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Unit Test

Grade X English Full Marks: 20

1. Carefully go through the given debate and do the activities that follow. [8]

Against the motion: Using multiple languages is better than a single language

Mr. Chairperson, respected teachers, and friends!

Thank you, Mr. Timilsina for giving me this platform to present my view on the issue. As we know every
year several languages die out. With their death, the knowledge inherent there dies too. Though the previous
speaker argued that the fewer the languages are, the easier the life will be, I strongly disagree with his

Mr. Chairperson, language influences our thoughts and our thoughts influences reality of the world around
us. It means we perceive the world as per our linguistic background. Language also carries culture. Cultural
and linguistic diversity have a reciprocal relationship. Therefore, there are obvious disadvantages of having
only one global language. Firstly, it would mean that all other languages would eventually disappear and,
along with them, their cultures too. Each culture is unique with its own way of life and own perspective of
the world. Cultural diversity boosts tourism because it attracts tourists from different parts of the world. The
loss of languages results in the loss of cultures and the loss of cultures leads to the collapse of the tourism
industry because there would be no reason to travel for pleasure and interest if, all over the world, we have
the same language and similar cultures. This finally leads to decline of the national economy of the countries
which rely on the tourism industry.

Mr. Chairperson, using fewer languages also creates identity problems. The ethnic groups without their own
language and culture lose their linguistic and cultural identity. Variety in literature is only possible through
linguistic and cultural differences. It is impossible if we have a single global language. Likewise, each
language has its own taste and its own distinct quality. For example, the Sanskrit language is said to have
musical quality. All these qualities get lost if people start using a single language all over the world.
Furthermore, the fewer the languages are in use, the less the vocabulary in practice. Therefore, the less
vocabulary in practice, the less imaginative and creative work is possible.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to ask Karma if he could understand all the varieties, i.e. dialects of his
mother tongue. As we know, even the dialects are often unintelligible to all the speakers of the same
language. Then, how can we think about the use of a single language all over the world? Is it practical? Is it
possible? I think debating on such an issue is just a waste of time.
Thank you!

A. State whether the following statements are True or False. Note: You must copy the given statement
and underline your answer True/False. [4]
a. Mr. Timilsina argues against the motion.
b. Language shapes our perception of reality.
c. Not all the speakers of the same language understand its different dialects.
d. Tourism industry thrives in monolingual countries

B. Rewrite the following statements choosing the correct options.

a. The meaning of the word “unintelligible” in the last paragraph is…
i. understandable
ii. incomprehensible
iii. dull
iv. difficult
b. The transition marker used to add a similar idea in the third paragraph is ………….
i. for example
ii. likewise
iii. furthermore
iv. therefore

c. Karma …… that life will be easier in the absence of multiple languages.

i. contends
ii. refutes
iii. opposes
iv. negates

d. The ultimate outcome of having a single global language as mentioned in the second paragraph is
i. disappearance of other languages
ii. loss of cultures
iii. collapse of tourism industry
iv. decline in the economy dependent on tourism industry

2. High schools should let students choose the subject that they want to study. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Give specific reasons and examples to support your view.[8]

3. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated in the brackets. [4]

a. You’d better not pay the bill before the arrival of the consignment, ............? (Question tag)
b. “Don’t let them speak Nepali in English class.” (Report/Indirect speech)
c. She says that it rains cats and dogs in summer in Nepal.” (Direct speech)
d. ………….. Seine is a 775-kilometre-long river in northern France. (Article)


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