Food Availability, Plant Diversity, and Vegetation Structure Drive Behavioral and Ecological Variation in Endangered Coimbra Filho's Titi Monkeys

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Received: 7 October 2020 | Revised: 6 January 2021 | Accepted: 24 January 2021

DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23237


Food availability, plant diversity, and vegetation structure

drive behavioral and ecological variation in Endangered
Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys

João P. Souza‐Alves1,2,5 | Renata R. D. Chagas2 | Marina M. Santana3 |

4 1,5
Sarah A. Boyle | Bruna M. Bezerra

Postgraduate Program in Animal Biology, Department of Zoology, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Postgraduate Program in Biological Science, Department of Systematics and Ecology, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa, Brazil
Postgraduate Program in Ecology and Conservation, Federal University of Sergipe, São Cristóvão, Brazil
Department of Biology, Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Department of Zoology, Laboratory of Ecology, Behavior and Conservation (LECC), Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

João P. Souza‐Alves, Department of Zoology, Abstract
Laboratory of Ecology, Behavior and
There is wide variability in primate behavior and ecology. Understanding how fru-
Conservation (LECC), Federal University of
Pernambuco, Av. Prof. Moraes Rego, 1235, givorous primates behave under different habitat fragmentation levels is key for
University City, Recife, 50670‐901
effective conservation and management of species and their habitats. We evaluated
Pernambuco, Brazil.
Email: the seasonality in activity budget, diet, and ranging behavior of two groups of
Endangered Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys (Callicebus coimbrai). One group inhabited
Funding information
a 14‐ha forest fragment, whereas the other lived in a 522‐ha fragment. We mea-
International Primatological Society
Conservation Grants; Fundação de Amparo à sured the monthly density of trees and lianas available as food sources over
Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de 8 months. We also collected behavioral and group location data every 5 min, from
Pernambuco, Grant/Award Number: BFP‐
0149‐2.05/19; Conselho Nacional de dawn to dusk, using the scan sampling method. The two forest fragments differed
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, seasonally in the number of fruiting food‐resource available. In the 14‐ha fragment,
Grant/Award Number: CNPq productivity
grant (309256/2019‐4) we found that the time spent by titi monkeys feeding, foraging, resting, and tra-
veling differed seasonally. In the 522‐ha fragment, titi monkeys exhibited seasonal
differences in time spent sleeping, socializing, foraging, and revisiting food sources.
In both titi monkey groups, diets varied seasonally. Our findings indicate that
Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys can exhibit behavioral flexibility in their activity
budgets, diets, and movement patterns. Such flexibility is important for this species
to survive in fragmented habitats and may be linked to three key factors: species‐
specific resource availability, plant species diversity, and the vegetation structure of
each forest fragment.

Atlantic Forest, behavioral pattern, daily path length, dietary diversity, home range

Am J Primatol. 2021;83:e23237. © 2021 Wiley Periodicals LLC | 1 of 11
2 of 11 | SOUZA‐ALVES ET AL.

1 | INTRODUCTION fruits when resources were abundant (Caselli & Setz, 2011). Hoolock
hoolock consumed more fleshy fruit when it was highly available in
Biodiversity is expected to continue reducing worldwide, with habi- the rainy season (Neha et al., 2020). Macaca assamensis devoted more
tat losses being most significant in the tropics (Barlow et al., 2016; time to rest when resources were scarce and moved more when
Segan et al., 2016). Recent habitat declines have been associated resources were abundant (Li et al., 2020). Furthermore, primates
with human‐mediated land‐uses (Pardini et al., 2017), including hu- may adopt strategies to efficiently use their home range when food is
man settlements, livestock farming, and agricultural growth (DeFries randomly distributed (e.g., resource maximization) or when there is a
et al., 2010; Giam, 2017). Such activities and the expected negative focus on accumulating a minimum threshold of resources (e.g., area
impacts of climate change will likely harm global biodiversity, espe- minimization) (Mitchell & Powell, 2004).
cially in highly fragmented ecosystems (Aukema et al., 2017). Pitheciids (sakis, uacaris, and titi monkeys) range across much of
The destruction of the Atlantic Forest in northeast Brazil dates South America, and they inhabit a variety of habitats (e.g., Amazon,
from the colonial period with the appearance of sugar cane planta- Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado) where resource abundance and
tions and livestock (Galindo‐Leal & Câmara, 2003). Much of the distribution can vary seasonally (Boyle, 2016). Thus, these primates
continuous Atlantic Forest of the region was split into a landscape are good subjects for studies of habitat variations and behavioral
consisting of small (<10 ha) and isolated forest fragments (Melo et al., changes. Several studies addressed the behavioral patterns, diet, and
2013; Silva & Tabarelli, 2000). These fragmented landscapes are home ranges of the titi monkeys (see review in Bicca‐Marques &
highly susceptible to taxonomic homogenization (Lôbo et al., 2011) Heymann, 2013). However, solely one study examined behavioral
and structural modification (Augusto et al., 2000). In contrast with differences between titi monkeys (Plecturocebus cupreus) living in
large forest fragments, small ones tend to have reduced plant rich- different habitats (i.e., primary forest and edge forest; Kulp &
ness and basal area, increased treefall gaps, lower canopy height, and Heymann, 2015)—Titi monkeys is a complex Pitheciidae group, the
less canopy cover (Arroyo‐Rodríguez et al., 2007; Hill & Curran, Callicebinae, comprising 35 species so far distributed into three
2003; Souza‐Alves et al., 2014, 2018). Small fragments may also genera: Callicebus, Cheracebus, and Plecturocebus (Boubli et al., 2018;
differ larger fragments in their phenological processes (Fuchs et al., Byrne et al., 2016). Therefore, we still lack knowledge of how most
2003), marked edge effects, and high levels of anthropogenic dis- titi monkeys respond to different habitat fragmentation levels to
turbances (Cochrane & Laurance, 2002; Laurance & Yensen, 1991). better understand their behavioral and ecological flexibility.
Habitat loss and fragmentation negatively impact primates To contribute to the understanding of the behavioral and eco-
(Estrada et al., 2017, 2018) by reducing resource availability due to logical flexibility in titi monkeys, particularly in human‐modified ha-
changes in floristic diversity and vegetation structure (Souza et al., bitats, we examined the seasonality of activity budget, diet, and
2012). Also, the amount of available habitat reduces (Baranga et al., ranging behavior of two groups of the Endangered Coimbra‐Filho's
2013), and the potential for disease transmission increases titi monkeys (Callicebus coimbrai) inhabiting forest fragments of dif-
(Goldberg et al., 2008). Furthermore, climate change may result in ferent sizes (14 and 522 ha). Specifically, we determined whether
population size decreases for some primates (Gouveia et al., 2016; there were seasonal differences within each of the two titi monkey
Moraes et al., 2020). Such changes to the primates' habitat may lead groups for (a) behavioral activities (time awake, time spent in the
to modifications in behavioral and ecological patterns (e.g., activity behavioral activities), (b) feeding activities (relative contribution of
budget, diet, and ranging behavior; Strier, 2007). Understanding the plant items to the diet, dietary diversity, daily number of trees and
responses to such habitat modifications is fundamental to designing lianas used as a food source, and residence time on the food sources),
and implementing effective population management and conserva- and (c) ranging behavior (home range size, daily path length, hourly
tion plans (Marsh, 2013). movement rates, and number of revisited trees). We tested the hy-
Multiple studies have addressed how primates modify their be- pothesis that a potential reduction in habitat quality (i.e., the density
havior when faced with forest fragments of various sizes (Colobus of food sources, plant diversity, and structural vegetation) in the
guereza and Procolobus pennantii: Chapman et al., 2007; Propithecus small fragment influences Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys' seasonal
diadema: Irwin, 2008; Alouatta palliata: Cristóbal‐Azkarate & Arroyo‐ behavioral and ecological strategies.
Rodríguez, 2007; Ateles geoffroyi: Chaves et al., 2011, 2012; We had four main predictions: (1) titi monkeys inhabiting the
Chiropotes sagulatus: Boyle et al., 2009; Boyle & Smith, 2010). While small fragment would minimize the amount of time spent on activ-
some primates modify their diets (Boyle et al., 2012; Chaves et al., ities that are energetically costly (energy‐minimization strategy),
2012; Mekonnen et al., 2018), others spend more time feeding thereby reducing their exploitation of dietary fleshy fruits and in-
(Carretero‐Pinzón et al., 2016) or limit the time spent moving (Boyle creasing the ingestion of alternative items; (2) titi monkeys inhabiting
& Smith, 2010). Primates may also adjust their activity budget based the large fragment would adopt an energy‐maximization strategy by
on resource seasonality. Some primates spend more time resting having high levels of fleshy fruit in their diet, and spending time
during periods of fruit scarcity (e.g., energy‐minimizing strategy) engaged in activities that have high energetic costs; (3) during the
while others change the onset and cessation of daily activities (e.g., period with lower resource availability (less fleshy fruits) Coimbra‐
time‐maximizing strategy) (Oates, 1987). For example, Callicebus ni- Filho's titi monkeys in the small fragment would exploit a greater
grifrons fed more frequently during the lean season, consuming more diversity of food sources; (4) during the period of greater resource
SOUZA‐ALVES ET AL. | 3 of 11

availability (greater density of fleshy fruits) the titi monkeys in the 14‐ha fragment (11°12'S, 37°14'W) was located at Fazenda Trapsa in
large fragment would increase the consumption of fleshy fruits, thus the municipality of Itaporanga d'Ajuda, southern Sergipe, Brazil. This
to reduce the diversity of exploited plants. forest fragment was situated within approximately 600 ha, inserted
in a matrix of pasture and areas with selective and indiscriminate
logging and fire. It was occasionally flooded, and it contained only
2 | METHODS one titi monkey group (Chagas & Ferrari, 2011).
The 522‐ha forest fragment was located in the Mata do Junco
All contributors declared that the studies adhered to the legal Wildlife Refuge (10°32'S, 37°03'W), located in the eastern region of
requirements of Brazil, where we conducted the fieldwork. The Sergipe, municipality of Capela, Brazil. This protected area was
study complied with the ethical requirements of the institutions established to protect populations of the titi monkeys and the
and government concerned. The study adhered to the Code of Lagartixo stream. This forest fragment's matrix was composed of
Best Practices for Field Primatology of the American Society of sugar cane, and there were approximately 250 settlement families in
Primatologists ( the surrounding area. The group density of titi monkeys in this study
TreatmentOfNonHumanPrimates.cfm) and of the International fragment was previously estimated at 7.8 groups/km2 (Rocha, 2011).
Primatological Society ( These two study sites vary in floristic composition and forest
20of_Best_Practices%20Oct%202014.pdf). structure (Souza‐Alves et al., 2014, 2018). Annual rainfall ranged
from 345 to 2988 mm (2000–2010) at Fazenda Trapsa, and from 205
to 2473 mm (2003–2011) at Mata do Junco (Semarh, 2012). Both
2.1 | Study area areas exhibited similar climatic conditions during the study period
(November 2011–July 2012) with monthly rainfall levels ranging
We monitored two groups of titi monkeys in two Atlantic forest from 0 to 204 mm (mean 66.3 ± SD 74.7 mm) at Fazenda Trapsa, and
fragments in the Brazilian state of Sergipe (Figure 1). The smaller, 9.7–130.7 mm (mean 57.4 ± SD 39 mm) at Mata do Junco.

FIGURE 1 Locations of two study areas—Fazenda Trapsa (14 ha) and Mata do Junco Wildlife Refuge (522 ha) in northeastern Brazil
4 of 11 | SOUZA‐ALVES ET AL.

2.2 | Study groups We tallied the number of food sources (trees and lianas) used
every month by each of the two titi monkey groups. We also cal-
We monitored two well‐habituated groups of titi monkeys culated the time spent with each of the feeding trees and lianas,
(Santana et al., 2014; Souza‐Alves & Ferrari, 2010) between defined as the time at the arrival of the first individual until the last
November 2011 and February 2012, and between April and July individual's exit.
2012 (8 months). The group inhabiting the 14‐ha fragment con-
sisted of two adult males, one adult female, one subadult female,
and one juvenile female at the beginning of the study period. The 2.5 | Ranging behavior
adult female disappeared in May 2012, and the subadult female
was considered to have reached maturity by the end of the study At the start of every behavioral scan sample, we recorded the titi
period as she was noted copulating in July 2012 (J.P. Souza‐Alves, monkey groups' location using a handheld 60 CSx Garmin© GPS and
personal observation). At the end of the study period, the group then downloaded these location data to ArcGIS 9.3. We estimated
consisted of four individuals. The group in the 544‐ha fragment seasonal home ranges using minimum convex polygon (MCP)
consisted of a breeding pair and three immature individuals through the Home Range Extension for ArcGIS 9.3 (Rodgers & Carr,
(juveniles or subadults) and twins born in November 2011 2002). We did not use kernel density estimators for calculating home
(Santana et al., 2014). The twins were carried exclusively by the range because these methods can overestimate home range size
father until March 2012, when one of the infants (approximately when sample size is small and when animal groups are maximizing
4 months old) disappeared, leaving the group with six members at their use of a small forest fragment (Boyle et al., 2009). We based the
the end of the study period. MCP analyses on 100% of the recorded points because an initial
analysis indicated that the best fit for the MCP analyses was based
on 100% of the points because the points were not located far from
2.3 | Food availability estimates each other. Using MapSource Garmin© software, we calculated daily
path length (dpl) using the same data points as used for the home
Every month we monitored the availability of plant resources at both range analyses. We then quantified the number of feeding trees that
sites. Using randomly chosen transects, we quantified the number of were visited twice or more during a day of data collection. We es-
trees and lianas bearing fruits (Sutherland, 2006 and Owens et al., timated hourly movement rates (HMR) using data from days when
2015). In the 14‐ha fragment, we used four 250 m × 10 m transects we had at least 7 h of data from the group follows (i.e., 7 h of group
(monthly area sampled: 1 ha), while in the 522‐ha fragment, we used contact). We calculated HMR (m/h) by dividing path length (m) by
two pre‐existing 750 m × 10 m transects (monthly area sampled = total time traveled (h) each day.
1.5 ha). We then calculated the density of food sources available by
tallying the number of food sources (trees and lianas summed) with
fruit each month divided by the total area sampled every month 2.6 | Data analysis
(14‐ha fragment: 1 ha; 522‐ha fragment: 1.5 ha).
Our analyses' main goals were to determine if there were seasonal
differences in food availability, behavior, diet, and ranging behavior
2.4 | Behavioral and ecological monitoring for each of the two titi monkey groups and to define the foraging
strategy used by each group of titi monkeys. We analyzed the data
We monitored the two groups from dawn (04:00 h) until dusk for the two groups of monkeys separately because the sample size
(18:00 h) on 5 consecutive days each month, for a total of 397 h in (1 group for each of the two fragment size classes of large and small)
the small fragment and 455 h in the large fragment. We collected was small.
quantitative behavioral data using scan sampling methods (Altman, For the seasonal analyses, we compared the wet and dry sea-
1974), with a 1‐min scan conducted at 5‐min intervals throughout sons. Based on historical records of rainfall over 10 years, we con-
the daily activity period (see Souza‐Alves et al., 2011). The behaviors sidered monthly precipitation of <100 mm as a cutoff point for the
collected during each scan were rest (immobile position: standing, definition of the dry season. Using this cutoff to define the seasons,
sleeping, or sitting), move (mobile activity: walking, climbing, running, the rainy season lasted 2 months longer (February–August) in the
or leaping), feed (mastication and consumption of plant and/or ani- 14‐ha fragment than in the 522‐ha fragment (April–August). There-
mal material), forage (localized searches for plant or animal material), fore, we used data from November to February (dry season) and
and social interaction (interaction involving two or more monkeys, April to July (rainy season).
e.g., embracing, touching, grooming, duet and territorial vocaliza- We summarized the results for each variable monthly. We cal-
tions, or playing), based on previously defined behaviors (Talebi & culated the mean ± SD for all variables.
Lee, 2010). When the monkeys fed during a scan, we recorded the We tested if there was a seasonal difference in the number of
feeding item (i.e., fruit, new or mature leaf, seed, flower, insect) and fruiting food‐resource trees and lianas within each of the two forest
then marked and numbered each plant that the monkeys used. fragments using Fisher's exact test. We estimated the amount of
SOUZA‐ALVES ET AL. | 5 of 11

time the titi monkeys spent awake daily by calculating the number of all of these analyses using R version 3.5.0 (R Core Team, 2018).
hours from the time the monkeys first left a sleeping site in the Statistical significance was set at p < .05. When necessary, we log‐
morning until they entered a sleeping site at the end of the same day. transformed the data to meet the assumption of normality.
We tested if there were seasonal differences in the amount of time
the titis were awake each day using Fisher's exact test. Because our
contingency tables were larger than 2 × 2, we used a Monte Carlo 3 | RES ULTS
simulation (2000 replicates). This procedure was performed for all
Fisher's exact tests we ran during the data analyses of this study. 3.1 | Food availability estimates
We calculated the activity budget by considering the percent
contribution of each behavior's scan sample records (pi) and then We registered 109 and 37 food sources in the small and large
estimating the mean duration of each behavior using ti = pi × T, where fragments, respectively. The availability of food resource trees and
T is the mean duration (in minutes) of the daily activity period lianas bearing fruits within the home range of each titi monkey group
(Ferrari & Hilário, 2014). We converted the ti values to adjusted varied between the dry and rainy seasons in both the 14‐ha (Fisher's
percentages (api) by api = ti/1440 × 100, where 1440 is the number of test: p < .001) and 522‐ha forest fragment (Fisher's test: p = .003).
minutes in a 24‐h period. We used this approach because the dura- The mean density of food resources in the 14‐ha fragment along the
tion of the daily period may be an important component of primate transects was 17.3 individuals/ha (±SD 12.8) during the dry season
behavioral strategies in relation to feeding resources (see more de- and 10 individuals/ha (±SD 7.4) during the rainy season. In the 522‐
tails in Ferrari & Hilário, 2014). We used the same calculations for ha fragment, the mean density of food resources was 6.3 individuals/
activity budget as for diet to determine the percent contribution of ha (±SD 4.3) during the dry season and 3.0 individuals/ha (±SD 3.2)
the various plant species used as a food resource by the monkeys. during the rainy season.
We tested predictions #1 and #2 by comparing the dry and rainy
seasons in regard to the titi monkeys' behaviors and diet within each
of the two forest fragments using binomial z scores, z = xi – m/√(Nqp), 3.2 | Activity budget
where xi is the number of records of each behavioral/diet category i
to the determined study group, N is the total number of records of In the 14‐ha fragment, there was no seasonal difference in the
behavioral/diet category i for both groups, p and q are the proportion amount of time that Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkey group was awake
of records for each group separately, and m is Nxp. The α‐value of (Fisher's test: p = .455; Table 1). However, in the 522‐ha forest
these analyses was 0.01 (Bonferoni's correction) to avoid false‐ fragment, titi monkeys spent more time awake during the dry season
positive results (Martin & Bateson, 1993). Also, for predictions #1 than in the rainy season (Fisher's test: p < .001; Table 1).
and #2, we used a Fisher's exact tests to determine if there were In the 14‐ha fragment, the monkeys spent more time feeding/
seasonal differences in the feeding activities (i.e., number of com- foraging and less time resting during the dry season compared to the
monly used food‐resource trees producing fruit, time resident on rainy season; however, there were no seasonal differences in the
fruit feeding trees and lianas [i.e., the total number of records spent amount of time spent moving or engaged in social behavior (Table 2).
in each fruiting source multiplied by 5‐scan min]). In the 522‐ha fragment, the titi monkeys spent more time engaged in
Moreover, to investigate the foraging strategies (predictions #1 social activities and less time foraging during the dry season
and #2) of both Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkey groups during periods of
higher and lower food resources (density of fruiting trees and lianas),
we compared the potential energy loss and gain between the two T A B L E 1 Seasonal variation in the amount of time spent awake
each day for two groups of Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys in 14‐ha
periods. Specifically, we used activities that have high energy de-
and 522‐ha Atlantic forest fragments of northeastern Brazil
mands (home range, dpl, HMR, and the number of revisits to the food
resource in the small and large fragments: Krebs & Davies, 1993) as Mean duration (h) of daily time awake
(earliest waking hour and latest sleep hour)
proxies for energetic expenditure, and then summed the time the Season Month 14‐ha fragment 522‐ha fragment
monkeys spent exploiting fleshy fruits, seeds and flowers (Lambert,
Dry November 11:12 (4:40–16:20) 12:00 (4:45–17:40)
2011) as a proxy for energetic gain (Heiduck, 2013; Nagy‐Reis &
December 10:48 (5:20–17:02) 12:00 (5:25–17:55)
Setz, 2017). We then tested if there were seasonal differences in
January 08:48 (5:25–16:00) 11:32 (5:36–17:39)
activities with high energetic demand using Fisher's exact test with a
February 09:51 (5:35–16:01) 11:16 (5:37–17:21)
Monte Carlo simulation (2000 replicates).
Mean ± SD 10:09 ± 1:04 11:42 ± 00:21
We assessed monthly diet diversity using the Shannon–Wiener
Rainy April 10:49 (5:20–17:30) 11:28 (5:10–17:35)
index (Hˈ) to analyze the records of plant species exploited by the titi
May 09:16 (6:04–17:22) 11:00 (5:45–17:05)
monkeys. We tested for differences between seasons in each forest
June 09:44 (5:55–16:30) 11:27 (5:32–17:20)
fragment using a Student's t‐test (prediction #3 and #4). We used a
July 08:48 (6:20–16:43) 10:18 (5:47–17:12)
Jaccard's similarity index to test for similarities across seasons in the
Mean ± SD 9:39 ± 00:51 11:03 ± 00:32
plant species exploited within each forest fragment. We performed
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T A B L E 2 Seasonal activity budgets

Mean ± SD of time spent (minutes) in dry and rainy season for titi monkeys in the 14‐ha and 522‐ha
14‐ha fragment 522‐ha fragment Atlantic Forest fragments of northeastern
Category Dry Rainy z (p value)a Dry Rainy z (p value)a Brazil
Rest 1019 ± 52 1122 ± 32 −2.20 (0.013) 1042 ± 79 1048 ± 26 0.09 (0.537)

Feed 160 ± 20 93 ± 11 4.21 (<0.001) 168 ± 37 136 ± 50 1.92 (0.027)

Move 134 ± 10 139 ± 27 −0.29 (0.383) 154 ± 22 155 ± 31 0.02 (0.511)

Forage 95 ± 8 64 ± 7 2.46 (0.006) 19 ± 7 74 ± 42 −5.65 (<0.001)

Social 30 ± 29 20 ± 18 1.41 (0.078) 40 ± 46 22 ± 4 2.32 (0.010)

Significant differences are marked in bold, as indicated when p ≤ .01.

compared to the rainy season; however, there were no seasonal (14.6 ± SD 4.5 vs. 12.6 ± SD 4.2, respectively; Fisher's test: p = .102).
differences in the amount of time spent resting, feeding, or moving However, the titi monkeys spent more time on these food sources
(Table 2). during the dry season than the rainy season (409 ± SD 279 min vs.
189 ± SD 54 min, respectively; Fisher's test: p < .001). In the 522‐ha
fragment, during the rainy season the titi monkeys used a greater
3.3 | Diet composition number of trees and lianas daily as food sources (dry season: 10.9
trees ± SD 7.6; rainy season: 17.5 trees ± SD 6.2; Fisher's test:
In the 14‐ha fragment, titi monkeys devoted more time exploiting p < .001), and the monkeys spent more time on these food sources
fruit and new leaves during the dry season. During the rainy season, (dry season: 258 ± SD 67 min; rainy season: 354 ± SD 171 min;
they devoted more time to eat leaves and flowers (Figure 2). During Fisher's test: p < .001).
the dry season, these titi monkeys in the 14‐ha fragment con-
centrated their feeding behavior on three tree species that re-
presented 80% of the diet records: Eugenia ligustrina fruits— 3.4 | Ranging behavior
Myrtaceae (41%), Xylopia frutescens seeds—Annonaceae (22%), and
Pouteria sp. fruits—Sapotaceae (17%). However, during the rainy In the 14‐ha fragment, titi monkeys had a longer dpl and higher HMR
season, these three species represented only 20% of this titi monkey during the dry season, but there were no seasonal differences in
group's diet records. These monkeys in the 14‐ha fragment con- home range size and number of revisited food sources (Table 3). In
tinued to eat the fruits of E. ligustrina during the rainy season. Still, the 522‐ha fragment, the titi monkeys had a longer dpl during the
the monkeys also exploited many other species, including Guapira rainy season, but HMR was higher in the dry season. The number of
opposite new leaves (Nyctaginaceae) and two liana species: Jacque- revisited food sources and home range size did not vary between
montia glaucescens flowers (Convolvulaceae) and Adenocalymma seasons (Table 3).
comosum new leaves (Bignoniaceae). In the 14‐ha fragment, the
monkeys' diet was more diverse during the rainy season (Hˈ = 3.0)
than the dry season (Hˈ = 2.9: t = −2.114, df = 1224.7, p = .034). The 4 | DISCUSS ION
plant species composition exploited by titi monkeys in the 14‐ha
fragment presented low similarity between dry and rainy sea- Our findings demonstrated that Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys can
sons (J = 0.3). modify their behaviors seasonally, which is likely a response by the
In the 522‐ha fragment, titi monkeys ate fruit more during the monkeys to maximize their use of resources and space as fruit
rainy season, and new leaves, and seeds more during the dry season availability fluctuates. These strategies may help the titi monkeys
(Figure 2). Pouteria gardneri fruits (22%) and Tabebuia stenocalix cope with living in forest fragments that vary in size, that likely have
leaves—Bignoniaceae (16%) were used most by the titi monkeys as been exposed to different levels and types of anthropogenic dis-
diet items during the dry season (Electronic Supporting Information turbances, and that contain variable amounts of food resources for
Material S1). Diet diversity was higher during the dry season the monkeys.
(Hˈ = 2.5) than the rainy season (Hˈ = 2.2) in the large fragment In the small 14‐ha fragment in the resource‐rich dry season, titi
(t = 3.512, df = 972.6, p < .001). The similarity of plant species monkeys spent more time feeding, foraging, and residing on food
exploited by titi monkeys in the dry and rainy seasons was relatively sources (energetic gain variables). They also spent less time resting
higher (J = 0.7) in the 522‐ha fragment compared to the 14‐ha and walked longer distances with a higher HMR (energetic ex-
fragment. penditure variable) during such periods. Such behavioral changes
In the 14‐ha fragment, the daily number of trees and lianas have been documented in multiple primate species, including ones
used as food sources was similar between dry and rainy seasons living in fragments. For example, black‐fronted titi monkeys
SOUZA‐ALVES ET AL. | 7 of 11

F I G U R E 2 Total time (min) during the 8‐months study period that Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys devoted to exploiting different food items
in the large fragment and small forest fragment in the dry and rainy season. Significant differences for large fragment (522 ha) are indicated by
an asterisk (fruit: z = −7.116, p < .001; leaf: z = 4.844, p < .001; new leaf: z = 8.382, p < .001; flower: z = 1.269, p = .102; seed: z = 5.479, p = .003),
and for small fragment (14 ha) are indicated by an asterisk (fruit: z = 3.538, p = .002; leaf: z = −3.037, p < .001; new leaf: z = −3.176, p < .001;
flower: z = −6.582, p < .001; seed: z = 1.877, p = .030). It was not possible to test for seasonal differences in invertebrate consumption due to
small sample size

(Callicebus nigrifrons) spent less time on energy‐demanding activities periods of fruit shortage (energy‐minimizing strategies: sensu
(traveled less and for shorter distances) when fruit availability was Schoener, 1971).
low (Nagy‐Reis & Setz, 2017). In a comparison of Bale monkey Conversely, in the larger forest fragment titi monkeys appeared
(Chlorocebus djamdjamensis) groups living in forest fragments or in to have a different behavioral strategy than that of the monkeys in
continuous forest, Bale monkeys in the forest fragments modified the smaller forest fragment. There, they spent less time awake but
their diets when there was low food availability (Mekonnen et al., increased the amount of time they spent foraging in the rainy season
2018). It was noted that ursine colobus (Colobus vellerosus) in forest (low food availability). Also, they walked longer distances (energetic
fragments spent less time moving and more time resting (Wong & expenditure variable) and had a higher residence time on
Sicotte, 2007). Overall, our findings indicated that the titi monkeys food sources (energetic gain variable). During this period, they also
living in the smaller forest fragment also adopted a strategy similar spent less time engaged in social behaviors such as grooming; how-
to other Neotropical primates in that they saved energy during ever, such behavior is not considered as energetically demanding
8 of 11 | SOUZA‐ALVES ET AL.

T A B L E 3 Ranging behaviors
Mean ± SD of ranging behaviors performed by titi monkey groups during
14‐ha fragment 522‐ha fragment the dry and rainy season in the small and
Ranging large forest fragment at Northeastern
behavior Dry Rainy Fisher's test Dry Rainy Fisher's test Brazil
dpl (m) 748 ± 131 610 ± 234 p > .001 978 ± 364 1116 ± 395 p > .001

Home 8.3 ± 2.6 8.3 ± 4.1 p = .574 6.5 ± 1.5 6.7 ± 2.2 p = .962
range (ha)

# revisited food 1.0 ± 1.3 0.5 ± 0.7 p = .882 0.55 ± 0.7 1.55 ± 1.1 p = .400

HMR 77 ± 17.9 67 ± 25.5 p < .001 115 ± 70.1 103 ± 36.6 p < .001

Note: Bold values are significant difference, as indicated when p ≤ 0.05.

(Russell & Phelps, 2013). Thus, for the titi monkeys living in the periods. Furthermore, Coimbra Filho's titi monkeys' home range si-
larger fragment, during periods of lower fruit availability, the mon- zes were similar to size in the large and small fragments over the
keys increased the amount of time of their nightly roost (more rest) 8 months of this study (Table 3). The sizes of the study groups' home
but allocated more time during their awake hours to forage ranges were within the typical range found in Callicebus spp. (Bicca‐
(e.g., energy‐maximizing strategy: Stephens & Krebs, 1986). Marques & Heymann, 2013), suggesting that the titi monkeys in the
The effects of habitat loss and fragmentation tend to be less 14‐ha fragment had sufficient space and resources. Nevertheless, we
severe in larger forest fragments than in small fragments cannot rule out that existing neighboring titi groups may have in-
(Mekonnen et al., 2018). Primates in larger forest fragments are fluenced the home range size of the study group in the larger frag-
sometimes able to use a greater diversity of plants as food re- ment. Titi monkeys are territorial (Kinzey & Becker, 1983), with
sources, and consequently, have more versatility in choosing what encounters between individuals of different groups often leading to
to eat (Arroyo‐Rodríguez & Mandujano, 2006). During periods of agonistic contact (i.e., fights).
lower fruit availability (rainy season), titi monkeys in the smaller Our findings bring some evidence of the adverse effects of habitat
forest fragment spent less time eating fleshy fruits but increased loss and fragmentation on titi monkeys' behavior and ecology. Never-
the amount of time they spent consuming leaves and flowers. This theless, despite the extent of the effects observed for our study species
seasonal variation in diet is also reflected in the relatively low level and sites, we must be cautious when extrapolating these findings to all
of similarity between plants consumed during the two seasons in Callicebinae. The impact of habitat loss and fragmentation is highly
the small fragment. Furthermore, the titi monkeys in the smaller variable and depends on the type of matrix, fragment size, isolation
fragment ate plants from a greater diversity of species during the level, and shape (Arroyo‐Rodríguez & Fahrig, 2014). Unfortunately, it is
rainy season (lower fruit availability). impossible to evaluate these variables' influence on the behavior and
In larger forest fragment, titi monkeys had a higher diversity of ecology of the Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys we studied due to the small
plant species in their diet, and spent less time eating fleshy fruits sample size (i.e., two forest fragments only). One would need to monitor
when fruits were more available (dry season). When fruit availability more than one primate group per size class of forest fragment to test
was lower (rainy season), the monkeys increased their fruit con- the effect of fragment size on titi monkey behavior and ecology (see
sumption, but they had a lower diversity of plant species in their Boyle & Smith, 2010; Boyle et al., 2012; Chaves et al., 2011, 2012;
diet. Four plant species (Tapirira guianensis—Anacardiaceae: 27% Mekonnen et al., 2018). Nevertheless, our study yielded a significant
of feeding records; Miconia prasina—Melastomataceae: 17%; contribution to an Endangered primate species inhabiting a highly
Protium heptaphylum—Burseraceae: 14%; and P. gardneri: 13%) re- fragmented landscape in Brazil.
presented more than 70% of the fruit consumed by the monkeys Here we demonstrate that Endangered Coimbra‐Filho's titi
during the rainy season. Our findings suggest that titi monkeys living monkeys seem to adjust their behavioral, diet, and ranging patterns
in large and small forest fragments exhibit seasonal variability in to cope with fragments that have undergone different levels of de-
their foraging behavior and diet composition, implying that such struction and fragmentation. Home range size appears to be con-
flexibility may help the monkeys to optimize their energy intake served in this species, remaining roughly the same in both the 14 and
through their diet. These diet differences may be linked to species‐ 522 ha fragments. Coimbra‐Filho's titi monkeys may use changes in
specific resource availability, plant species diversity, and each forest foraging‐time and resource‐choice as strategies to maximize re-
fragment's vegetation structure. source consumption, which so far may have been essential for their
Primates often modify their home range size when experiencing survival in highly fragmented and anthropogenically disturbed areas.
adverse situations such as food scarcity (Irwin, 2008; Mekonnen Continued long‐term monitoring of titi monkeys in fragments of
et al., 2018). However, in our study, for both groups of titi monkeys, different sizes and vegetation structures will elucidate if the stra-
home range size was similar during low and high fruit availability tegies employed by titi monkeys are enough for their long‐term
SOUZA‐ALVES ET AL. | 9 of 11

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We thank Stephen Ferrari, Víctor Arroyo‐Rodríguez, Karen population pressures on the world's biodiversity priorities. PLOS
Strier, Paul Garber, and Anthony Rylands for the valuable com- One, 12(1), e0170615.
ments on the original version of this manuscript. We are also Baranga, D., Chapman, C., Mucunguzi, P., & Reyna‐Hurtado, R. (2013).
Fragments and food: Red‐tailed monkey abundance in privately
grateful to SEMARH/SE, CPB/ICMBio, and everyone that logis-
owned forest fragments of central Uganda. In L. K. Marsh, & C. A.
tically supported this study. During this study, JPS‐A was sup-
Chapman (Eds.), Primates in fragments: Complexity and resilience
ported by CAPES Ph.D. scholarship and the International (pp. 213–225). Springer.
Primatological Society Conservation Grants. RRDC and MMS Barlow, J., Lennox, G. D., Ferreira, J., Berenguer, E., Lees, A. C.,
were supported by a CAPES. JPS‐A is supported by FACEPE Nally, R. M., Thomson, J. R., Ferraz, S. F. B., Louzada, J.,
Oliveira, V. H. F., Parry, L., Ribeiro de Castro Solar, R., Vieira, I. C. G.,
(Grant no. BFP‐0149‐2.05/19). BB is supported by a CNPq pro-
Aragão, L. E. O. C., Begotti, R. A., Braga, R. F., Cardoso, T. M.,
ductivity grant (309256/2019‐4). We are grateful to Dr. Karen Jr, R. C. O., Souza Jr, C. M., … Gardner, T. A. (2016). Anthropogenic
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How to cite this article: Souza‐Alves JP, Chagas RRD,
Biodiversity and Conservation, 21, 1953–1969.
Souza‐Alves, J. P., Barbosa, M. R. V., Ferrari, S. F., & Thomas, W. W. Santana MM, Boyle SA, Bezerra BM. Food availability, plant
(2014). Diversity of trees and lianas in two sites in the coastal diversity, and vegetation structure drive behavioral and
Atlantic forest of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil. Check List, 10, ecological variation in Endangered Coimbra‐Filho's titi
monkeys. Am J Primatol. 2021;83:e23237.
Souza‐Alves, J. P., & Ferrari, S. F. (2010). Responses of wild titi monkeys,
Callicebus coimbrai (Primates: Platyrrhini: Pitheciidae), to the
habituation process. Zoologia, 27, 861–866.

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