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Discipline Incident Training Guide

The Edupoint software and any form of supporting documentation are proprietary and confidential.
Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the software and any form of supporting documentation is strictly
prohibited and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.
Information in this document is provided in connection with Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC. products. No
license to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document.
The screens, procedural steps, and sample reports in this manual may be slightly different from the actual
software due to modifications in the software based on state requirements and/or school district
The data in this document may include the names of individuals, schools, school districts, companies,
brands, and products. Any similarities to actual names and data are entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC.
Edupoint, Synergy Student Information System, Synergy Special Education, Synergy Assessment,
TeacherVUE, LessonVUE, StudentVUE, and ParentVUE are registered trademarks of Edupoint Educational
Systems. Inspect is a registered trademark of Key Data Systems. Google and the Google logo are registered
trademarks of Google Inc. Apple and iPad Pro are trademarks of Apple Inc. Microsoft and OneDrive are
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Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC.

Discipline Incident Training Guide 3

About This Manual

Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC. develops software with multiple release dates for the
software and related documentation. The documentation is released in multiple volumes to
meet this commitment.

This document serves as a reference for Edupoint's recommendations and Best Practices for
Synergy processes. Due to the complex nature and myriad configurations possible within the
Synergy software, it is not feasible to include every possible scenario within this guide.

Conventions Used in This Manual

• Bold indicates user interactions such as a button or field on the screen.

• Italics indicate the option to select or text to enter.
• Notes, Tips, References, and Cautions display in the margin to provide additional

Notes provide additional information Tips suggest advanced options or

about the subject. other ways of approaching the

References list another source of Cautions warn of potential problems.

information, such as another manual Take special care when reading
or website. these sections.

Before You Begin

Before installing any of the Edupoint family of software products, be sure to review the system
requirements and make sure the district’s computer hardware and software meet the minimum

Software and Document History

Document Release Software

Version Date Release

1.0 Nov 2018 2019.01 Initial release of this document


• Reorganized content for better flow

• Updated screenshots throughout
2.0 Jun 2019 2020
• Added Large Notification Icons
• Added more detail to Student Notifications
• Added green banner functionality to Login Screen
4 Discipline Incident Training Guide

Table of Contents
About This Manual ........................................................................................................ 3
Conventions Used in This Manual ............................................................................. 3
Before You Begin ...................................................................................................... 3
Software and Document History ................................................................................. 3
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................... 4
Important Items to Notice .............................................................................................. 5
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents............................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2: Deleting an Incidents 2019 Record .................................................................. 20
Chapter 3: Create New Incident from Student Incident Screen ....................................... 25
Chapter 4: Incident Approval Queue .................................................................................. 29
Chapter 5: Mass Updating a Disposition ........................................................................... 32
Chapter 6: Creating Seclusion and Restraint Records .................................................... 35
Chapter 7: Incident Referral in TeacherVUE ...................................................................... 38
Chapter 8: Generating Discipline Incident Reports.......................................................... 41
Chapter 9: Self Assessment ............................................................................................... 43

Edupoint Proprietary and Confidential

Discipline Incident Training Guide 5

Important Items to Notice

Based on individual and district settings, screens and options that are seen can vary.

1. Grid Detail Type Options for this guide are set to Show Detail. This will populate the
Actions Button on grids. If this option is not selected, drop down arrows will be shown
to the right of each line number.

2. Synergy has several ways to get assistance in the system.

a. A. Help is an online help system that opens a list of SIS help guides in a new
screen. The online help is managed by your system administrator.
b. The Blue Circle of Help offers Context Sensitive Help specific help for
screens, tabs and reports.

Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC

Chapter 1:
Discipline Incidents

Discipline Incidents ............................................................................................................... 7

7 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

Discipline Incidents
The Discipline Incident node contains the Incidents screen and the Student Incident screen. The
Incidents screen lists information for a specific incident and the Student Incident screen lists all
incidents a student participated in.

Adding an Incidents 2019 Record

Before adding or editing a record, confirm the current focus is on a school and not the district.

Go to Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Incidents.

1. Click the Add button to create a new incident. A new window will populate.

2. Enter the incident information for Date, Time, Referred by Staff, referral Date, Entered by and
Incident Context Code. Green field items are mandatory to complete before saving.
3. In the Description box, write information about the incident. Avoid the use of student names in
this area. This information will print on all the reports.
4. The Private Description can be used if needed. Information here will not print on any reports
but, can be subpoenaed by a court of law.

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Discipline Incident Training Guide 8
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

5. Enter additional information about the incident such as Incident Cost, Comments, State
Incident Number, EdFi Description, if the incident is Gang, Hate or Hazing Related and if it
was Referred to Law Enforcement.

Incident Locations

1. Click Add in the Locations section to add as many locations as needed.

2. Click the arrow under locations to choose the location.
3. Additional information about the location can be added in the Location Text box.

Adding Students Involved

1. Students Involved can be added is several ways.

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9 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

a. Clicking the Add button found at the top or bottom of the Grid. This will add one
student at a time.
b. Clicking the Chooser button found at the top or bottom of the Grid. This will allow
multiple students to be added.
c. Clicking the Add Rows Below that will add a line to the data table where information
can be added.

2. With the Add or Chooser, a Find: Student window will populate.

3. Using the Find Criteria of Name, Student Id, etc. enter the information and click Find or press
4. Select the Student or Students (if you selected Chooser).
5. Click Select.

6. Under Incident Role, click the arrow and choose if the student is the Offender, Victim,
Bystander or Witness from the dropdown.
7. Click the grey arrow in the Line column so that it is pointing down. This will open up the field
areas where specific information can be added to the individual student.

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Discipline Incident Training Guide 10
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

Student Incident Information

1. On the Information tab, if there was a cost to the victim that can be added.
2. Check the appropriate boxes if information was Explained to Student, a Teacher Conference
was held, or a Disability Manifest.
3. Enter Comments specific to the individual student only. Other students should not be named
here. This information will print on the Disciplinary Action Form for the individual student.
4. Private Comments can be added. These will not print on reports.
5. Parent Contact and Time Out of the Classroom can also be added.

Offender Information

1. Click the Arrow in front of Offender Information to open the node.

2. Choose the Motivation from the drop down.
3. Add any Motivation Description if needed.


1. On the Violations node, click the Add button to add as my violations as needed.
2. Click the violations dropdown arrow and select the Violation committed.
3. Severity Level can be added in needed.
4. A Description of the Violation can be added.
5. If Weapons were involved, click the Add button in the Weapons Column to add as many as
used. These can be ordered based on how they were utilized.
6. Check the Committed Violation box to indicate the student committed it.

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11 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

Disposition Information

1. Under the Disposition Information node, select the Hearing Office Disposition and hearing
Office Disposition Date if used.
2. Click the Add button on the Dispositions node to add as many Dispositions issued.
3. Choose the Disposition Code from the dropdown menu.

4. Enter the Start Date and End Date.

5. Add the Hours and Days if necessary.
6. Populate the Staff Name if different then you.
7. Under ATR, click the dropdown to enter the Attendance Reason Code needed.

8. To add additional information to the Disposition, click the node on the Line of the disposition
so it is pointing down.
9. The Disposition Date will display is added and can be modified if necessary.
10. The Disposition Description is where additional information about the Disposition can be
included. These include the Place Moved To, Additional Text, Comment and other field

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Discipline Incident Training Guide 12
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

11. If Seclusion and or Restraint were used, click the Add button to include one form or the
Chooser if there were multiple forms.
12. Enter the Incident Date, Start Time and End Time.
13. Choose the Type of Seclusion from the dropdown if used.
14. Choose the Type of Restraint from the dropdown if used.
15. Choose the Incident Organization from the dropdown.
16. Indicate Injuries to the Student by checking the box or Staff by adding the name of the Injured


1. Under the Dates Note, information about the Disposition timeframe can be added here or on
the data table.
2. Select a Disposition Review Date if necessary.
3. Attendance Reason Codes can be selected here or will display what was already added to the
4. Information about Services received can be added here.
5. Assigned Start Date and End Date can be selected.
6. Modifications and information about the Return and Completion are recorded here.


1. If a Manifestation is needed for a Determination or Meeting check the appropriate box.

2. Enter the Manifestation Meeting Date.
3. Include any AEF Type or Explanation.
Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC
13 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

Referral To Law Enforcement

1. If the Incident is Referred to Law Enforcement, Check the Was Referred to Law Enforcement
2. Enter the Hearing Review Date, Referral Results and Police Report Number.
3. If the student was arrested, check the Was Arrested box.

Associated Violations

1. If the student has any violation already, they can be selected as Associated Violations here.


1. To add a Hearing, Click the Add button.

2. Enter the Application Date and Type.
3. The Outcome Date and Outcome Come can be added.
4. Comments about the hearing can be typed into the comment field.


1. To add in Intervention, click the Add button to include as many as used.

2. Choose the Intervention type from the dropdown menu.
3. Include Comments about the Intervention if needed.

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Discipline Incident Training Guide 14
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

Additional Information tab

1. Click the Additional Information Tab

2. Enter any Injury Information.
3. Additional Comments can be added.
4. Enter Suspension Information.
5. Specific School Contact Information can be added.

Other Involved Persons Node

1. Click Add in the Other Involved Persons section to add non-students involved in the incident, if

Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC

15 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

2. Click the arrow next to the Line number for the non-student.
3. Enter Personal Information.
4. Enter Incident Information.
5. Click Add in the Violations section to add violations to the non-student, if necessary.
6. Click Add in the Dispositions section to add violations to the non-student

Other Schools Involved

1. Click Add in the Other Schools section to add other schools involved in the incident, if needed.
2. Click Add in the Non-District Schools section to add non-district schools involved in the
incidentClick Save.

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Discipline Incident Training Guide 16
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

Add Documentation to an Incident

1. Select the Documents tab.

2. Click Add to upload a document to an incident from the File Upload window.
3. Select a Category.
4. Click Save

Printing the Discipline Action Form

Once the incident has been saved, the Discipline Action Form can be printed for each student

1. Under the students involved grid. Click the arrow beside the student name.
2. Click Print Disciplinary Action Form to print the report. The document displays as a PDF.

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17 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

Printing the Cover Letter

1. Select the letter type from the Merge Document field.

2. Select the primary language or student’s home language from Merge Language.
3. Click Print Disciplinary Action Form. The document displays as a PDF.

Edupoint Proprietary and Confidential

Discipline Incident Training Guide 18
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

Linking Related Incidents

You can link discipline incidents to related incidents using the Related Incidents section on the
Incidents or Incidents 2019 screen. The Primary Incident in a group of related incidents is the incident
that occurred first. The Incident ID determines the primary incident if multiple incidents occur at the
same date and time.

Go to Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Incidents.

Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC

19 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 1: Discipline Incidents

1. Locate an incident.
2. Click Chooser in the Related Incidents section to select the incidents you want to link. The
selected incidents display in the Related Incidents section.

Edupoint Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 2:
Deleting an Incidents 2019 Record
Deleting an Incidents 2019 Record ................................................................................... 21
Discipline Incident Training Guide 21
Chapter 2: Deleting an Incidents 2019 Record

Deleting an Incidents 2019 Record

Navigate to Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Incidents.

1. Find the Incident by number or by student.

2. Remove all Seclusion/Restraint, Participant, and Violation records associated with an Incident
before deleting an Incident record.

3. Remove the seclusion/restraint records from all participants.

4. Click the arrow next to the Student Involved with the Seclusion/Restraint record to view the
Students Involved details.
5. Click the arrow next to the Line number to view the Dispositions details.
6. Select X for each Seclusion/Restraint recordClick Save

7. Remove all students involved and other involved persons.

8. Select X for each Student Involved and Other Involved Persons.
9. Click Save.
10. Click Delete.
11. Click OK.
Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC
22 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 2: Deleting an Incidents 2019 Record

Editing an Incidents Record

You can edit most record information by clicking directly on any white field and entering new data.
You must save changes before switching to a new tab.

Go to Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Incidents.

1. Select Edit School Incident Data from the Menu to edit the information on the top row of the
2. Edit the desired information. You cannot change the Incident ID.
3. Click Save.

Adding a New Student Incident 2019 Record

Go to Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Student Incident.

Add Student Incident records in three ways: Quick Add Incident, Add Existing Incident, and Create
New Incident.

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Discipline Incident Training Guide 23
Chapter 2: Deleting an Incidents 2019 Record

Quick Adding and Incident

1. Click Quick Add Incident to open the Quick Add Incident screen.
2. Enter the Incident Date/Time, Referrer Last/First Name or Referred By Staff , Referrer Type,
Referral Date, and Staff Name.
3. Enter a Description and Private Description, if needed.
4. Select the Incident Context Code.
5. Enter an Incident Context Comment, Location, and Location Text
6. Select a Category, Incident Role, and Additional Victims in the Add Violations sections, if
7. Enter Disposition Details
8. Enter Offender Information
9. Click Save.

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24 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 2: Deleting an Incidents 2019 Record

Add Existing Incident

1. Click Add Existing Incident to open the Incident Find screen.

2. Enter data under Search Criteria or Search By Student Participant.
3. Click Search. The Incident section displays a list of records.
4. Click the line number of an incident record.
5. Click Attach Incident(s) to Student. The Incident Find screen closes and the records appear
under Discipline Incidents.

6. Edit the Role of the student to the correct value.

7. Click Save.

Edupoint Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 3:
Create New Incident
from Student Incident Screen
Create New Incident from Student Incident Screen 26
26 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 3: Create New Incident from Student Incident Screen

Create New Incident from Student Incident Screen

1. Click the Create New Incident button. If using a template click the arrow and choose the

2. The Incidents screen will populate.

3. Add the Incident information as needed.
4. Follow the same steps as outlined in the Incident Add.
5. Save.

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Discipline Incident Training Guide 27
Chapter 3: Create New Incident from Student Incident Screen

Viewing a Student's Discipline History

You can view historical information of discipline incidents on the Discipline History tab. This screen is
read-only except for the Enrollment Restriction Date field on the Enrollment Restrictions tab in the
Discipline Incidents detail.

1. Click the Discipline History Tab.

2. Click Show Detail on the desired Incident on the grid.
3. View the Read-Only Incident Details.
4. Enrollment Restrictions can be added by clicking the tab.
5. Add the Enrollment Restriction Information.
6. Save.

Detention Monitor Screen

Adding a Detention Session in Synergy

Note: Detention can be added using the AdminVue or KioskVue app.

When using SIS: Go to Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Detention Monitor

1. Click Add to start a new detention session. Enter the Start Date and Time.
2. Enter the Session Type.
3. Enter the Staff Monitor.
4. Enter the Enter Date and Time.
5. Enter the Duration (Hours), if needed.
6. Click Save.

Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC

28 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 3: Create New Incident from Student Incident Screen

Adding a Student's Detention Served


1. Locate the detention session.

2. Click Add.
3. Add the student who is attending the detention session.
4. Click Save.

Adding Detention from the Student Incident screen

Go to Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Student Incident.

The Detention History tab provides a place to enter and track total detention, total detention served,
and total detention remaining in hours. The Detention Totals are read-only fields that update
automatically based on the Detention Served entries.

1. Find the Student.

2. Select the Detention History tab.
3. Click Add on the Detention Served section to add a new line.
4. Enter the Check in Date and Time for the student.
5. Enter the Hours
6. Select the Staff Monitor to indicate the staff member monitoring detention.
7. Click Save.

Edupoint Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 4:
Incident Approval Queue
Incident Approval Queue 30
30 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 4: Incident Approval Queue

Incident Approval Queue

Go to Synergy SIS> Discipline Incident> Incident Approval Queue

You can queue discipline incident referrals for acceptance or denial by an administrator. Accepted
incident referrals are attached to the offending student on the Student Incident 2019 screen. The
district can determine whether the queue contains all incidents or only incidents that have specific
incident codes.

1. Select an incident in the Pending Incidents section to display the number of Major Violations
YTD and Minor Violations YTD for the student.

2. Click in the Action column and select one of the following:

a. Accept – Moves the Incident to the History tab on the Incident Approval Queue screen
with the Review Status as Accepted. This also displays it in the Discipline Incidents
section on the Student Incident 2019 screen.
b. Deny – Moves the Incident to the History tab on the Incident Approval Queue screen
with the Review Status as Denied. The incident does not display in the Discipline
Incidents section on the Student Incident 2019 screen.

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Discipline Incident Training Guide 31
Chapter 4: Incident Approval Queue

Once incidents have been accepted or denied they move to the processed incidents grid under the
history tab.

Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC

Chapter 5:
Mass Updating a Disposition
Mass Updating a Disposition 33
Discipline Incident Training Guide 33
Chapter 5: Mass Updating a Disposition

Mass Updating a Disposition

Go to Synergy SIS Discipline Incident > Mass Update Disposition

1. Choose the Mark Disposition dispositions as complete or incomplete.

2. Select the Disposition Start Date and the Disposition End Date.
3. Choose filter options as needed.
a. Disposition Codes – Indicates the action taken as a result of a discipline incident
b. Grade – School grade level
c. Perm ID – Student's permanent ID. You can enter or paste a single Perm ID or a list of
IDs separated by commas.
d. Disposition State – Indicates whether a disposition is complete or not

4. Click Load Student Disposition Grid.

5. Select students to update.Click Process Selected Students to open the log file.

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34 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 5: Mass Updating a Disposition

6. Return to the Mass Update Disposition screen and click Load Student Discipline Grid again.
The dispositions display as Completed.

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Chapter 6:
Creating Seclusion
and Restraint Records
Creating Seclusion and Restraint Records 36
36 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 6: Creating Seclusion and Restraint Records

Creating Seclusion and Restraint Records

The Student Disposition screen lists records for students that require seclusion or restraint during an
incident. Records created here reflect on the Synergy SIS > Student > Seclusion / Restraint screen.
Users can also add existing Seclusion/Restraint records to a disposition.

1. Click on Show Detail.

2. You can view and add details for Seclusion/Restraint records.

Enter Staff Type in the Incidents Details.

Adding a New Seclusion/Restraint Record

Edupoint Proprietary and Confidential

Discipline Incident Training Guide 37
Chapter 6: Creating Seclusion and Restraint Records

1. Click Add or Add Wizard.

2. Enter the Incident Date, Start/End Times, Duration, Type of Seclusion and/or Type of
3. Click Save.

Copyright 2020-2021 Edupoint Educational Systems, LLC

Chapter 7:
Incident Referral in TeacherVUE
Incident Referral in TeacherVUE 39
Discipline Incident Training Guide 39
Chapter 7: Incident Referral in TeacherVUE

Incident Referral in TeacherVUE

Teachers can enter Incident Referrals in TeacherVUE.

1. In TeacherVUE, from the home menu select incident referral.

2. The incident referral window allows you to enter all information about the incident. The current
date and time will auto-populated. Clicking in the field area will allow that to be changed if

3. Select all violations.

4. Select all students involved.
5. Select all interventions.
6. Click save.

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40 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 7: Incident Referral in TeacherVUE

7. Once saved an Incident ID number is created.

Edupoint Proprietary and Confidential

Chapter 8:
Discipline Incident Reports
Generating Discipline Incident Reports 42
42 Discipline Incident Training Guide
Chapter 8: Generating Discipline Incident Reports

Generating Discipline Incident Reports

There are three types of Discipline Incident reports:

• Individual reports generate information about a single student per page. They may
also be printed for multiple students at one time.
• List reports generate summaries for multiple students.
• Summary reports generate numerical report summaries.

Path: Synergy SIS > Discipline Incident > Reports

Individual Reports
• IDS201 – Student Discipline Profile displays the student’s demographic information and
a list of detailed discipline incidents attached to the Student’s Profile record. Check the
Show Full History option if you want all of the discipline records for the student to
display. If not checked, the report only displays records for the current school year.

• IDS202 – School Incident details a specific discipline incident per page including general
information, the incident detail, student participants, and non-student participants.

List Reports

• IDS401 - Student Discipline lists students with their discipline record summaries. The
summary shows the Incident Date, the student’s role, their grade, gender, and the

• IDS402 – Student Demerit, regardless of whether your school uses a demerit system,
lists all students with incidents and provides a list of their parents, parent phone number
information, and the total number of discipline incidents and the total number of demerits.

• IDS403 – Discipline Disposition lists all the dispositions assigned to the student for the
incidents, along with the students’ names, gender, and the school name. You must
checkmark at least one Disposition Code from the group box. Checkmark as many as
you’d like. You can even select a date range.

Summary Reports

• IDS601 – Discipline Summary by Grade lists all the discipline codes and the total
number of discipline records in each code, by grade and gender.

• IDS602 – Discipline Summary by Ethnic Code lists all discipline codes and the number
of discipline records for each code by ethnicity and gender.

• IDS605 – Incident Summary Reports provides a numeric count of several types of

incidents including a Behavior or Bullying Incident Count, and a Students With Firearms

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Chapter 9:
Self Assessment

Self-Assessment Checklist ............................................................................................... 44

Discipline Incident Training Guide 44
Chapter 9: Self-Assessment Checklist

Self-Assessment Checklist
When attendees complete Discipline Incident training they will be able to:
• Add an Incident Record
o Using the Add button
o Using the Quick Add button
o Using the Add Existing Incident button
o Using the Create New Incident button

• Edit an Incident Record

o Changing Incident Data (ie. Date, time, staff name, description, etc.)
o Changing details on a specific student record
o Entering additional participants
o Entering Dispositions
o Entering Attendance

• Delete an Incident Record

o Remove records from an Incident
o Remove records from a student

• Viewing Discipline Incident Reports

o Print IDS201 Student Discipline Profile
o Print IDS403 Discipline Disposition List

Edupoint Proprietary and Confidential

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