Lesson Plan

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Lesson plan: An alphabet

Name: Class: Level: Length:

Piotr Tokarz 2 Elementary 60 minutes

Class description
There are 11 students in this group, 7 boys and 4 girls. They are either 8 or 9 years old. They have classes
twice a week, 60 minutes each. They’ve been studying English for 2 years with a few exceptions, some kids
got English classes before elementary school. The lessons of English are usually late, at the end of their day at
school so they might feel a bit tired.

Main aim(s)
By the end of the lesson students will be able to say and recognise the letters of the alphabet.

Subsidiary aim(s)
Reviewing the konwledge of colours in English.

Personal aims
I want students to memorize the English alphabet with the help of already possessed knowledge.

Timetable fit
The lesson is conducted at the very beginning of the year. It could in fact be the second lesson of the semester
after summer holidays. During the next lesson students will have more practice with the alphabet and they
will ground their knowledge.
1. Piece of paper
2. Interactive board
3. Printable worksheet
4. Flashcards
5. Letter cards
Anticipated problems
The odd number of students might cause a minor problem in the groupwork.

Possible solutions
Student without the pair could be either joined with a group of two or work together with the teacher.


Stage/Stage aim Description Interaction Timing

Warm up/Students 1.Dividing students into groups of two. T – Ss 10 min
are introduced to 2.Making one student from pair write the whole
the English alphabet on the piece of paper.
alphabet 3.Assign a topic of colours.
4.Students have to write down one colour starting S-S
with each letter in the assigned amount of time. If
they don’t know a letter, they can skip it and
eventually come back later.
5.The team with most letters filled wins the
6.Winning team might be awarded with a small

Lead in/Getting 1.Handing out the worksheets with letters of the T-S 10 min
students to know alphabet coloured differently:
the correct The letters are coloured to help with
pronunciation of pronunciation: grey = / eɪ/ = a, h, j, k; green = /i:/
the alphabet = b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v; red = /e/ = f, l, m, n, s, x, z;
white = /aɪ/ = i, y; yellow = /əʊ/ = o; blue = /u:/ =
q, u, w; dark brown = /ɑ:/ = r
2.Displaying the colour flashcards in a horizontal
line on the board. Helping students to notice the
colours of the letters in their books.
3.Say listen, point and repeat.
Teacher says and students repeat:
Grey: a, h, j, k, Green: b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v Red: f, l,
m, n, s, x, z White: i, y Yellow: o Blue: q, u, w
Brown: r
Listening/Students 1.Instructing students to listen to the chant and T – Ss 10 min
listen to the popular point to the letters.
chant to help them 2.Play the youtube video on interactive board:
memorize an https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezmsrB59mj8
alphabet 3.Students point to the letters. Make sure they are S
moving from left to right along the rows.
4.Play the chant again in smaller sections for the
students to repeat.
5.Ask students individually to repeat the chosen
/helps kinesthetic 1.Instruct students to take out the letter cards and T – Ss 15 min
learners put them on the desk.
2. Write two examples of anagrams on the board
and tell students to arrange the cards the same
way: oinSm, igteh. Tell students the first is a
name and the second a number.
3. Encourage students to rearrange the letters so
that the word will be correct.
4.Invite each student to the board with a made-up S - Ss
anagram of a familiar word.
5.The rest of the class repeats actions from point
number 3.
6.Don’t let students hurry with the answer aloud
and let everybody work at her/his own pace.
Spelling 1.Group students in pairs. T–S 10 min
2.Instruct students to play „can you spell…?”
game based on topic of colours.
3.Students ask each other using the example S-S
question „can you spell…” with a chosen colour.

Homework Try to memorize how to spell your T - Ss 5 min

own name and names of your
family members.

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