2002 - Assessing The Validity of Body Mass Index

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Assessing the Validity of Body Mass Index

Standards in Early Postmenopausal Women

Robert M. Blew,* Luis B. Sardinha,† Laura A. Milliken,‡ Pedro J. Teixeira,†§ Scott B. Going,§
Dawna L. Ferreira,* Margaret M. Harris,* Linda B. Houtkooper,§ and Timothy G. Lohman*§

Abstract rates were 84.4% and 14.6%, respectively. The area

BLEW, ROBERT M., LUIS B. SARDINHA, LAURA A. under the curve estimate for BMI was 0.914.
MILLIKEN, PEDRO J. TEIXEIRA, SCOTT B. GOING, Discussion: There is a strong association between %Fat and
DAWNA L. FERREIRA, MARGARET M. HARRIS, BMI in postmenopausal women. Current NIH BMI-based
LINDA B. HOUTKOOPER, AND TIMOTHY G. classifications for obesity may be misleading based on
LOHMAN. Assessing the validity of body mass index currently proposed %Fat standards. BMI ⬎25 kg/m2 rather
standards in early postmenopausal women. Obes Res. than BMI ⬎30 kg/m2 may be superior for diagnosing obe-
2002;10:799 – 808. sity in postmenopausal women.
Objective: To examine the relationship between percentage
of total body fat (%Fat) and body mass index (BMI) in early Key words: body mass index, percentage of fat, post-
postmenopausal women and to evaluate the validity of the menopausal women, receiver operating characteristic
BMI standards for obesity established by the NIH. analysis
Research Methods and Procedures: Three hundred seven-
teen healthy, sedentary, postmenopausal women (ages, 40
to 66 years; BMI, 18 to 35 kg/m2; 3 to 10 years postmeno- Introduction
pausal) participated in the study. Height, weight, BMI, and The NIH have established cut-off points using body mass
%Fat, as assessed by DXA, were measured. Receiver oper- index (BMI) for overweight and obesity at 25 kg/m2 and 30
ating characteristic analysis was performed to evaluate the kg/m2, respectively (1). According to preliminary data from
ability of BMI to discriminate obesity from non-obesity the 1999 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
using 38%Fat as the criterion value. (NHANES 1999), the prevalence of overweight (BMI 25.0
Results: A moderately high relationship was observed to 29.9 kg/m2) in adults ages 20 to 74 years increased by
between BMI and %Fat (r ⫽ 0.81; y ⫽ 1.41x ⫹ 2.65) ⬃2% between the NHANES II and NHANES 1999 surveys,
with a SE of estimate of 3.9%. Eighty-one percent of whereas obesity (BMI ⱖ 30.0 kg/m2) nearly doubled from
other studies examined fell within 1 SE of estimate as ⬃15% to 27% during the same period (2). In women ages
derived from our study. Receiver operating characteristic 50 to 59 (typically the early menopausal years), the percent-
analysis showed that BMI is a good diagnostic test for age considered obese (BMI ⱖ 30.0 kg/m2) has increased by
obesity. The cutoff for BMI corresponding to the crite- 47.3% between 1991 and 1998 (3). Overweight and obesity
rion value of 38%Fat that maximized the sum of the are known risk factors for insulin resistance, glucose intol-
sensitivity and specificity was 24.9 kg/m2. The true- erance, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, sleep
positive (sensitivity) and false-positive (1 ⫺ specificity) apnea, arthritis, hyperuricemia, gall bladder disease, and
certain types of cancer (4). This increase is an alarming
statistic and emphasizes the importance of accurately as-
Received for review January 19, 2002. sessing body composition, because it is expected that a
Accepted for publication in final form April 9, 2002.
*Department of Physiology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona; †Exercise and Health
significant extent of the risk of excess weight is caused by
Laboratory, Faculty of Human Movement, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portu- the contribution of excess fat to body mass. Therefore, it is
gal; ‡Department of Exercise Science and Physical Activity, University of Massachusetts, important to determine the relationship between BMI and
Boston, Massachusetts; and §Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona. percentage of total body fat (%Fat).
Address correspondence to Timothy G. Lohman, Ph.D., Department of Physiology, Ina DXA and underwater weighing (UWW) are accurate
Gittings Building #93, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721.
E-mail: lohman@u.arizona.edu
methods to estimate body fat. However, these methods are
Copyright © 2002 NAASO costly, difficult to access, and often impractical. Other, less

OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 10 No. 8 August 2002 799

BMI Standards in Postmenopausal Women, Blew et al.

expensive, but more accessible methods, such as bioelectri- given the aforementioned changes in fat and fat-free mass in
cal impedance analysis (BIA) and skinfold thickness (SKF) postmenopausal women, the study uses ROC analysis to
have their own limitations. SKF measurements are depen- determine if there are more appropriate values for diagnos-
dent on the skill of the examiner and may vary widely when ing obesity than those currently recommended by the NIH.
measured by different examiners (5,6). BIA may not be
accurate in severely obese individuals and is not useful for
tracking short-term changes in body fat brought about by Research Methods and Procedures
diet or exercise (7,8). A weight-for-height measure such as Subjects
BMI is a simple inexpensive method of determining overall Three hundred seventeen healthy, sedentary, postmeno-
fatness, although it is not a direct measure of body fat. pausal women participating in the Bone Estrogen Strength
Consequently, the use of BMI to predict body fatness would Training study were included in the present study (22). The
offer significant advantages, and in fact, several studies University of Arizona’s Human Subjects Institutional Re-
suggest that BMI is an acceptable predictor of body fatness view Board approved the study and all participants gave
(9 –13). However, the use of BMI to predict %Fat and written informed consent before participation in the study.
diagnose obesity has also been shown to have several lim- The women were 3 to 10 years postmenopausal (40 to 66
itations. Previous studies have shown that ethnicity, age, years old). Menopause was defined as 12 consecutive
and sex may significantly influence the relation between months without a menstrual period. The sample included
%Fat and BMI (14 –17). This suggests that %Fat and BMI surgical as well as nonsurgical menopause. At entry into the
may be more closely related within specific populations, study, they had a self-reported BMI ⬎5th percentile and
and hence clearer definitions of obesity should be estab- ⬍95th percentile, were nonsmokers, and were either using
lished for those groups. A recent report from a Centers for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for 1 to 6 years or had
Disease Control and Prevention workshop recognized the not used HRT in the preceding year. Subjects did not take
potential differences between populations but reiterated the any other medications known to affect bone metabolism and
importance of BMI in population-based health promotion body composition and were not exercising or dieting before
(18). It proposed that BMI can be an effective method on entering the study.
three levels: self-monitoring by the individual, identifying
subpopulations where chronic disease is prevalent, and al- DXA
lowing population trends to be tracked and characterized. Participants’ %Fat was measured by DXA using a total-
However, BMI’s effectiveness is dependent on cut-off body scanner (model DPX-L; Lunar Radiation Corp., Mad-
points that apply to all populations, something that currently ison, WI). DXA uses a constant potential X-ray source of 78
recommended cut-off points may not do (18). kVp and a rare-earth k-edge filter to achieve a congruent
Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that in certain sub- beam of stable dual-energy radiation with effective energies
groups of a population, BMI may be more predictive of of 40 and 70 KeV. The scanner was calibrated daily against
body fatness than in other subgroups. Wellens et al. showed a standard calibration block supplied by the manufacturer.
a significantly higher correlation between BMI and %Fat in Subject position for the total body was standardized and
the upper BMI tertile than in lower tertiles in white women identical to those described by Mazess et al. (23). All total
ages 20 to 45 years (19). Receiver operating characteristic body scans were completed in medium scan mode to ensure
(ROC) analysis suggested a BMI of 23 kg/m2 in white appropriate image resolution. All subjects were scanned
women might provide better diagnostic screening cut-offs twice within ⬃2 weeks to improve accuracy by reducing
for obesity (19). Whether the cut-off applies to postmeno- potential day-to-day variability. The mean of the two scans
pausal women is not known. More recently, a large-scale was used in all statistical analysis. Initial scan analysis,
study of elderly Italian women showed that BMI is an including the placement of baselines distinguishing bone
acceptable surrogate measure of body fatness for population and soft tissue, edge detection, and regional demarcations,
studies, but it was deemed inadequate to replace a direct was performed by computer algorithms (version 1.3y; Lu-
measure of body fatness at the individual level (20). Be- nar Corp.). Subsequently, the technician visually inspected
cause postmenopausal women are likely to have increased all scans and adjustments were made as necessary. The
fat mass and decreased fat-free mass (21), the relationship %Fat coefficient of variation for repeated measure-
between %Fat and BMI may be different for this population. ments was 2.8%.
The change in this relationship might suggest that lower
levels of BMI may be superior for predicting obesity. There- Anthropometry
fore, the aim of this paper is to address the relationship Standing height (HT) and weight (WT) measurements
between %Fat and BMI in a population of early postmeno- were completed with subjects wearing light-weight clothing
pausal women and moreover, consider the extent to which and no shoes. HT was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm using
this relationship agrees with data from other studies. Also, a Schorr measuring board (Schorr Products, Olney, MD).

800 OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 10 No. 8 August 2002

BMI Standards in Postmenopausal Women, Blew et al.

Subjects were asked to stand with their arms hanging freely obese (true-negative). The true-positive rate (sensitivity)
at their sides, ankles or knees touching, and their weight was plotted against the false-positive rate (1 ⫺ specificity)
distributed evenly on both feet. The mid-axillary plane was across a range of BMI values. This relationship gives an
aligned perpendicular to the floor with the scapulae and estimate of BMI that yields the minimal number of false-
buttocks in contact with the vertical board if possible, or negative and false-positive cases (e.g., the BMI best able to
whichever part touched the board first. The head was posi- discriminate between obese and non-obese subjects). This
tioned in the Frankfurt Horizontal plane, and HT was mea- estimate is selected by determining the BMI value that
sured during a maximal inhalation. WT was measured on a maximizes the sum of sensitivity and specificity. The sum
calibrated digital scale (model 770; SECA, Hamburg, Ger- of sensitivity and specificity gives the overall performance
many), accurate to 0.1 kg, while subjects stood with their of the cut-off point, with higher sums indicating superior
weight evenly distributed and their arms hanging freely at performance (28).
their sides. The average of two measurements for both HT Another index provided by ROC analysis is the area
and WT were used as the criterion measurements. BMI was under the curve (AUC), which reflects the overall accuracy
calculated as WT (kilograms) divided by HT squared of BMI in predicting obesity. The closer the AUC is to 1.0,
(meters squared). the greater the chance that any given obese subject will have
a higher BMI than that of any given non-obese subject.
Statistical Analysis Conversely, if BMI is unable to distinguish between obese
Statistical analyses were conducted using the SPSS/PC and non-obese (i.e., where there is no difference between
(SPSS for Windows, V.9.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). the two distributions), the AUC will be close to 0.5, and the
Means, SDs, and Pearson’s product moment correlations ROC curve will approach a diagonal line.
were calculated. Independent sample Student’s t tests were
Study Comparison
used to compare age, years past menopause, height, weight,
A literature review was performed based on a compre-
BMI, and %Fat between women who used HRT and women
hensive MEDLINE search and a search for articles cross-
who did not use HRT. Linear regression analyses were
referenced in related published reports. Only studies that
performed to evaluate the relationship between %Fat by
presented both BMI and %Fat by DXA, hydrodensitometry,
DXA and BMI. The slopes of the regression lines for the
or a four-component model (4CM) in healthy postmeno-
two groups were not different (p ⬎ 0.05). Therefore, data
pausal-aged women (range of mean ages, 42 to 75 years)
from the two groups were combined for further analysis.
were included. In cases where only mean values of HT and
Significance was inferred at p ⬍ 0.05. All results were
WT were presented, a BMI score was calculated using these
expressed as means and SDs.
values. Twenty-six studies were then examined in two ways
ROC analysis is a way of evaluating the accuracy of a
to determine the extent to which our sample could be
diagnostic test by summarizing the potential of the test to
generalized. First, the mean values of BMI and %Fat were
discriminate between the absence and presence of a health
plotted against our regression line to determine whether
condition (24,25). In this study, ROC analysis examined the
their results supported the relationship between BMI and
ability of BMI to discriminate obesity from non-obesity
%Fat that we found. This was accomplished by determining
using ⱖ38%Fat as the criterion value for obesity, based on
whether their mean values fell within 1 SE of estimate
the recent recommendation for older women by Lohman et
(SEE) from the regression line derived in our study. Second,
al. (26,27). The slightly higher %Fat value of 38% (30% to
the mean values of BMI and %Fat for each of the studies
35% is usually recommended for obesity in women) allows
were plotted, and a regression line was created. This regres-
for a small increase in fatness with age without a concom-
sion line was then plotted against the regression line of the
itant increase in risk factors (26,27). By this delineation,
present study. In the event that a single study examined
obese women (ⱖ38% fat) who are correctly classified as
multiple populations (i.e., different age, ethnicity, or gen-
obese by BMI represent true-positive cases, whereas obese
der), only those fitting our criteria were used. In cases where
subjects classified as non-obese represent false-negative
multiple populations within a given study fit our criteria,
cases. Non-obese women correctly classified as non-obese
each population was treated as an independent sample for
represent true-negative cases, whereas non-obese subjects
comparison. Thus, a single study may have been used more
classified as obese represent false-positive cases. These
than once in comparing it with our study. In cases where
assessments of BMI’s screening performance were repeated
both UWW and DXA %Fat were presented, only the DXA
using slightly lower and higher %Fat cut-off values (35%
measure was included in our analysis.
and 40%) to address alternative definitions of obesity.
The sensitivity of BMI refers to the probability that BMI
will classify a subject as obese when the subject is truly Results
obese. The specificity is the probability that BMI will clas- Table 1 presents the means, SDs, and ranges of physical
sify a subject as non-obese when the subject is truly non- characteristics by HRT status and all subjects combined.

OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 10 No. 8 August 2002 801

BMI Standards in Postmenopausal Women, Blew et al.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of postmenopausal women by HRT status and independent of HRT status
HRT (n ⴝ 155) No HRT (n ⴝ 162) HRT ⴙ No HRT (n ⴝ 317)
Mean ⴞ SD Range Mean ⴞ SD Range Mean ⴞ SD Range
Age (years) 54.2 ⫾ 4.5* 40 to 66 55.4 ⫾ 5.0* 45 to 66 54.8 ⫾ 4.8 40 to 66
Years past
menopause 5.3 ⫾ 3.7† 1.0 to 33.8 6.5 ⫾ 3.2† 3.0 to 20.0 5.9 ⫾ 3.5 1.0 to 33.8
Height (cm) 163.1 ⫾ 6.9 144.0 to 185.6 162.9 ⫾ 6.2 146.0 to 180.0 163.0 ⫾ 6.6 144.0 to 185.6
Weight (kg) 67.7 ⫾ 11.8 45.5 to 110.7 68.6 ⫾ 11.1 46.1 to 98.6 68.2 ⫾ 11.5 45.5 to 110.7
BMI (kg/m2) 25.4 ⫾ 4.1 18.4 to 35.5 25.8 ⫾ 3.5 17.9 to 34.1 25.6 ⫾ 3.8 17.9 to 35.5
FFM (kg) 40.5 ⫾ 5.0 19.9 to 53.7 40.3 ⫾ 4.8 20.1 to 54.7 40.4 ⫾ 4.9 19.9 to 54.7
Percentage of fat 38.3 ⫾ 6.7 16.8 to 53.1 39.3 ⫾ 6.5 13.5 to 54.3 38.8 ⫾ 6.6 13.5 to 54.3

* p ⬍ 0.05.
† p ⬍ 0.01.
HRT, hormone replacement therapy; BMI, body mass index; FFM, fat-free mass.

Our sample was 87.7% white (n ⫽ 278), 9.5% Hispanic Twenty-six studies were examined that resulted in 36
(n ⫽ 30), 1.6% Asian American (n ⫽ 5), 0.9% African samples. Their BMI and %Fat values were plotted against
American (n ⫽ 3), and 0.3% Native American (n ⫽ 1). our regression line (Table 2; Figure 2). Eighty-one percent
Forty-nine percent of the subjects were using some form of of the studies selected from the literature review fell within
HRT. Age and years past menopause were significantly 1 SEE from the regression equation in our study.
different (p ⬍ 0.05) between women using HRT and women A comparison of the BMI cut-off point for classifying
not using HRT, but no significant differences were observed obesity as suggested by the NIH and that proposed by this
when comparing height, weight, BMI, and %Fat. Conse- study is presented in Table 3. ROC analysis was used to
quently, the results that follow are based on all subjects
combined and not by HRT status.
Based on BMI classifications suggested by the NIH (1),
1.6% were underweight, 45.1% were within the healthy
weight range, 38.5% were overweight, and 14.8% were
obese. Linear regression analysis showed that %Fat and
BMI were highly correlated (r ⫽ 0.81) with a SEE of 3.9%.
Figure 1 illustrates the relationship and shows the resulting
regression line [%Fat ⫽ 1.41(BMI) ⫹ 2.65]. The associa-
tion between BMI and %Fat was not altered by adjusting for
years past menopause or years on HRT. Using this equation
to estimate the %Fat values associated with the NIH BMI
classifications, the following was found: BMI of 19 kg/m2
equals 29.4%Fat, BMI of 25 kg/m2 equals 37.9%Fat, BMI
of 30 kg/m2 equals 45.0%Fat, and BMI of 35 kg/m2
equals 52.0%Fat.
Gallagher et al. (29) have proposed the use of the inverse
of BMI to predict body fatness because a curvilinear rela-
tionship may exist between BMI and %Fat. Linear regres- Figure 1: Percentage of total body fat (%Fat) measured by DXA
sion using the inverse of BMI to predict %Fat in our sample vs. body mass index (BMI) in postmenopausal women (n ⫽ 317;
resulted in r ⫽ 0.83, SEE ⫽ 3.7%, and %Fat ⫽ r2 ⫽ 0.64; SE of estimate ⫽ 3.9%). Horizontal line indicates the
cut-off value for %Fat (38%). Vertical lines indicate NIH-recom-
⫺951.7(BMI) ⫹ 76.8. Using this equation to predict %Fat
mended classifications (1). Vertical line on the left (short dash)
values associated with the BMI classifications, the follow- indicates underweight cut-off (19 kg/m2), middle vertical line
ing was found: BMI of 19 kg/m2 equals 26.7%Fat, BMI of (long dash) indicates overweight cut-off (25 kg/m2), and vertical
25 kg/m2 equals 38.7%Fat, BMI of 30 kg/m2 equals line on the right (solid) indicates obesity cut-off (30 kg/m2).
45.1%Fat, and BMI of 35 kg/m2 equals 49.6%Fat.

802 OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 10 No. 8 August 2002

BMI Standards in Postmenopausal Women, Blew et al.

Table 2. Mean body mass index and mean total body fat percentage in postmenopausal age populations
Anthropometry Percent fat

Population Age Weight (kg) Height (m) BMI % Fat

Study (reference) n Ethnicity Mean SD Range Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Method

Aloia et al. 1999 (30) 162 Black 42.2 ⫾12.1 65.8 ⫾8.2 1.64 ⫾0.06 24.6 ⫾2.9 36.4 ⫾7.2 DXA
203 White 47.7 ⫾12.9 62.8 ⫾8.3 1.64 ⫾0.06 23.2 ⫾2.6 35.1 ⫾7.2 DXA
Baumgartner et al. 1995 (31) 50 White 60 to 70 67.2 ⫾11.6 1.61 ⫾0.05 26.0 ⫾4.5 38.3 ⫾7.8 DXA
82 White 71 to 80 63.1 ⫾10.9 1.58 ⫾0.06 25.1 ⫾3.6 38.0 ⫾6.8 DXA
56 White ⬎80 59.0 ⫾8.5 1.56 ⫾0.06 24.2 ⫾3.3 35.1 ⫾3.2 DXA
Bedgoni et al. 2001 (20) 1423 White 67 ⫾5.0 60 to 88 65.0 ⫾9.0 1.57 ⫾0.06 26.2 ⫾3.5 37.7 ⫾6.0 DXA
Bergsma-Kadijk et al. 1996 (32) 18 White 71.6 ⫾3.8 65 to 78 65.0 ⫾8.5 1.60 ⫾0.05 25.4 ⫾3.9 38.8 ⫾5.9 4-Component
Brodowicz et al. 1994 (33) 31 * 71.1 ⫾4.6 65 to 85 65.1 ⫾10.1 1.61 ⫾0.06 25.0 ⫾3.5 39.0§ DXA
44.5§ UWW
Broekhoff et al. 1992 (34) 28 * 72.0 ⫾4.0 67 to 78 68.4 ⫾9.9 1.61 ⫾0.07 26.3 ⫾3.4 39.6 ⫾5.6 UWW
Clasey et al. 1999 (35) 19 White 65.8 ⫾1.4 * * * * * 26.4 ⫾4.4 41.2 DXA
41.6 UWW
Deurenberg et al. 1989 (36) 37 * 68.0 ⫾5.2 60 to 83 68.5 ⫾8.7 1.63 ⫾0.06 25.9 ⫾3.2 43.9 ⫾4.3 UWW
Gallagher et al. 1996 (15) 104 Black 49.6 ⫾16.2 * 71.2 ⫾12.3 1.62 ⫾0.06 27.0 ⫾4.3 35.6 ⫾8.5 4-Component
290 White 50.3 ⫾18.7 * 61.8 ⫾10.0 1.63 ⫾0.07 23.3 ⫾3.7 30.3 ⫾8.6 model
Gallagher et al. 2000 (29) 155 Black 56.2 ⫾16.8 * 71.5 ⫾12.5 1.62 ⫾0.07 27.1 ⫾4.3 37.6† 4-Component
225 White 48.8 ⫾17.6 * 62.7 ⫾10.4 1.63 ⫾0.07 24.5 ⫾4.5 33.8† model
Gruber et al. 1998 (37) 20 * 51.7 ⫾1.9 * 68.9 ⫾13.1 1.65 ⫾0.02 24.8 ⫾4.3 38.2 ⫾7.9 DXA
19 * 52.2 ⫾1.3 * 69.1 ⫾9.6 1.66 ⫾0.12 25.1 ⫾3.6 39.2 ⫾6.5
Harris et al. 1996 (38) 261 White 63.5 ⫾5.2 47 to 76 67.5 ⫾11.8 1.61 ⫾0.07 26.1 ⫾4.1 39.9† DXA
Kirchengast et al. 1998 (39) 278 White 55.8 * 44 to 67 71.3 ⫾9.1 1.65 ⫾0.05 26.3 ⫾3.1 41.5 ⫾6.1 DXA
Nelson et al. 1991 (40) 41 White 60.2 ⫾1.1 PM, ⬍70 64.0 ⫾1.4 1.62 ⫾0.01 24.4 ⫾0.5 42.1 ⫾0.9 UWW
Rankinen et al. 1999 (41) 200 White 52.0 ⫾6.8 18 to 72 69.8 ⫾16.1 1.58 ⫾0.06 27.9 ⫾6.8 37.4 ⫾8.6 UWW
Ravn et al. 1999 (42) 417 * 53.0 ⫾3.6 45 to 59 66.7 ⫾10.4 1.62 ⫾0.07 25.4 ⫾3.6 40.1 ⫾6.7 DXA
403 * 53.4 ⫾3.8 66.6 ⫾10.2 1.62 ⫾0.07 25.4 ⫾3.5 40.1 ⫾6.6
Reilly et al. 1994 (43)‡ 16 * 70.4 ⫾4.2 66 to 78 60.3 ⫾8.4 1.57 ⫾0.05 24.4 ⫾3.0 39.0 ⫾8.8 UWW
Sardinha et al. 2000 (44) 383 White 60.5 ⫾7.1 50 to 80 65.4 ⫾10.9 1.54 ⫾0.06 27.8 ⫾4.2 42.6 ⫾6.9 DXA
Snead et al. 1993 (45) 62 * 66.3 ⫾3.1 60 to 81 64.6 ⫾11.6 1.62 ⫾6.6 24.6† 34.5 ⫾6.6 DXA
39.9 ⫾6.3 UWW
Svendsen et al. 1991 (46) 23 * 75 ⫾0.0 75 65.5 ⫾11.6 1.59 ⫾0.07 25.9 ⫾4.3 33.7 ⫾9.9 DXA
Svendsen et al. 1995 (47) 196 White 50 to 59 66.1 ⫾10.7 1.63 ⫾0.06 24.9 ⫾3.9 35.1 ⫾6.8 DXA
26 60 to 69 64.2 ⫾9.5 1.60 ⫾0.06 25.3 ⫾4.0 36.8 ⫾8.0
32 70 to 79 63.9 ⫾10.4 1.60 ⫾0.07 25.1 ⫾4.3 33.8 ⫾9.0
Tremollieres et al. 1996 (48) 100 White 53.8 ⫾3.1 46 to 60 55.9 ⫹5.4 1.60 ⫾0.06 21.8 ⫾1.8 31.6† DXA
37 White 64.1 ⫾4.0 60 to 70 56.6 ⫾5.6 1.58 ⫾0.06 22.6 ⫾2.0 34.6†
Visser et al. 1999 (49) 30 * 73.6 ⫾2.3 67.9 ⫾12.6 1.59 ⫾0.06 26.9 ⫾5.2 38.9 ⫾6.7 4-Component
Williams et al. 1995 (50) 23 White 65.0 ⫾9.4 64.4 ⫾8.1 1.61 ⫾0.06 24.9 ⫾3.6 40.1 ⫾5.8 UWW
Xie et al. 1999 (51) 124 * 56.4 ⫾2.9 51 to 63 66.0 ⫾11.5 1.64 ⫾0.06 24.5 ⫾4.1 30.4 DXA
Zamboni et al. 1999 (52) 144 * 72.0 ⫾2.2 68 to 75 64.7 ⫾11.4 1.57 ⫾0.06 26.4 ⫾4.5 41.1 ⫾6.1 DXA

* Not specified in this paper.

† Calculated from height and weight group means or using a prediction equation.
‡ Calculated from individual subject data presented in paper.
§ Means are estimated from a graph.
UWW, underwater weighing; PM, postmenopausal.

OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 10 No. 8 August 2002 803

BMI Standards in Postmenopausal Women, Blew et al.

Figure 3: Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of body

mass index (BMI) vs. DXA obesity (ⱖ38%Fat), where 24.9 is the
Figure 2: Mean percentage of total body fat (%Fat) and body mass cut-off that corresponds to the best tradeoff between sensitivity
index (BMI) values from other studies that used a similar sample and 100 ⫺ specificity (e.g., the most accurate cut-off point for
(see Table 2). Solid line represents regression line of %Fat on BMI discrimination between obese and non-obese postmenopausal
using all other studies as data points. Dashed lines and mixed women).
dotted and dashed lines represent the regression line and 1 SE of
estimate, respectively, as derived in this study.

a greater BMI than a randomly selected non-obese sub-

ject 91% of the time. The 95% confidence interval was
examine the ability of BMI to discriminate obesity from 0.877 to 0.942. The lower limit of 0.877 is high, suggesting
non-obesity using ⱖ38%Fat as the criterion value for obe- good diagnostic performance by BMI. Using the NIH cutoff
sity. The ROC curve depicted in Figure 3 shows the cut-off for obesity of 30 kg/m2, the sensitivity was 25.6 and the
point for BMI that maximized the sum of the sensitivity and specificity was 99.3.
specificity for detecting obesity defined as 38%Fat was 24.9
kg/m2. The true-positive (sensitivity) and false-positive
(1 ⫺ specificity) rates corresponding to the cut-off value Discussion
were 84.4% and 14.6%, respectively, which means BMI BMI-based classification of overweight and obesity has
will classify a subject as obese 84.4% of the time when the been widely accepted by the research community but has
subject is truly obese but will misclassify them as obese not yet been broadly adopted by primary care practitioners
14.6% of the time. The AUC estimate was 0.914, mean- (18). The weak relation of BMI to important health out-
ing that a randomly selected obese subject will have comes in a varied range of populations and the inability of

Table 3. Performance comparison of BMI-based cutoffs for diagnosing obesity using 35%, 38%, and 40% body fat, NIH (1)
vs. present study

35% Body fat 38% Body fat 40% Body fat

NIH Present study NIH Present study NIH Present study
Proposed BMI cut-off point (kg/m ) 30.0 24.0 30.0 24.9 30.0 25.3
True-positive rate (%)† 20.4 87.2 25.6 84.4 28.8 87.6
False-positive rate (%)‡ 0.0 14.3 0.7 14.6 1.2 14.6
Overall performance 124.4 172.9 124.9 169.8 127.6 173.0
(⌺ Sensitivity and specificity)

†True-positive rate ⫽ sensitivity.

‡False-positive rate ⫽ (1 ⫺ specificity).
BMI, body mass index.

804 OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 10 No. 8 August 2002

BMI Standards in Postmenopausal Women, Blew et al.

BMI to accurately assess body composition for the individ- Postmenopausal women are a population that have experi-
ual are important limitations of the index that may explain enced changes in the density of their fat-free mass, in
the dissatisfaction among some clinicians. In fact, the use of particular, reductions in bone mineral density (21,54,55).
BMI to determine obesity or as a surrogate for body com- The use of DXA, as in this study, allows a three-component
position has been shown to have several limitations (14 – measure, which, in a population where bone is known
17,20,53). These studies demonstrate that adjusting a sub- to undergo dramatic changes, may remove inaccuracies
ject’s body weight for height will not necessarily yield caused by potential component variations. However,
consistent levels of body fatness. Therefore, two individuals because the evidence suggests that the variability be-
with identical BMI values may have considerably different tween the methods (UWW, DXA, and 4CM method)
%Fat levels, particularly if they vary in ethnicity, age, or only ranges from 1% to 3% (35), all were considered for a
sex. Although data on the effect of ethnicity have been more inclusive comparison.
mixed, Deurenberg et al. concluded in a meta-analysis that Previous studies have created prediction formulas to es-
the relationship between %Fat and BMI does vary among timate %Fat based on BMI (9,29,36). Formulas derived
ethnic groups (14). However, this study did not include from age- and sex-specific regression equations have been
Hispanics, and no studies to date have found that the rela- shown to have an estimation error of about 4% in elderly
tionship between %Fat and BMI in Hispanics is different men and women (9,36). The equation developed by Deuren-
from whites. It has also been shown that variations in age berg et al. incorporates the confounding variables of age and
and sex have a significant impact on the relationship be- sex, but it used densitometry and only included ⬃60 women
tween BMI and adiposity (9,15). When comparing young in our age range (9). Gallagher et al. (29) also developed an
and old subjects and men and women, older subjects and equation for predicting %Fat (4CM) from the inverse of
women will have a higher %Fat (for a given weight and BMI that incorporated both age and sex. The sample used to
height) despite similar BMIs (15). Consequently, it is likely derive the prediction equation consisted of 671 white and
that there are populations in which the BMI classifications African-American subjects (380 women and 225 men) and
proposed by NIH will be misleading. varied widely in age, but still yielded a high correlation (r ⫽
This study provides a more homogeneous population, 0.90) and a SEE of 4.3%. The current study sample was
thus eliminating potential inequities associated with age, more ethnically and age homogeneous, included only post-
sex, or ethnicity. However, this is also a limitation of the menopausal women (n ⫽ 317), and it resulted in a lower
study. The characteristics of this sample may not be fully SEE (3.9%) for the prediction of %Fat from BMI. Accord-
representative of all postmenopausal women, particularly ingly, the results of our study are more directly applicable to
older postmenopausal women. The study is further limited the postmenopausal population.
because all subjects were paid volunteers and may not In this population, it is apparent that BMI is as effective
characterize a random sampling of all postmenopausal for predicting %Fat as BIA or SKF. The SEE (3.9%) was
women. Nevertheless, the current sample size of 317 sub- similar to those found in previous studies (9) and compa-
jects is large enough to define within narrow limits the rable with using SKF or BIA with potentially less measurer
magnitude of the correlation between BMI and %Fat (r ⫽ error and cost than either of these methods. This does not
0.81). Furthermore, we were encouraged to find that other necessarily mean that BMI is an effective screening tool for
studies examining this population (Table 2) agree with our diagnosing obesity. However, the AUC determined by the
findings and for the most part (81%) fall within 1 SEE from ROC analysis (0.91) does support BMI’s effectiveness at
our regression equation. diagnosing obesity. The AUC in this sample suggests that
There are several reasons why some studies did not fit any randomly selected obese subject will have a higher BMI
within 1 SEE from the regression equation in our study. than a randomly selected non-obese subject 91% of the
First, there were studies that did not specify ethnicity time. The 95% confidence interval (0.88 to 0.94) demon-
(36,46), which could affect the relationship between %Fat strates that at even the lower limit (0.88), the diagnostic
and BMI (14). Second, several of the studies had a much ability of BMI is good.
smaller sample size than ours, reducing the precision of With the regression equation from this study, BMI is
their measures (36,40,46,47). These samples were also older disparate from %Fat for the overweight and obese classifi-
than the current study sample (36,40,46,47), and although cations. According to the current classifications from NIH
we found that years past menopause did not alter the rela- (1), a BMI of 25 to 30 kg/m2 indicates overweight and 30 to
tionship between %Fat and BMI, samples with substantially 35 kg/m2 indicates class I obesity. Our results indicate that
older subjects may be affected. Finally, not all of these the corresponding ranges for %Fat are 38% to 45% and 45%
studies used DXA to determine %Fat in this population to 52% for overweight and class I obesity, respectively. The
(36,40,41). Studies using two component models such as relationship for overweight and obesity is linear across the
UWW to predict %Fat could potentially be inaccurate be- majority of %Fat and BMI values, but the relationship is not
cause of variations in the densities of the body constituents. linear at lower BMIs. The corresponding %Fat for a BMI of

OBESITY RESEARCH Vol. 10 No. 8 August 2002 805

BMI Standards in Postmenopausal Women, Blew et al.

19 kg/m2 is 29.4% (or 26.7% using the inverse of BMI that that establish a relationship between %Fat and risk factors
relates more linearly to %Fat), an amount of fatness clearly associated with morbidity and mortality in postmenopausal
not associated with underweight health-related risks. How- women. Even so, our selection of ⱖ38%Fat is likely to be
ever, this is likely explained by the fact that our sample only consistent with an increased health risk for postmenopausal
had five subjects (1.6%) ⬍19 kg/m2. women, and therefore, the corresponding BMI of ⬎24.9 kg/m2
ROC analysis was performed to obtain a more analytical should be considered when classifying obesity in postmeno-
measure of the effectiveness of BMI for diagnosing obesity pausal women. Given that the moderately high relationship
in postmenopausal women. In younger women (20 to 45 between %Fat and BMI is representative of other studies of
years), Wellens et al. (19) showed that BMI provided a postmenopausal women and that there is a dramatic difference
sensitive measure for estimating adiposity based on a between our cut-off point (24.9 kg/m2) and that proposed by
33%Fat criterion measure but did not examine a postmeno- the NIH for the population as a whole (30.0 kg/m2), our results
pausal population. In the absence of a clearly defined rela- clearly support the need for population-specific BMI classifi-
tionship between %Fat and morbidity and mortality in post- cations. In conclusion, in the context of recommended health-
menopausal women, our cut-off of 38%Fat for obesity was related %Fat cut-offs, the results of our study suggest that a
based on the recommendation of Lohman et al. (26,27). BMI of 30 kg/m2 may be too conservative. The currently
With this criterion value, 24.9 kg/m2 was the most sensitive accepted NIH cut-off for the category of overweight (25 kg/
and most specific BMI for the present population of post- m2) could be a better criterion to diagnose obesity in post-
menopausal women, meaning that it is the optimal value to menopausal women.
discriminate between obesity and non-obesity. Other com-
monly used %Fat cut-off points for obesity (35% and 40%)
yielded a range of 24.0 to 25.3 kg/m2 when used as criterion
This study was supported by National Institutes of Health
values (Table 3). These values are consistent with the 25.5
grant AR39559.
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