FlexIT SS OpChecklist4

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FLEXIT SmartTool single-shot drillhole survey

system with StoreIT Data Pad

SingleSmart Operator Checklist
A Fast track to a single-shot survey
1 Switch on StoreIT Data Pad—press . Start up screen
shows briefly with unit serial number, followed by Survey Title
screen from last survey
StoreIT #0201
Depth 100m
For backlighting press
2 To set required delay time for next survey—press SETTINGS .
Survey Timer screen shows
Survey 0 min
3 To set delay, for example 10 minutes—press or repeatedly.

When required delay set—press SETTINGS . Survey Depth screen shows

Survey 10 min

4 To set survey depth, for example 25 metres—press or repeatedly.

Survey 25m
When required depth set—press SETTINGS . Hole Reference screen shows

5 To set an alphanumeric hole reference, like REF1234—press or

repeatedly. Press OK to advance cursor to next character (maximum 10 characters).
Always use same reference for all surveys from one hole, and a unique reference
for each hole.
Hole REF1234
6 To start timer for a new survey — press NEW and hold down. Wait screen shows
Starting Survey
When countdown to survey starts, release NEW

7 If Not Responding screen shows,

Downhole Tool
Not Responding
you must move StoreIT to within 10 metres (30ft) and line of sight of SensIT until
Countdown screen shows and countdown starts. Screen shows time remaining before
SSOC v4.0/Mar 2003©

SensIT will take survey

Time Countdown
xx Min xx sec

Continued overleaf 1
8 Put SensIT in pressure barrel and, with appropriate running gear, run into hole to
depth set in step 4.

9 To abort a survey after countdown start—press SETTINGS . Press OK to

confirm abort.
10 To continue countdown—press DATA . SensIT must be within StoreIT range.
After five (5) minutes, StoreIT turns itself off. This is normal. Timer continues count-
down, even though StoreIT is in sleep mode, until survey taken.
11 To awaken StoreIT and review countdown—press .
Timer screen shows.
12 When countdown reaches zero, SensIT takes its measurements and the Survey
Title screen shows
#0036 REF1234
Depth 25m
13 Switch off StoreIT—press . StoreIT always switches off automatically after five
(5) minutes of inactivity to save battery power.

14 Recover SensIT from hole and remove from its pressure barrel. Bring StoreIT
within 10m (30ft) range and in line of sight of SensIT—press .
Survey Title screen shows
#0036 REF1234
Depth 25m

15 To view survey data—press DATA . Each press takes you to

next Reading screen.
16 If Azimuth Reading screen shows three question marks
#0036 REF1234
Azimuth ???
then StoreIT has not made contact with SensIT. Make sure StoreIT is within 10m
(30ft) range and line of sight of SensIT. Be patient, since to conserve battery power,
StoreIT only communicates with SensIT
Three (3) times in the first 15 seconds after switch on,
Three (3) times in the next minute,
Three (3) times in the next 1.5 minutes,
and then once every minute.

17 To illuminate screen in poor light, press and hold .

Note: The memory capacity of your StoreIT data pad is 888 measurements.
This is a large amount of SingleSmart data and it may be tedious to note
them down and calculate your survey. You may wish to consider using
FLEXIT MeasureIT software for this purpose.

2 SSOC v4.0/Mar 2003© <http://www.fl

B Get more from your FLEXIT SingleSmart
18 To review last survey
Press . Most recent Survey Title screen shows. To scroll through Readings screens—press .
Each DATA press takes you to next Reading screen.

19 To review a previous survey

Press followed by SETTINGS until Enter Archive screen shows

Enter Archive ?

20 To scroll through previous surveys to find survey you want

Press OK followed by or . Then press DATA . Each press takes you to

next Reading screen.

21 To set Magnetic Disturbance warning

Place SensIT in a non-magnetic environment close to drill site. Follow instructions in Section A
to take a survey. Set Hole Reference to “Mag Test” or similar.

22 When survey taken, press SETTINGS until Set Mag Field screen shows

Set Mag. Field ?

Last 00/00/00

23 To set Magnetic Field and Magnetic Dip thresholds

Press OK and hold. Wait screen shows briefly
Set Mag. Field
Wait ---

24 When Wait screen disappears, new Magnetic Field/Dip thresholds have been set:
The current date confirms this.
Set Mag. Field ?
Last dd/mm/yy

25 If Magnetic Field/Dip thresholds for future survey are to be the same as immediate prior survey,
there is no need for a new measurement—just press SETTINGS until Set Mag Field screen
shows, and then continue as in step 23.

26 Now, if there is a magnetic disturbance more than ± 1000nT from set Magnetic Field Strength,
or more than ±1deg from set Magnetic Dip angle (step 23), Azimuth and M/T Face Reading
screens show a question mark “?” when you read survey results.
#0001 Hole Ref
Azimuth 163.7° ?

SSOC v4.0/Mar 2003© <http://www.fl

Continued overleaf 3
B Get more from your SingleSmart (contʼd)

27 To set survey time and date

Survey time and date are automatically set by the StoreIT data pad. If you need to change these
settings, follow these steps. Press SETTINGS until Time Setting screen shows

28 To change time

Press or . Press SETTINGS to accept existing time or confirm new time.

29 To change date
Press SETTINGS until Date Setting screen shows

30 Press SETTINGS to accept existing date or confirm new date.

31 Using SensIT stored information

Survey as many holes as you like; your StoreIT can hold up to 888 records.
When memory is full, StoreIT overwrites the earliest records. Each record consists of
Hole Reference/Title, Survey Depth, Survey Timer,
Azimuth, Inclination, Magnetic Field Strength, Gravity Roll Angle,
Magnetic Tool Face, Magnetic Dip angle, Time of survey, Date of survey.
Make sure you record all hole references, for easy location of previous survey data in the StoreIT
31 Typical SensIT installation in an FLEXIT FRG38 running gear kit.
3 × 1.5m aluminium spacer bar Totally sealed SensIT probe

Spear type landing collar Top sub assembly Bottom sub with shock assembly

For Your Own Notes

4 SSOC v4.0/Mar 2003© <http://www.fl


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