (base 2) • Decim al (base 10)
• Octal (base 8) • Hexad ecimal (base 16)
@asq is defined as the total numbe r of digits in the numbe r system.
• Binary numbe r system contains .two digits: 0 and 1.
• Decimal numbe r system contai ns 10 digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
• Octal numbe r system contains 8 digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
• Hexadecimal numbe r system contains 16 digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F.
Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal numbe rs can each be repres ented by using binary
numbers. This enables these numbe r systems to be repres ented on a compu ter by
converting them into binary number system [O or I (OFF repres ented by Oand ON
represented by I)].
You have learnt about memo ry in previous classes. Remem ber a bit is either O or 1.
A computer's circuit involves voltage signals which have low level or high level to represe
a binary digit O or 1, respectively.
For example, the word BIN is typed into the compu ter system by using an input device
as a keyboard. This is stored tempo rarily in the memo ry of the compu ter as a string of
After that, it is displayed on an output device such as a monito r.
Conve rting text to binary: is a two-ste recess. First, each charac ter is conver ted to its
decimal equivalent usin ASCII (American Standa rd Code for Infer tion Interchange).
Capital letter A is represented by the numbe r 65 and lowercase numbe r by 97. Each
subseq uent numbe r will be a numbe r higher than its predecessor. Using this metho d, the
text is converted to decimal. As the next step, this decimal numbe r is conver ted to binary.
An example of binary representation:
The word BIN is represented by the bits contai ned in three bytes as follows:
01000010 01001001 01001110
Binary numbe r system is apt for a compu ter system which can deal with many different
numbe r systems.


The decimal numbe~ s!stem is the(most wldely ;-e~u mber _systen i It consists of ten
from O to 9. These d1g1ts can be used to represent any numer ic value. The base of decima
number system is 10.
'fhe deci . stem is a sitiona] value ·stem. You must ~ e le-amt a.J<mi trte
place value sy em m Mathematics: units, tens, undfieds, t h o ~ and so on.
for example, if the number is 9703 ~ 9 represents 9 thm~ 7 fep!,eS;:'"1liS 7 imru:k~~
orepresents O tens and 3 represents 3 units and its aJue Car..t be v ~ as:
9 x~IOOO) + (7 x 100) + (0 x IO)+ 3x I)
3 2
9 X 10 ) + (7 X 10 ) + (0 X 10 ) + (3 Y. llf}
9000 T 700 + 0 + 3
11us method is known as expanded form. T!ie "ralue of the number is found or multiplying
the digit with the ,veight of its position and the!: adding the results_ Tu r::$traost digit o:
a number has the lowest,weight_and hence it is ca::ec Leastjigx,i~ Di¢: (LSD.: TI.!::_
leftmost digit of a number has the @ghest w ~ anrl hence i:: i s ~ ~lost Sigr.l~~
-· _ ..,,.,. - - y ~

Activity I
Which is the most significant d[git and the reast signfficant digit [n the number 84231



The binary or base 2 Number System uses only nvo digits: 0 and 1. It is the most
numbering systelii,mdigital computers.
This is how you count in the decimal number system. -
Tech Fact
0 You start with 0. I

Then, count 1, 2, 3, ~ 5, 6, 7, 8. Binaiynwnbersystem

9 It is the last digit in decimal system. was invented by a German
i.G You start again at o, and a dd 1 on the left. ~---=....:-n
llldUlt:mauua... Gottfried Leibniz.

The same rule is followed in binary number system too.

0 Start at 0.
1 Then, 1.
10 Now, start again at 0, and add 1 on the left
11 1 again.
100 Start again at O, and add 1 to the number on the left. .
Since the number is already at 1 so it also goes back to Oand 1 1s added to the
next position on the left.
101 Next number in seq~ence.
110 Next number in sequence.
111 Next number in sequence.
1000 Start again at O (for all 3 digits), add 1 on the left.
1001 And so on.
The binary nmnber representation of the decin1al nun1bers is shown in Table 1.1.
Tabk 1.1 Rt'prcst'nt,1tio11 of decimal numbers as binm·y numbers
5 Bit Binary Ntunbcr
Dedurnl Nu1nbcr
Tens Units
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
,.... 0 1 1 I

l 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 I

1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1
1 2 1 1 0 0
1 3 1 1 0 1
1 4 1 1 1 0
I 5 1 1 1 1
1 6 I 0 0 0 0
1 7 1 0 0 0 I
1 8 1 0 0 I 0
1 9 1 0 0 I 1
2 0 I 0 1 0 0
2 1 I 0 I 0 1
2 2 1 0 1 1 0
2 3 1 0 1 1 1
2 4 I 1 0 0 0
2 5 1 1 0 0 I

Following are the larger equivalent values of the stated dec1mal numbers·

0 ec1ma1:
11110 I
~ 40
101000 t 11 ~o01 0 t oo

11 001 00
L 200
11 oo 1ooo
11111o, oo
,:..,I - - - J • - -- - - - ,. ...
To convert a decimal number to binary,~se divide-by-2 method_!. ]
£xa111ple 1. Convert the decimal number 13 i~ its binary --~~~:--i=~wu:.i~
equivalent. It can also be written as:
You may write the base as
(13)10 == (?)2 a subscript to avoid errors.

2 13 Divide 13 by 2.
6 ----------------
Remainder 1
---------------- ---------------- -----·
Quotient (Q) = 6, Remainder (R) = 1. This is LSB.
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------
Divide 6 by 2. We get, Q = 3, R = 0.
2 Remainder O
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- -----·
2 1 Remainder 1 Divide 3 by 2. We get, Q = 1, R = 1.
Remainder 1
---------------- ---------------- -----·
This is MSB.
L---- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------
The bina (esu t is obtained Jly_placin_gJ!l_t the remainders in ordeLY'l.ith theJeasi§jgnificant
bit (LSB)\ bein[_a!_!!ie o and the...!!!ost significant bit !(MSB )Jbeing at the !bott~.).
Now, read all the remainders from bottom to top. You will get the number 1101 which is
the binary equivalent of the decimal number 13.
Therefore, (13\ 0 = (1101 \
Examp1e 2· Convert the decimal number 32 into itsl binary equivalenj. It can also be written as:
~ 2)10 = (?)J

2 I 32 Divide 32 by 2.
2 16
Remainder 0 __
___________ ,.. Quotient (Q) = 16, Remainder (R) = 1. This is lSB.
----------------- -----------~------·~~-
2 f- 8 Remainder 0 Divide 16 by 2. We get, Q = 8, R = 0.
2 4
Remainder 0
----------------- ------------------~---
Divide 4 by 2. We get, Q -= 2, R = 0.
2 2
... ____ _________
,,.. 0 Div1dL 2 by 2. We get, Q = 1, R = 0.
2 1 .., _____ ________
Remainder 0
-----------------------------~-------- ·
This is MSB.
0 Remainder 1

Now, read all the remainders from bottom to top. You will get the number 100000 which is
the binary equivalent of the decimal number 32.
Therefore, (32) 10 = (100000) 2
Exa m~3 · Conv ert the decimal num ber 292 j nto its
2 2'12
(b'in~ equivale'!iy It can also be written as: 2 J4~ ·---·-0·--·----
(292) 10 = (?)2 ·----0--·--··-·
2 73
Now, read all the rema inder s from bottom to top. {f,u
2 36
will get the number lO{HOOJOO which is the binary
2 J~ ()
Gqw valen~ of the decimal nu'mber 292.
Ther efore , (292 \ = (100100100\
2 4 "
------J-- -·---.
-------- ----·-
2 2 0 ·
2 J
------(;-- --·---·

Activiw 2
Convert the following decimal numbers into their binary equiv
a. 12 b. 24 c. 61 '1. 120


. ..
In the binar y num ber system, the weight of each digit increases
by a factor of 2. Thus, th.e
first digit (from left) has a weight of 1 (2°), the second digit
has a weight of 2 r2 h the thir
a weight of 4 (22), the fourt h a weight of 8 (2 3), and so on.
Example 1: Convert the bina ry number 1011, into its decimal equir
valent It can also be
written as:
(101 1\ = (?\ 0

lx 23 + Ox 22 + 1 x 2 1 + 1 x 2°
---- -
= 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11
Ther eforef (l<J11) = (11) )
2 10

Example 2: Conv ert the binar y num ber 10101 into its decim
al equivalent It can also be
writt en as:
(10101) 2 = (?\ 0
] X 2 + 0 / 2 3 t 1 / 22 t 0 X 2 1 + l X 2°
=16 +0+ 4t0 +1
= 21
Therefore, (101 01\ = (21)
Act_ivitY 3 Checkpoint

convert the following binary numbers into its decimal equivalent.

a.101 b.1110 c.110101 d. 00111010

ffi Binary number system contains two dig!ts: o and 1.

ffi Decimal number system contains 10 digits: o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
ffi 9ftal numbeL S$.le.m..£.o..ntains_8 digits: O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7..
.He_x~ecimal num_ber system contains 16 digits: O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AB C D E F.
_A binary system tias only_o lev~ao.gj_leye.lgi.Y1Jlg~base of 2.
- -
ffi The rightmost digit of number has the lowest weight. This digit is called Least SigniffiJicant
.Qlgit lLSDJ. - - -
ffi T~ leftmost digit of a number has the highest weight. This digit is called Most Signiffilicant
Qigit (MSD). -
ffi Adecicrtal number can be converted to a binary number by usin.9_the repeated division-
~ -2 method._


Put a ✓ or x.
~~~/ • _:,,ff.I .%I'<."-'"'~ ~ ,

Number system l . / j j

::c:mal number·;~
:~:: ::::::·::::::::r::: : : : : :::: :::~:: ::::::::::::::::::::::1::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::·::::·::::.·:::·· ::::.·· .:;

Binary ~~~b~r s;st~~·..: : : : : : : ;_: : ·: : : : : : : : : : : : :✓:: :: :~: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :::::::::::::::::: :·::::::.:::.:::::: ::::::::::::::.. :::· · ::;
Octal number system . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.. .. . number
. .. .. .. system
' .. .. .. . .. .. :....................................................., .....................L...........,, ...... , . .. ..... . .. .. . .... ..
········································ ···························································································

1. 7
A. Fill in the blanks with the help of the given words.

by2 2 Positional
Decimal 7 Binary number

1. The ....\. .. number system is the most widel~ used number system.

2. A . bi~ty.. r.#'111: Jsystem has only two states, Logic 'O' and Logic '1' giving a base of 2.

3. An easy method of converting decimal to binary number equivalents is to continually divide

... ...... .
' ..-.
..... ~
4. In this decimal numbering system, the digit .....7. ........ ... in the number 7902 is most significa
digit and ..... ..7, ..... ... . is the least significant digit.

5. The decimal number system is a .. ~~\½.IOO.O! l.. value system.

B. Convert the following decimal numbers into their binary equivalents.

1. 29 = .. Ul.O.\. ...... .. 2. 44= ... \0.l.\OO ..... ..

3. 6 7 = ..\0.000.t\. . .... . 4. 98 = ... \L0.00!0 ... .

C. Convert the following binary numbers into their decimal equivalent.

1. 11 001 = ..?.5 .. ......... .

2. 10010 = .. tS'.. ..... .... ..
3. 101011 = ... ~J......... ..
4. 0100001 = .. ~':! .......... ..
D. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a number system?

2. Describe the different number systems.

3. Define the term 'base~

4· Why are subscripts used to convert number-s from binary to decimal, or decimal to binary?

5. Which number system is used in digital computers?

create a secret message In binary system and ask your friends to decipher.

Decipher: to decode

HoW will you convert 101.101 to a decimal number?

Thefollowing examples will help you understand how to convert octal and hexadecimal numbers to
decimal numbers.
Example: Convert (42) 8 to decimal number.
42 = 4 X 81 + 2 X 8°
= 4X8+2X1

= 32+2
= (34) 10
Exampl,: Convert (3A)16 to decimal number.
3B16= 3 X 161 +BX 16°
= 3x16+11 x1

= 48 + 11
= (59) 10
q .
Write the functions of each of the followm g com man ds.

1. \~w.., Tat .....................................................................

2. : fl Merge & Centtr • I ·····································································
3. jGenaal .....................................................................

4. ~Insert

You will learn about:
~ Formula ffi Error results
+ Functions

For the upcoming Carnival, students of Grade 7 have decided to put stalls of various activitie
s and
games. The amount collected through these activities and games will help to raise funds
for the
education of the poor children in the school's neighbourhood.
You are given the responsibility to manage the sales account. You know that you might
mistakes while doing calculations manually. Therefore, to avoid errors, you can use the formula
s and
in-built functions available in Microsoft Excel 2010. Read further to learn how to use them.
athematical formulas and executing functions are unique features of Microsoft Excel.
formula is a set of mathematical instructions. They can be used in Microsoft Excel to
erform calculations. A formula usually consists ~f an operand and operator. Formulas are
t"ypea in the cell of the worksheet or in the formula box with '=' sign in front. ~ formula can
c1Ptain ~ of values, cell references, functions, given with or without an operator.
If in case, you do not type'==' sign, then Microsoft Excel treats the formula as a normal entry.

The data that you will use with a formula can be placed in a single cell or range of cells
in a worksheet. The values in these cells or range of cell references are used to evaluate
the result. Instead of giving individual cell references, you should provide a range of cells.
Consider the given examples:
a. The cell in column E and row 9: E9
b. The range of cells in column F and rows 6 through row 20: F6:F20
c. The range of cells in row 10 and columns D through H: D10:HIO
d. All the cells in row 2: 2:2
e. All cells in column C through D: C:D

••f11fillIDliffl~mr.(il1 ....
A formula can be a simple formula with a single operator or a complex one with multiple

operators. It must start with an equal to (=) sign.
To calculate the sum of numbers, follow the steps:
Step I: To enter a formula, either click in the Formula bar or double-dick the cell where
you wish to get the result (Fig. 2.1~.

[ ~ep 1n
I C D £ F G H

1 Grade 7 Class Tea Marks

fhme- Soch1I
Ro61 No. Students Enclilh MUh Scl•mce Scienui
1,..,,, .______ S~p 2 J

I VIWIII M u • 17
IJ u u u
1 ,
• u u
Fig. 2.1 Entering the formula
Step 2: Type '=' and then, type the formula.
Notice the color of the cell name typed in the formula and the corresponding color of the
border that appears around the cell.
Step 3: When you finish entering the formula, click ~ next to the Formula bar or press
the Enter key.
The cell will display the formula result and not the formula. In case you change data With
the cell range, then the result will automatically change.

Instead of typing the cell i=t,l.

•II• • • • ;.
address, click the cell. This IL] ilia• 8 I II • A' •· ~ . 9 ti
"!'-.1 Ill .)I" GrQf'Jo
method is called pointing. After Clip!IUN! •

typing'=: do not type the cell H

address, just click the cell. The
status bar will display a status of
Point. Then, type + and click the
other cell. Continue the same till 16 H

you are done. Press the Enter 14

19 l1 16
• 19
key to see the result. 15 & l1 11

t1 5119tt2 I ~ t•9 l Di


!he order of § athematical opera ~ is very important. If you enter a formula that
contains several operations, Microsoft Excel knows how to work with the operations in t
correct order. The order of operations is:
• Operations enclosed in Parenthesis
• Exponential calculations (to the power of)
• Multiplication and division, whichever comes first
• Addition and subtraction, whichever comes first
Mnemonic: memory a
A mnemouic that can hel12..Y-ou ,r:e~mber !his is Please Excuse
~y Dear Aunt Su..san (P.E.M.D.A.S). - - Concatenation: a seri
of interconnected thin
~ sentence is a text stri.Q8_2! a seguence of characters. You cannot do operations like
addit~on, subtraction, multiplication or division on it. Howev~r, you can_§till join
by usmg the ampersand((&)]character.'E!1en you add two strings, it is called concatena~
@}trmi_g - - - -
To concatenate two strings, follow the steps:
Step 1: Click th e cell where you want to display the result (Fig. 2.2).
Step 2: Type the text formula.
Step 3: Click B or press the Enter key to view the output.
A 8 0 E F G
Grade 7 aass Test Marks
Noma- .Social
Student English M:,th Science Science

16 u
M u I 17
13 11 16 l9
.7 Rabil 15 6 u 18
, l•&·scored-mns••• I

Fig. 2.2 Concatenation of Strings


Instead of typing the formula in each cell, you can
copy the formula to reuse it in other cells. Remember to add space either
You can copy a formula by using the following two after the first string or before the
ways: second string while concatenating.
• Copy and paste method 1
• Fill Handle
To copy and paste a formula, follow the steps:
Step 1: On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy
Or) Right-dick the cell, where the formula is typed in, and
sclect the Copy option from the Context menu.
Step 2: On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click
• Press Ctrl + C to copy
the selected data.
2:} Right-dick the cell and select the Paste option from the • Press Ctrl +V to paste
Context menu. the copied data.
Step 3: Press the Enter key.
The formula gets copied.
Activity 1 > • __ ,r

The teacher made six groups for each

stall so that proper attention can
be given to all the visitors. You have
collected the data from each group
leader and organised it in Microsoft
Excel sheet as shown here. Now, do the
following tasks.
• Using a formula, add the amount collected
from each activity.
• Copy the formula in cell I3 to cells 14:18.
, • Finally, add the amount column to get the total.
I • Change the value of cell address 07 to 280. Write your observation.
• In the end, study t he data and type a line to inform which group collected the maximum amou
• Save As the file as 'Fund_Collection~


In the Activity I, the formula you typed in the I3 cell was =(C3+D3+E3+F3+G3+H3) an
formula pasted in the 14 cell is =(C4+D4+E4+F4+G4+H4). It means the formula in the c

14 was referencing the value of the cell 13. In Microsoft Excel, by default the cell referenc
relativ~. A relative cell reference recognises the change in the location of a cell and upda
the formula according!}; en a formula is copied across different cells, they change
automaticallyoasea on the relative position of the cell.
1Activi1Y 2
The teacher has~ the ticket collection data
submitted by the students of Grades 6 and 7.
collate: to assemble in
proper sequence
~mnbtror Amount
1 tickcUlold Co'lltttd • Identify the formula applied: ...... . ..........
Gr:adeU., [ Z'9•(B?-B9)
• Is the formula correct ? .................
Gndc:G 2J6
A Gracle.C 114 • Complet e th e calculation.
Gndc: 7.A 26S
• Copy th e formula to cell C3. What do you
Gn4e1B 267
7 Gn4e7C 243

9 Cost Pff 1lcka [ soj ···················································
• Save the file as 'Ticket_ Collection~
2 th
In Activity , _ e formula used is, =B2*50. The cost per ticket is 'tSO and this amount is fixed.
In case th~re is any change in the cost of the ticket, then you are required to change this value
manually in the cells wherever this amount is being used. This will take a lot of time and
may have errors. To solve this difficul!Y, you can enter the cost per ticket in a cell and refer
this cell in the fonnula by using fixed cell referencing to calculate. This method is helpful as
cyou need to. update only the value of one cell. All the formulas that are referring to this cellJ
are automatically updated. When a cell reference remains fixed, it is known as absolute c~ll
reference. I_uonsists of column letter and row number of a cell, each preceded by a $ s~n.
Activity 3 II

Rewrite the foimula, = B2*$8$9,

using the absolute cell references.
C3 /x =83*$8$
Now, copy the formula in other A B C
cells (relative referencing} and Number or Amount
write your observations. 1 tickets sold Collected
........................................................................... 2 Grade6A 200 10000
3 GradeeB 2361 118001
4 GradesC 114
5 Grade7A 26S
6 Grade7B 267
7 Grade"TC 243
9 Cost per Ticket 50
................................. .......... ., . ............................................................


Mixed cell re erence is a reference that contains either fixed row number or column letter
of the same cell address. Thus, H is a combination Jof relative and absolute ce11 refere~ce.
For example~ to fix column A, Y?u wi.11 wri~c 02

$A2 and to fix the row 2, you w1ll wr,tc A$ 2 ,._ 11
(Fig. 2.3).
In the given exam pie, 5 is fixed and jt is being 1 24 2s,.....,_ _4..
multiplied by numbers in row 1.
5 120 12sl.___2_2,..
Fig. 2. l Mixed Cell Reference
v1ou may al so copy a 1orm
c ula by using the Hanal~. It is a small square at the corner of run
the cell. It is used t~ copy cell conJepts to th_e adjacent cells.
To copy the formula using Fill Handle, follow the steps:
Step 1: Select the cell (Fig. 2.4a).
Step 2: Move the cursor to the bottom-right corner of the selected cell.
Step 3: Observe a small square, drag it downward till the last cell of the range where you
wish to copy the formula.
Step 4: Release the mouse button (Fig. 2.4b ). The formula is copied and the result is displaye
C9 • 8
tfUlnNl'of AIIIOUllt
ffUmNl'Of tktcetstOld Colledacl
2 GadtiA
tkab sold CDllld,ed

f~. . . . ::=:t-------
2 GfadeM
3 Grlde&I
<4 GradelC
5 Grldt7A
6 Grade18
6 Grade11 Gnde1t
7 6ndt1C
249..,__ _...,.~.. ..I · 7
I 50
9 COltptrlkbt
, COil per'1'1dat so
Fig. 2.4 Using the Fill Handle

Activity 4
Toryutchanfallslo u_se Fill Handle to auto fill a series of numbers/text based on a pattern
e o owmg patterns.

At A1
• e


ki while working on M'icroso ft Excel kh
wor ng cell or the Formula bar inste d f h wor s eet, errors are displayed in the
a o t e result. - -
A list of errors that are displ aye d 1n
· M1crosoft
· Excel, along with their meanings are given in
Tab1e 2 •1•

Table 2.1 Error Values in Microsoft Excel

- Error Value
- Division by zero

#NIA No value available

~·- -
#NAME? Incorrect range name or no quotation marks around a text string
in a formula
##### When a column is not wide enough to accommodate the value
#NUM! Invalid argument in the function
#REF! Invalid cell reference
#VALUE! Invalid data

In case you are dealing with a worksheet that contains many error val~ on the Formulas tab,
in the Formula Auditing group, click the Error Ctiecking button. 7


Calculations done using formulas can be at times a bit tiresome. Therefore, Microsoft
Excel has 4..n entire library of]functions, or predefined formuTaEi[perfor ms cafcuiations l
QJy using specific values in a particular ordeiJ,The order in which you insert a function is
Each function has a syntax which must be followed, if you want the function to work
correctly. Each function in Microsoft Excel .§.tarts with the e9.ual to '=' sign followed by:
• Function name: It is the name of the function.
• Function argument: It is the information you want the fonnula to calculate. Each
function receives a specific kind of argument which can be numbers, text, date or
logical values (True or False).
While using functions in Microsoft Excel, there are some rules to be followed. They are as
• All functions must begin with '; )sign.
• The arguments of a function must be :'Enclosed within bracket~
• The arguments should be \mentioned by using a colon.')
For example, =SUM(B4:B9) will calculate the sum of cell range B4 through B9.
SUM is the name of the function. B4:B8 indicates the cell range, which refers to the cells
from B4 to BS.
This function adds the values given in the cells, B4, BS, B6, B7 and BS and displays the
The cell range should be separated by a comma.
For-example, =COUNT(C5:CIO,Cl6:C20,C29) will count all the cells in the three
arguments that are included in parentheses.


Func!!Q_ns in Microsoft Excel are predefined formulas. 12,ifferent functions perform differe
mathematical operations. For example, SUM will add the number in a given range of cells
To use a function in Microsoft Excel, follow the steps:
Step 1: Select the cell where the answer will appear.
Step 2: Type the'=' sign, then enter the function name (Fig. 2.5).
Step 3: Enter the cells for the argument inside the parentheses.
Step 4: Press the Enter key.

SUM • '¥. ,./ /;. =SUM(C3:F3)

A 8 C D E f G H

1 Grade 7 aass Test Marks

2 .
I 15 =SUM(C3:F3j t )
5 lA 13 8 17

Fig. 2.5 Using the SUM function

The u o um ~ommand allows you to automatically show the results for a range of cell
common functlo~or exam~e, Sum, Average, etc. - - -- - ......_ _...,
Step 1: Select the cell where the answer will appear.
Step 2: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the AutoSum d rop -down arrow
(Fig. _ ).
Step 3: Select the function you want. A formula will appear in
the selected cell. [st~. 27
sum: It is the default option of AutoSum feature. It adds the l: Autos~ j
n'uiiioer in a.given range of cells. l: ~um
verage: It calculates the average value in a given range of ~ount tlumbers
·ens. ,Wax
ount Numbers: Tt counts the number of cells with values Min
·nit. More functions ...

ax: It shows the highest value in the given range of cells. Fig. 2.6 AutoSum
in: It shows the lowest value in the given range of cells. drop-down menu
tep 4: Press the Enter key and the result will appear.

. Actiuit!il s Practice

A. Open the Microsoft Excel file 'Fund_Collection'. Calculate the total amount collected in 19.
8. Calculate the average collection by six groups for each activity.

z <; ~ ~
, 1 Cta!ITIM
, 7 II r&lnlifig
I S Pholo&x,th

C. Calculate the maximum collection for each activity.

C ,.
" 0 0

, !l.o l\:&1111' C:rou !\ c;


,1 Cr lob!
l'«e .uttin£ uo uo IN 100
3 ~'>llo""'.h NO J10 sa IIOO ,00

D. Calculate the minimum collection for each activity.

, !\:(Is- ~
, 1 Cr l'l..W. ~!!.e.!J~?-£1.:~~~~~ u::::~,=~;f,;,.~:,;;~ ~,w,itt .. rl

• > F«o l'.unt llO 100 ut

. .
t J'hPtoBooch «IO JOO NI

Note: Sometimes, you may need to manually change the arguments.

To select a range of non-adjacent cells in a formulaf pa rate each cell address by a comma ~~
Tor example: Max (A2, C4, D5)
~..:. . . .
--- - . --~ -----=-- ....• group vou will find all the functions
• L'b
On the Formulas tab, in the Function 1 rary '' . . • •
(Fig. 2.7). They are visible under their respective categories available m Microsoft Excel,
Formulas Data Review View
Page Layou t

· 1 Text Date &. Looi.up &. Math More
Insert AutoSum Recently Financial Logica • Time. Reference• &. Trig• Functions•
Fundlon • Used • • •
Funrtion Libra

Fig. 2. 7 Function Library group

The Function categories are as follows:
@ecently ,lls~List of functions that you recently used. . .
inancial List of functions that help in financial calculat10ns, such as mterest rate of a 1
~o~al: List of functions to check arguments for a value or condition.
~ext: List of functions to work with text arguments, such as converting text to lowercase
Date & Time) List of functions to work with date and time, such as for current date and
time (NOW).
\Lookup & Reference:\List of functions to work return values for finding and referencin
add a hyperlink (HYPERLINK).
~ath & Trig: List of functions to work with numerical arguments, such as value of Pi (B
'.\Jore Functions:. List additional functions under categories for Statistical, Engineering,
Cube, Information and Compatibility-½--


To insert a function from the Function Library, follow the steps:

Step I: Select the cell where the answer will appear (Fig. 2.8).
Step 2. Click the Formulas tab. In the Function Library group, select the function cate
from More Functions
Step 3: Select the desired function from drop-down menu. Function Arguments dialog
appears (Fig. 2.9).
Step 4-: Check the cell range.
Step 5: Click OK. The result is displayed.
yep 2)
' 0.:.


ifi Crt.att troo !iduuon

~ fr&:t PrcttCltnt1
-<!tmc0(pcnClt na $
.'(. RtfflOlff A110w1 •
~ Shaw foimu"..n
Et o, omuno •
Q:l ( ~ t fOJl!IIQ
i • ;G-----::=-=d~~~~===-=~C~•~•C~at
lO<itZCN.f 01Sl'
C 0 ,oc;uo4mv l
t.!AXtm=btf 1.numOC'J2J
uuiw, ~ uumum
)U 2Gmuo J.Q
IL"ICI Co bon
soo ,is 245 talA 714 .500 ~
160 150 130 1.10 ~
8 P'fes~ ft f<>f fflO<C J\dp. 141 llO 100
240 570 100 ~ MOOUl-lGL ~ ~7.J4W71 ~80 200
1.SO 160 lSO 100 HtGtal0:.1.0ZSI ~ 2,12.851142'9 110 IO
190 280 120 350 trQRM.OtST lJ70 l3Ul85714 lSO 120
520 S50 S30 sss t~IV
l.J~ ~ ~70 )00

1084-0 i
Fig. 2.8 MAX function from More Functions category


r..--· lt!£ I :1 -

( st:p4 J)

.. 61v
~h~vtlLan~Mt~ -.-S.lo'r,w . . . . . , . . - ~ ~
I I t: ~ t . , . _ , .i,,_ .., l1D ~
~ft'Ot)'c$. . . . . . er

Fig. 2.9 Function Arguments dialog box

You may also insert a function by using the Insert Function option on Formulas tab, in ~
EunctiQP Library group.

Activity 6
How to insert date and time?
Step 1: From Date & Time drop-down menu, select TODAY
The Function Arguments dialog box appears.
( F
H ----:
A I C 0

t f bl
• 2 Fa ~ ng
s 3 Photo Booth 970
~hC11111'C .................
».kdlll._,......,. ":a,
6 4 Karaoke 150
7 s RingTo 190 2IO 120 ,_...,...,... JI

I 6 Snacks Comer .S20 sso 530 ~ml:II~

0( c.w:w )
JJ ( St: p2 ])
Step 2: Click OK.
How is the Function Arguments dialog box for this function different?

Activity 7
A. Find the LCM of 4 and 1O by using paper and pencil.

Now, calculate using the LCM function from Math &Trig category.

B. Find the length of text that is the number of characters using LEN function from Text

Activity 8
How do you use formulas and functions in day-to day life?

~ A formula usually consists of an operand and an operator.

>I'.' !1'dding two strings is called concatenation of string s. ..
>l1 You ca n copy a formula by using the following two ways:
o Copy and paste method O Fill Handle
ffi A cell reference reco9nises change in the location of a cell and updates the formula
accordingly. -

When a ~ell reference remains fixed on a specific cell and does not change with the change in
the location of the cell, it is known as absolute cell reference. It consists of column letter and
row number of a cell, each preceded by a 5 sign.
ffi Mixed cell reference either fixes a row number or column letter of the same cell address.
ffi Fill Handle is a small square used to copy cell contents to the adjacent cells.
ffi Functions are predefined formulas .


A. Fill in the blanks with the help of the given words.

Formula Fill Handle Relative Pointing Absolute

1. A .. :fct.m->.~ ..... is a set of mathematical instructions used in Microsoft Excel to perform

2. The method of clicking the cell instead of typing the cell address is called ...9~'tt1\i.J'.'.~ .....

3. fi)\ .. ~~.Q\t. ... is a small square used to copy cell contents to the adjacent cells.
4. A .... ~.e~J.i:1.e.. ... cell reference recognises the change in location of a cell and updates the
formula accordingly.
5. ..-1.\b~o\v.le...... cell referencing consists of column letters and row numbers for a cell, each
preceded by a $ sign.

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