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i GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS [RAILWAY BOARD) RB/L&A/ Df /2028 Bo. 2029/LM (PA}fo3 6 ‘New Dethi, General Managers, All tndian Reilways Sub: Comprehensive instructions for provision of Passenger Amenities and user fecillties et Stations. Railway Board had constituted a Cornmittee of Executive Directors to review this nerims for provision of passenger amenities. The terms of reference of the corumitiee included a review of the norms fer provision. of Passenger Amenities viz., qpinlicum esveritiel, recommended and desirable amenities at stations preveribed vide Bourd’s fetter no, 2012 /LM(PA}/3/5 dated 11.09.2012, in view of the changing requirements and technological improvements in the country and suggesting measures for improving amenities for passengers, general cleanliness and ambient conditions @t stations. ‘The categorization -of statioss and details of aninimum ‘eovential, recommended and desirable amenities are encloged as Annexure | to'V. 2. Accordingly, the Committee examined in detail the existing amenities provided at stations and reviewed the extant instructions w.rt, passenger amenities at stalons and subinitted the separt, which has beet approved by Board. Baxcit-on this report, revised comprehensive instructions on provision of passenger anientities (enclosed) have been prepared. 3. he scheme of Adareh stations was introduced in the year 2009. it ie considered that there fs ar urgent need to sbift the focus of Adarsh stations from ‘beautification to utility, comfort and cleantiness. Accerdingly, revised instruetions on Adareh stations in auperseasion of Buard’s letter No, 2009/TG-1V/10/PA/Adarsit Stations dated 13.08.2013 are being iasued-s¢farately. 4. ‘These are broad guidelines for providing passenger amenities ai stations. However, GMs/DRMs may make need based modification duly recording the justification thereof, 5. Raiiways are requested to dissesninate the contents of the revised Ciroular (which supersedes the earlier circular issued under Board's letter No. 2012/LM(PA)/3/5 dated 11.09.3012) widely in the field offices and take necessary action for its early inaplementation tw wee 6, DMs shall have the full powers to approve such amenities soliciting CSR funds for augmenting passenger amenities in the stations and the same shall be aggressively parsued. ‘This issues in consultation with che Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways, Please acknowledge receipt. Irvaadaacill cera) ®. / Prashanth Kumar) Exec. Director ( Dev. Engg} Exec. Diptetor (Passenger Marketing} ‘Ratiway Board Railway Board DALY pages No, 2O18/LM (PA) B/e6 Now Dethi, dt.oS04.2018 Copy forwarded for information ta the FABCADs, all Indian Railways Dy. Comprrolier & Auditor General of India, Room no. 224, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi. For Financial Commissioner / Railways Copy te: {i) ED/EEM, ED (P&C), ED/ Works, Railway Board (i) FOS) 1, FEST, TG, TO-V, LMPA, Electrical (Qj Branches, Railway Board (i) MD/TRCON, MD/RVNL, MD/RITES. 1, GENERAL: 11 There has beer: « manifold increase in passengers over Indian Railways. With changing times anil advent of sew tevhnilogy the aspivetion’s of passengers wart, amenities/fadilities at stations has alo increased. Indian Railways strives to improve facilities and seruces at stations and on trains, 1.2 Accordingly, comprehensive instructions issued in Septetber’ 2012 on provision of passenger amenities at railway stations, have been reviewed taiing into consideration traffic volume and expectations of the traveling public. 1.8 While planning for provision,/augmentation of amenities, duc consideration. needs to be given to the importance of the station Gorm tte point of view of passenger tealiic, 2, CATEGORISATION OF STATIONS: 2.1 Stations have been categorized in three categories, ic. Suburban stations, Non-Suburban “stations and Halt stations based on passenger earings and/or outward passerigers handled at the station. Suburban steitions have also been ‘segrepated in three categories i.e, $G-1, SG-2 & SG-2. Non-Suburban stations have een segregated in six cetegories Le, NSG-1, NSG-2, NSG-3, NSG-4, NSG-8 & NSC 6. Sirailarly, Holt stations bave heen ségregated in three eategories ic, HG-2, HG-2 & HG-. Criteria for categorization of stations are enclosed as Annexuze-t, 2.2 ‘The categorization of stations shall be revicwed every five years. The last review was done in 2012-13 based on the carnings of 2011-12, Categorization of stations based on passenger eatiings and/or outward passengers handled at the station for the year 2016-17 has been reviewed in 2017-18. The tevised categorization shall remain unchanged for the next 5 years. The number of stations felling under various categories shall remain unchanged till next review is dene, 2.3 Por the purpose of categorization of stations, the basic paraineter is the passenger earnings of cach station, from both reserved and unreserved passengers and outward passengers bandied at the station, The earnings are to be calculated on the basis of the number of passengers boarding at a particular station (ooth reserved and unreserved), inrespéctive of the location from where the ticket has been isaued, se deta of passenger eatning should be collected fkom PRS, UTS, SPTM and JTBB ete. Vv 1 3. MINIMUM ESSENTIAL AMENITIES {MEA}: 3.1 When a station is constricted, certain minimum amenities are required to provided at each category of station fon the basis of projected traffic/earnings). ‘These are called Mininwm Essential Armenities (MEA), 3.2 Keeping in view of need for ehhanced amenities at stations, norms of some MEAs have. been, revised. In addition to the existing provisioss of MEA the following few Jacilitivs have heen addled and few modified: i Booking windows being a rallway requirement ratiser than » passenger amenity & also due to proiiferation of ATYMSs, internet/mobile ticketing ete, is removed from the list of MEA. it Pubife Phone Booth - removed trom the list of MEA, ii. Foot Ovor Bridge and High level Platform are incladad in MBA for all category of stations ‘an beoad gauge. Priority will be aecutded to the-bigher category station over lower emtegory station while sanctioning end executing the work of raising the height of platform snd provision of FOB. No work of raising the medium level shall be taken up henceforth, Ail existing sastctioned works for raising the height of platform from rail/low Jevel shal! be made to bigh level, iv, Identified facilities (item no.9) shall be provided for persons with disabilities/dlvyangjan as pet category of stations Noins for provision’ of Minimmin Resential Aifienities required to be provided in each catagory of stations are enciosed as Annexure -II and quantum for provision of Minimum Essential Amenities required to be provided are enclosed as Annexure-II, Availability of these amenities will bave to be ensured. Railwaya will immediatéiy tmideriake % survey to confitm availability of the minimum amenities as per the prescribed scale, at all the stations on the basis of earnings of the station and provide minimum essential amenities as per the prescribed scale. Minimum Esserttial Amenities as per revised svale prescribed in this circular, based of categorization of station® as per passenger earnings and number of outward passengers for 2016-17, are required to be provided by Sim August, 2018, Subsequently, quinquenial review is to be conducted wilh respect to availability of minimum essential amenities vis-a-vis category of stations at that time. 4, RECOMMENDED AMENITIES: 4.1 The availahiity of amenities at station as per tors of “Minironm Essential Amenities” (vide. Annexure-Ill] may not be commensurate with the actual passenger treffic dealt at the station, Hence, the requirement of actual amenities based on traffic as per the norms laid down in Annexure TV should be worked out and eny augnientation based on this, wilt be knows as Recommended Amenities. In addition to the existing provisions of recommended amenities the folowing amenities: are added: : a} Coach guidance system/Coach indication beards shall be provided at all stations from NSG/1-4 and 8G/1-3 extegory stations, he 4 b)—Ineeet/fly catchers shall be pravided at waiting halls and refreshment halls in NSG/1+3 category stations ©) Infaot Nursing Cubicte shall he provided at all statfons (NSG/1<4 category stations) inside Ladies walstag bali and in Comenon, Watting Hall where separate Ladies Waiting Hall Is not availsble. dj Universal Mobile charging palate shatl he provided inside Walting Halls, ©) Platforra shelters sith solar panels for Hehting and fans shail le provided ar NSG/1-4, SG/A-3 and HGH category stations. 4.2 Powsrs of GM of the Railway to review - In case quantum of amicnities as worked cut on the basis of norms for Recommended Amenities in Annexuze [Vis less than quantum preserihed for Minimun: Essential Amenities in Annexure ‘Hl’, the actual quantum of Minimum Easential Amenities to he provided could be modified, with the approval of GM and Board should be intimated of the sane, No further delegation is permitted for suzh approval. 4.3 Provision of recommended level of anteuitien at stations, which isa parameter of adequacy of the scale of amenities provided as per actual passtnger volume, has not received adequate attention, Railways should review the existing facilities vis~a- vis requirements for recomimended amenities and a time-bourid action plan be made Tor augmenting shorialls, as a thrust area, 8. . DESIRABLD AMENITIES: 5.1 Desirable amenities are those amenities which are considered desirable to improve customer satistaction and interface process at the station, The quantum of these amenities wauld depend upon the category of the station. Norms for Desirabie level of amenities at various categories of stations are given at Annemine-V. 5.2 Various amenities out of the Het given in Agnexnre “V’ should be provided based an the need and relative importance of the station. 8.3 Calculation of passenger vainwse: 5.3.1 The method of calculation of number ‘of passengers per day and maximum passengers at any time per day should be uniform. Zonei Raitways should ensure that the number of passengers per day (originating passengers) is calculated as an average mumber of passengers (reserved amt unreserved category} booked by PRS and UTS/other system over 4 period of one year (exchading the month pertaining to the period of Mela traffie.}. 8.3.3 For the purpose. of calculating N Maxi(the imaximum mumber of passengers), Zonal Railways should consider maxi number of caine dealt with in any interval of hall an howr at the stition und multiply the same by the average nuniber of passengers dealt per train at that station, The average number of passengers per train ata station shall tse the average number of daily passengers wo dealt with at the station divided by the number pf trains stopping at the station during 24 hours. 6. DISPLAY OF AVAILABLE AMENITIES: At each station, a list shall be dieplayed in Station Manager/Master's room showing the quantum of Minimum Exsential Amenities required to be provided for that category of station, as per these guidelines, vis-a-vis the ‘amenities actually available, The details of cther amenities available at the station shouid also be displayed. 7. PREPARATION OF MASTER PLANS AND PLANSING FOR PASSENGER AMENITY WORKS: Z.1 ‘The Zonai Railways shall carry out 9 survey of available amenities at stations in relation to those listed in the Anneurea. 7.2 Drawing from the results of this survey, a list of the Minimum Essential Amenities, Recommended and Desirable Amenities to be provided, should thea be separately drawn up station-wise for each rovie, The Master Plan for each station should show the amenities required. 7.4 These lists shall continue to form the basis for drawing up the Divisional Action plans, Action. Plans so foromlated. should then be amalgamated into one General Action Plan and inter-2e priorities for different works assigned. 7.4 Minimum Essential Amenities should be provided first as per the scale at al categories of stations, Thereafter, priority should be given Jor augmenting amenities to recommended level at Non-suburban (Excluding N@G-5 & NSG-6) & Suburban dategory stations. 7.5 Keeping the vormel allocation of funds, under the Plan Heads “Passenger Amenities" in view, a Une frame be allocated to each phase af the General Action Plan, Low cost amenities items for which funds can easily be eermariced be taken up earlier than those requiring heavy outlay even if the latter are higher tn the prlarity, Remaining works should be prioritized in a manner euch that, gaps in minimum essential amenities, recommended amenities and desirable amenities are filed up, generally in tint order 7.6 Minimum Essential Amenities as prescribed in Annexure ‘Il’ shalt be provided. as part of the concerned Plan Head at the time of construction of new stations. Elimination of shortfall in Minimum Eqoential Amenities at éxisting stations and augmentation of any facility ct a station shall, however, he charged under Plan Head “Passenger Amenities”. AT Normally, priority shall be accorded for higher category of station over lower category of station for provision ‘of an amenity eligible to be provided at such category of stations, \- ‘ 8. OTHER IMPORTANT ASPECTS: 8.1 Definition ef Platform: Islond platform should be treated as single platform for provision of Minimum, Essential Amenities, {Circular No. 2000/LMB/2/212 dated 23.05.2690} 8.2 Foot Over Bridges: Design of FOlis should be standardised {expecially the widit) for the statlons based of the footfall (st least'6 tm wide), FOBs with both stairs ard ramp facility should be provided to make them accestible for senior citizens aad persons with physicel Risability a5 weil as ease of self carrying frolley bags. The catagory of station and length of shelter is indicative and the exact dimension should be as per the requirement of the station, Escelators, wherever permissible, shall be provided for all platforms at a station both for upward and downward direction, Addisional FOB, ifjextified shall be provided with escalators subject to availability of fund and priority in terms of category af station. 8.3 Toflets: ‘The latest policy guidelines issued for provision of toilet & Pay & Use toilet shall be followed. ‘Toileis/Urinals at NSG/13 category stations shall have auto flush aftar every use, At Suburban stations: (@) Only urinals should he provided at the end of the suburban island platforms as the major requirement of suburban passengers is ¢ urinal. Wash basins should invariably be provided near the urinal (o] The power to dispense with provision of toilets/urinale et the platforms is delegated to the General Managers, (¢} Toilets should be provided only in concourse/circulating areas of suburban stations. ‘Pay & Use’ toilets should be provided in the concourse/cireulating area of all stations. However, at stations where the provision of Pay & Use’ tollets is not feasible, departmentally operated toileta osn be provided with the approval of Divisional Rallway Manager. At Non-suburban etations: {a} The power of provision of urinals Instead of full toilets at the platforms of NSG/ 1-4 category stations is delegated to the General Managers. (b] Only urinals should be provided on island platforms at ather than NSG/1-4 category stations. Wash basitis should invariably be provided near the urinels 84 Signage: All the signage at the station should be standardized in terns of Raliway Board's circular No, $7/101/39/11/signage 0S Million @ o B27 100 Crore 1G Million WEES [> 10 Crores aie > 2 Million © 7 386 20 Crore 08 Million GS = 01 Crore @ 1046 > Ot Million < 16 1086) 10 Crore 02 Million. [Hae 6 | s 01 Grore 4368 ~ “[s O1 Million a 8 ~ Suburban stations _— Ba1 [S35 Crom | 330 Million it 3] 8eF 310 Crore’ > 16 Million 2 78 25 Crore | | 30 Mittion I. S@S Ts 10 Crome [398 10 Million. 6 368 Halt stations HST 580 eke is HG? 05 Teich = 56 53s beer] ai ja Hes” |e os ak trae Fatal a6e4 NSG ( Non Suburban Grade}, 86 (Suburban Grade}, HG { Halt Grade} "Total $6 Caingory of Stadion =Total 507 * Total HO Category of Station = Yotat 2026 @ Passengers handied is tuleen on the beets of actual outward passengers handied et the sation. + The categorization proposed is on the basis af data for originating Passengers and esiing provided by Zonal Refiways, 4 Gis shall have powers to categorize a station as NSGH category if it ie a plare of Tourist importante and/oris an important junctions station, n SL [Amenities BYATION CATEGORY No NSGi | NSG2 | NSGS_[NSG4] NEGS | NSGE 1) Drinking water Yes [Ves | ves | Yes | Yes [Yes Piped/Hond Pump 2 | Waiting hall Yes | Yes [Wes [Yes | Yes [Yeo 3 | Seating Yes (Yes) Yes [Yes | Yes |” Yes arrangement F] Piatiorm shelter Yee | Yes | Yes [Yes (Yes |” Yes S_ | snails “Yess | Yes | VesS (Vea [Yes |” Yes 6 | Latrines Yest | Yeu [Yess “| Yes | Yes ("Yes 7) Platforms - Yes | Yes | ves | Yes | Yes | Yes High level @ Bf Lighting ¥ Yes [ves | Wes | Yes [Yes [Yes 9 [| Fans [Yes | Yes Yea | ves [-Yes Yes. 10 | Foot over bridge@ | Yes | Yes“ | Yes*_ | Yes |" Yos ‘Yes TT | Time Table Yes | Yes) Yes [Ves [Ves | Yes Dispiay 12 | Chock Yeo [Yes | Yew | Yes [Yes [Yes 13] Water cooler Yeo [ Yes | ves | Yes | Ves = 14 | Public Address Yea | Ves | Vex | Ves | Ves [Yes system /Computer based announcement iL TB) Puriting-com- Yes [Yes | Yes [Yes | Yes circulatory area, - ‘with lights 16 | Blectronic Train Yes | Yes | Yes > ~ indicator board - 17 | Signage Yes | ves | Yes [ Yes |" = {etandardised) - 18 | Dusibine™** I Yeo [Yes [Yes [Yes [Yes [Yes — erie * with cover # As per Annexure 2 of Railway Board’s letter No. 2004/Elec(@)/109/1 dt 18.05.2007 * 2 * At stetien entrance/ concourse om Foot over bridges (at landitig locations} and on platforms located appropriately to guide passengers at every stage, Priority to be accorded as per category of stations subject to stations earnings and passenger foat fall. ‘+ Adequate aumber of uniformly designed standard dustbins should be provided at alf categories of stations at NSGI, NSG2, NSGS, NSG4 & NSGS category of stations, dustbins should be provided at regular spacing of 50 mt on each platform, At NSG6 category station, adequate number of dustbins as. required should be. provided. It must be ensured that provision of dustbins does not impede the free flow of passengers. @ These items are considered as uasic requirement and hence they shall form a patt of essential ainenities for all categories of stations. $ Toilets /Urinals at NSG/1-3 category stations shal! have auto flush after every use. + a i Nol Amenities 1 | Drinking water Yes Yes Yes Piped /Hand Pump 2 | Seating Yes Yes Yes arrangement 3_| Platform shelter Yes Yes Yes | Geass | Yes | yes Yes 5” [Latrines Yes) Yes ‘Yes 6 | Platiorms - High level Yes Yes Yes 7 | Lighting # Yes Yes Yes S [Fans Yes Yes Yes 9 | Foot over bridge [Yes ‘Yes Yea 1a | Time Table Yes Yes Yes Dispiay Lt j Clock Yes. Yes Yes 12_| Water cooler ¥en Yes i 13 | Dustbins™* Yes Yes Yes 14” Public Address | ves Yes Yes ‘stem/Computer based naguncement | 18 Blectronic Train y ves 7 Yes Yes dicator board. i 4 As per Annexure 2. of Rellway Board's letter No. 2004/Elec(t}/109/1 dt 18,05,2007 * Adequate mumber of uniformly designed standard dustbins should be provided at all categeries of stations at S61, SG2 category of atations, dustbias should be provided at regular spacing of $0 mt on each platform. At SOS category station, adequate number of dustbins as required should be provided, It must be ensured that provision of dustbins does not impede the free flow of passengers. 4 oe se $ in double line section with two PF's provided with high level platforms. » At stations where the trains are scheduled to hait after suriset # As per Annexure 2 of Railway Board's letter No. 2004 /BleciG}/109/1 de 18.05.2007 Adequate number of uniformly designed standard dustbins should be provided at all categories of stations at HGI category of stations, dustbins should be provided at regular spacing of 50 mt on each platform. At HG2 & HG3 category station, adequate number of dusthins as required stiould be provided. It must be ensured that provision of dusibins does nat impede the free flaw of passengers, BER nenitios STATION CATEGORY RGL HGz HGS {| Drinking water Yea! Vest Yeo! Piped!/ Hand Purop* 2 | Waiting hall Yes) Yes > 3” | Platiorm Sheiter Yes® = ~ Shady trees: Yes Yes. Yes | Platforms - High level Yes Yes Yes 5 | Lighting # | Fes Yess Yes* 6 | Foot over bridge’ Yes Yes ‘Yes: 7 [Time Table Display Yee = = 8” | Glock Yes | = > oT Dustbin Yeu Yes Yes “Bus type moduler sheliers SN. ‘Amenity STATION CATEGORY RSGT_|_NSGF TRSGS | NSGE | NEGE | WEGE”) 1”) Drinking water * [20 20 30 20 € 3 (Nv. of tapa/PF) $ AR : 3” Waiting hall @ Sqm |~ 356 280 was 75 86 1 L | i L |e 3 [Seating sd) 386 aE P60 86 16 arrangement ( No. : of seats / PF) ! 4 | Platform shelter 500 800 400 206 [50 sqm | SO sqm : (on each PF} sgn sqm sqrt sqm * + L s 12 i] 36 6 a i : 6 aa 6 as i : ? High High High | High | High High Level | Level { Level /tevet | Level | Level 8 [Lighting +> ‘As per Annexure Il of Board's tetter | No,2004 /Elec{G}/109/1 dated 18.5.2007 (Lux level) o” Fans ‘As given below 0 | Foot over bridget’ [Twith | i with [TV witk ar) T cover | cover | caver i iy [Time table Display / ‘AS per extant insirietions. TE | Clock i ‘To be decided by zonal railways. IS | Water cooler £ Bon | Son Bon eachl on eacl{ Ton me a each PF | each PF PF PF PF 14 [Public Address: As per extant instructions jsystem/Computer jase | i ook jannounceraent 6 18 Parking-cum- culatory area, with! lights ‘Ke per extant instructions 16 [Electronic Train ‘Ae per extant instructions dicetor board. 17 Signage ‘Yes Yes Yes Yes < (elandarized} 18” Dastaine™* Yes Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes [Yes a j | \ i | | | SN Amenity STATION CATEGORY BGT saz 83 T” [Drinking water * 6 6 6 {No, of taps/PF) 8 44 | Q {Seating arrangement { No. 10 10 10 of seats / PF} 3” | Fiatform shelter 260 sqm | 200sqm 200 aqm (on each PF} 4 Tirnalsrt pa ¥ 5 | Latrines## 2 2 2 4] @ | Platforms High Level | High Level [Fiigh Level . I F | Lighting + ‘AS per Annemire 1 of Board's letter {Lux ievel} No.2004/Slec(G)/109/1 dated 18.5.2007. ie” | Fans © “As given below S| Foot over bridget’ 3 a T | 20 fe wide) [20 t-wide]| (26 fe wide} 16” | Tite table Dispiay “As per Gxtant instructions. ii [Clock “fo he decided by zonal railways. iD” | Water cooler € Ton main PF |Z z 13 | Dasbing T per 50 sam area 14 [Public address Ks per ewlart ingeructions system/Computer based announcement 1S" | Bectrouic Train indicator ‘As per extant instructions board. 18 | i ' | (UM ESSEN- AT VARIOUS OATECORIES OF HALT StaTionS ANNERTURE-JE/C | SN. “Amenity STATION CATEGORY 1 GT HG2 HGS 1 | Drinking water * ‘Appropriate Approptiate ‘Appropriate | (No, of taps/PF] $4” | drinking water | drinking water | drinking water | facility ** facility facility = | 2 | Waiting hail 16 sqm i0sqm - @8qm booking office | booking office cum Wighall | cum Wty. hall 3” (Platisrm shelier "Bus type ‘Shady trees |” Shady trees (on each PF} ‘modular shelter 4 | Platforms High Level figh Level [High Level 3S Lighting ++ ‘As per Aanextire of Board's ietier {Lux level) No.2004 /Blex(G}/109/1 dated 18.5.2007 6 | FOR 1 i i 7 | Time table Dispiay ‘As per extant instructions. 8 | Clock i - - S| Busiiin ‘As per extant £ . sg % At NSGI-5 category of stations, the booking counters te operate round the. clock except. at stations where there is no night working. 4 At stations falling in water scarcity zones or where water source dries up in summer, dririking water facility should be ensured at every platform by mean of syntax tanks/CANS/Matkes/Piass etc, as decided by GM of the Railways. At jess important stations, particularly thosg falling under NSG6 and HG category stations one water supply source at a location conveniznt to passengers may be provided. Dsicking water facility would include all necessary units whether donated by private parties or provided by the Ratiways themselves, $ There should be one drinking water iap suitable for use by disabled persone on alternate water booths at every AA Adequate number of water taps should be suitably located to serve passengers of GS coaches, ive. at the end of platforms. At NBG6 category stations, wherever piped water supply is not feasible due to locel conditions, separate arrangement for water at each platform shall be thade available with the approval of General Manager of thé concemed Zonal Railway. * Drinking water atrangements stiould be inade at holt stations by means of water tps/hendpamps/tubewelle/aintex tanks/pisos as decided by the Genetel manager of the concerned Zonsl Railway, * Adequate number of unilermly designed standard dusthins should be provided at all categories of stations at NSG/1:5, SG/1-2 & HGI category of stations, dustbins should be provided at regular spacing ef 50 mt on each platform, At NSGS, SG-I & HG/2-3 category stations, adequate number of dusthing a required should be provided. It must be ensured that provision of dustbins does not impede the free flow of passengers. @ If the variation is marginally on the lower side (upto —5 sam), then it can be taken to be adequately provided, #Shelter should be suitably spaced ensuring natural ight and ventilation and covering areas irom where passengers aboard the General Coach, + Preferably light weight shelters. ## 4. Number of Jatrines/urinaia includes provision in waiting room/hails, 1/3ré of the toilet may be reserved for ladies. In case of 2. tollets existing, one each should be, earmarked for ladies & gents, 2. Number of latrines/uriais cay be reduced i water scarcity areas by the Raiway with the approval of GM, 3, Includes pay end use toilets. The policy for setting up such toilets be referred in terms of Board's letter No. 05/TGIV/10/SAN/32/Fay& Use Policy Dt 7.6.06, © New FOBs should be at least 20 feet wide at NSG1-3 and $G1-3 category stations wherever feasible, New FOBs at NSG1-3 should be compatible for installation of escalators amenable for wheelchair users. @® Foot over-bridges shall be provided at all stations with more than one platform during doubling/gauge conversion wherever the same are not available. & To be provided as per Board’s letter No. 69/Dlec(g)/730/8 Dt. 30.03.1971, * [a] On all New lines, Gauge Canversion & Doubling projects, minimum. evel of platforms shall be of high level. No low/medium level platform shall henceforth be construtied (in supersession of Board’s letter Wo. 2008/LMB/14/29 Dt, -6.4.2008 and = Board’s letter No. 2012/LM(PA)/03/07/Policy dated 06.07.12), (bjWherever platform height gets reduced on account of track works, the same should be restored (Board's letter Nio. 2008/LMB/14/29 Dt. 63.02.2003) (c} Platform should be high level of notified minimum height wherever EMU trains are dealt with (clarification to Board’s letter No. 2006/LMB/2/ 121 Dt. 11.8.2006}. ++Solar energy based lighting needs to be introduced to provide emergency lighting at NSG1S, SG1-3 and HG1 category stations, wherever ieasible, in non- eleciric traction areas. © For covered platforms having width of 6-Omig; one row of fans should be provided @one fan in the centre of supporting columns. For covered plaiforme ‘with more than Sits width, fans should be provided in 2 rows. Note: (1) At stations where only one ASM is poated, only ane backing window will be provided. In tespect of NSG-6 caiegory stations, where the earnings is less than Ra, $0 lakh per annum, the quantum of amenities to be provided could be deciced by General Managers based on actual requirements. (2) Scale of all the amenities prescribed above are the bare minimum to be provided at the appropriate category of stations. Amenities over and above the prescribed minimum scales will continue to be provided as per norms for provision of amenities at “Recommended Level". wes be pp ANNEXTURE.IV Ne (DED oF STATIONS Nuax= Maxiomm camber of trains dealt with ia any interval of half en hour at the station stultiplied by the average suber of passengers dealt per train at that atation. ‘The average number of passengers per tain at a station shail be the average number of daily passengers dealt with at the station divided by the number of trains stepping at the station during 24 hours, Ndb = Design figure for.number of passenger for Non-suburban’ stations to be caleulated as Ndb = 0.8 (Nmax} Nds * Design figure for number of passenger for Suburban. and Halt stations to be calculated as Nas = 0.45 {Nmax| 8.Na. “po Recommended scale for provision Non-Suburban | Suburban and Halt station ‘Drinking water No. of tape* No. of taps= Nimax/25. Nmax/25. Tapa (io. of taps} reat be distributed so that every alternate coach gets bencfit of atap a “T7304 1.894 Nds aqm{Excluding C} 3 04 6, 4. 0.28 ima {on eactt PF) with solar) NSG/1-4 to SG/1-3 | NSG/1-4 te SG/1-3 category] panel for lighting and | category stations, stations. fane 5. | Urinalsd Ndb/208 Latrines# Wab/30T Lighting © 6 per Board's letter no, 95/Blec(G)/188/5 dated indicated in Note below. Fens * ‘Time Table Display cided by the Zonal Railways Gack Ta be decided by the Zonal Railways "Bathroomed T7400 Nab T 400 Nab at other function | & Lerminal stations only Bz 12. | Water Goslers ‘To be provided if total number of passengers, inward and outward is more then 1000 per day {As per Bé's letter no. 69/Blecig]/730/8 Dt 0.8.71, To be decided by the Zonal Railways fis RS NSG/162 - 48 lines [A central IVRS with (calls 72000} adeqpiate lines should. be _ provided to caver all NaG/aad ~ 26 suburben stations ~ lines (calls 5000- abu sions 20000) Minimum 5 lines if IVRS is otherwise justified : 14.” | Buble Addrees Fo be decided by the Zonal Railways system/Computer i based ennouncement 15. | Parking-cum- To be decided by the Zonal Railways virculstory area, with lights: 16. | Electronic Train To be decided by the Zonal Railways indicator board. ‘To be decided by the Zonal Rallways To be decided by the Zonal Railways WSG/L 5/13 category stations. system /cosch indication boards 20. | nsect catchers 21. [Infant Nursing Cabicle NSC/T-T category stations 38.1 Citiversal Mobile ‘Fo be decided by the Zonal Railways | chorging points * At impottant category stations and suburban (5G/1-3) Stations, efforts should ‘be to cover'the entire PF. # 1/3 of urinals/latrines be reserved for ladies, Ba) Emergency tight: From Auailiery Transformer {AT) connected to traction supply, 1O light points NSG/1-3 category stations on each platform. Emergency Tight from DG set/Solar supply on each platform at all stations where traction supply is not available, except NSG/6 and HG/1-3 category stations. (b) Minimum, One light in. ASM room, Hooking Window, Waiting Hall each, one light on each FOB at every 30 meter, 03 lights on cach platform and one light in circulating area shall be provided as emergency light with suitable back up power soutce such as Solar/wind ete, 2 * For covered platforms having width of 6-9 mis, one row of fans should be provided @one fan in the centre of supporting columns. For covered platforms with more than 9mts width, fans should be. provided in 2 rows. § At suburban stations, bathrooms need not be provided. Note: Norms for recommended level of illumination at various categories of stations are as followa (Ref Bd’s Circular No 2008/Eleo(G)/180/1 Dt 28.2.08) S Roo [Ares Proposed tux level for Scale/Gategory 17117 1] stations, 150/150 /150 30/36/20 a Retiring rooms s Restaurant & kitchen is | ——— 7 general building area: i) restaurent area: 150/159 /150 chen: 1007 100/ 100 py ffl Stores OOO Ot 9 Foot over bridge 80/30/21 10.” | Otiter “service” “buildings | 200 for SM's office for seals feategory 1, if, HT inside Railway station area | stations Scale /Category (Ij -Stations on Zonal railway His/State eaptials and all NSGI-2 ‘category stations Scale/Category {il} - Stations on Rlys. Divisional Hg./ State Distt, His & all NSG4 Category stations Scale/Category (Ui) - Stations in remaining Categories 2 ANNEXTURE-V/A : DESIRABLE AMENITIES AT VARIOUS CATEGORIES OF NON-SURURBAN STATIONS i : (SNe ‘Amenities “SERTION CATEGORY ~ . _ NSGiNSG? [NSGS] NGG [NSGS | REGS | i Retiring room Yes | Yes | Yea | Yeot > i Waiting room (with Yes 7 ~ i bathing facilities) | : Upper Class Yea | Yes | Yest} - - . : 2nd class Yes | Yes | vest | ves | Yes . i ‘Separate for ladies Yes | Yes | Yest - - - {combined upper and j ‘2¢ Class) 3 | Cloak room Yeo [Yea [Yes [Yes : 4.) Snquiry Counter Yes | Yes "Yes Yes > 7 : 5 NTES Ves i “Yes | Yes > — | [6 avr Yes [Yes] Yes | Ves > : 7. Publie Address Yes Yes | Yes | Yes Yes > > system /Computer based anrouncement 8. Book atedis/other- | “Yes [Veer [Yes |" Yes Yeo 7 stalls of essential goods 3. Refreshimeat room Yes Yes = = 10. | Parking/cireulaiory |” Yes Yes} Yes | Yes Yer ~~ I area with lights *** il} Washable apron with | Yes Yes | Yes | Yes | ~ oo T jet cleaning 13.” | Electronic Train Yes Yes > Yes > Yes [~ = indicator bosrd 13, [Touch Soren Yes | Yes | Yes . = Enquity system 14.” | Water vending Yes ee - snachines, iS. Tfscaiators Yes [ Yes | Yes [ = ~ 16. | Travellator Yes | Yes | Yes! a - 17. | Signage Yes Yes | Yes | Yea Ves s (standardized) 18.” [Modular Catering Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes Yes - Stalls* 1S, Automatic Vending Yes Yes | Yes | Yes*® 77> oS Machines | i 20," Bay & Use Toilets on [Yas [Yes |" “Yes | Yes (Ves | Yes end platforras & | | circulating area. t { 21. | Provision of cyber Yes Yes | TI caies i 32°” | Provision of ATMs Yea Yes” Yes] Yes | Yes | Yes" (preferably with i 1 ticketing facility) I | 35, Provision of at least Yes | Yes = S i ~ = one AC { | VIP/ Executive | } Lounge i | 24. | Food Plaza ‘Yes | Yes > - TT = 1. . 26. Frain coach Yes Yes - es = indication system i | 26. CCT for Yes Yes ~ pos fo. oT announcement & | { security purpose \ | bas a — — 27. | Goin operated Ticket Yes |~ Yee] Yes | | Vending Machines | 28. {Pre-paid Tax service | Yes | Yes? 7 z | : ~ 36) Ase Contra Yes | Yea [Yes PS — Systerws | 430. | Bio-toilets/wateriess [Yes “Yes” |” Ves |” Yes”) Yes” [Yew toilets/urinals t ai. | Battle crushers, — Yes | Yes | Ves pt ~ Vending Machines i aa. We 1 Yes [Yes 7 Yes PO Yes” Yes _ 33 Second entry with | Yes Yes Yes |" Yea > | booking affice | 6 ™ ~ oe senior citizens & Divyangjan 35. | Wheel chair lifting | Yes Yes | Yes: * = . devices/remps PU Yes P"Yes Yes = oe ee ‘Water Fountain Yes (in italics}: Also prescribed as Minjroum Essential Amenity under Annex. 1. “3 Should inchide bigh mast lighting wherever feasible, & On double line sections, * in end platforms, all stalls should be preferably embedded in walls. ** Optional items vide Board’s letter No.94/LMB/2/176 dated 16.1,05, Es sections | =] | = | : TJ = ] Numbered subscripts: 1 Up gradation to be tuken up preferably under public-private partnership schemes. Retiring Rooms need not be provided at NSG/5-6" category stations. 2: Should provide for minimum essential medicines, 3: Escalators at ‘NSG1, NSG2 & NSG3 category stations and stations of Tourist importance. 4: Subject to availability of epaceds feasibility, 5: Subject to availabitity/clearance from local authorities, be . \ 2 ANNEXTURE-V/B Book sialis/other essential goods | (Computer based announcement ‘SUB RIES STATIONS (SG, So Araenities SEATON CATEGORY SGi Sea S65 1. | Retiring room - ~ * ‘2. Waiting toom (with bathing — facilities) Upper Class Yes . 2 class ‘Yes ‘Yes Separate for ladies (combined | vest | Yes. Yes ‘upper and 2°4 Class) 3. | Cloak room ‘Yes: Yes Yes 47) Enquiry Counter Yes Yes: ves ‘5. RTES Yes Yes 6. | WRS TO Fes Yes Yes 7. |Bublic Address aysterm Yes Yes Tee Refreshment room Yes Yes | Yes . | Barking/circulatory atea with | Yes Yes Yes lights ** + | Electronic Traia indicator board Yes . | Touch Screen Enquiry systern Yes 13 | Water vending machines: Yes 1S.) Escalators | Yess 16. | Travellator - - 17] Signage {standardized} Yes Yes 18. ] Modui wing Stalis® Yes Yes 19. [Automatic Vending Machines {Yes Ves Yea 0. | Pay & Use Toilets on cid Yes es Yes | platforms & circulating ares, | Provision of cyber cafes Yee | Brovision of ATMs (preferably with ticketing factlity) Yee 28 ‘23. | Provision of at ieast one AC ¥es VIP/ Executive Lounge 24 | Foot Plaza . ivain coach indication system CCTV for announcement & accurity purpose 27. | Goin operated Ticket Vending Machines 28. | Pre-paid Taxi service 30 | Second enty with ticketing facility | (booking window/ATYM) Bi | Water fountata Yes (in italics}: Also prescribed as Minimum Essential Amenity under Annex. 1, * Should include high mast lighting wherevet feasible, On double line sections. * tn end platforms, all stalls should be preferably embedded in walls, “Optional items vide Board’s letter No.94/LMB/2/175 dated 16.1.05. Numbered subscripts: 1: Up gradation te be taken up preferably under public-private partnerehip schemes. Retiring Rooms sieed mot be provided at ‘SG1, $G2 & SG3' category stations, 2: Should provide for minisearn essential medicines. & Bscalators at 'SG1', '$G2' & ‘SGS" category stations. 4: Subject fo availability of apace & feasibility. &: Subject to availability/clearance fram local authorities, ANNEXTURE-V/C DESIRABLE AMENITIES AT HALT STATIONS {HG1, HG2 & HGS CATEGORIES} SNo ~Araenitties STATION CATEGORY ~ | PRET + HGS HGs -) bathing facilities} Upper Class 2A class 264 Class} Waiting room with Separate for ladies {combined upper and | Yes) Yes1 Public Address ~~ [Yes system /Computer based anriouncement stalls of essential goods Book ctaila/other - Yes2 Refreshment room [Yes Parking/clroalatory area with lights *** yes Electronic Train indicator board Yes Touch Screen | Enquiry system Yes Water vending ‘machines | Signage” {standardized} Yes" Yes Yes Stalls* Modular Catering Yes Yes 1 Mackines** ‘Automatic Vending Yes Ti Pay & Use Toilets end platforms & circulating azea. oa Yes Yes Yes i (preferably-with ticketing:facility) Provision of ATMS ‘Yes 30 i | ee i 1S SCT for Ves. — = announcement & security purpose 14 | Coin operated Ticket {Yes 7 > Veriding Machines TS” | Bus type shelter Yes . Yes (in italics): Also prescribed as Minimum Essential Amenity under Annex. Ut. *** Should include high mast lighting wherever feasible. © On doubie line sections. «In end platforms, all stalls should be preferably embedded in walle, **Optional items vide Board’s letter No.94/LMB/2/175 dated 16.1.05, _ Numbered subseripta: 1: Up gradation to be taken up preferably under public-private partnership echemes, Retiring Rooms need not be provided at ‘HG to HGS category stations. 2: Should provide for minimum essential medicines. aL

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