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Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

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A review on the progress and challenges of binder jet 3D printing of sand

moulds for advanced casting
Tharmalingam Sivarupan a, *, Nagasivamuni Balasubramani a, Prateek Saxena b,
Devarajan Nagarajan c, Mohamed El Mansori d, e, Konstantinos Salonitis b, Mark Jolly b,
Matthew S. Dargusch a, f
Centre for Advanced Material Processing and Manufacturing (AMPAM), School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Centre, School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire MK430AL, United Kingdom
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620015, Tamil Nadu, India
Laboratoire MSMP-EA7350 Arts et Metiers ParisTech, Aix en Provence, France
Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, Institute for Manufacturing Systems, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA
DMTC Ltd., Victoria, Australia


3D sand mould printing using binder jet technology can enable many technical improvements in casting practice, including part consolidation, design of parts to
optimise the consumption of materials and hazardous chemicals, and on-demand and flexible size part manufacturing near the customer. Incorporating artificial
intelligence in optimising the design of moulds, printing process parameters, and solidification processes may help automate a production facility and reduce labour
time. Elimination of hazardous chemicals from industrial use may be a challenge. Therefore, an alternative technology to fuse the sand particles during printing or an
environmentally friendlier alternative option for the binders and other consumables should be utilised with the 3D sand printing process. Properties of parts produced
using 3D printed sand moulds have the potential to be better than the properties of parts produced using traditional casting due to this technology’s benefits. This
technology is an enabling technology for traditional casting processes rather than a competing technology. It is causing a paradigm shift in casting design because of
the mould geometries achievable by using additive manufacturing to produce the sand mould. This paper reviews the first twenty years of research and challenges in
developing 3D sand printing processes as an innovation for sustainable manufacturing.

1. Introduction process but this review will focus on addressing the recent developments
and challenges in binder jet processes for sand mould printing. An
Traditional sand casting mould making processes involve the mixing example of a printed sand mould and the casting obtained using such a
of sand and binder materials, and then the mixture is poured into a wood mould is shown in Fig. 1.
pattern to shape pieces for a sand mould assembly. Molten metal or an Almost all of the additive manufacturing (AM) techniques require
alloy is allowed to solidify inside the desired mould cavity within a sand specific feedstock material with a well designed shape for 3D printing
mould assembly. Sand moulds can now be 3D (three dimensional) any components [3,4] but metal part production through 3D sand mould
printed by binder jet or laser sintering processes. printing does not rely on the shape of metal feedstock (ie. powder size
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) can also be applied on resin-coated and shape). However, it may be beneficial to have a specific sand par­
foundry sand particles to induce the phenolic resin’s thermo- ticle type and size to produce moulds and ultimately castings with
polymerisation process. A relatively low-power laser (200 W CO2 acceptable surface finish. Different stages and processing variables
laser) is used, to sinter the silica sand without any binder [1]. Using a involved in 3D sand mould printing, casting and characterisation for
similar approach, the binder jet sand mould printing involves the quality control are shown in Fig. 2. Firstly, designing a model using a
spreading of acid-coated sand particles onto a job-box and spraying of computer software package, before choosing the sand particle size and
resin layer-by-layer in order to induce the polymerisation and bond the printing process parameters, choice of binder and activator. Finally, the
sand particles to form a mould or a section of a mould—a review by Néel mould sections are printed. These can be assembled into a mould of any
et al. [2] provides further insights into the selective laser sintering size if the design is castable with an acceptable defect limit. Therefore, a

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Sivarupan).
Received 15 September 2020; Received in revised form 31 December 2020; Accepted 31 January 2021
Available online 10 February 2021
2214-8604/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

final casting is obtained with minimal post-processing. Binder jet 3D

printing offers distinct advantages compared to other additive
manufacturing methods because alloys can be cast into moulds manu­
factured by jetting monomer liquid droplets onto a powder-bed, e.g. acid
mixed sand, to bind them through a polymerisation process. The sand
moulds can even be used for cold casting materials such as concrete [5].
Although it is reported that the sand moulds produced through this
process exhibit anisotropic properties, e.g., three-point bending strength
is weak in the z-direction [6–8], there is no significant influence on the
isotropic properties of the final casting as this depends on the solidifi­
cation behaviour of the molten alloy. Any complex geometry can be
manufactured rapidly using 3D printed moulds, even those that are
difficult to be produced with computer numerical control (CNC); 5-axis
machining methods [9] with undercuts, enclosures, sharp internal cor­
ners, and other features. Consequently, 3D printing of sand moulds has
been revolutionising the casting industry by providing energy-saving
options [10,11], defect optimisation [12], as well as the ability to
combine multiple components, previously separated due to the limita­
tions of traditional manufacturing. Production facilities can potentially
shift closer to the customer base, e.g. on a naval ship or very close to a
large city, but the design can be prepared from home.
Research in the area of 3D sand mould printing technology has been
Fig. 1. Parts of the 3D printed sand mould, semi-assembled mould sections and trending up, Fig. 3. Over the past ten years, the authors have published
the intake manifold casting obtained using such mould parts (courtesy several papers [6–8,10,13–18] related to the 3D printing of sand
of VoxelJet). moulds, including a review article which summarises several important
attributes and processing variables with a focus on further improve­
ments needed in this field [18]. Most of the research has focused on the
optimisation of process parameters [6–8,19] while other proposals

Fig. 2. Stages and processing variables involved in 3D sand mould printing, casting and characterisation for quality control.

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

include an alternative or improved method of design [20–24] for casting possibility of printing multi-material moulds that can provide geometry
using 3D printed sand moulds and testing methods using acoustic and dependent properties has been proposed and studied [48,49].
optical techniques [25] for inorganically bound granular materials, with Fig. 3 indicates a growing trend in sand mould printing research
conclusions for the benefits of this technology [10]. compared to the other popular aspects of additive manufacturing.
It is well established that many engineering applications involving Although the “3D sand mould printing” research is much smaller
these high temperatures and/or complex stress states can benefit from compared to overall “Additive Manufacturing” or “3D Printing”
cast products due to the isotropic nature of material properties that are research, a significant increase in reseatrch with 3D sand printing is
produced during casting. Sand casting is one of the major industrially evident. Also, it emphasises the paradigm shift in casting from Design for
employed mass-casting techniques used to manufacture high melting Manufacture to Manufacture for Design. Research on this layer by layer
point alloys and thin-wall sectioned engineering components [26]. manufacturing technology is progressing rapidly.
Nevertheless, sand casting suffers from considerable limitations on ge­ Some of the commercially available 3D printers are shown in Table 1
ometry and higher lead times due to the involvement of pattern making shows that the largest such printer is having a job-box volume of 8000 L
in the process [27]. In recent times, the increasing complexity in the with a build speed greater than 135 L/h. A new sand printer model
design of many engineering components requires complex pattern released by Voxeljet company overcomes this volume restriction due to
making, which in turn limits the usage of the sand-casting process. In the inclined printing method; the continuous sand printing method has
order to overcome this issue, 3D printing of sand moulds started only two-dimensional limitations. This is further discussed in the later
replacing the conventional pattern making process and has been suc­ paragraphs.
cessfully utilised for the production of complex-shaped sand cast prod­
ucts [27–29]. 2. Progress in 3D sand moulds printing
The main advantage of using 3D sand printing (3DSP) for making
sand casting moulds is that this technology allows the direct fabrication 2.1. Computer design and simulations
of complex-shaped moulds and cores without the necessity of using any
hard tool [28,30]. The final properties and quality of the 3D sand printed The computer simulation of mould filling and solidification has been
(3DSP) moulds depend on the process parameters used for the 3DSP widely used for the design of traditional sand casting since the mid-
process. The most critical parameters are the sand characteristics 1980s. However, the real advantages of using computer simulations
[31–36], types and concentrations of resin, binder, and activator [35, are better realised in the design of 3D printed sand moulds. This is where
37–40], the printing or powder recoating speed [35], layer thickness
[37,41], and curing temperature and time [42–44].
3D printing sand moulds can address challenges in centralised Table 1
manufacturing, especially the fabrication of custom-made, single pro­ 3D sand printing machines. Manufacturers and scale of sand printing machines.
duction products. The hard tooling requirement is significantly reduced Manufacturer Size (mm) and volume (L) Layer Build
if the initial investment on a large 3D sand mould printer is absorbed. thickness speed (L/
(mm) h)
Operational costs are comparable to conventional casting, with addi­
tional energy and material savings, from the ability to manufacture non- ExOne 1800 × 1000 × 700 (1260) 0.26 to 0.38 135
1800 × 1000 × 700 (1260) 0.26 to 0.38 105
traditional shapes. It is expected that the initial capital cost of the
800 × 500 × 400 (160) 0.26 to 0.38 36
printing machine will be affordable as the market pull increases, though, Voxeljet 300 × 200 × 150 (9) 0.15 or 0.3 Not
in the current market, the total cost of such printers and related equip­ available
ment are on the scale of a million US dollars. Nonetheless, the network of 500 × 400 × 300 (60) 0.15 or 0.3 Not
on-demand production facilities around the world means custom part available
1000 × 600 × 500 (300) 0.15 or 0.3 Not
production must be at the minimum affordable price. This is the only available
indirect 3D printing technology used to construct a significantly large 2000 × 1000 × 1000 (2000) 0.15 or 0.3 Not
casting in a production facility within a room. Therefore, it can be easily available
accessed by a large-scale city considerably in a small-time frame. The 4000 × 2000 × 1000 (8000) 0.15 or 0.3 Not
technique is not just for parts with high dimensional tolerance (layer
3D systems Discontinued sand printers/ Not Not
thickness in 280 µm -500 µm), but it can also be used for line forming (previously using different material available available
methods for large scale (volume) parts to speed up the printing process ZCorp)
by increasing the layer thickness up to 2 mm [45–47]. Another

Fig. 3. From 2010 to 2020, the number of publications appeared on Scopus search for the keyword of (a) “3D sand mould printing” a total of around 130 publi­
cations, (b) “Binder jetting-362′′ and “3D sand mould printing-130′′ , (c) “additive manufacturing-29983′′ , “3D printing-31958′′ , “rapid proto typing-10551′′ , 3D sand
mould printing-130, and “Binder jetting-362′′ .

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

the generative design or topology optimisation can be incorporated. towards defect elimination.
Modelling software packages have been incorporating additive
manufacturing-focused functionalities even though none of those
2.2. Flexible design methodologies
packages has a specialised module for 3D sand mould printing. It would
be an added advantage and reduce time on modelling and optimisation
Castings produced by conventional sand moulds require extensive
if these packages could incorporate functionalities such as optimum
preparation by skilled labour, including pattern and core making, that
mould sectioning for a dimension specified job-box of a sand mould
have inadequacies in facilitating new designs. Limitations of the con­
printer. This would assist the users to minimise sand waste and printing
ventional method include the pattern making process with expensive
time, thereby improving the economic performance. Traditional casting
machining works, storage of patterns, degradation of dimensional tol­
processes have been utilising computer technology in order to simulate
erances due to prolonged storage or usage, undercut in design requiring
the mould filling and solidification processes when a molten alloy is
additional cores, and other geometrical design considerations for gating,
poured into a sand mould assembly (gating system, casting cavity, and
feeding and runner systems. On the other hand, 3D printing facilitates
risers). There are several commercial software producers such as Quik­
rapid fabrication of moulds by reducing the processing time, tooling
complexities associated with cores and undercuts [12,49,52]. Fig. 4
Inspire Cast. A comprehensive review on the simulation software
highlights some of the essential attributes of the design freedom ach­
packages has been published [50]. The benefit of casting simulation
ieved with 3D printing compared to conventional sand moulds. Sama
highly depends on the boundary conditions, material properties, and
et al. showed the potential of 3D printing and hybrid approaches
meshing of the computer-aided design (CAD) model at a high cost to
through three case studies of a vane impeller, a complex nested bracket,
benefit ratio [50]. The major problem of modelling traditional casting
and a centre bearing housing for a duplex stainless-steel casting. As
processes is providing the exact boundary conditions for the simulations.
opposed to the closed vane impeller’s conventional design, the 3D
The input of the correct data is crucial for the accurate simulation
printed sand mould consists of only three risers and one ingate that
outcome. Functional design and manufacturing of the 3D sand mould
eliminates shrinkage porosity with a design that has a vertical parting
will address these issues by providing geometry dependent gas perme­
line. The intricate bracket design using 3D printing enables the reduc­
ability and thermal information with minimal deviation. Improved input
tion of turbulence (velocity of 1.81 m/s in conventional moulds is
data on all boundary conditions not only simulates the casting process
reduced to 0.5 m/s in 3DSP moulds) and thermal losses, thereby
more realistically, but also leads to the saving of materials and energy,
decreasing the propensity for misruns. Misruns occur when the liquid
thus the quality and economic improvements. This issue has been
metal is too cold / too viscous to flow to the extremities of the mould
well-reviewed in a publication by one of the current authors [51] and
cavity before solidifying. Therefore, it would not be able to fill the mould
concluded with suggestions for the integration of simulation techniques
cavity completely. The unfilled portion of space in the mould is referred
on the atomic level, e.g. a Molecular Dynamics simulation, on a
to as a misrun. Providing additional sprues to the design enhances the
real-time scale which would result in better decision making to optimise
metal feeding at the locations of the misrun.
the energy consumption as well as most importantly the possibility
Provision for easy drain off for the loose sand and seamless

Fig. 4. Design flexibility and the advantages associated with 3DP [12,21–23,49,52–54].

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

integration with conventional mould design is also possible to eliminate shrinkage area between the riser and casting was increased by 6 % and
defects in the casting process. Often the component geometry decides 18 % for the risers with single and three layers of cavities respectively. In
the orientation, location of the riser, and size, whereas 3D printing en­ addition, no shrinkage porosity was found on the risers with air cavities
ables the incorporation of suitable orientation for increased metallic indicating that the solidification was delayed with enhanced feeding,
yield and reduced defects. A parabolic and conical-helix sprue offers a and it also reduced residual stresses in the casting [23].
smooth flow of liquid melt, reducing the turbulence at the in-gate The design flexibility with moulds can also be extended to core
compared to the conventional straight sprue. Significant reductions of design, where several small components of the core can be integrated
(i) void spaces or internal flaws in the casting (56 % and 99 %), (ii) into one part. An example is shown in Fig. 4 for a train’s air brake in
inclusions, mainly oxides or sand particles (21 % and 35 % area) and (iii) which eight different cores are consolidated into one 3DSP core that
centreline shrinkage defect (1.5 % and 0.6 % area) have been measured reduces the misalignment errors and undercut difficulties in design [53,
for parabolic and conical-helix design respectively (for the values indi­ 56].
cated in the brackets) A decrease in the melt flow also reduces the sand Snelling et al. [54] fabricated a cellular structure of the A-356 Al
inclusions and increases flexural strength in the conical-helix design, alloy using a 3D printed sand mould using an ExOne (leading 3D sand
which could be used as a novel design for hybrid moulding for Al and printer manufacturer by market capital) S-print machine without a
steel, or cast-iron melts [49]. curing cycle. The model was created using CAD specialised for creating
Several improvements are also achieved with novel designs of the cellular materials. Initially, a single unit cell was designed, which was
pouring basin, runner and riser. Increasing the number of sprues while then patterned to create the whole structure (using Netfabb SSS soft­
reducing the width allows for less air entrapment, and the multiple sprue ware). The printed mould was used as a core, which creates a cavity in
design reduces the flow velocity due to frictional forces. The higher- the resultant casting, and an outer mould with gates and down sprue
pressure head with the pouring basin shown in Fig. 4, avoids common arrangement was fabricated, and this setup brings liquid metal into the
casting defects observed in thin-section castings and eliminates metal cavity. Castings made from the printed mould exhibited no sand burn or
splashing. A complex runner network shown in Fig. 4 avoids gas metal penetration. Compression tests revealed that the castings could
entrapment at the entrance of the runner and in the gating system. withstand a maximum load of 120 kN to 130 kN. Fig. 4 shows the
Additional vents act as a reservoir to reduce entrapped air and regulate manufacturing process of the cellular structure.
the flow velocity by maintaining backpressure during mould filling. A case study on the comparison of cost estimation between con­
Round corners, instead of the rectangular cross-section, further decrease ventional and 3D printing of a train air brake (8 cores) and turbocharger
the turbulence issues. Generally, cylindrical feeders or risers are stan­ (3 cores) reveals that the total cost (tooling and fabrication) for a con­
dard in traditional casting. Modifications to the existing design by the ventional process increases as a function of part complexity (estimated
addition of air vents or a novel spherical design by 3DP delays the so­ by a complexity factor). 3D printing becomes the cost-effective approach
lidification time and enhances feeding. For instance, a spherical design for high volume production, and time spent on the tool design or pattern
showed a total solidification time of 7 min compared to the cylindrical and core making process can be significantly reduced [28].
counterpart that solidified in 4 min for a particular casting design [55]. 3D sand printing offers a new paradigm of Manufacture for Design.
In contrast to the traditional thick sand mould fabricated by the 3DSP offers a flexible intermediate stage, not creating the part directly,
conventional process, lattice or shell type of moulds with varying but fabricating the disposable mould tool without other hard tooling and
thickness and adequate strength can be produced in the 3DSP process. A with a creative and functional mould design such as one described in the
few models of designs for these moulds are shown in Fig. 4 [20–22,24]. next section.
A rib-reinforced design on the outer side of the casting shell forms a
network-like structure that enables increased cooling rates to reach the 2.3. A new avenue for manufacturing
shakeout temperature quickly and a significant reduction in sand con­
sumption (nearly 90 %) [22]. Kang et al. proposed several lattice frames 3D printed sand models can be coated with, for example, carbon fibre
(skeleton mould design) [24], including a basic cross-frame, internal sheets with resin and hardener, a flexible material that can set into a
and surface enforced cross frame, diamond, cellular and radial types of rigid shape; then the sand mould can be washed out to create a large-
frames. These frames are associated with higher cooling power, reduced scale, complex and lightweight hollow structure (composite structure),
sand consumption, and reduced weight of the mould. Forced cooling can e.g., aircraft ducting, pressure tanks, struts, and mandrels [57]. Nor­
be effectively introduced into this type of mould structure to reduce mally, making pattern is challenging with other polymer 3D printing
production time and increase production efficiency without defects in techniques due to their non-recyclability and the scale of the job-box of
the casings. those printers as well as their dimensional stability. In this case, suitable
A case study reported for the A-356 Al alloy wheel hub casting (0.3 m bonding material can be chosen, instead of furan resin. The mould
diameter) with a mould that has no parting line showed that the lattice making can be implemented at room temperature using a water-soluble
design saved 50 % of the sand used while achieving higher heat transfer substance that can bond the sand particles and keep the structure until
for adequate cooling, castings devoid of shrinkage, and better surface washout. There are also other possible alternative applications of 3DSP
finish compared to traditional castings [21]. Distinct cooling behaviour such as the cold casting of concrete; these moulds can be used to produce
was observed for the shell mould and the dense traditional mould. a complex structure in concrete.
Initially, the dense mould extracts heat from the melt, whereas the shell
mould cools at a relatively lower rate. The shift in the cooling rate occurs 3. Challenges with sand handling and processing variables
at temperatures approximately below 300 ◦ C (for A356 Al alloy), where
the shell mould cools faster to reach the shakeout temperature of 200 ◦ C 3.1. Binders
than the solid mould [20].
Deng et al. [23] investigated the effect of hollow structures around The use of furan binders or any other polymer materials are not new
the riser and evaluated the solidification and heat transfer characteris­ to the casting industry, but these are considered as hazardous materials
tics. A series of riser structures having one to three hollow cavities are and need to be replaced with substances that can provide better prop­
designed with a wall thickness of 3 mm and an air cavity of 12 mm when erties to the printed mould with improved environmental properties
an aluminium alloy (A-356) solidified in a riser with a single cavity [56], including energy-efficient production [10]. A list of currently used
layer, the solidification time was delayed by 11.7 %, and it was further sand particles and binders are tabulated in Table 2 and Table 3,
extended to 30 % for a riser with three layers of air cavities when respectively. However, foundries have already started using epoxy/SO2
compared to the conventional riser without hollow structure. The based curing system to minimise the carbon emission [58]. Koltygin

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

Table 2 MgCO3, magnetite Fe3O4, Olivine (Mg, Fe)2(SiO4), forsterite Mg2SiO4

List of a few currently used (traditional casting) sand materials. and other compounds. A sand-gypsum mixture with Iron (III) sulphate as
Material Properties Limitations Advantages mass fraction of 0.2 % as hardening accelerator and dolomite as mass
fraction of 2 % as moisture absorber were found to contain adequate
Silica (SiO2) Low volumetric Low heat Good for gating
heat capacity conductivity system strength to that of ZCast 501 powder. The details of the alternative
Cheap/most binder used instead of Zb56 was not provided. A matched tensile
abundant strength and a good dimensional tolerance were obtained for the new
Zirconia (ZrO2), High volumetric High heat Expensive binder compared to that of the ZCast powder and binder. The mould
heat capacity conductivity
Olivine ((Mg2+/ Good for mould
obtained using the new sand mixture had sufficient strength.
Fe2+)SO4), cavity surface Ramakrishnan et al. [60] investigated the organic binder system for
Chromite printing sand moulds using a Voxeljet VX-500 3D printer, which was
(FeCr2O4), initially designed for processing polymer powders. The quartz sand was
Zircon (ZrSO4),
mixed with dry sodium silicate powder (acting as a binder), and the
printing fluid comprised of thickened water that was able to dissolve the
sodium silicate (dispensed by the printing head). The influence of fluid
migration and strength of the printed parts were evaluated by varying
Table 3
two parameters, namely, the concentration ratio of binder to printing
Summary of the commercially available binders and activators and their prop­
fluid and heat input. Fluid migration can be reduced by reducing the
erties [79].
fluid input to the sand binder system or heating the specimen while
Binder Activator Properties printing. An increase in fluid migration has the highest mean strength of
Furan (chemically cured Sulphonic Can be used with/without heat 5.65 N/mm2, which is reduced to 4.14 N/mm2 when heating is applied
furfuryl alcohol-based) acid treatment to remove any moisture. during printing. It should be noted that the printed parts that can
CHP binders (ester-cured Additional post-curing at elevated

withstand high mechanical load can lead to low dimensional tolerances
alkaline phenolic resole) temperatures.
HHP binders (acid-cured – Additional post-curing at elevated between thin walls due to sand adhesion.
phenolic resole) temperatures.
Inorganic binders (water- – Additional post-curing at elevated
based, alkali-silicate temperatures. 3.2. Processing

Processing stages involved in 3D printing of sand moulds before

et al. [59] investigated an alternate mixture for ZCast 501 powder and reaching the pouring stage are schematically shown in Fig. 5. Cleaning
Zb56 inorganic binder (Z Corporation, the US, known as 3D Systems or removal of unbound sand particles from the job-box is a time
since 2012) using a sand-gypsum mixture. Using XRD analysis, the au­ consuming and labour-intensive process and hence reduces the pro­
thors found that the ZCast mixture was composed of gypsum duction speed ultimately. Voxel jet, a manufacturer of sand printers,
CaSO4⋅2H2O, calcium silicate Ca2(SiO4), calcite CaCO3, magnesite produced a design (model VXC 800) to partly overcome these issues. It
allows the user to continuously print the part of the mould with any

Fig. 5. Processing stages involved in 3D printing of sand moulds before reaching the pouring stage.

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

length (width and height are limited by the size of the job-box); inclined the compressive strength as a result of phase transformation in the
printing on a conveyer belt enables part removal without stopping the plaster binder regions. The surface roughness of the Al casting produced
printing process. This design is based on the principle of the critical in the moulds was tested with and without various mould coatings.
angle of repose of a granular material. That is, the print head is inclined Brush coated and spray-coated moulds produced smaller average
on an angle less than the critical angle of repose of the sand particles. roughness (12 μm to 17 μm) with better tensile properties than the
There is a scarcity of literature available highlighting the dimensional uncoated moulds (12 μm to 17 μm).
tolerance of each design. The design of moulds can be slightly improved
with the help of proposed lattice-shell and rib enforced shell mould 3.3. Properties
designs by Kang et al. [24] if the unbound sand particles within the
mould cavity can be removed with ease. 3.3.1. Thermal properties/mechanical properties/gas permeability
Although it has been shown that traditional foundry sand can be Controlling thermophysical and heat transfer properties of the mould
utilised to print sand moulds, the dimensional tolerance is affected due materials in the sand-casting process is critical to understanding the
to the poor flowability (prone to clogging) of the non-engineered sand microstructure formation and the associated defects (due to gas evolu­
particles [61]. Therefore, recycling of acid-wetted or unbound sand tion). Two types of bond mixtures based on phenolic and furan binder in
particles after printing remains a chalenge requiring extreme processing 3D printed cores were comparatively reported by Toth et al. [39]. In­
before they can be used for printing processes. The price of engineered verse Fourier analysis was conducted to extract the total absorbed heat
sand particles is relatively cheap, but the cleaning process and and the rate of heat absorption in liquid Al and iron. Results showed that
re-transporting to the manufacturer may significantly increase the the furan-based binder using quartz sand absorbs 30 % more heat than
casting price. A case was presented to re-use waste foundry sand in the the phenolic binder. Higher water content in the phenolic binder with
building industry; Mitterpach et al. [62] proposed that it would be high heat absorption capacity at the initial stages of the solidification
necessary to thoroughly verify the eco-toxicological properties of not process can give rise to defects, while furan facilitates smooth decom­
only the created waste foundry sand and other foundry waste, but position profiles. Although the 3D printed sand mould using furan
mainly the building products for which this waste could be used. The binder could be used to cast parts without heat treatment, Primkulov
authors [62] further suggested that handling foundry sand significantly et al. [68] found that curing at temperatures of nearly 60 ◦ C to 150 ◦ C for
increases particulate emission, which penetrates the work environment an appropriate duration (30 h to 60 h) showed optimal unconfined
and the atmosphere due to its dustiness. Therefore, the subsequent compressive strength (UCS) at 80 ◦ C. On the other hand, Mitra et al. [15]
environmental analysis of waste foundry sand must be monitored for the studied the same for 3PB (three-point bending) strength and perme­
concentrations of particulate matter PM10 and PM2.5 entering the ability. The authors reported that only the permeability improved due to
environment in all stages of the process that create waste foundry sand natural ageing (evaporation of bound water) and there was no signifi­
and must be thoroughly assessed the impact upon human health. Lack of cant change in 3PB strength even at 100 ◦ C. They further suggested that
knowledge on how to safely transport the 3D printed moulds and cores the mould could be stored for a long term while roughly preserving the
[63] is challenging due to their fragile nature. strength. It appears that the tensile and compressive behaviour of the
Many research studies have focused on optimising the process pa­ printed sand mould is affected by the bound water/other fluid content;
rameters due to the vast range of process parameters used in the printing therefore, it is apparent that properties of the sand mould are controlled
process, such as sand particles size, layer thickness, print resolution in by the acid/furan ratio and pore connectivity within the sand mould.
all directions and ink (polymer) droplet volume, job-box dimension, re- There are challenges to implementing industrial hybrid technology
coater speed (sand spreading speed). Increasing the binder content can for rapid casting that combines 3D sand additive manufacturing of
increase the strength; however this results in low dimensional tolerance moulds and traditional casting processes. The idea is to master the effect
[19,64] that will produce a significant amount of gases during casting. A of direct 3D powder binding to achieve high and sustainable produc­
comparative study was performed by Gill et al. [65] on dimensional tivity in the casting industry. Solutions to the research challenges bridge
tolerances, surface roughness, gas holes, and shrinkage defects of A356 the gap between fundamental powder metallurgy engineering and
Al alloy castings fabricated using moulds made from the investment manufacturing applications, between measurement methods and pro­
casting process and 3D printed sand moulds with varying thickness (2 cess control of production diagnostics and data-based experimentation.
mm to 12 mm). Though the investment casting process using
plaster-based powder produced consistent results in surface finish and 3.4. Factors influencing the quality of the 3D printed sand moulds
defect control, the ZCast process (ZCast 501 powder) also produced
promising results for 6 mm shell thickness. A further improvement is Many of the keyfactors affecting the quality of the mould have been
needed to increase the surface finish of the 3D printed moulds. The presented in the authors’ previous publication [69]. The effect of two
authors also investigated the comparative qualities of the castings and sand mould making processes, conventional and 3D printing, on the
produced using a 3D printing sand mould of a die-cast Zn alloy (ZA12 weight savings, allowances provided to the moulds, surface finish and
alloy) with an A356 alloy [66]. It was found that the shell thickness for fettling work required on the castings of a pump bowl have been
the A356 and ZA12 can be as small as 1 mm and 3 mm respectively, thus investigated [36]. The results [36] indicated that the employment of 3D
the cost and material consumption can be reduced to maximise the printing for making pump bowl moulds and cores has significant ad­
production efficiency. On the other hand, microstructure studies vantages over the conventional process. The amount of sand that was
revealed that the investment castings (0.125 mm) produced uniform used in the conventional pattern making was 301 kg, whereas the 3D
grain structures compared to the ZCast process, in which large dendrites printing process consumed only 99 kg. A significantly higher weight
were observed in the A356 alloy. This study also emphasised that the saving of 67.11 % was observed due to the usage of the additive
casting process alloy compositions’ thermal gradient during solidifica­ manufacturing process for the production of the sand mould and core for
tion (with respect to mould thickness), pouring temperature, cooling the pump bowl. The weight saving was predominantly due to the
rate, and the effect of constitutional undercooling need to be considered elimination of the draft, angle, machining, and finishing allowances
for the ZCast process [65,66]. provided to the casting, which is not necessary for the 3D printing
Singamneni et al. [67] investigated the effect of curing time and process.
temperature on the compressive strength and surface roughness of the Additionally, the average surface roughness was improved using the
A356 Al alloy castings. A prolonged heating time or increase in tem­ 3D printing process (~200 µm) compared to the conventional process
perature resulted in reduced permeability due to the fusion of low (~ 500 µm), and the mechanical strength of the 3D printed sand moulds
melting phases during baking. A similar observation was also noted for was found to be superior to the conventional process due to better

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

bonding between the sand particles. Moreover, the fettling time was emission by over 20 %. Also, the production efficiency of the 3D printing
reduced to 15 min from 60 min due to the very close tolerances of the 3D process was about 93 %, which has more significant economic benefits.
printed sand moulds and subsequent little machining of the final pump The authors provided a summary of whether and which new technolo­
bowl castings [36]. The authors [36] also stated that the 3D sand mould gies could be combined in a traditional manufacturing process to realise
printing technique is effective, in terms of cost and lead-time savings sustainability, which has practical significance.
with minimum wastage of material, only when a small quantity of sand The mass transport properties, i.e., permeability and microstructural
mould is manufactured, whereas the conventional sand mould making features of the 3D printed sand moulds were characterised [74] using
process is more favourable when large quantities are produced. X-ray micro-computed tomography to achieve reproducibility and for
To the contrary, the applicability of Binder Jet technology to 3D print controlling gas defects in the final castings. The results showed that the
sand moulds for the fabrication of complicated bespoke cast aluminium 3D printed sand moulds’ mass transport properties could be precisely
space-frame structure was investigated [30], and the authors suggested predicted using the in-situ non-destructive methods like X-ray
that rather than using conventional sand casting or direct 3D metal micro-computed tomography, and the data can be used to improve the
printing for making non-standard customised metal joints, it is useful to quality of the castings and create optimised 3D printed sand mould
combine conventional sand casting with 3D printed sand moulds so that structures for foundry applications. Fig. 6 illustrates the
large numbers of non-standard customised structures can be made in a processing-oriented advantages and the research areas to be focused on
shorter time. Besides, 3D printing of sand moulds offered more design improving the capabilities of 3DSP.
freedom while fabricating such complicated structures. Neither con­ Properties such as gas permeability and strength of the mould are not
ventional sand casting nor direct 3D metal printing offered such geo­ always required to be at their maximum for good casting. Therefore,
metric freedom or fabrication flexibility for making complicated flexibility in controlling these parameters is the strength of this tech­
structures [30]. nology. To summarise, the following would give a user a better under­
The inherent benefit of design freedom of 3D printing and the ability standing of the process.
to make complicated sand moulds increased the complexity of the
casting process and led to more casting defects due to the inability to 1. The printing process parameter such as layer thickness which is
predict heat dissipation within the complicated moulds [70]. An in­ determined by the sand particle size.
strument methodology comprising of wired and wireless sensors was 2. Furan droplet size and distribution influence the mass distribution of
developed to improve the understanding of such complex castings [70]. bonding material which can determine the density of the 3DSP
These sensors were housed at different strategic locations within the mould, hence the gas permeability.
mould to collect diversified data such as temperature, pressure, mois­ 3. Viscosity of the binder is a function of temperature. Therefore, the
ture, gas chemistry, the motion of moulds and magnetic field, from the printer should be maintained within a controlled environment.
moulds. The design freedom offered by 3D printing leveraged the usage
of different sensors and helped in understanding the thermodynamics 3.5. Printhead and re-coater
and physics of the process.
A lightweight structure in a smaller length scale instead of the The most important part of the binder jetting machine is the print­
macroscopic design was implemented to reduce the manufacturing cost head. The resolution, both in x- and y- directions, is determined by the
and processing time of 3D printed sand moulds [71]. Two types of space between the nozzles and the speed of the printhead as well as the
lightweight structures or geometrical unit patterns, a box with a square volume (controlled by the applied electrical potential difference,
hole (Type-I) and a lattice or mesh structure with top and bottom pads voltage, on the printhead) of the ink droplet; the volume is typically
(Type-II), were designed and mechanically analysed. It was observed around 78 pL to 104 pL (average diameter is between 50 µm and
that the Type-II pattern was more flexible in taking out sand particles 60 µm; not perfect spheres) [75], and this will occupy around 2 % to 3 %
than the Type-I pattern. Similarly, both lightweight structure types were of the interstitial region between the sand particles. The volume of each
suitable only for rigid single component materials such as metals or droplet may affect the dimensional tolerance even though the sand
plastics and not suitable for ceramic or polymer composites, which have particle (140 µm to 250 µm) is much greater in size than these droplets;
different mechanical behaviours. therefore, the effect of the layer thickness of sand particles (usually two
The effect of a traditional dense mould compared to a rib-enforced times the particle size) will determine the final tolerance. Regardless of
shell mould constructed with 3D sand printing technique on the cool­ this, the binder’s distribution within the mould is determined by the size
ing efficiency of the Al alloy A356 casting for stress-frame applications of the droplet and therefore, it should be kept to a minimum. The
has been investigated [72]. The authors observed that the cooling effi­ printing process’s speed is mainly controlled by the speed of the print­
ciency of the rib-enforced 3D sand printed shell mould castings was head and the sand re-coater and the dimension of the x-y plane within
significantly larger with cooling time savings of approximately 40 % in the job-box. This binder fluid’s viscosity is a function of temperature that
natural conditions and further 35 % in air blown conditions before is hard to control within a continuously moving printhead; hundreds or
shakeout. Furthermore, the rib-enforced 3D sand printed shell mould thousands of nozzles in the printhead are in µm scale. Therefore, a
enabled the adjustment of cooling conditions at locations of interest and frequent clogging problem is inevitable and needs attention.
produced good dimensional tolerance and surface quality in the A-356 The strength of the sand mould depends on the porosity, Fig. 7. When
aluminium alloy stress frame. Moreover, the 3D sand printing of the perfect spheres of sand particles are compacted in a Face Centred Cubic
rib-enforced shell moulds saved almost nine-tenths of sand per mould (FCC)/Hexagonal Closest Packed (HCP), Body-Centred Cubic (BCC),
[72]. Simple Cubic (SC)manner, the density of the printed part takes the
The effectiveness of the application of new technologies, additive maximum achievable density of these structures, corresponding to
manufacturing (ink-jet bonding 3D printing) and subtractive 74.06 %, 68.02 %, 52.36 % of the bulk sand density respectively,
manufacturing (sand mould milling), in terms of resource consumption, ignoring the binder density. The binder/activator is added to the sand
environmental impact and production efficiency in a traditional foundry mix on a certain weight fraction, and the binder within the 3D printed
industry were investigated [73]. Material, energy, and human resources sand mould is distributed within the interstitial gaps. Therefore the extra
were considered evaluation parameters for estimating resource con­ mass within a unit volume can be calculated, and the density or strength
sumption, carbon emission as an evaluation index for environmental related using Eq. (1) [76].
impact, and actual casting output to evaluate production efficiency. The
Ms ρb
results indicated that the 3D sand mould printing process combined with σt = (1 − ε)σ s (1)
Mb ρs
traditional casting has better resource utilisation, reducing carbon

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

Fig. 6. Processing oriented advantages and the research areas to be focused on improving the capabilities of 3DP.

Interparticle friction has a significant effect on filling fine-scale section of the mould assembly. In contrast, zirconia has slightly higher
particles, and the sphericity of these sand particles is in the range of volumetric heat capacity and is, therefore, a better candidate for the
70 %; therefore, the packing fraction can be expected to deviate from mould cavity section because it can provide better heat absorption from
these predictions. Despite this, the maximum density achieved experi­ the molten alloy. In addition, silicon carbide sand (currently used for
mentally was nearly 52 % of the bulk sand density [6], corresponding to casting) has high volumetric heat capacity and high thermal conduc­
the density of a simple cubic packing arrangement of these sand parti­ tivity, compared in Fig. 9. However, the particle shape is angular [78]
cles. This structure’s primary advantage is that the capillary action of the due to the production method and therefore presents difficulties in
binder fluid may shift the sand particles from their original interlocked finding suitable printing process parameters. Silica sand is cheap and
status after the recoating iteration. Therefore, the binder should be abundant on the earth’s crust. It has poor heat conductivity and lower
dispersed either in a ((b)− 1) pendular or ((b)− 2) funicular manner, as volumetric heat capacity, Fig. 8, compared to the currently used sands. It
shown in Fig. 7(b). The binder distribution depends on the fluid pene­ would be a better choice for the gating system in the sand mould as­
tration method within the compacted sand; therefore, the binder dis­ sembly where the molten alloy should be kept in liquid form until the
tribution can be controlled by optimising the voltage waveform of the solidification in the cavity is complete.
printhead [76]. Well-connected pore regions are the key to achieving
better permeability of the printed mould.
3.7. Hazardous chemicals

3.6. Functional sand mould Furan binders are reportedly carcinogenic [81]. The acid activator
used to initiate the polymerisation process to bond the sand particles
Significant drawbacks of 3D sand printing are the binder and sand within the sand mould is also unsuitable for human exposure. Therefore,
material capabilities and characteristics in creating functional soft sand extreme care is required to work in the print room, e.g., a powered filter
mould tools without hard tools. This section documents the research mask.
methodology to overcome these critical points, using several traditional There is a real need for alternative binding material or technologies
and advanced characterisation approaches. The use of selectively prin­ to eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals and minimise carbon
ted micro-droplets of different foundry binders into a fine layer of emissions. Furan and other binders are not new to the industry, having
permeable activator coated traditional and advanced ceramic materials, been used for many decades, but 3D sand mould printing technology is
could lead to functionalise the sand mould. For this reason, there is a proven to optimise the consumption of all consumables and metals [10].
need to focus further research on the process physics involved in the 3D 3D sand mould printing has been reported as an energy-saving [1]
printing technology. Moreover, to address the characterisation of the alternative production route to the traditional casting process.
powder to form a primitive building element and the final printed
product, more attention should be paid to the characterisation tech­
niques regarding mechanical performance and transport properties of 3.8. Hard tooling cost and time
3D sand printed moulds [74].
The current sand moulds are manufactured using only one type of In traditional hard tooling, the main cost contributors are the ma­
sand particles. This provides uniform thermal properties in the mould terial, maintenance, machining and labour. Each minor adjustment to
assembly. As the molten metal enters the sprue, the temperature drop is the design or the need for retooling can increase the overall tooling cost
significant, and hence a very high superheat may be required for the by many time. Furthermore, identifying the mould defects at the time of
molten alloy during pouring. This not only results in wasted energy but metal pouring and reiterating the design and tooling stages adds cost
also negatively influences the solidification characteristics of the alloy. and increases the total time elapsed for producing a casting [82]. 3D
If the mould is designed with geometry-dependent thermal properties, printing techniques can bring down both the cost and time spent for
the molten alloy can fill the mould without severe temperature loss but manufacturing a tool part. Also, unlike the conventional hard tooling
can cool rapidly once entering the mould cavity where the actual part is methods, the challenges involved in manufacturing complex geometries
created. This means that the sprue can be made with materials of the low can be dealt with ease using AM methods.
volumetric heat capacity and low heat conductivity but the mould cavity 3D printing technologies claim to minimise the hard tooling cost and
with exceptionally high volumetric heat capacity and high thermal time significantly. However, the initial cost of a printer and the labour
conductivity to speed up the solidification process. Shan et al. [77] required to optimise the process parameters or design for additive
showed that the sand re-coater could be modified to spread various sand manufacturing (DfAM) are still economically challenging. The
layers during each iteration of the sand recoating process. In this way, comparative cost of a permanent mould casting die against a 3D printer,
the mould can be manufactured with geometry dependent thermal and the related cost per part is still not precise. However, when the
properties. Silica sand has very low thermal conductivity and volumetric market pull becomes dominant, the cost challenges are expected to be
heat capacity, see Fig. 8. Therefore, it may be suitable sand for the sprue solved, and the industry may benefit from 3D printing technologies.

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

Fig. 7. Strength of the 3D printed sand mould as a function of porosity when considering C as a constant. Where C = Ms ρb/(Mb ρs) σs, ρp and ρb are the densities of
sand and binder, Ms/Mb is the weight rate of binder and sand particles [76]. (b) The binder filling methods within the 3D printed sand.

Fig. 8. Volumetric heat capacity (J.K-1.m-3) as a function of thermal conductivity (W.m-1K-1). The chart produced by CES-Edu pack software and material property
database [80] containing a collection of material property data from published sources.

3.9. Towards mass production multi-material printing process by using high thermal conductivity sand
near the cavity of the mould and high permeable particles for the bulk of
The job-box size limits the freedom of design in 3D sand mould the sand mould. This is a significant milestone in timesaving during
printing. To overcome the limitations of the job-box size it is possible to printing. EnvisionTEC, a robotics manufacturer, introduced their pro­
create large structure mould using assembly. The production cost can be prietary technique to manufacture sand moulds and cores using their
managed by minimising sand waste. Shan et al. [49] demonstrated an Robotic Additive Manufacturing systems, Viridis3D, at a 1/3 of the
integrated forming method for two-way coating and printing, Fig. 10. competitors’ machine costs [83].
There are two re-coaters on either side of the print head, and each of
them is unidirectionally active. The print head and the re-coater and an 4. Sustainability in sand casting operations
infrared heating source perform their job simultaneously without the
time lag currently experienced by other 3D sand printers, due to the Sustainability is a specific term that has been embraced for decades
re-coater and print head moving in perpendicular directions in the x-y to represent society’s need to function through its own means and to
plane. The authors also proposed a possible method of using a utilise energy and goods without impacting the health and well-being of

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

Fig. 9. Volumetric heat capacity (J.K-1.m-3) × Thermal conductivity (W/m/◦ C) as a function of price in Australian dollars per volume (AUD/m3). The chart pro­
duced by CES-Edu pack software and material property database [80] containing a collection of material property data from published sources.

Fig. 10. Schematic of the integrated forming method for two-way coating and printing [49].

future generations [84]. The cost of sustainability must be integrated [89]. A few studies have examined the sustainability of metal casting. Sa
into the manufacturing cost from conception [85]. These are incurred et al. [90] discussed the relationship between management and energy
across manufacturing time, quality and flexibility when pursuing sus­ efficiency in analysing a Swedish foundry.
tainable manufacturing practices. Such manufacturing operations are Similarly, another study was conducted by Carabili et al. [91] to
characterised by the triple-bottom-line of sustainability - People (So­ determine energy efficiency techniques within Colombian foundries. In
cial), Planet (Environment) and Profit (Economy). Production processes 2016, around 36 % of the global CO2 emission was from the industrial
and systems have a significant impact on all three pillars of sustain­ sector [92]. This indicates that metal casting can be among the critical
ability [86]. manufacturing technologies that will significantly affect combating
Metal casting is considered an energy-intensive operation because of climate change.
the high amount of energy expended per product unit [87,88]. Typi­ Several energy-efficient techniques for manufacturing metal castings
cally, patterns and cores are produced with acceptable dimensional have been suggested, that have also contributed to a decrease in non-
tolerances to be placed inside a sand mould creating a mould cavity. This renewable energy consumption [93,94]. However, the primary
contributes to 7 % to 20 % of the foundry’s overall energy consumption obstacle in reducing the overall energy consumption is improving

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

casting yields and reducing the use of metals, mainly due to the 10300 W. The choice of an appropriate 3D printer is dependent on the
non-optimised mould design in traditional metal-casting operations size of the part to be produced, and the build speed required. The
[95]. accounted specific energy consumption is approximately 1.08 MJ/kg to
From an emissions perspective, concerns on deteriorating air quality manufacture a sand mould and core of density 1738 kg/m3, using VX500
by traditional foundries have been raised in the literature [96,97]. Voxeljet printer (with a direct power consumption of 10300 W). If the
Release of toxins such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and carbon intensity is assumed as 325 g of CO2 per KWh of energy, the CO2
hazardous chemicals and gases such as CO, SO2, NOx, H2S and HCN are emissions can be estimated from the following equation.
causing detrimental severe environmental effects. It is reported by Kmita ( ) 325
et al. [98] Reducing the contact period between the sand mould and the CO2 kgCO2 = .E (2)
hot metal can potentially bring down the toxic emissions. Furthermore,
dumping of the sand-casting waste in landfills is another environmental Real-time data of carbon intensity for grid electricity in the UK can be
concern, especially the furan dust [99]. The severity of the impact cor­ imported from the Ref. 103. Therefore, to select the best-suited process
responds to one ton of sand being sent to landfill for every 2 tons of from the sustainability perspective, the indicators need to be defined
casting [62,100,101]. Integration of additive manufacturing within with all three sustainability pillars in mind [104]. Some of the indicators
traditional metal casting can significantly improve the associated envi­ are listed below:
ronmental impact of the process [10]. Usually, a sand mould is a thick
heavy solid block with a cavity inside. Waste sand is one of the primary 1. Social indicators: number of workplace accidents/deaths per annum,
pollutants in foundries. 3D printing technologies have been adopted to number of people joining or leaving the foundry, long and short-term
make monolithic moulds and cores, but this is slow, materially ineffi­ illnesses, number of training seminars for the employees.
cient and costly. Hollow moulds will reduce material usage and process 2. Economic indicators: cost of machines, cost of technology, energy
time to make mass production a possibility. Research works show that consumption, resource utilisation, net profit, overall manufacturing
more than 60 % of the sand, resin, time, and energy can be saved, and costs, and waste-generation.
the cost reduced by 75 % of current 3D mould techniques. This will 3. Environmental indicators: CO2 emissions, energy source, solid waste,
lower CO2 emissions and waste. Integrating cooling channels and noz­ acidification, and heat transfer.
zles will enable better microstructural control and present potential for
low-grade heat capture, e.g. Volvo’s G3 foundry, Fig. 11. This means Pagone et al. [104] have formulated and discussed the
that the foundries have already started concentrating on energy opti­ decision-making metrics for the mould manufacturing process selection,
misation in the processes. However, the 3D printed sand moulds and considering the economic and environmental dimension of sustainabil­
cores can add another dimension to this improvement instead of ity. The process metrics are divided into four categories: environmental
standing as a competing technology to the traditional casting tech­ sustainability, quality, cost and time. The metrics are shown in Table 4.
niques. Alternative binders, e.g., ECOLOTEC [102], a water-based resole A positive or negative impact on the overall mould manufacturing
process that uses CO2 as a hardening agent, are already in use. Never­ process (conventional or AM printed moulds) is defined for each quan­
theless, these types of binder have just been introduced by one of the tity. The authors concluded that AM tends to be the better overall
major sand mould printer manufacturers, Voxeljet, as well as many alternative when the categories are grouped and deemed equally
other manufacturers are in seeking a suitable binder; once these envi­ necessary to the decision-maker, demonstrating a substantial advantage
ronmentally friendlier binders have proven to show equivalent/better over the traditional mould manufacturing process. However, this holds
properties of the furan mould a sustainable and environmentally primarily for the small batch sizes. The cost of 3D printing begins to
friendlier foundry processes should have a more significant positive dominate over conventional mould making process for larger produc­
impact on the global carbon emissions. tion volumes. Table 5 shows an estimation of the costs based on the lead
Energy consumption for rapid mould manufacturing depends on the time and quantity.
type of 3D printer used. A range of commercial 3D printers is available The sustainability of additive manufacturing processes is also high­
with average power consumption ranging between 5000 W and lighted and discussed in the following studies [62,106,107].

Fig. 11. Schematic of the Volvo’s mould assembly for low grade heat capture as well as improved microstructure of the casting due to improved cooling rate [58].

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

Table 4 solidification of molten alloys, but the sand mould may not compensate
Sustainability metrics for the process selection [105]. for this. Hence, a possibility for hot tearing, or the rapidly reducing
Quantity Impact Category cooling rate, especially at hotspots, becomes apparent due to the
mould’s temperature rise, which further results in coarser microstruc­
Total sand used in mould making (wm) Negative Environmental
sustainability ture and poorer mechanical properties consequently lower success rate.
Total sand used in core making (wc) Negative Environmental Some of these issues can be dealt with using metal chills within the sand
sustainability moulds. This is a strenuous activity and avoiding any inclusions within
Casting weight (wcast) Negative Environmental the mould is essential to speed up the availability of such a large-scale
CO2 emissions (CO2) Negative Environmental
complex sand mould assembly; that is, to provide a sand mould
sustainability directly from the printer without any chill inclusion. Thermal properties
Total energy consumption in mould Negative Environmental can be altered using various sand types. Design of a sand mould as­
making (E) sustainability sembly, using various sand types, and identifying the right sand type for
Tensile strength of mould (σt) Positive Quality
each section of a mould assembly is expected to provide a viable solution
Surface roughness of casting (Ra) Negative Quality
Porosity of casting Negative Quality using 3D sand mould printers.
Compressive strength-casting (σc) Positive Quality However, there remain specific challenges in establishing smart
Hardness-casting (HV) Positive Quality foundries as highlighted by Ref. 113. Smart foundries are highly reliant
Cost of one mould Negative Cost on connectivity. If the foundry experiences a loss in the internet
Mould making time Negative Time
connection in a worst-case scenario, the entire production process will
halt. This will further lead to data loss. Challenges related to data
phishing and security should be taken care of well in advance.
Table 5 Furthermore, the supply chain will be severely impacted by the exten­
Overall cost of mould manufacturing. sive automation of the foundries. Thus, rather than changing the entire
3D printed moulds Conventional moulds production model, it is better to add small modules at once.
Quantity tlead = 5 days tlead = 21 days tlead = (4–6) weeks Hybrid manufacturing, Fig. 12, processes are inevitably vital due to
1 € 898 € 410 € 3600 the possible correlation of each technology’s benefit. For example, 3D
5 € 3080 € 1428 € 3684 sand mould printing contributes to design freedom, while traditional
10 € 5490 € 2525 € 3789
casting contributes to reliable mechanical properties and sustainability
50 € 22,275 € 10,300 € 4628
and cost of production. Strategically placing the manufacturing plants
Table adapted from [105]. can significantly minimise the cost of a metal part in the hybrid-AM
supply chain [114] due to the possibility of foundries maintaining a
5. Integrating traditional and 3D printing processes along with digital-twin inventory for a final product instead of a finished product
artificial intelligence [115]. Therefore, the focus must be on how well AM technologies can be
integrated into traditional manufacturing processes.
The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), has impacted the The authors have published articles related to 3D sand mould
entire manufacturing sector [108]. As a result, there has been much printing [6–8,10,13–18] and the energy-saving on-demand casting
emphasis on smart manufacturing products and services, and foundries process discussing the potential of the CRIMSON (Constrained Rapid
are no exception. The nine pillars of Industry 4.0 are (1) Additive Induction Melted Single Shot Up Casting Method) technique [88,94,113,
Manufacturing, (2) Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), (3) Cyberse­ 116–121]. 3D sand mould printing [10] and the CRIMSON [88] process
curity, (4) The cloud, (5) Horizontal and Vertical Integration, (6) have been reported as energy-efficient (more than 50 %) alternative
Augmented reality, (7) Simulation, (8) Autonomous robots and, (9) Big production routes in place of the traditional casting process. The benefits
data. The transformation of traditional foundries to smart foundries has of the CRIMSON process are (1) the use of clean metal charges with low
already started with the integration of the 3M’s (Man, Machine and impurities thus reducing casting defects, (2) on-demand production and
Material) into all stages of the value chain. Hybrid Additive consumption of molten metal (current practice is to melt large quantities
Manufacturing processes have already been developed, which will fill and hold at a high temperature until filling multiple moulds), (3) rapid
the gap between the strength and weakness of AM and the traditional induction melting in a constrained crucible for high production rates
processes. Hence, multi-material and multi-functional capabilities can and low exposure to the environment (reducing the detrimental effects
be brought into the production of metallic parts [109]. on the castings), and (4) use of counter gravity filling to control molten
Sahoo et al. [110] highlighted the application of artificial intelli­ metal flow and to eliminate turbulence on the surface of the melt to
gence (AI) in determining the sand mould quality; thereby, the best reduce entrapped casting defects.
casting parameters can be identified. Integrating the process simulation The generatively designed CAD (computer-aided design) model can
and the casting process with the 3D printing of a functional sand mould be sent directly to a printer to print the sections of a mould. These are
(time- and temperature-dependent properties) may transform the tech­ then assembled with sensors (using AI to learn continuously), and the
nology into 4D printing. 3D refers to the length, width and height of an molten alloy is injected using the CRIMSON process that can be remotely
object while 4D would refer the time or temperature as the 4th dimen­ monitored and controlled. Integrating cooling channels and nozzles can
sion in addition to the 3D printing; 4D printing is the process through further enable better microstructural control and have the potential for
which a 3D printed object transforms itself into another structure over low-grade heat capture. Production of a functional sand mould with the
the influence of external energy input as temperature or time. While the required properties, such as permeability and cooling rate, can elevate
direct metal 3D printing research has progressed into the 4D stage [111], this technology to challenge any other production technique for large
the 3D sand mould printing technology is facing challenges in utilising scale, cleaner, and economic production without the laborious addition
the benefit of the technology due to the lack of options to produce a of chillers within the mould. The hybridisation of traditional casting
functional sand mould with time- or temperature-dependent properties; with 3D sand mould printing needs further development to absorb po­
functional mould could assist the solidification of molten alloy poured tential benefits. Controlled pressure casting techniques can be utilised to
into the cavity and produce a casting with optimal properties. Binder tailor the functional 3D printed sand mould to promote a cleaner pro­
degradation during casting reduces thermal properties such as heat duction with minimal or no post-processing to take this technology to
conductivity and volumetric heat capacity; mainly, the binder content is the 4D stage. The functional mould can contract or adjust properties
high [112]. Significant thermal contraction is inherent during the according to the solidifying molten alloy’s requirement to minimise or

T. Sivarupan et al. Additive Manufacturing 40 (2021) 101889

Fig. 12. Schematic of the possible mould manufacturing routes for sand casting [11].

prevent defect formation; the sand mould should be able to shrink with evaluated by a Weibull plot1 when the weight fraction of 0.2 % activator
the casting and provide a constant/increasing cooling rate with the was used with the binder content of 2 %. However, similar activator
reducing temperature. content (weight fraction of the sand 0.18 %) was also used in previous
The sand mould printing process’s speed can also be improved by studies [6–8]. Machine learning can help cluster this type of experi­
possible application of machining the patterns for a traditionally made mental data and help decide the optimum parameters for future needs.
block of sand in addition to the 3D printed fine structures for a large- Manufacturing guidelines and life cycle analysis databases [2] should be
scale mould assembly. In other words, it is not necessary to print all made by incorporating the process parameters that influence the mould
sections of the sand mould assembly using the 3D printing process. The design. This would make the dynamic process parameter adjustment
fine details that are difficult to achieve by the machining process can be possible. For example, a mould section that requires just volume crea­
manufactured using the printer. The rest of the simple large shapes that tion may be printed with higher layer thickness as the dimensional
can easily be machined can utilise the traditional machining process. tolerance is not an issue when printing that particular region of the
Finally, the sections produced by 3D printing and machining can then be mould.
assembled to make the large-scale mould. The hybridisation of tradi­ In contrast, a surface feature with complex geometry may be printed
tional processes with new technologies assists in the rapid production of with lower layer thickness to improve the tolerance for that region. In
parts and thus help minimise the carbon emission [11]. each case, the sand particle size and supply rate, and x-/y- resolution of
The vast range of process parameters in the 3D printing processes the binder should be able to be altered by applying the machine learning
poses challenges these technologies’ ultimate benefits. Implementation algorithms. This requires improvements in the design of the printing
of AI to continuously learn and decide the optimal process parameters is machines. The GrantaMI module [126] of the materials selection soft­
expected to significantly improve the manufacturing industry, which is ware package [80] has initiated this but needs to be strengthened with
facing challenges with centralised manufacturing. Researchers have data related to 3D sand mould printing. A CAD model could be used to
reported the application of machine learning to identify in-situ melt pool access materials data within the HyperMesh simulation software.
signatures indicative of flaw formation in a laser powder bed fusion
additive manufacturing process [122]. Centralised data sharing, rather 6. Conclusions
than centralised manufacturing, is expected to provide a better
manufacturing industry solution. A decision-making tool to select the This review has identified some opportunities for the development of
traditional manufacturing process, an integrated manufacturing process 3D sand printing. The printing speed of large-scale parts could be
or a complete 3D printing process is the better route to manufacture improved by design improvements to the re-coater and printhead.
from a CAD model. A complete digital twin (CAD model, process pa­ Environmental friendlier binders should be identified. Focusing on the
rameters, and the optimal production method with time, energy, and mould design for functional properties can help improve the casting
financial information) of a part can be prepared. yield. A high-speed binder jet technology may be challenging, but this
Controlling melt turbulence or speed is a determining factor of can be achieved by having an array of printheads operating together and
casting quality, especially porosity, and this can be measured using having re-coaters on both sides of the printhead, where the printing
sensors embedded within a sand mould to remotely collect real-time process is near-continuous for mass production. Generative design
data and to compare against the computational simulation results,
therefore helping to improve the gating system design [123] and to
monitor the core shift during casting [124]. Son et al. [125] identified 1
Though the number of specimens used for each case in this study was less
the reliability of the flexural strength of the fabricated specimens
than 10, a limiting factor of confidence.

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