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According to United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, they Works together

with unicef for créate The Global Safe Schools Initiative, which proposes that by two thousand and
thirty all schools will be safe, they plan to implement many things, including improving school

- i know that the united states has a high rate of violence, but they are not the only ones,


1. If a mentally disturbed man walked into a kindergarten, and killed 3 children, Would you
still believe that there should be no security guards in schools or you change your opinion?
2. Do you consider that all innocent lives has the same value?
3. Would you send your little brother to study in a place that you consider dangerous?
4. Are you conscious that children are dying in their schools?
5. You consider that good education is an immediate solution? because it is something that
will pay off in a long time.
6. Are you aware that children need immediate solutions?
7. Do you think a teacher should risk his or her life to save children in case of danger? If your
answer is yes, why?
8. How do you want children to be safe?

Beyond the numbers: ending violence and bullying in schools,

- August 3, two thousand twenty-two, two days ago, Liu Mouhui (Lu Muwi): , A "gangster
with a cap and mask" broke into the garden of a private kindergarten in Jianxien China
with a knife and killed 3 people and injured 6 more. The killer escaped, (forch(u)naly)
fortunately he was arrested by the pólice. this man is 48 years old / - 3 killed and 6 injured,

- July 24, two thousand twenty-two, Ateneo, Manila, Philippines, Chao Tiao Yumol, the man
started shooting at Ateneo University in Manila, and killed 3 people and wounded 2 at the
university's graduation. as a matter of fact, this is the first school shooting in the

- May 9, two thousand twenty-two, Potosi Bolivia, Manfred Flores Canaza and other 4
attackers: A group of students threw a tear gas grenade during a student meeting at the
Universidad Autónoma Tomás Frías, causing an avalanche that resulted in the death of 4
people. It is unknown how they got the grenade and their motivations, but 4 people died,
and 80 people were injured.
- May 24, two thousand twenty-two, Texas, EE.UU., Salvador Ramos, 18 years old, 22 dead
and 15 injured, thats was a Elementary School Massacre(masaquer), Salvador shot and
wounded his grandmother before heading to Robb Elementary School, where he fired at
students and teachers, killing two teachers and 19 students, and was shot and killed by
police after a confrontation.

Guided by: UNICEF's Strategic Plan details the strategic direction and priorities for four years, the
last four years, and this report including ensuring that all children and teenagers are protected
from violence.

Page 83, has a paragraph whose title is , Weak child protection system,

Studies in the America region also point out weaknesses in the child protection system and
ineffective legal responses that allow violence to be perpetuated, and which may give perpetrators
a sense of impunity.

it is important to educate children in the right way,

Nowadays exist the violence, it may be the fault of the parents, or of the bad teachers who did not
provide good education, but we are still talking about lives, innocent lives, so recalling that major
world organizations such as UNICEF and UNISDR are taking the necessary measures to make
schools safe. and having adopted the necessary knowledge, the affirmative team concludes, that
the rate of school violence is on the rise, and the (inmidriit) response must be the implementation
of armed security guards who are ready to protect children, teenagers and teachers.

We recognize that Education is one solution, psychological help is other solution, but they are not
(inmiidriit) solutions, and we cannot wait years watching innocent people die because there was
no security to protect them, shopping malls have armed security guards, movie theaters have
armed security guards, even disneyland has armed security guards, and in all those places we see

children do not get the wrong ideas from seeing police officers in their condominiums, in the
parks, in their apartments. children understand that they to protect.

And consider that today's world is very dangerous, and we cannot leave the children of today and
think about the children of tomorrow, we need to implement measures that provide security, We
know that in some countries cases are low, but they are not zero. We cannot say that just because
there are not so many cases, measures should not be taken, they are children, and all lives are
equally important.

that is why, like the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, we are clear
that in order for innocent people to stop dying, there must be people to protect them, no matter if
it is 1 case a year, it will be 1 life that will be saved, schools need armed security guards ready to
protect them.

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