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Partner: Kepler Nova / Fund: Kepler Nova RET

Investment Objective

The goal of the investment fund is to generate consistent stable returns in the range of 3-5%pa with
funding via Crypto Stablecoins while keeping the investments pegged to the US Dollar for financial
stability, the fund invests in various asset classes via Contracts for Difference (CFDs) in Forex,
Futures, Stocks, and Indexes. The fund is designed for extreme low risk with a profile o f corporate
and sovereign bonds where direct capital is redeemed within one working day, and via exchange at
market, with Net Asset Value (NAV) updated every hour on the website.

Fees and Expenses

The Fund uses an Mutual Fund level fee model for fees which are split in to a fixed management fee
of 0.5%pa on capital, plus a 5%pa performance fee on profits generated.

Target Profile 3-5% pa return on capitals

Management Fee 0.5% per annum
Performance Fee 5% on profits
Minimum Investment $1 USD
Maximum Risk Exposure 2% of capital*
Risk Profile Sovereign Bond Grade
Redemption one day or instant


Kepler Nova RET r1 1

The example provides a reference to the cumulative returns and costs associated with inve sting in
the RET for comparison with investing in alternative funds starting from 2012. The indicative
example uses $1,000 capital allocation for the durations matching targeted Fund returns referenced
to the S&P 500.

Investment Risks

 Brokerage* The fund uses brokerage and exchange partners dHedge, Enzyme Finance, and
HollaEx who will hold funds as custodian, in the event of failures on their part there is a risk
to capital beyond the scope of the Risk Exposure, an ‘institutional direct deposit’ facility is
available which avoids this risk and reverts to the standard Risk Exposure under Fees and
 Currency Risks The fund hedges all trading and investing activity to the US Dollar (USD) to
provide stable range bound returns, this may become part of the investment profile at the
fund managers discretion.
 Rounding The fund for RET uses mathematical rounding to a 6digit number for calculations
including NAV, for example $1.012035 USD, this may lead to differences when calculating
personal NAV and profits, the NAV for RET on the fund page is the complete up to date value
which is updated every one hour.
 Redemption Direct redemptions can be requested at any time and will be processed with
one business day for RET, the fund reserves the right to increase redemption periods with
due notice, exchange based units are subject to the exchanges timelines.
 Unit Sizing The minimum unit size is $1 USD which was fixed at inception on 01 January
2022, the Net Asset Value (NAV) available on the funds is the net profit basis since that date,
purchasing one unit at a later date will be at the NAV of that day where the fund reserves
the right to reset the NAV to $1 USD at a future date allocating additional units similar to a
stock split.

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