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1. To see the difference between the two, watch the video uploaded by Laura Morelli with the title
Is there a difference between art and craft? Please go to this website:
Out of the video you have watched, what do you think is the difference by art and craft? Who
made arts and who made crafts?

 Art and craft are both regarded as forms of creativity, they have differences that make them
two separate notions.
 In art, the artist expresses their personal emotions through their work. visual art is seen
as a personal depiction of particular emotions or ideas represented in a drawing or
painting. The artist uses art as a source to show certain feelings or opinions on a canvas,
paper, or another type of surface. By an Oxford definition, art is considered everything
that represents beauty or emotional power expressed through a painting or
sculpture. However, nowadays, this definition is commonly misinterpreted, and with the
appearance of different forms of creativity, the meaning of the definition is quite blurred.
In order to make an accurate distinction, you have to acknowledge the main creative
visual arts. These are painting, sculpture, drawing, and photography. To make any of
these visual arts, you have to use your creative skill and imagination. In addition, the
main purpose when you create a certain form of creative art is to provoke appreciation in
people who are observing the same. Also, you have to think about the aesthetic beauty
that your piece of art will represent. In the past, art has revolved more around aesthetic
beauty, but contemporary artists nowadays tend to express their emotions and personal
beliefs through their work. Therefore, today, you can notice obscure paintings that give
you the notion of something dark and twisted and colorful paintings that denote happy
feelings and have a joyful impact on the observers. This is a masterful way of representing
one’s personal self, and also to impact the public with some important notions that need
to be shared widely.
 In craft, the craftsman demonstrates a certain technique, learned through a great deal of
practice. When we talk about craft, we usually refer to materiality and craftsmanship.
Since there are materials involved, the most common materials used in craftsmanship are
glass, fiber, metal, wood, and ceramics. These craft forms also involve creative skill and
imagination, but it is significantly different from art. When it comes to making crafts, the
activity is usually associated with free time and a type of hobby. People who do crafts at
their homes and in their free time are not considered as artists but people with a certain
type of hobby. Although this might not be an opinion that all people share, generally, it is
not regarded as a profession. However, there are people whose occupation is mostly about
creating items that require a particular set of skills. That is why it is difficult to make a
distinction whether craftsmanship is an art in general or just a creative hobby.
Nonetheless, it is clear that without the necessary skills and imagination, you would not
be able to create an item that will be used for a certain purpose. Sometimes, you can hear
someone referring to crafts as decorative arts. Since they involve decorations and details
that represent art, this title is quite justified. Still, it is not the same as art, and it should
be regarded as a separate notion.

 Considering that it is quite difficult to make a distinction and the fact that most people
refer to art and craft as the same notions, it is important to point out the key differences in
order to come to an understanding. When you have a proper comparison of the features
involved in both art and craft, you will see that they are significantly different from one
another, and you will see that they should not be regarded as one discipline. Below, I have
discussed and explained the key differences thoroughly, so it will be more clear.

 In Art made is artis, Artists are creative individuals who use their imagination and skills to
communicate in an art form. They use the materials of an art to solve visual problems. Artists look
to many sources for inspiration. Some look forward to their natural and cultural environment for
ideas; others look within themselves for creative imagination. Artists exhibit the courage to take
risks. They are able to see their surroundings in new and unusual ways. They are willing to
intensely for long periods of time to achieve their goals. Some artists are self-taught and have
been called folk-artists because they are not educated in traditional artistic methods. Just like the
artists, the artisans learn skills and techniques from some other artists but eventually, both artists
and artisans, develop their own unique styles.
 In Craft made is artisan, An artisan is a craftsman, such as carpenter, carver, plumber, blacksmith,
weaver, embroiderer, and the like, who produces directly functional and/or decorative arts.
Artisans help us in meeting our basic needs, such as food, shelter, clothing, dwelling, furniture,
and kitchen utensils; they craft everything that makes our life easy. The artisan’s works are useful,
relevant and essential in our everyday life. They serve us for a long time, supplying us directly
functional arts. The artisan is basically a physical worker who makes objects with his or her hands,
and who through skill, experience, and ability can produce things of great beauty, as well as
usefulness. The artist on the other hand, is someone devoted only to the creative part, making
visually pleasant work only for the gratification and appreciation of the viewer but with no
practical value.

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