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Teaching Speech Examples

Prosody Practice Sentence: A KEY strategy for clear TEACHING speech / is to emphasize

important WORDS / and move your PITCH at the end of each THOUGHT group.

Lecture Speech Example:

So have you all heard that planting trees can make our cities greener, cleaner and

healthier? Ya, most of us have. But today we are going to learn how during heat waves, city

trees can actually boost air pollution. That’s right – boost air pollution. As you will read in

the article assigned for this week, there is a new study that found that up to 60 percent of

the smoggy ozone in a city’s air on hot days can be traced to chemicals emitted by trees.

The findings might seem the opposite of what you would expect right? But the truth is that

trees can have multiple effects. So how is it that trees actually contribute to ozone? What

we have all probably learned is that trees benefit the air, helping soak up storm water that

might otherwise drain into rivers and providing cooling shade on blistering summer days.

Trees even soak up carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas, and release oxygen into the

air, right? But in fact oxygen is not the only gas that trees and certain other green plants

release into the air. Another released gas is a hydrocarbon known as isoprene…isoprene.

That’s an important term to remember. This gas can react with combustion pollutants

such as nitrogen oxides from vehicles. What is produced from this reaction? Yes, it’s the

formation of ozone which as we all know can irritate the lungs, aggravate airway diseases

such as asthma, and contribute to global warming.

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