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Chapter 3 Forces and energy

Unit 3.5 Ways of transferring thermal energy

Heat and particle movement

● Vigorously: Vigorously means with more speed and more space.

● When any substance is heated, the particles in tha substance srat to move to faster
In solids, the particles move by vibrating around in fixed positions.
● The vibrations gets faster when the solid is heated
● Solids expand when heated.
● When the particles vibrate more vigorously, they take up more space.

● In liquids, the particles also vibrate, but the particles are not in fixed positions.
● When the liquid is heated the particles vibrate faster and move around faster.
● When the thermal energy increases the particles take up more space.
● Liquids expand when heated.

● In gases the particles are far apart and move in straight lines until they collide with
another particles move faster and collide with more force and more frequently.
● The particles will take up more space in a heated gas.
● Gas expands when heated.

● Conduction is when heat moves from one object to another object through direct
● Conduction works best in solids.
● Where the particles are close together and can only move by vibrating.
● Metals are the best conductors of heat because of the way the particles are arranged.
E.g: Conductors of heat: Metals and stone are considered good conductors since they
can speedily transfer heat.
Bronze, Copper, Gold, Graphite, and Iron.
● Wood, plastic , and fabrics (such as wool and cotton) are bad conductors of heat.
● Electricity is an insulator.
● Bad heat conductors are good thermal insulators.
● Conductor: A conductor is an object or type of material that allows the flow of charge
● Insulator: insulator is any type of material that blocks the flow of charge.
● Conduction: Transfer of thermal energy through direct contact.
● Conduction does not work well in liquids because the particles move around when
heated instead of vibrating.
● Conduction`does not work well in gases because the particles are far apart and the
collisions are very frequent.
Collison: Collision takes place when particles, aggregates of particles, or solid bodies
move toward each other and come near enough to interact and exert a mutual influence.

● Convection is when the transfer of heat through the movement of liquid or
● Taking up more space means the volume increases.
● The upward movement of warmer liquid or gas is called convection.
● Colder, more dense parts of the liquid and gas than sink down to occupy the
● These colder parts are closer to the source of heat and they get heated.
● The movement around the heated liquid or gas is classed a convection
● The convection current causes all of the liquid or gas to eventually become
● Convention cannot happen in solids because the particles are not free not
● Hot, less dense water rises.
● Cooler water is more dense so it sinks.

● Radiation is heat transfer without touching.
● Thermal energy can be transferred by radiation really quickly.
● The hotter the object the more radiation it will emit.
Emit means to give out.
● Radiation does not need particles.
● The colour and texture of an object affects its ability to emit or absorb thermal
energy by radiation.
● The best emitters and absorbers of radiation:
A. Are dull
B. Are black
C. Have a large surface area.( more surface area = more heat)

● The worst emitters and absorbers of radiation:

A. Are shiny
B. Are white or silver
C. Have a small surface area
Shiny, white or silver surfaces reflect radiation away.

Conduction : Direct contact

Convection Through liquid or gas
Radiation: Transfer without touching

Conduction, Convection and Radiation

● Most objects lose or gain thermal energy by a combination of conduction, convection
and radiation.
● Argon is a poor conductor of heat.
● Foam is a poor conductor of heat.

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