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A Research Paper Presented to

Ms. Shaira R. Mendoza

In Partial Fulfillent of Requirements

For Practical Research II


Corrales, Jeru C.
Pecaso, Carl Angelo S.
Quines, Philip Vincent
Baylon, Catherine
Corrales, Marian C.
Manacop, Fionah Marie M.
Quines, Relyn A.
Chapter I



In today's competitive academic environment where students have many

choices available to them, factors that empower educational institutions to attract and
retain students should be seriously studied. Higher education institutions, which want
to gain competitive edge in the future, may need to begin searching for effective and
creative ways to attract, taim and foster stronger relationships with students. As a
private organization, it has to depend on the interaction and mechanism of the market.
Student satisfaction has become a major challenge for the universities and it has been
recognized that student satisfaction is the major source of competitive advantage and
this satisfaction also leads towards student retention attraction for new students and
positive word of mouth communication, as well (Arambewela &Hall). It has been
recognized and reported in earlier studies that long term survival. As time goes by,
change is always happening to us along with these changes are the enhancement and
innovation to help our country grow and develop by adding two or more years to the
secondary level which they called “The K-12 program” or Senior High. It is consists
of four different tracks, and one of these is the Academic track that also has four
strands, Accountancy Business and Management or ABM is one of these.
It focuses on the basic concepts of financial management, business handling, and
other things that are accounted for. It helps students enhance their skills and gain
more knowledge in order to be eligible in the corporate world. This strand is for
students who want to become business leaders and entrepreneurs. And other academic
tracks include STEM, HUMSS, and GAS. And non-academic tracks include ICT,
TECH VOC, SMAW, and ICT. The issue is that the researchers want to know if
ABM students are actually happy with their chosen strand. They also want to see if
there is a link between it and academic performance of students. It will be an issue for
some kids who are dissatisfied with their strand because it will effect their study
habits, as well as their path to college or the future. For students who are still having
second thoughts and sentiments about their strand, this will be an issue. It will have an
impact on them after they graduate from SHS. If students choose a course that is not
related to ABM, they will have to handle several subjects that they did not cover in
SHS. If they are having second thoughts, it will impair their performance in the room.
It will also be a problem for their parents if they are unaware of what is going on. The
researchers chose this topic because the researchers want to know if strand
satisfaction will have relationship to their academic performance. And also to help
those students who are having difficulties in academic performance because of strand

The study focused on three main objectives including the role of satisfaction on
students' academic performance, the relationship between satisfaction of students and
academic performance and exploring the other factors that contribute academic
performance. The research found that satisfaction promotes both academic
achievement and retention of the student. The findings of the study were supported by
Hassani and Aghdasi (2014) their study examined the relationship academic
performance and satisfaction and stress of female student. Their study found that
getting academic degree is not all of the success, but attaining satisfaction is the actual
meaning of success. Many people achieved the highest levels of academic degrees but
didn't enjoy their life spent for study. For this, education and training based on
students' satisfaction is one of the main duties of researchers and planners of
educational system (Ezzat et al., 2009). According to Afzaal Ali and Israr Ahmed
(2011) studied the key factors for determining students' satisfaction in distance
learning courses: A Study of Allama Iqbal Open University. Their study revealed that
the satisfaction of a student can be determined from his level of pleasure as well as the
effectiveness of the education that the student experiences. In this regard, satisfaction
can be considered as the act of satisfying a need or desire in achieving a planned goal.


Relationship of Strand Satisfaction to the Academic Performance of ABM Grade

12 Students in Tanauan Institute Inc:

1. What is the percentage of students who are satisfied on their strand and have a
high academic performance?

2. What is the percentage of students who are not satisfied on their strand and have a
low academic performance?

3. Is there a relationship between strand satisfaction and academic performance of

ABM Grade 12 students in terms of happiness, contentment, and interest in Tanauan
Institute Inc?


Corwyn (2004), life satisfaction has become an important psychological variable

prior to adulthood, and research in this area, as well as other related domains such as
subjective well-being and quality of life, has been useful in explaining people's
reactions to various life circumstances, particularly challenging and stressful
situations. Bradley and Corwyn, 2004). “Happiness materializes when basic needs
and fulfilled”. Therefore, students can choose their strand if they thinks that strand
can help them and make them happy, to achieve their satisfaction. Sockalingam
(2012), This study reports the interrelation between students' satisfaction on 5 aspects
of homogenized learning and their performance. The 5 aspects at satisfaction heading
in the right direction content, course style, course book of facts, on-line discussion,
and assessment. information from a student analysis exercise command in Gregorian
calendar month 2010, involving 2719 students from twelve business courses tutored
in an exceedingly homogenized format at a Singapore University were used for this
study. Hamre & Pianta, (2001), students can engage academically and socially in a
productive way when the teachers build a positive vibes and bond with the students.
The classroom will be supportive space between the students and the teachers because
if you’re satisfied with your strand then you will also have good relation with your
teachers. The relationship between the teachers and the students for low income
students are important in high school stems intervention studies aimed at improving
academic outcome (Murray & Malmgren, 2005). The relationship between the
lecturers and the students are also important in institutions. This is because lecturers
are the main reference for the student if the students are facing difficulties in their
study and will help students to have good effect on their academic performance.



Gathering information Interview by the students. Analyze and interview
using books and internet the information gather
then prepare the from the survey and
questionnaire for the interview the finalize the
survey reaming chapter.

Figure 1


The following are the null hypothesis in this research: There is no significant
relationship between the Relationship of Strand Satisfaction to the Academic
Performance of ABM Grade 12 students in Tanauan Institute Inc. There is no
significant relationship between the Relationship of Strand Satisfaction to the
Academic Performance of ABM Grade 12 students in Tanauan Institute Inc.


This study focuses on the relationship of strand satisfaction to the academic

performance of random students of ABM strand in Tanauan Institute Inc. The scope
of this study is to know the reasons why not be discussing the other strands. It
determines of what are the implications of relationship of strand satisfaction. The
researchers will conduct a survey questionnaire and an interview as an instrument in
gathering data. All information and conclusions drawn in the study were obtained
only to their particular group of the students. Due to the large number of grade 12
students the research will limit the number of participants by selecting respondents on
ABM students with different section in Tanauan Institute Inc.


Students. This study will give ideas and knowledge to the students who are satisfied
and not satisfied in their chosen strand that will affect their academic performance.

Parents. This research will give information to the parents of the students that will
affect their academic performance.

Teacher. This research will give information to the teachers about their students who
are satisfied with their chosen strand. And for them to motivate those students who
are not satisfied on their chosen strand to have a good effect on their academic

Society .This study will give help to the society in making the right decision that will
affect into good performance.

Future researchers .This study will help them to identify different students who are
satisfied on their strand and what will be the relationship of it on their academic


Accounting- the skill, system, or job of keeping the financial records of a business or

Business- the activity of making, buying, or selling goods or providing services in

exchange for money.

Contentment -the state of being happy and satisfied Eligible- qualified to participate
or be chosen.

Entrepreneurs - one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or

Financial management- is an organic function of any business. Any organization

needs finances to obtain physical resources, carry out the production activities and
other business operations, pay compensation to the suppliers, etc.

Happiness- an experience that makes you happy Interest- a feeling of wanting to

learn more about something or to be involved in something
Management- the act or skill of controlling and making decisions about a business,
department, sports team, etc. Satisfaction- is a feeling of happiness that obtain when a
person fulfilled his or her needs and desires.



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies of the sub-
topics of the research.

Most studies concern causality between the satisfaction and performance are
conducted in the industrial management. The School of Human Relations stated that
employee satisfaction affects individual output (Vroom, 1964). Porter and Lawler
(1967) reaffirmed the strong relationship between performance and satisfaction, but
reversed the order of cause and effect. In their view, satisfaction will be lower if
rewards were not directly linked to performance (1968). Siegel and Bowen (1971)
designed their study to test Porter and Lawler’s theory. They found that satisfaction
was dependent upon performance. Shedding the light of the study of retention onto
the field of higher education, the effect of dissatisfaction upon turnover and
absenteeism was noted by Landy (1985) and Locke (1976), which in many ways was
similar to Bean’s study of retention (1980).

Bizot and Goldman (1993) found that satisfaction accounted for significant
variance in the prediction of performance. Validation that Satisfaction has more
influence upon performance than performance upon satisfaction came from Pike’s
study (1989). Sanders and Burton (1996) found that compared to students who did not
come back after freshmen year, returning students are more satisfied with their
academic experiences and levels of personal growth . In the retention model, they
found that the freshmen that were most likely to leave DePaul had lower academic
performance and low institutional commitment. The exact order of the relationship
between satisfaction and Performance however, was not explicitly specified.


This chapter discusses the essence of the research design, the study's respondents,
and the data collection instrument. It also refers to the statistical analysis of data that
allows researchers to arrive at definitive conclusions.

Research Design
The study is a quantitative design to investigate the relationship of strand
satisfaction to the academic performance of ABM students in Tanauan Institute
Senior High School. Students were assessed by using survey instrument. This study
will be using random sampling. According to James Jones, random sampling is
analogous to putting everyone’s name into a hat and drawing out several names. Each
element in the population has an equal chance of occurring.

According to James Jones, is similar to throwing everyone's name in a hat and

drawing various names from it. The study is a quantitative design to explore the
association between strand satisfaction and academic performance of ABM students
in Tanauan Institute Senior High School. A survey tool was used to evaluate the
students.The current study used descriptive statistics in order to measure the strand
satisfaction and academic performance of ABM students. Correlation analysis was
carried at in order to find out the relationship between the given variables.

Subject of the Study

During the academic year 2021-2022 at least 50 students from Tanauan

Institute’s Department of Accounting Business and Management will be randomly
selected as study respondents. There are approximately 25 males and 25 females
among the total number of respondents.

Research Instrument

The researches gathered information for the questionnaires, which served as the
study’s main method. The instrument had several components that were needed for
the collection of study-related data. The data for the student profile was collected
using a checklist and a questionnaire in this report. The first section of the survey
focused on the significance to the Academic Performance.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher ask permission to some students from Grade 12-Abm of Tanauan
Institute through Messenger to conduct their study. The questionnaire distributted
personally to the respondent through google form and request them to accomplish the
questionnaire as honestly and sincerely as possible to attain the purpose of the study.
Statistical Treatment of Data

Senior high school students' responses to the questionnaire were statistically

analyzed in accordance with the study's data requirements. With the study's data
instruments, students were statistically evaluated. Frequency count, mean, percent,
and rank are examples of descriptive statistics.

     The researchers used an effective statistical treatment in evaluating and

interpreting the data obtained to meet the research's requirements. These are presented

   Frequency and Percentage.

 This was used to determine the respondents’ profile.

   Weighted Mean.

 This was utilized to assess the management on human resource on student

publication employed by the respondents.


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