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An Urgent Legislative Alert--Planned Parenthood to Get Increas...

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Urgent Action Alert

Call your representatives in Dover today to stop a proposed 25.5% increase in state funding to Planned Parenthood this year!!

Dear Friends, Attached below is an urgent alert from our allies at Delaware Right to Life about an increase in funding that Planned Parenthood of Delaware will receive today unless your calls to Delaware's General Assembly stop it. Call the your legislators today, the last day of the session, in Dover at the numbers listed below. . You can call until midnight tonight, as they will likely be in session into the morning. Yours in Christ, Ellen Barrosse President A Rose and a Prayer

Delaware Right to Life Urgent Action Alert

Your urgent calls and emails are needed TODAY! By tomorrow, your tax dollars will

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An Urgent Legislative Alert--Planned Parenthood to Get Increas...

have been distributed according to how our legislators see fit. And YOUR calls and emails make a difference!!

Planned Parenthood stands to receive more than a 25% increase in grant-in-aid funding. Let's not forget...this is the organization that, across the country, lies to clients about the development of an unborn baby and aids s*x traffickers.

And right here in our state, PP Delaware hosted a focus group in cooperation with the State of Delaware Dept. of Health, to discuss what kinds of things they would like to bring into our public schools. The group was attended by one of our members. Here is some of the content that came out of that meeting (WARNING: graphic material follows. Asterisks are used to bypass spam filters): According to Delaware's Planned Parenthood, our public schools should ensure that: By age five your child will: Know that touching yourself for pleasure is normal, That a woman does not have to have a baby unless she wants to, Ages 5 - 7: Should know that people experience s*xual pleasure in a number of ways, Should know that s*xual identity includes s*xual orientation - lesbian, gay, strait, or bis*xual. Ages 8 - 12: Should know that s*x is pleasurable, not only a way to have a baby, Should know how to protect against s*xualy transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy Should know what abortion is, Should know about contraceptive methods, Should know that a woman does not need to have s*x to get pregnant, Should know that no one has to become a parent, Should know that contraceptive options are available including emergency contraception, Should know how to get contraceptives, Should be able to talk about how pregnancy can be avoided Should be able to name a variety of contraceptives

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An Urgent Legislative Alert--Planned Parenthood to Get Increas...

Keep in mind - This comes from Planned Parenthood of DELAWARE! Is this the kind of material you want your children to learn in school??

This is an organization that doesn't deserve a dime of our tax dollars, let alone a 25% increase! And don't forget - even though PP claims they don't use tax money for abortions, any tax money they do receive simply frees up other monies to provide abortions. Not to mention, it's used to bring the above "resources" to our young schoolchildren!

Click here to find your legislators and contact them TODAY!

This is it! We need all of you to call to make a difference!


Nicole Collins

How to Contact Dover Today Senate Office Numbers Democratic Offices Phone (302) 744-4286 Fax (302) 739-6890 Republican Offices Phone (302) 744-4048 Fax (302) 739-5049 House Office Numbers Democratic Offices Phone (302) 744-4351 Fax (302) 739-2313 Republican Offices Phone (302) 744-4171 Fax (302) 739-2773

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An Urgent Legislative Alert--Planned Parenthood to Get Increas...

Our legislators are saying that if they vote no on the increase to Planned Parenthood that they will also have to de-fund nursing homes and fire departments, which are funded in the same bill. The legislators that gave PP this increase have known for some time that Delawareans are opposed to funding Planned Parenthood at all, but they gave them a 25.5% increase. It should be up to them to fix the problem now. Please ask your legislator to fix this issue in any way possible.

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