SAT English

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School of Tomorrow

Addis Ababa
2016/17 A.Y .3rd Quarter SAT English 3rd Model
for Prep II.
Time allowed: 1:30min
April 10/2017
Invigilators name Sign Exam room
__________________________ ______________________

Name _______________________________________________________________________________ Sec _________________________________

I. Give the synonyms for the following words in capital letters (1 – 15)
A. evil C. happiness
B. emotion D. anxiety
A. argue C. manage
B. plan D. compel
A. measure C. search
B. spend D. collect
A. information C. correction
B. promise D. protection
A. recorder C. deterrent
B. deputy D. agent
A. lasting C. virgin
B. sharp D. untouched

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A. reduce C. avoid
B. jail D. control
A. wretched C. annoyed
B. lazy D. proud
A. annoyed C. amused
B. bored D. interested
A. invention C. composition
B. meeting D. entertainment
A. sensitive C. consistent
B. obedient D. illogical
A. compress C. explain
B. spell D. divide
A. keep fit C. cut out
B. repeat D. return
A. corresponding C. hidden
B. uncertain D. average
A. sparkling C. spongy
B. elastic D. clinging

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In each of the sentences below, a word or a phrase is underlined from the choices
given, choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the
original sentence if were substituted for the underlined word (16 – 20)
16. The method was esoteric, but the doctors tried to make it comprehensible to
A. invisible C. difficult to use
B. easily influenced D. understood by only a few
17. These infinitesimally small viruses cannot be seen even with a microscope
A. arbitrarily B. obligatorily C. extremely D. surprisingly
18. The service culminated in a tribute to Clare Schmidt, a woman of great stature.
A. ended with C. began with
B. climaxed in D. was held for
19. The government of that country is a despotism; the president will not
tolerate any objections to her rulings, and her word is law.
A. democracy B. tyranny C. farce D. fake
20. Mulat’s insult evoked an immediate response his girlfriend slapped him
A. produced C. avoided
B. resulted from D. ended

Sentence completion
Direction: for each question in this section, select the best answer from
among the choices given.
21. Soon after adopting a syllabic system of writing, the Greeks made the
final step to a phonetic alphabet, dividing the consonants from the voles
and writing each _________.
A. formally D. mysteriously
B. abstractly E. accurately
C. separately
22. The stranger was actually smaller than I thought; his stature was _____
by the alarm he caused as he loomed up suddenly in the dark alley.

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A. Worsened C. disparaged
B. Magnified D. disfigured E. admonished
23. Although the risk of a nuclear accident remained ______, the public’s
concern about such an accident gradually _____.
A. Steady… wanted D. obvious … endured
B. Acute … persisted E. pressing … remained
C. Unclear … shifted
24. Prior to the American entrance into World War I, President Woodrow
Wilson strove to maintain the ________ of the United States, warning both
sides against encroachments on American interests.
A. Involvement D. Magnanimity
B. Belligerence E. neutrality
C. Versatility
25. The graceful curves of the colonial-era buildings that dominated the old
part of the city contrasted sharply with the modern, _______ subway
statrons and made the latter appear glaringly out of place.
A. Festive C. angular
B. Grimy D. gigantic E. efficient
26. Bird species ________ to this island were exterminated by feral cats,
_______ to pets abandoned here decades ago by sailors.
A. Provincial… competitors D. unusual… signals
B. Harmless … liberators E. benign… ancestors
C. indigenous … descendants
27. Unfortunately, the treasurer’s plan to get the company out of debt ______
gaining access to certain furds that may never become a reliable.
A. Speaks to C. delves into
B. Treats with D. metes out E. hinges on
28. Based on factual _______ rather than conjecture, Dr. Singh’s report will
______ previously held views about the nesting habits of the rare species.
A. Conjecture … ignore D. projections …corroborate

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B. Evidence … refute E. documentation … inspire
C. Theory … regare
29. Gary was _____ about the ________ of his family heir 100ms and personal
mementos in the fire.
A. Depressed … meaning D. mournful … insurance
B. Noncommittal … eradication D. distraught … destruction
C. Incensed … recovery
30. Many novels by the Bronte sisters and other 19 th century female authors
were initially published under masculine _______ in the belief that works
by ________ authors would meet more favorable reception.
A. Monikers … patriarchal D. pseudonyms … male
B. Aliases … established E. criteria … talented
C. Rubrics … famous
31. In 1883, _______ eruption of mount Krakaroo killed many thousands of
people and ______ haroc on the coasts of java and Sumatra.
A. A fateful … diminished D. a blistering … authorized
B. An inoffensive … spawned E. a disastrous … wreaked
C. An immoral … reigned
32. The discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls in the 1940s quickly _______ the
popular imagination but the precise significance of the scrolls is still ____
by scholars.
A. Impressed … understood
B. Alarmed … obscured
C. Troubled … perceived
D. sparked … disputed
E. eluded … debated
33. In Kafka’s characteristically surreal story “The Hunger Artist,” the main
character “entertains” the public by starving himself until he is too
_______ to survive.
A. Glutted C. emaciated

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B. Lachrymose D. superfluous E. satiated
34. Recent editions of the chine classic teaching, based on manuscripts more
authoritative than those hitherta available, have rendered previous editions_______.
A. Incomprehensible D. obsolete
B. Interminable E. illegible
C. Inaccessible
35. Despite their outward resemblance, the brothers could not be more
________ temperamentally; while one is quiet and circumspect, the other
is brash and __________.
A. Inimical … timid D. different … forgiving
B. Passionate … superficial E. alike … respectful
C. Dissimilar … audacious
36. Her scholarly rigor and capacity for _________ enabled her to undertake
research projects that less __________ people would have found too
difficult and tedious.
A. Fanaticism… slothful D. negligence … dedicated
B. Comprehension … indolent E. concentration … disciplined
C. Analysis … careless
37. Even if _______ life exists elsewhere in the universe, we humans may
never know it, since it may be impossible for us to _______ with these
alien beings.
A. Avaricious … confer D. lachrymose … traipse
B. Prodigal … reside
C. Sentient … communicate
Answer the following analogy questions

38. TRIANGLE: PYRAMID D. Square: box

A. Cone: circle 39. GERM: DISEASE
B. Corner: angle A. Trichinosis: Pork
C. Tube: cylinder B. Men: woman

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C. Doctor: medicine C. Rotation: revolution
D. war: destruction D. Curve: pitch
A. Window: bedroom
B. Sink: bathroom
C. Television: living room
D. Trunk: attic
A. Natium: state
B. Flag: loyalty
C. Ldaho: Montana
D. Property: fence
A. Water: country
B. Ships: commerce
C. Diameter: circle
D. Locks: waterway
A. Class: principal
B. Mouse: scenario
C. Actor: playwright
D. Magazine: editor
A. Pinnacle: nadir
B. Mountain: peak
C. Sea: ocean
D. Breaker: swimming
A. Ellipsis: speech
B. Square: circle

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46. CHOP: MINCE B. Apple: red
A. Fry: bake C. Pepper: bitter
B. Meat: cake D. School: elementary
C. Axe: mallet 49. SONG: SWAN
D. Stir: beat A. TUNE: goose
47. SUGAR: SACCHARIN B. Speech: orator
A. Candy: cake C. Bird: tweet
B. Hog: lard D. Call: telephone
C. Cane: stalk 50. ASYLUM: REFUGEE
D. Butter: margarine A. Flight: escape
48. LARCENY: GRAND B. Peace: war
A. Theft: daring C. Lunatic: insanity
D. Destination: traveler


In each sentence, a word or a phrase is underlined. Below each sentence

are four other words or phrases. Choose the one word or phrase which
would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were
substituted for the underlined word.

51. How many people do you figure on inviting to the grand opening?
A. Desire B. add C. estimate D. keep away
52. She was naturally apprehensive at the prospect of meeting her future
mother in-law.
A. Quiet B. strong C. resigned D. fearful
53. The politician promised to be candid, but we wondered.
A. Sweet B. open and frank C. casual D. discreet
54. The candidate felt that his academic credentials were sufficient to win
him the job.
A. Important C. costly
B. Educational D. experience

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55. The president considered the vote on his tax bill to be crucial.
A. Extremely important
B. Unimportant
C. Hard fought
D. Far off
56. The rule states that if a boxer is knocked down, he must stay down for a
mandatory eight seconds.
A. Long C. obligatory
B. Delayed D. important
57. It is the one indispensable item in the suitcase, and I forgot it.
A. Temporary C. indiscernible
B. Essential D. forgettable
58. June played the role of an unsophisticated country girl who’d come to
the city for her first job.
A. Overweight C. illiterate
B. Poorly clothed D. naïve
59. It was no surprise when we were told that our grandfather had passed
A. Survived C. died
B. Slipped D. gone on a trip
60. Lately, Leslie always seems to be in an introspective mood.
A. Querulous C. covert
B. Contemplative D. outgoing

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