Pullout Tests of Piles in Sand: Test Setup and Teat Piles

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SPE 6285

Pullout Tests of Piles in Sand

L. C. Reese, SPE-AIME, U. of Texas
W. R. COX, Tern, Inc.

Pullout tesk on open-steel pipe piles in sand vveIErun at damaging the strain gauges. Wires from these gauges
the Shell Oil Co. Tank Battery on Mustang Island, Tex. were passed through pressure-packing glands in the dia-
The map in Fig, 1indicates the test site. About 5 ft of fill phragm at the top of the instrumented section.
was excavated at the site so that the water table would be Each pile had 40 strain gauges — 34 active and 6
at ground surface. Two instrumented test piles were unstrained dummies. The 120-ohm strain gauges were
driven and pullout tests were performed before and aiter 0.50- x 0,50-in, metal foil, Strain-gauge spacing in the
lateral loading. 32-ft section is indicated in Fig. 2.
Both test piles were driven with a Delmag-12 diesel
Test Equipment and Test Piles hammer, The 38-ft open-ended, uninstrumented section
Test Setup and Teat Piles was driven until its top was about 3 ft above the soil
The test setup and test piles are shown in Fig. 2. Two surface. Next, the soil plug inside the section was au-
reaction beams, one on each side of the tes. pile, rested on gered out completely to keep it from driving against the
timber mats. Two hydraulicjacks with pumping units and diaphragm in the bottom of the 32-ft instrumented sec-
pressure gauges rested on the reaction beams. A 10-ft tion, After welding the 32-ft section to the 38-ft section,
section of 24-in.-diameter pile was specially made and driving was resumed and the pile was driven to grade,
welded ro the top of the test pile. Two small-diameter with the pile flange approximately 1 ft above the soil
piles were driven to support deflection gauges used to surface. The pile was embedded 69 ft.
measure movement of the pile top. Cables from deflec-
tion and strain gauges were run from the pile to the Measurementof Load, Strain, and Deflection
instrumentation system housed in a van parked beside the During the pullout tests, readings were taken of the ap-
excavated area. plied load, the deflection of the top of the pile, and the
Two test piles were manufactured from seamless steel axial strain along the pile, The applied load was obtained
pipe (ASTM A-53, Grade B) with 24-in. OD. The wall by reading bourdon-tube pressure gauges that measured
was -%-in. thick and,weighed 94.6 lb/ft. The piles were the hydraulic pressure in the jacks. The pile deflection
composed of a 10-ftloading section, a 32-ft instrumented was obtained from dial indicators and by use of linear-
section, and 38-ft anchor section (Fig. 2). The in- displacement transducers. Output from the displacement
strumented section was sealed off by diaphragms at the transducers and f~omstrain ga~ges was recorded with a
top and bottom of the section to prevent moi..ture from digital recording system.
0149.2136/78/C&13.6285W,2i5 To increasethe magnitude of the strain measurements,
c 1976 Soctelyof F8troleumEngineers01AlME. active strain gauges on opposing diameters of the piles

Three pullout tests on two instrumented 24-in .-diameter, steel-pipe piles were performed in a
deep sand deposit at Mustang Island, Tex., to determine the tension capacity of a pile and to
assess the Sfects of lateral loading on puliout resistance. Test equipment and procedures are
described and results of strain data and load vspile-top movement are presented. Skinfriction
parameters are determinedfiom these results.

MARCH, 1978 343

were wired as opposite arms of a Whetstone bridge. This
technique doubles the recorded strains and also cancels :’
out strains resulting from bending moment in the pile.
Two unstrained dummy gauges, common to all the EX:A;W:ED i
strain-gauge input channels, completed the bridge. The
set of dummy gauges was wired in from inside tie piles PILE 2 I
through two 2-pole, 20-position switches so that the
dummy gauges could be switched along for ail the active
gm.tgeinputs. PILES
I >
‘Mlections at the pile top were measured by both !4%” , # ,{ - 4?’
eh trical gauges and dial indicators. These electrical +- I
gauges were Iinear transducers set to a sensitivity of p= 3’-0”
T ~— —x\
0.004 in. The two dial indicators used as backups were 17’2
accurate to the nearestO.001 in. One gauge of each type 9:4 ‘.
was used on either side of the pile. Deflections recorded L’ -L —.
by these gauges were averaged to get the pile-top PILE I ‘i-5’- -jk
~ 5’ 1’
movement. iLDPE

u% \ /
— -:
l%rt Aransas,
\ m?%?-
● 6’. ● -26’ ●.6’
Fig. 3—Location of borings and piles inside excavation.

TYPE 3.D@omsomptera 2. SSWI.

SC+UW ,- _

Fig. 1—Location of tfiYStsite.


Eli M-w
an fme $and with $twll frWnEf3SI
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f;-’’’ys’’ys’’’y o’’z$’ ;! ,!
. 35 1
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1: 69.
, (1
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i -30

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@mn qroydoywtishdli - ‘~ - i .-

~“~&&’ :Q”Y CIOYWQmS

41 , IIllr”

t60.,’;~ 90/10” ~“’--~ i I I I

.7 ;! ,Z

b 1
-70 , 8
. L.. —..

I —
‘F, fmgraychy 13” —
00 -——. —..-


-30 I M_-’ >DIApFIRA~

-32 ‘-.:
-69[ ;,, I I I El I i___ sxv4v..._L. I I i I I I iJ_L.L
02 7— 12 14 19 2426
Fig. 2—Schs?maticdrawingbf test setup. Fig. 4-Log of Boring 1.


Description of Tests
Soil Investigation and Soil Borings
Two soil borings were made at the test site before exca-
vating the test area and installing the test piles, The
location of these borings is shown in Fig. 3.
In Boring 1, samples were taken continuously to 65 ft
by alternating a 2-in. spilt-spoon sampler with a 3-in.
piston sampler. Below 65 ft, samples were taken at about
5-ft intervals to 80 ft. The piston sampler was used
because it can recover sand below the water table with a
minimum of disturbance, As piston samples were taken,
volume measurements of the samples were made before
sending them to the laboratory to determine natural densi-
ties. Standard penetration tests were performed with
split-spoon samples fmm Boring 1. Blows per foot from
these tests are shown in the log of Boring 1 in Fig. 4.
..-+&fio ,,
‘ ~ Also shown are unconfined compression strengths of
cohesive samples determined in the field with a hand
~: ? penetrometero
In Boring 2, most sampies were taken with a 2-in,
*~: -c...w,., ..!. ” ,.”. ...rnl. -1 ,*
u .,,,, ,,,,. ;42
-shall fra monfn ~ sandy cloy “- r II 4.% split-spoon attached to a wire-line sampler.1 Samples

nams, 5 1’to95 .- ..J I i:: were taken using the conventional method as in Boring 1
I@ ! “’” : l-––––– ---—+----’
to 15ft, but a wire-line sampler was used from 15to 85 ft.

--: Samples were taken at approximately 5-ft intervals, The
?0.. ■

gray my
?3 S’to 75’ +-+-jy””-p-.
fed mrd a sandy clay,

-iraq of shjll fragmcms Mow * ;. ~

number of hammer blows required for penetration of the
split spoon attached to the wire !ine was reeorded, While
the wire-linesampling procedure is unlike that used in the
conventional standard penetration test, both procedures
% _ ..:@, . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . _.*~
‘* -7’5- - ---- “ —
appear to give about thfisame driving resistancc in blows
,30:” .- --& .--~——
—. !, per foot, A log of Boring 2 is shown in Fig. 5.

— ,, --9( Laboratory tests were run on all piston samples fmm
—. -.——.—4——
.--. --. — Boring 1to determine minimum, maximum, and natural
, densities. The results are presented gmphically in Fig. 6.
- .- :,, 1 ..10(
— .
,of* W:l,,,,.,
. . J. .l...LA_ 1’ _J_.~. .
The relative densities computed from those indicated in
cCUPLET [91, CXPTII .95 DATE A,Qu’t 20.196! Fig. 6 are compared with driving resistance of the sam-
pler in Fig. 7.
Fig. 5—Log of Boring 2. In addition to density determinations, a mechanical


~0 20 40 60 60 100
DENSITY IN LB PER CU FT ,........... -’””””””w ‘
% w:; ,,,...
10 t

30 — +


?0 /

60 {
80 -y a -?4.8s


soL_ .I .-L. l_.J_J-7411 Fig, 7—Results of standard penetrationtest G,d relative-density
Fig. 6—Results of density tests on piston samples. values determinedfrom piston samp@s.

MARCH, 1978 345


1- =
$ i%
z ;
g a
c s
+ l--
i% z
E u


Fig. 8—Range of grain sizes.

analysis test was run on selected piston samples to deter- in the top 40 ft. At Boring 1this stratum was classified as
mine their groin-size distribution. Six mechanical anal- fine sand, while the same stratum in Boting 2 was cktssi-
yses we~ run.1 Grain-size ranges from these tests are fied as silty fine sand. These differences appear to pro-
shown in Fig. 8. duce only a slight difference in the pullout capacity of
Piles 1and 2.
Summary of Soil Investigation
The sand striitum at the site was underlain by two layers Pullout Test Procedure
of clay. The upper layer was from – 35- to - 45-ft. Before loads were applied to the pile, each s~ain-gauge
elevation, and the second layer began at a – 65-ft eleva- channel was balanced and the zero-load readings were
tion and still was evident in the last sample at -80 ft. recorded. Loads then were applied in 20,000-lb incre-
Sand at the test site varied from uniformly graded, fine ments. As a particular load was reached, it was held
sand to uniformly graded, silty, fine sand, with from Oto constant for 1 minute before strain and deflection read-
15 percent of the fines passing the No. 200 sieve. Clas- ings wem taken and during the 90 seconds required to
sification of the sand based on N values~ indicated a record the strain data and to read the dial indicators.
medium dense sand from Oto 20 ft and a dense sand from Loads then were incremed to the next load level in a
20 to 40 ft and from 50 to 70 ft. Classification of the period of about 30 seconds. After the pile had failed, that
material based on the relative density values~ from is, started moving excessively for a very small increase in
Boring 1 indicated a medium sand from 5 to IOft. while load, the load was decreased, Strain readings were taken
the rest of the material was a dense sand. Relative densi- at convenient load levels until all the load was removed.
ties of the sand were high. ranging from 85 to 100 During all the pullout tests, the water table was main-
percent. tained several inches above the ground surface to simu-
Classification of material from Boring 1 compared late offshore conditions.
with Boring 2 shows a slight variation in the sand deposit
Pullout Teats
AXIAL LOAD , lbS X 103 TWOpullout tes~,were performed on Pile 2. The first test
was conductedApril 4, 1966, before lateralloading of the
pile; the second was performed April 18 and followed a

series of static- and cyclic-load tests on the pile.1
Only one pullout test was conducted on Pile 1. It was
done April 20, 1966, after all lateral-load tests on the pile
had been completed.
.. . Summary of Pullout Test Data
Fig. 9 shows load vs deflection for each test, The de-
flection used in these plots was obtained from linear-
dispiacement transducer data.
Analysis of Test Data
i—_L__l_.J_J__LJ_L-J ‘ – 1 Pile Failure L~ds
In these tests, the failure load was selected at the point on
Fig. 9—Load-ffeflection cuwes.


the load-deflectioncurve where a further increase in load TABLE l—PULLOUT FAILURE LOADS
would cause a significant increase in deflection. Failure Load
The failure load .is the result of the dead weight of the . ..-.Pile
-. Test Sequence (kips)
pile, tile soil plug inside the pile, water inside the pile, Mustang2” P&t6;al ,Load Tests 387
buoyancy at the bottom of the pile, and soil friction on the Mustang2 Postlateral-LoadTests .391
outside of the pile. The adjusted failure load is defined as Mustang 1 Postlateral-LoadTests 445
the amount of failure load resisted by skin friction along
the outside wall of the pipe pile. The adjusted failure load TABLE 2-COEFFICIENTS OF LATERALEART I QRESSURE
for each test is tabulated in Table 1, FOR ENTIRE DEPTH OF SAND
The curves shown in Fig. 9 and the data in Table 1 Pile ..-. Sequence K Values
show that lateral loading had little or no effect on the Mustat~g2 Prelateral-LoadT&t 0.78”
failure load. The difference in the shape of the two Mustang2 Postlateral-LoadTest 0.79
curves, for prelateral loading and postlateral loading, is Mustang 1 Postlateral-Lear!Test 0.91
Load-Distribution Curves FOR EACH SAND STRATUM
Typical load-distribution curves are shown a!ong the K Values
instrumented pile section for the prelateral-load test of Sand Strata
Pile 2 in Fig, 10, Apparently, most of the scatter shown in Pile Sequence oto35ft 45 to 65 ft
the data resulted from misalignment of the strain ga~ges, Mu&ang2 Pr61ater&Load Test O.i?f) 1.05
variations in gauge constants, and variations in the pilc- Mustang2 Postlateral-LoadTest 0.30 1.06
wall thickness. These effects could have been canceled Mustang 1 Postlateral-LoadTest 0.34 1.23
by calibrating the piles with axial loads.
An interesting characteristic of these curves and of all Using the second assumption, the unit load transfer or
load-distribution curves for the iristrumentedupper 29 ft skin fraction at any depth on a steel pile maybe expressed
of the piles was the small amount of load removed by the by the foilowirtgequation:
soil, In every case, the load removed accounted for only ~:= K,p:tanc&’, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
about 20 percent of the applied load. After cyclic lateral
loading, a smal! additional amount of the applied axial where
load was removed by the soil in the upper 29 ft. K: = coefficient of lateral earth pressure at
depth z,
Discussion of Transfer of Load From Pile to Soil
p: = effective overburden pressure at depth:,
Considering a section of an axially loaded pile and the
surrounding sand when the maximum load trmtsfer is 4:’ = angle of friction between the sand and the
present between pile and soil, the section of pile appar- pile at depth z.
ently must have moved to cause the load-transfer In general, the parameters K: and @:’vary with depth,
development. The .esuiting sand-grain movement is in- but their evaluation is not possible from the available
determinate: however, there are two assumed limiting data, However, an approximate analysis can be made to
conditions that lead to a simple analytical procedure. determine average values of K: (called K) if the value of
First, it ctm be assumed that the wall of the piie is rough +’ can be inferred from laboratory data,
and that some sand grains are likely to be carried along as The Iateraiearth-pressure coefficients shown in Table
the pile moves. In this case, a failure surface develops in 2 were computed by assuming that K is constant along the
the soil near the pile face. Second, it can be assumed that entire length of the pile portion embedded in sand. The
the wall of the pile is relatively smooth, in which case the load transferredfrom the pile into the sand was computed
failure surface is at the interface of the pile and the sand. by subtracting from the failure ioad that portion of the
The Ia..t assumption is more consewative and more load assumed to be trdnsfemed to the ciay, There were
nearly agrees wii available experimental evidence. clay strata between an elevation of -35 and -45 ft and
beiow -65 ft. Severai pile experimefiLsreported in the
AXIAL LOAO, pounds n 103
technicai Iiterature established that load transfer in a
cohesive soii is approximated by a fraction of the undis-
turbed shear strength of the soil. An estimated load of 41
kips was transferred to the ciay.
The coefficients in Table 3 were computed in much the
same way as before, except that experimental data from
strain-gauge readings were used to obtain the portion of,
the ioad transferred to the upper layer of sand. The load
transferred to the iower sand iayer was obtained by sub-
traction, with the load tmnsferred to the clay strata com-
puted as before. We wanted to use the strain-gauge data
to obtain the ioad distribution as a function of depth,
allowing the K vaiues to be computed as a function of
depth. Unfortunately, these data did not provide that
degree of discrimination.
Hg. 10—Load-distribution, Pile 2: prelateral-loadtests. Fig. 1i shows a psotof theK values from Table 3 vs the
MARCH, 1978 347
., .. w -L
corresponding mid-de~f$s”~fde Wsp&tiVe~~~ sirata, sand volume, if the grains have been placed by nature
The solid line indicateslhe bes~kitfor the MustatmIsland with anything less than the densest packing,
data, while the dashed iine k the lower,boun~ of the Further, imagine the pile as a vibrator, vibrating both
Mustang Island data. The data suggest d.$alueof zero for longitudinally and laterally. Sand grains in the vicinity of
K at the ground surface. the pile are set in motion and probably move downward
Using the experimental evidence, the value of K for and outward, relative to their original positions. As the
open-pipe piles driven’ into sand like that at Mustang pile tip moves pmt a given position, the sand grains
Island can k found with the following equation: undergo their maximum displacement. After much of the
K= KLZ, . .,.,,.,,. . .,,.,.,., . . . . . . . . . . (2) pile has moved past a given position, the sand grains are
relatively motionless, except for a possible small in-
where and-out movement resulting from the lateral vibrationsof
KI =0,0167, ft-’, the pile.
and When pile driving is stopped, the pressurebetween the
sand and the pile wall probably will be much less than the
z = depth below ground surface, ft. lateral pressure among sand grains at some distance from
This equation is indicated by the dashed line in Fig. 11, the pile wall, Because of arching, the lateral soil stresses
flow around the pih~instead of impinging against it. The
Discussion result is the same as if a right circular cylinder was
Considering the phenomenon of the interaction of a pile embedded somehow in a sand stxatumand then forced to
and the surrounding sand during pile driving allows decrease slightly in diameter. A natural arch develops in
speculation about the increase in K with depth, As a the sand grains, and is stabilized by light pressure from
section of pile is driven into soil, there are two explana- the cylinder, The earth pressure follows the stiff arch in
tions for the soil “sbehavior in accommodating the em- the sand grains, rather than acting directly on the pile
bedded volume. wall.
1, There is a bearing-capacity failure, and a soil vol- As points are considered along the pile at increasing
ume equal to the volume of the embedded pile is heaved depths, it can be assumed that the additional overburden
above the original ground surface. pressure acts to hold the sand grains closer to the pile
2. There is a decrease in soil volume near the pile wall. Thus, the lateral pressure relative to the overburden
caused by densification and there is little or no heave, or, pressure increases with depth, In other words, the value
more commonly, the ground surface actually may settle, of K increases with depth, as observed in these
showing a total volume change in the soil even greater experiments.
than the embedded pile volume.
The first phenomenon described normally is observed Conclusions
for piles driven into saturated clay. The volume of the No adequate explanations can be given for the effects of
saturated clay cannot be changed rapidly because it can- pile driving on the sand properties, for the stress condi-
not drain readily. Little change in volume is associated tions in the pile and sand following the installation of the
with any possible increase in total stress. pile, and for the interaction of the pile and sand under
The second phenomenon described above normally load. Therefore, it is not possible now to present a ra-
is observed for piles driven into sand. A conical-shaped tional theory for the design of axially loadedpiles in sand.
depression was observed around the piles. i The pore The data obtained in these expenmermsshould be use-
spaces in a sand are relatively large, permitting rapid and ful to designers, The analysis of the data presented in Fig.
easy waterpassage. A decrease in the void ratio can occur 11 is interesting, but is by no means conclusive, Addi-
bemuse of vibration and a consequent decrease in the tional load tests of instrumented piles installed in sand are
K Acknowledgments
I .0 1.5
I I 1 I I I I Francis D. Koop and Berry R. Grubbs participated
actively in the experimental studies and data reduction.
These studies were sponsored by Amoco Production
. Co., Chevron Oil Field Research Co., Exxon Production
20 -
Research Co., Mobil Research and Development Corp.,
and Shell Development Co. Shell Development Co, was
the operator of the project.

1. Cox, W. R. and Reese. L. C.: “Field Testingof Latemlly Loaded
Piles in Sand. “’ paper OTC 2079 presented M the Sixffr Annual
I Limit of Gperience 65 ft - I 2. Peck, R. B., Hanson, W. E., and Thornbum, T. H.: Fowtdwiw
.!i%gimvift.~, John Wiley& Sons, Inc. t New York ( 1953).
3. Terzaghi. Karl: “Evaluation of Cwfticien[s of Subgmdc Reac-
!ion, ” Geokdwiqm ( Dec. 19S5) 5,297-326. Jl?T
OWnal Paper racwved n Socrnryof Pelroleun Engnaers oflce March 19, 1976.
Paper a~pled for publ[cetonAwI 4, 1977. Rewed manuacnpt recmed June 14.
Fig, 11—Variation of the coefficients of lateral earth pressures 1977, Pa~r &iPE 6285) fmsl presented al the E@dh Annual offshore Temobw
with depth. bnfereMW,Md in Houston, May 3.6,1976.


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