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8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points) 

Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30

Training & Placement Cell

Points: 9/30

1. Find 117^2 + 35^2+ 41^3 = *
(0/1 Point)




83835 

2. A box contains 15 marbles out of which 4 are white, 5 are red and 6 are blue.
Three balls are to be drawn at random from the bag. What is the probability
that all of them are red is: *
(0/1 Point)



2/77… 1/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

2/91 

3. A problem is given to three students whose chances of solving it are 1/2, 1/3
and 1/4 respectively. What is the probability that the problem will be solved? *
(1/1 Point)



3/4 


4. From its total income, a sales company spent Rs.20,000 for advertising, half of
the remainder on commissions and had Rs.6000 left. What was its total
income? *
(0/1 Point)


32000 



5. When n is divided by 6, the remainder is 4. When 2n is divided by 6, then what
will be the remainder? *
(0/1 Point)

2 … 2/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

6. A and B completed certain work together in 5 days. Had A worked at twice his
own speed and B half his own speed, it would have taken them 4 days to
complete the job. How much time would it take for A alone to do the job? *
(0/1 Point)

10 days 

20 days

25 days

15 days

7. The ratio of the no. of white balls in a bag to that of black balls is 1:2. If 9 grey
balls are added the ratio of nos. of white, black and grey become 2:4:3. How
many black balls were in the bag? *
(1/1 Point)

12 

8. Three cubes of edges 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm are meted without loss of metal
into a single cube. The edge of the new cube will be: *
(1/1 Point)

16 cm

14 cm

12 cm 

8 cm… 3/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

9. There are six boxes, B1 - B6, and 6 caps, C1 - C6. Each box can hold upto 6
caps. If each box can have any number caps, in how many arrangements is C1
in B1. *
(1/1 Point)



7776 


10. How many 3-letter words with or without meaning, can be formed out of the
letters of the word, 'LOGARITHMS',if repetition of letters is not allowed? *
(0/1 Point)

720 




11. Find the smallest number 4 digit number, when divided by 5, 8 and 12 leaves a
remainder of 3 in each case. *
(0/1 Point)


1083 


1003… 4/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

12. If 12 file cabinets require 18 feet of wall space, how many feet of wall space will
30 cabinets require? *
(0/1 Point)

45 




13. A road network covers some cities. City C can be reached only from the city A
or city B. The distance from A to C is 65km and that from B to C is 30km. The
shortest distance from A to B is 58km. The shortest distance from city P to A is
420km and the shortest distance from city P to B is 345km. The shortest
distance from city P to city C in kms is: *
(0/1 Point)




375 

14. A shopkeeper gives two successive discounts of 20 % and 10 % on surplus
stock. Further, he also gives 5 % extra discount on cash payment. If a person
buys a shirt from the surplus stock and pays in cash, what overall discount
percent will he get on the shirt? *
(0/1 Point)

60% 



2%… 5/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

15. Find the last 2 digits of 91^5 *

(1/1 Point)



51 


16. How long will a boy take to run round a square field of side 35 meters, If he
runs at the rate of 9 km/hr? *
(1/1 Point)

40 sec

50 sec

56 sec 

54 sec

17. The average weight of 8 person's increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes
in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new
person? *
(1/1 Point)

76 kg

5 kg

85 kg 


18. From a group of 7 men and 6 women, five persons are to be selected to form a
committee so that at least 3 men are there in the committee. In how many ways
can it be done? *
(1/1 Point)… 6/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  



756 


19. A hollow iron pipe is 21 cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm. If the
thickness of the pipe is 1 cm and iron weighs 8 g/cm3, then the weight of the
pipe is: *
(0/1 Point)

6 kg

3.696 kg 

36 kg

9 kg

20. Find Cube root of 148877 *
(0/1 Point)


53 



21. A reduction of 20% in the price of rice enables a customer to purchase 12.5 kg
more for Rs. 800. The original price of rice per kg is: *
(0/1 Point)

Rs. 16 … 7/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

Rs. 12

Rs. 14

Rs. 15

22. A & B are at a distance of 800 m. They start towards each other at 20 &
24kmph. As they start, a bird sitting on the cap of A,starts flying towards B,
touches B & then returns towards A & so on, till they meet. What is the
distance traveled by the bird, if its speed is 176kmph? *
(0/1 Point)

3040 m

3200 m 

3100 m

2600 m

23. Eeshas father was 34 years of age when she was born. Her younger brother,
Shashank, now that he is 13, is very proud of the fact that he is as tall as her,
even though he is three years younger than her. Eeshas mother, who is shorter
than Eesha, was only 29 when Shashank was born. What is the sum of the ages
of Eeshas parents now? *
(0/1 Point)

92 



89… 8/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

24. In how many ways can the letters A, B, C, E, I, Z can be arranged so that the
consonants always occupy the odd places? *
(0/1 Point)


36 


25. The decimal number 1356 expressed in octal system equals to *
(0/1 Point)

2514 




26. A sum of Rs 2387 is divided into three parts in such a way that one-fifth of the
first part, one half of the second part and the one fourth of the third part are
equal. Find the sum of five times the first part, three times the second part and
four times the third part (in rupees). *
(0/1 Point)




10199 … 9/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

27. The sum of three numbers in AP is 12, and the sum of their cubes is 288. Find
the product of the three numbers. *
(0/1 Point)


48 



28. A sum of Rs.312 was divided among 100 boys and girls in such a way that the
boy gets Rs.3.60 and each girl Rs.2.40 the number of girls is: *
(0/1 Point)

40 




29. A, B, and C can together do some work in 72 days. A and B can together do two
times as much work as C alone, and A and C together can do four times as
much work as B alone. Find the time taken by C alone to do the whole work. *
(0/1 Point)

144 days

216 days 

360 days

180 days… 10/11
8/4/2021 Aptitude Test - 4th August 2021(30 Points)  

30. A ball is dropped from a height of 10 feet. Every time it re-bounces to half of
the height when it reaches the ground. How many feet would the ball have
traveled before it comes to rest? *
(1/1 Point)



30 


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