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Hennepin is a Reconciling Congregation, welcoming the full participation of all persons including the GLBT Community.

July 3, 2011 at Hennepin

TODAY: Make someones weekend by serving food at Community Meals. This weekend is short on volunteers. Please come and make a difference! You are asked to arrive at 4:00 PM and should be done by 7:00 PM.


July 10th at 9:00 AM, Sacred Journey will hold its annual summer songfest. Come join in the singing of old hymns, gospel tunes, show tunes, folk songs and any manner of song as we lift our voices in worship together. If you have a particular song youd like to sing, email

Tending the Garden of Your Soul




AUGUST 21 11:00 AM

For some, Johns gospel is a weighty theological tome; for others it is the essence of Christianity, full of signs and glories. Led by Bruce Robbins, each weeks study will be independent of others. You are welcome to come and go as they please. Bring a Bible!

Guest Speaker at July 10 9:30 AM Service

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Hamdy El-Sawaf to Hennepin Church. Iman Hamdy leads Masjid Al-Ikhlas located in Northeast Minneapolis. He and Bruce Robbins have been working together for eight years in the Downtown Clergy group where he and Imam Makram El-Amin from Masjid Anur represent the Muslim community. Dr. Hamdy also helped us with our Moses Project of reconciliation among Muslims, Christians and Jews that led to the sculpture of Mt. Sinai and the 10 Commandments that adorns our East Entrance.

New Member Class

July 10, 17 Interested in learning more about Hennepin Church and exploring what it means to become a member? Come to the 2-part New Member class on July 10th & 17th. On July 10th well discuss what the United Methodist Church is and believes, along with taking a tour of the church and learning more about Hennepin. On July 17th we'll explore the gifts each of us brings to the church and what the membership vow is all about. Both Sundays include lunch. Please RSVP to Leah ( or call the front desk: 612-871-5303. The Church Building will be closed Monday, July 4, in observance of the Independence Day Holiday.

Samuel Clemens wrote a prayer that told the other side of victory during war. After he read his War Prayer to his family, his daughter, Jean, told him he must not print it for it would be regarded as sacrilege. Agreeing he said, No, I have told the whole truth in that, and only dead men can tell the truth in the world. The prayer was published after his death in 1910.

How do we pray for our soldiers and our enemies at once? Is it sacrilege or faithfulness? You are invited to pray for peace in all nations this week.

July 15 at Hennepin On July 15th we are hosting a hymn festival! Part of a national convention of Handbell Musicians of America, its being led by three of our ensembles: Hennepin Chime, Chamber Singers, and Bells of the Lakes. Its open to the public and youre encouraged to come and sing for joy with church musicians from all over the country. Friday, July 15, 5:30-6:45 PM in the sanctuary.

Hymn Festival


511 Groveland Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-5303 HENNEPINCHURCH.ORG


9:30 AM

Welcome to Hennepin Church! We are glad that you chose to worship here today. We hope your time here is meaningful and helps nurture you in the way of Christ. At each entrance there are purple Welcome bags for guests to receive if you want more information about the church. Blessings to you on your journey of faith! Nursery for infants age 3 is available today until 12:30 PM. An usher will be happy to help you find the nursery in Room 103 of the Education Wing. Coffee is available Sunday mornings in Carlson Hall. Our special thanks to Jim Cone of Coffee & Tea, Ltd. for supplying Sunday coffee!

Where + + is indicated, standing or sitting, we praise God. You are invited to read aloud the bold text.


Season of Pentecost
PRELUDE CHORAL INTROIT ENTRY INTO CELEBRATION Introduction and Fugue on Materna Andrew Hackett Materna arr. Cecil Effinger Nancy Gale

With joy and celebration, God welcomes us to this place. How good it is to gather in God's house! With joy and celebration, we welcome one another. We greet each other by name; we are equal in God's Kingdom. We open our hearts, to welcome God's love; we open our arms, to welcome God's people. Here, every single one of God's children is welcome.

+ HYMN NO. 435


O God of Every Nation


Gracious God, we come to you now and pray for your mercy. While you are generous with your love and forgiveness, we often judge each other unfairly. While you extend a hand of grace to us, too often we seek to find wrong in each other just so that we can be right. While you speak confidently the truth that is love, we are less than truthful sometimes in order to avoid conflict, and sometimes in order to create conflict. Forgive us, we pray. Guide us to choose that which brings life a way of living that honors you. Amen. ASSURANCE OF GRACE Could it be any more clear? God has created us to be a family sisters, brothers, neighbors, friends. No longer strangers, we are all welcome in the kingdom of love, grace, and hope. In Christ, we are one. There are no barriers, no differences, no divisions. We are a new people, forgiven and made whole. Thanks be to God. Amen.


Leah Rosso


The peace of God be with you. And also with you. SCRIPTURE READINGS PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Prepare our hearts, O God, to accept your Word. Silence in us any voices but your own, so that we may hear your Word and learn to do it; through Christ our Lord. Amen. ROMANS 7:21-25
So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in Gods law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!
New Revised Standard Version

Tom Wright, Lector

+ MATTHEW 22:36-40
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law? Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.
New Revised Standard Version

We are now in the Season after Pentecost, what we often refer to as Ordinary Time and so we enter into our theme: Tending the Garden of Your Soul, recognizing that most of our tending needs to be during those ordinary times. We live most of our lives in ordinary time, dont we? And yet the miracle of our lives is anything but ordinary. It is in our every day living that we practice loving our neighbors, our selves, and our God. How do you tend to your soul? How is your garden growing?

A word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God! SERMON Learning to Love Ourselves (But Not Too Much) Bruce Robbins



Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts; Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

GREAT THANKSGIVING The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn:

And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ, We offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christs offering for us, as we proclaim the mystery of faith:

All honor and glory is yours, almighty God, now and forever:

THE LORDS PRAYER Our God, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kindom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kindom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.




Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church

511 Groveland Ave Minneapolis, MN 55403



This is My Song Stanzas 1, 2 Improvisation on Finlandia Todays acolytes are Becky Monson and Linda Wilkins



Andrew Hacket


Our Mission
To invite all peoples on a spiritual journey guided by scripture, tradition, experience and reason that leads to a Christian faith exemplified by loving relationships with God, all others, and ourselves.
Ministers Clergy
Every Member of Hennepin Church Bruce W. RobbinsPastor; Leah RossoYoung Adults & Hospitality; Sally JohnsonWorship & Spiritual Formation; Christopher Jackson Church Administration; Paula ColtonYouth Ministries; Bob BrinkleyPastoral Visitation; Wayne K. ClymerBishop in Residence; Richard D. Waggoner Music Emeritus Cynthia AshleyParish Nurse; Ann J. CarlsonDignity Center; Kevin DahlenKoinonia Manager; Andrew HackettOrganist; Kristyn Ebert Shared Ministry/Outreach; Jack FistlerLegacy Giving; William H. MathisMusic & Fine Arts; Mary MartinDignity Center Volunteers; Dana NeuhauserChildrens Ministries; Daniel Pederson Communications

Youth Notes:
Youth to South Dakota July 10-16
Thirteen youth and three adults will leave Sunday morning, July 10 for the Jr. High Mission Trip to South Dakota. They will join about 80 other youth from around the region in mission and service projects in Martin, SD. Please pray for safe travel, good weather, warm hearts, hard working hands and joyful spirits.

Club 56 Update!
Club 56, a program for youth in 5th and 6th grade, returns this fall. They will meet together as one class on Sunday mornings and have occasional fellowship opportunities throughout the year. This fall there will NOT be Confirmation classes for 6th graders. Instead, they will enjoy lessons and fellowship with Club 56 and enter the Confirmation program as 7th graders in the fall of 2012 to be confirmed as 8th graders in the fall of 2013. If you have questions about Club 56 or Confirmation please contact

The Sanctuary flowers for this Sunday are given by Alberta Fox and family. Program Staff


Following this worship service, at about 10:35 AM, meet at the communion rail in front of the Sanctuary for a Church Tour. We welcome you to Hennepin Church today! WELCOME GUESTS! We are glad you are here! Our hope is that you have a meaningful worship experience this morning that helps connect you to God and others and live in the way of Christ. In order to get to know you better, we invite you to sign the Fellowship Pad at the end of your pew and include any information that will help us respond to you. There are Welcome Bags at the main entrances with more information about Hennepin Church, but we'd always prefer to answer your questions face to face so feel free to ask anything. We welcome new insights, new questions, and new people!

Twin Cities Superintendent

Elizabeth Lopez

Minnesota Area Bishop

Sally Dyck

Weekday Events Get Involved Volunteer Donate

Mens Bible Fellowship: At 7:00 on Friday mornings a group of men gather for Bible study, conversation and fellowship. All men are invited to attend this lively discussion. The Science & Faith Roundtable: If youre interested in how science and religion can be partners in the quest for truth, this group may be for you! July 28: Fingerprints of God: What Science Is Learning About the Brain and Spiritual Experience by Barbara Bradley Hagerty. Kjerringsleppets, a womens book group, meets the first Wednesday of every month from 5:30 7:00 PM in the Longfellow Room. The group is open to women of all ages and welcomes new people for one time or a long time. If you have any questions, please contact Sally Johnson at July 6: Eve by Elissa Elliott. August 3: Beneath a Marble Sky by John Shors. Banners/Dcor Help: Were looking toward some new banners and other Sanctuary accoutrements. If such a project is something youd like to work on, please give a call to Bill Mathis 612-435-1319. Work with children: The Hennepin Russia Partnership is looking for a physical or occupational therapist to work with children in Russia who have cerebral palsy and severe learning disabilities. Travel required. See your June !nSpire for more information or contact Don Forster or 952-920-5389. Attorneys: Dignity Center clients need you! The VLN Brief Legal Services Clinic (located in the Dignity Center) needs attorneys to staff one threehour shift once a month. Shifts are available on Wednesdays or Fridays from 9-12. All training and resources provided. Contact muriak@yahoo. com for more information. Dignity Center needs toiletries. If you are going on a trip, please save the hotel soap, shampoo and lotion and bring them to the Dignity Center. Well use them to make up toiletry kits...or assemble some yourself! (Soap, lotion, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, disposable razor, small shaving cream all put into a quart-sized baggie). If you have extra, used hand towels, you can put one in a toiletry kit. Garage Sale Enthusiasts: Do you like to go on a hunt for bargains? Think of the Dignity Center when youre hunting. We can use backpacks, office supplies, wallets, and hand towels. Thanks!

Sunday School Volunteers Needed

Summer Sunday school starts in a couple of weeks and we need your help! Were expanding to three age groups this summer and we need teachers. Each age group will require two volunteers per Sunday. The Preschool-Kindergarten and the 1st-3rd grade groups will focus on the Fruits of the Spirit. The 4th and 5th grade group will focus on making a difference in the world and will do monthly hands-on service projects. Volunteer for one or several dates. Summer is a great time to volunteer, especially if you have obligations throughout the program year that take a break during the summer. Make a difference in a childs life and have some fun while youre at it! Sign up at the Childrens Ministry Table in Carlson Hall or contact Dana Neuhauser at Thanks from Dignity Center We have enough sandwiches, for now! Thanks to your faithful response our freezer is filled up with sandwiches from individuals, familes and groups! The DC serves 50-60 sandwiches per day, so its a daunting task to keep the freezer filled! Thank you.

Summer Food Fun

Dont miss the summer food hospitality events planned by your Food Service Committee! The first cookout of the year will be on Sunday, July 10. On Sunday, July 31, we will have an Ice Cream Social as a part of our coffee fellowship at 10:30 AM. The final cookout will be on Sunday, August 21. The Church Building will be closed Monday, July 4, in observance of the Independence Day Holiday.

Printed on 100% postconsumer waste (PCW) recycled office paper.

Please e m ail all information n n to

Sunday Spire
Benefit Concert for Emma Norton Services July 20 Ice Cream and All That Jazz
Emma Norton Services (ENS) invites you to attend a benefit concert by the Jumpin Jehosafats on Wednesday, July 20. ENS, a non-profit mission supported by United Methodist Women, provides transitional and permanent housing with support services to homeless women and their children in the Twin Cities. The concert takes place at 7:30 p.m. at Good Samaritan UMC, 5730 Grove St., Edina. This fundraiser, sponsored by the families of Emmas Place and the ENS Board of Directors, is a Families Helping Families activity to support efforts that alleviate homelessness among women and children in our community.There will be music, free will offering, and Culvers ice cream reception afterward.

Please Recycle this bulletin!

Please email all information to by 10:00 AM on Monday for the coming Sunday Spire, or drop off at church, attn: Daniel Pederson. Keeping your note to 50 words helps out a lot!

TODAY, JULY 3, 2011

Tending the Garden of Your Soul
1st Sunday of the Month * All Church Worship *
(Children attend worship with their family)
8:30 - 9:00 8:30 - 12:30 8:45 - 12:30 9:00 - 10:00 9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 12:00 4:45 - 6:30 5:00 - 6:00 HOLY COMMUNION Coffee Fellowship Nursery / Child Care SACRED JOURNEY FESTIVAL WORSHIP Seeds of Celebration MANY VOICES Bible Study: Gospel of John Community Meals SUNDAY AT FIVE BORDER CHAPEL Carlson Hall Rooms 101 & 103 ART GALLERY SANCTUARY Harrison Room BORDER CHAPEL Room 201 Social Hall BORDER CHAPEL


Church Closed Independence Day Holiday

11:00 AM India Partnership

9:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:45 AM 1:00 PM 5:30 PM Dignity CenterOpen Knotty Quilters Koinonia Partner Search Recyclers Kjerringsleppets

3:00 PM Labyrinth 6:00 PM Administrative Council

7:00 AM Mens Bible Fellowship 9:00 AM Dignity CenterOpen 10:00 AM Alanon

Is your groups activity missing? Have YOU contacted Jodi with your schedule going forward? In summer, some groups may shift their meeting times. Please be sure to confirm with Jodi your intentions for summer room needs and meeting plans. You may send all calendar corrections and room requests to Jodi Gustafson: 612-435-1325

11:00 AM Art Vanselow Memorial

Steeple People Says:

Hey Men, Got Clothes?

Our normal Sunday morning brunch is on hiatus for the summer. We will hold some special food events periodically through the summer season. Next up is a church cook-out on Sunday, July 10th.

Men of all ages, the Steeple People Surplus Store needs your gently used clothes! Mens is the most requested category of clothing at SPSS. It is also the category that receives the fewest donations. Bag or box your gently used jeans, shirts, sweaters, sweat shirts, socks, boxers, undershirts, pajamas, sport coats, slacks, belts, etc. Deliver them Sunday to the van in the church parking lot or drop-off at SPSS, 2004 Lyndale Ave S. during store hours 10:30-5:30 Mon.-Sat.

Gratitude for your Giving and Continued Support

At the end of May, the Operating Budget Income Received in each of the past three years has amounted to: 201141% of Budget Thank You 201043% of Budget For your 200940% of Budget Support!

Vacation Bible School

August 15-19

Egypt: Josephs Journey from Prison to Prince

For ages 3completed 5th Grade

PASTORAL CARE: Please notify the church office if you, a family member or any other church member are experiencing illness, hospitalization, or another need for pastoral care. CONGREGATIONAL JOYS AND CONCERNS are posted each week in the Pastoral Care section on the kiosk in Carlson Hall. Greeting cards for members in need of cheer are available to sign at the reception desk near the East Entry. PACEM SINGERS are available to sing to Hennepin members and friends bringing comfort of favorite hymns and songs to your surroundings. DOWNTOWN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: 9:30 AM Saturday mornings May 7Aug 27 at Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet. July 9: James Sewell presents video Good Mourning Dance Suite.


We are a Caring



We need you tonight July 3! Although Community Meals falls on a holiday weekend, hunger knows no vacation. For tonight were WAY short on volunteers. Bring your family, friends, or neighbors! We need 55 volunteers to serve grateful neighbors a meal, provide giveaways, and run the kitchen. Please grab Carol Jackson or Kristy Barnes after the service! The Church Building will be closed Monday, July 4, in observance of the Independence Day Holiday.

Community Meals


Summer Choir

Join Pastor Bruce Robbins and others from Hennepins local outreach team, Monday, July 25, as they spend a Day in the Life of someone experiencing homelessness in Minneapolis. This a great opportunity to learn (as a church community) about how peoples lives are impacted by homelessness. For more information please contact Kristyn Ebert: or 612-435-1305, or visit the table in Carlson Hall on July 10 to learn more about the day.

During the summer months our music leadership for the 9:30 service comes from an ad hoc group called Summer Choir. Everyone from 7th grade through adults is welcome. There isnt particularly an ongoing commitment; just come any Sunday mornings youd like to participate. We meet at 8:45 in the Choir Room and prepare music for that morning. For more information, call Bill Mathis at 612-435-1319. July 17 at Hennepin Join Hennepin friends and neighbors for a production by Open Eye Theater on Sunday, July 17th at 6:00 PM on the labyrinth outside the East Entry. The play is The Adventures of Juan Bobo and is suitable for all ages and will be told in English and Spanish. Join Juan Bobo, or Foolish John as his world is turned upside down by three devils who come to town. It is up to Juan to set things right again. Open Eye Theater sponsors driveway shows in summer to bring neighborhoods together around theater, art and fun. Free! Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Refreshments will be served!

Open Eye Theater


SUMMER OUTING, JULY 28 New Life Adventures is taking their summer outing to the Centennial Show Boat on Thursday, July 28 for a staging of The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Tickets are $20, payable upon registration, with a deadline of July 17. Be at the church parking lot by 1:15 for a van ride. (Note: lunch is not part of this outing.) Register at the reception desk, or call 612-871-5303.

Young Adults 20s-30s

Buy Locally On July 31st after worship we'll go on a Farmer's Market walk. Enjoy the day, get to know some new people, and get some delicious veggies or fresh flowers to take home with you! We'll gather on the front steps (facing Groveland) at 11am. Play Outside with Art August 18th: Come play in the outdoor "Living Classroom" at the Walker Art Museum. Gather at the church at 6pm. We'll walk over around 6:15pm. There's a D'Amico's booth to buy food at, or bring your own dinner. Artist Marc Barmuthi Joseph will be sharing his work around exploring sustainability.


As a Reconciling Congregation, we recognized June as Reconciling Month at Hennepin. Special thanks to those who marched in the parade and those who helped staff the booths in Loring Park. Over the weekend we handed out almost 1,000 water bottles to folks at the Pride festival. There are a few left and available for only $5 each at the reception desk today!

August 14 & 21, 11:00 AM What opens your soul? How can you express your spiritual journey through writing?Answer these questions (and more) through the creative writing exercises of these classes. Led by Jolene Roehlkepartain, member of Hennepin and author of Doing Good Together and Nurturing Faith in Families. No experience necessary. Go even deeper...attend both classes.

Deepen Your Spiritual Journey through Writing

Parking Can Equal Hospitality

Remember that parking in the Walker Art Center Ramp is available in the Summer, too. Get your voucher from an usher or at the reception desk. Thanks for freeing up parking near the church for visitors.

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