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Dance Contract

Dance Website:
Golden Valley Dance Team on Instagram

Dance advisor contact:

Sharron March, Advisor
Yvett Landeros, Assistant Principal
Dance Team Principles:

Golden Valley High School, the school district, and the community endorse involvement in the spirit building activities that
contribute to the healthy, supportive and interactive school culture at the high school level. Membership on a dance team
offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, leadership, and involvement in diverse activities. The attitude, dedication,
and enthusiasm of the team members are just as important as the skills involved in dance. Members of the dance team must
be committed to the highest level of athleticism, performance, self-discipline, respect for the school and others, personal
exemplary conduct and the performance of all responsibilities related to the pursuit of school spirit and pride. Furthermore,
dancers must demonstrate a proven ability to balance academic requirements and demands with extracurricular and personal

GVHS Dance Team Objectives:

1. Provide opportunities for participation in a wide variety of activities during every sport and competition season.

2. Be an integral, well-coordinated part of the secondary school curriculum.

3. Assist participants in the development of athletic and leadership skills.

4. To develop effective time management strategies.

5. To develop socially through cooperation, competition and appropriate standards of behavior.  

GVHS Dance Team Purpose:

1. Promote and uphold school spirit, unity and pride.

2. Represent the school to the highest degree in the most positive manner.

3. Set an example of good behavior and sportsmanship at all times (whether in uniform or not).

4. Promote friendship with each other and with schools with whom we compete and perform.

5. Promote the development of lifelong values and skills.

6. To develop team unity and the ability to work with and lead each other.  

GVHS Dance Team Code of Ethics:

1. Ensure equal opportunity to all students without regard to gender, race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry or
economic capability.

2. Emphasize the ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, integrity, accountability, and fair play.

3. Abide by all school, district, and competition rules.

4. Show the utmost respect to any teacher, school official, coaches, and choreographers.

5. Show courtesy to all visiting teams, competitors, hosts and officials.

6.  Demonstrate respect and courtesy to all GVHS Sports Team athletes, coaches, and teachers/advisors.

7. Respect the integrity and judgment of all sports and competition officials. 

GVHS Dance Team Rules and Regulations:

Dancers understand that teamwork and the maintenance of discipline is vital to the success of the spirit program. Dancers
must be dedicated to promoting spirit, enthusiasm, and a positive winning attitude through example. Adherence to the Dance
Team Rules and Regulations is vital to achieving these goals. All members must realize that the manner in which they conduct
themselves, in or out of uniform, directly reflects on the entire team, school, and dance advisor/coach.

It is recognized that these rules and regulations are necessary to maintain team morale and individual discipline, and
effective learning. Consistent enforcement of rules and regulations is also necessary to ensure the safety and general
well-being of each individual dancer. Being selected for the GVHS dance team is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked
by the school personnel when a dancer violates the rules and regulations. 

The expectations of this contract may sound rigid; but, the bottom line is simple: in addition to being talented, we expect our
students to represent Golden Valley High School in a positive, professional manner at all times by being responsible and
respectful to rival schools, teachers and coaches, local businesses, and each other. Participation in Dance is an exciting and
rewarding experience, which carries with it many personal, financial, and family responsibilities. Participation in such a
program does require sacrificing, at times, of other activities. It involves a positive commitment to dance and ability to
being able to realize the dedication and focus it takes to be an asset and productive member of a team

Conduct/Citizenship Expectations

1. Promoting good sportsmanship by way of example is required at all times. Members must not use foul language at practices,
in school, at games, camp, or competitions, etc.

2. Excessive public display of affection is never appropriate, especially in uniform, at games, or in school.

3.  Being part of the dance team, you are accepting the fact that your actions are more prominent than those not associated
with such an activity. Because of this, exemplary behavior is mandatory at all times, anywhere in the community and at all
school functions where you are recognized as a representative of Golden Valley High School.

4. Members must cooperate with all faculty members, team members, game officials, coaches, and other athletes.

5. Dancers must display proper behavior in class, including being on time, following the dress code, and not skipping/cheating.

6. Each case of discipline will be judged individually. The coach/advisor, with the assistance of the administration if
deemed necessary, has the final decision in any discipline situation.

7. Every attempt will be made to discipline fairly/equally, and to make consequences of actions known ahead of time. Parents
will be kept informed of problem situations. Severity of, or repeated offenses may dictate harsher action.

Dance Team Scholastic Eligibility Requirements

1. For each grading period, members must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA (2.5 GPA strongly advised and encouraged) with
good citizenship marks in order to participate in all games, practices, rallies and other activities. If a student has less than
a 2.0 GPA on any 10 week report cards they will be placed on academic probation and will attend after school
practice only until 7th period ends (3:00pm) and games, but they will not be able to participate .  They will need to
present proof of improvement to the advisor in order to be dismissed from academic probation. If a 2.0 GPA is still not
achieved 2 consecutive 10-week grading periods, the dancer will be dismissed from the team. If a student is removed
from the team they will NOT receive any refunds.

2. Members must maintain good citizenship marks, attendance, and class performance.

Attendance Expectations

There is a strict attendance policy and it will be enforced!!! The success of our season depends on everyone putting forth
effort, participation, and attention to cheer; all the while continuing to excel in academics and maintaining positive
citizenship standing both at GVHS and at home with their families.

The coach/advisor will assign schedules for events and games. The coach/advisor will do their best to get schedules out to
students prior to the start of each athletic season; however, sometimes there are schedule changes with
games/performances that happen at the last minute. The dance team is expected to perform at all athletic events
designated by the coach/advisor, as well as, rallies, other school related performances, and competitions.

1. All practices, camp, and games are mandatory. Members should be present at all scheduled practices during the
summer and throughout the school year. Other activities (including doctor’s appointments) must be scheduled around these

2. All members must understand that they may be called on to perform at major school functions such as Back to School
Night, Open House, any playoff games, etc.  Scheduling for these activities sometimes takes place at the last minute, so
please plan on being available for all these special activities in addition to games and rallies. Participation in these events is

3. According to district policy, Dance members must attend school (the day of the activity) in order to be eligible to
participate in that day’s activities. (I.e. if you miss school for some reason you are unable to perform in the game).

4. Please recognize that one person being absent affects the entire team. It is important not to inconvenience the practice
time of the entire team by being absent.
5. The only excused absence from a practice or performance is when the student is ill, or there is a death in the
immediate family. (Other school organizations, family vacations, doctor/dentist appointments, DMV appointments, etc. are
considered unexcused and will result in a zero grade for class on that particular day).

6. Missing practices that have a valid excuse may still lead to being removed from a routine position, due to not physically
being available to practice, and the tremendous burden it causes on the coaches when it comes to routines. If there is an
excessive amount of absences, a meeting will be scheduled with the advisor, coach, and administration before we will allow
the dancer to return to practice.

● Missing a scheduled practice the day before or day of a performance will affect the dancer’s grade, and the individual
will be staged out of the next performance.
● Excessive absences from scheduled practice, during the weeks leading up to a performance, will result in the individual
being pulled from the performance.

7. Absences due to work are unexcused. If at any time an outside job becomes an interference with practices, games or any
other dance responsibilities, the student will receive an F grade for dance. If the student drops dance they must have an
opening in PE otherwise they will remain in dance and earn an F.

8. Students with serious health problems, which are aggravated by exercise and/or which limit full participation by the
member may want to reconsider participation in dance. Dance is a rigorous activity, which requires its athletes to be in top
physical and mental shape. Chronic medical conditions aggravated by rigorous exercise might result in excessive absences
that will cause the student to miss participating in performances, games, etc.

9. In the case of an extraordinary circumstance within a family, open communication with the advisor is always
recommended. Information will be kept confidential. In the case that the situation will require an absence, it is imperative
that the parent/guardian of the dance participant contact the dance advisor immediately and PRIOR to the absence.

Dance Team Uniforms/Dance Attire

Proper appearance is required at all times, with clothing appropriate to the occasion and according to GVHS dress code.
Proper dance attire/clothing must be worn at all times. Presence at practice or any game/performance without proper shoes,
clothes or uniform will be considered an unexcused absence and the dancer will not be able to participate in that day’ s
performance. In addition to losing all points for that day.

1. Uniforms must be clean, pressed, and fitted.

2. Team shoes must be clean.

3. All members must be dressed uniformly on a game day.

4. Uniforms are only worn for games, rallies, and special performances. You may not wear your uniform or dance attire if you
do not have a performance that day.

5. No jewelry is allowed during practices, performances or games. This includes any/all piercings.

6. Nail polish, if worn, must be clear or natural color.

7. No gum chewing

8. Hair must be pulled securely back. Bangs must be out of the eyes.

9. Non-members (including parents) may not wear any part of the GVHS dancers’ uniform or any dance spirit wear ever.

10. Dancers must wear their uniforms or team-designated outfit to school on game days.

For Practice: proper dance shoes and attire are required; No jeans or street shoes on Jazz/Contemporary and technique

For Games:  Full uniform/dance attire.  Bring warm ups with dance shoes, proper socks, and hair fastened in a predetermined

For Uniform Days at School: Full uniform or spirit, dance shoes, proper socks and hair fastened back out of the face. No bra
straps should be exposed at any time. 
For Rallies:  Full uniform or dance attire, proper shoes/socks, hair style. No bra straps should be exposed at any time. Any
“costumes” or special rally or game attire must follow GVHS dress code and must be pre-approved by the

Dance Practices

1. Dance Team Members will have dance as their 7th period class. For the first 2 years of High School, dance is considered
your PE class. Your grade in dance does affect your overall GPA. Participation is mandatory, not optional!  It is a class;
therefore, you will receive 10 points for each practice you attend in full dress. If you are absent you will lose 10 points. If
you are not properly dressed you will lose 5 points for that day. Everyone is required to work and practice at all times.

2. The Team Captains will lead the team members through routines and exercises at the direction of the coaches and

3. Everyone must wear the uniform designated by the coaches to all practices. No revealing clothing during class/practice
time. Hair must be pulled back (long bangs must be clipped back) in a ponytail or braid for practice.

5. Summer practices are mandatory. The coaches and advisor will designate the dates and times.  (See attached schedule).

6. As with all school-related activities, jobs which conflict with required practice hours and events cannot be maintained.
Work will not be allowed as an excuse for missing practices and games or for leaving early from practices or games. Violation
of this policy will result in dismissal from the team. Exceptions will not be made.

● If an underclassmen is dismissed from the team for any reason they will be enrolled in a PE class (if room) and
their schedule will likely change. Upperclassmen will have to drop the class and will receive an F grade.

 Game/Rally Expectations

1. All games/rallies are mandatory. All games/rallies are worth 20 points.

2. Members are required to arrive early at the designated time before each game.

3. All dance team members must know all the routines for the game/rally or they will be benched from the game/rally.

4. Members are required to dress in full uniform (that includes hair and shoes). They should bring their warm-ups in case of
inclement weather.

5. Hair must be pulled away from the face and secured. Hair ties need to be uniform.

6. Make-up should be worn in moderation.

7. No jewelry (including apparent piercings) or nail color.

8. There is no chewing gum or eating until after the performance.

9. Socializing with friends while the game is in progress before the halftime performance is not allowed. Family and friends,
male or female, may not sit with you or visit with you before halftime when warming up. Do not leave your team to visit with
your family or friends in the stands.

10. Use of cell phones are prohibited for the duration of the dance performance (the first half of a game) at any dance
related events.

Transportation to Games

1. Transportation is the responsibility of the individual for attendance to games. The advisor/coach will not provide rides to
or from games. If transportation will be a problem you should reconsider your position.
2. Please make sure that all students are picked up within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the game. Do Not Be Late! The
advisor/coach has many other responsibilities and their time is valuable. Please be respectful of this and arrive on time to
pick up your child. If your child is not picked up in a timely manner, he/she will not dance at the next game.
3. Each student is required to check in with the advisor/coach at the beginning and the conclusion of a game to let the
advisor/coach know who is taking them home.

THE “NO’S” OF Dance

1. No Gum!  (This includes practices, performances, games, rallies, competitions, etc.).

2. No Jewelry in or on any part of the body at practice, performance, games, rallies, competitions, or anytime in uniform. 
(Including earring, toe, belly and tongue rings).
3. No body art or extreme hair color (i.e. tattoos, any hair dye that is not a natural color, or writing/marking on extremities
with markers).
4. No claw clips or hard barrettes or balled rubber bands: this is a safety factor.
5.  No artificial nails or long nails.  Only clear nail polish may be worn for games, rallies, performances, and competitions.
6. No tumbling unless coach, advisor or designated school official is present!  This means anywhere at any time.
7. No sitting at practice (if you cannot find something to do please ask the coach/advisor what you should work on).
8.  No tobacco, alcohol, or drug use at any time or anywhere. These substances inhibit awareness and reaction time. Toxins
can stay in your body for sometimes up to one month. Your safety, as well as the safety of your team, is at stake. If you
choose to participate in the consumption of any of these things you are at risk for immediate dismissal from all practice,
games, and any other activities until the coach, advisor, and/or administration can take appropriate action. Your parents will
be notified immediately. This is a serious matter!
9.  No disrespect or defiance shown to any teacher, coach, teammate, GVHS student/athlete, or school official will be
tolerated.  This behavior will result in a parent phone call home, referral, and possible team suspension and/or dismissal.
10.  No tardies or unexcused absences to class, practice, performances, rallies, games, etc.
11.  No dance/tumbling/performing without properly stretching. If you don’t properly condition/stretch, you will not dance. 
Such behavior can result in serious injury.
12.  No misplacing of your dance attire/uniform.  Dance is an expensive activity.  It is your responsibility to keep all of your
dance attire in good condition and in one place.  Lending dance attire is not recommended.  
13.  No use of cell phones during practices, games, and performances. MP3 players/iPods are only allowed with the
permission of the coach/advisor during self stretching.
14. No inappropriate (bullying, posting inappropriate pictures, foul language, discussing team dynamics, etc.) use of
Social Media included but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, Twitter, email, etc. This will result in
dismissal from the team.
15. NO PDA while in or out of uniform while representing GV Dance at school or any school events.

NOTE:  If at any time your position as a GV dancer is terminated, for whatever reason, you may not wear your
uniform at any time thereafter, or be involved in any dance activities (competition or regular). You will also be
ineligible to participate during the next season.  If you are an underclassman, you may not try out for dance for the
following year and if you are a senior, you may not participate in the tryout clinics. Also, no refunds will be given.

Discipline Policy

1. Dancers must follow all of the rules of the GVHS Dance Team at all times; however in the event that a member breaks a
rule or is acting inappropriately, there will be serious consequences including, but not limited to extra conditioning, benching,
suspension, and dismissal from the squad at the advisor’s discretion and without prior warning.

o Extra Conditioning is defined as the team member receiving extra laps or other athletic conditioning as
punishments for minor infractions during the season.
o Benching is defined as the team member showing up in full dress to practice and games; however, the member is
required to sit with the coach/advisor on the sidelines rather than performing with the team.  
o Suspension is defined as the dance member not being allowed to participate in practices or performances until a
meeting has been held with the administration, parents, and staff.
o Dismissal is defined as the dance member’s position being terminated on the team. This will mean the member is no
longer permitted to participate in the dance class and will receive a new class schedule, will no longer be allowed to
wear the GVHS Dance uniform, and will be ineligible to try out again for the following season.

o Docked Grade is defined as the team member losing points for any given dance “assignment” which will potentially
affect their dance grade.

2. Students who arrive late for class, practice, games, and performances will be subject to extra conditioning. Excessive
tardies will also result in a tardy referral to the administration.
3. The following violations will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the team.

o Any suspendable offense.

o Failure to maintain academic grade point average of 2.0 for any two eligibility periods (two quarters) during one
academic year.
o Students with serious health problems, which are aggravated by exercise and/or which limit full participation by
the member may be dismissed from the dance. This policy has been enacted in order to protect both the
potentially ill member as well as other team members from injury. Dance is a rigorous sport, which requires its
athletes to be in top physical and mental shape.

o Inappropriate use of Social Media included but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email, etc.
o Administration has the final decision on all team dismissals and each case will be handled on an individual basis.

4. This is a class and it cannot be dropped during the semester. If you need to drop the class at the end of 1st semester you
must get Advisor and Administration approval and no refunds will be given.

Parent Responsibilities

1. Commend, support, appreciate, and be proud of your amazing dancer for their abilities, intelligence, dedication, and talents.
2. Hold your child accountable for following all GVHS Dance Rules and Regulations, without exception.
3. Please be aware of the importance of attendance to practices. Do not assume that your son/daughter will always be able to
“get a ride” from someone else. Share the responsibilities.
4. Be on time to pick up your student from games, competitions, and performances.
5. Do not contact your child or the coach during practice time unless it is an extreme emergency.
6. Positively support your son/daughter by attending as many games as possible and encourage team unity and cooperation.
This is vital to your son/daughter's success.
7. Parents must support and cooperate with the decisions made by the advisor/coach by letting them enforce their policies.
9. Parent involvement in fundraisers is mandatory. (i.e. Concession stands, Competitions, Back to school night, etc).
10. Parent questions or concerns during the dance season should be taken up with the advisor in writing (email). If
concerns or problems are unable to be resolved at this level, they should be handled with a meeting. Since dance team
policies have already been established, parents can best support their children by supporting our current policy.
11. Please remember when attending any GVHS events that you, The Parents, also represent our dance program and
high school. We expect dance parents to conduct themselves appropriately to represent GVHS in the most positive
manner. We expect parents/family members to also show respect and sportsmanship towards coaches, fans, athletes,
officials, etc. Any high school event including games, rallies, fundraisers, competitions, etc are tobacco and alcohol
free zones. Parents may be asked not to attend events if these policies are violated.
12. Please read and respond (if necessary) to all emails and participate when your help is requested.


1. Uniforms are required for participation on the dance team. Please follow the payment schedule, otherwise your uniform
may not arrive in time for football season and competition.
2. Uniforms are to be kept in good condition and clean at all times. The individual, at their own expense, will replace uniforms
that are ruined, lost or stolen.
3. Camp attendance is mandatory in order to participate on the dance team. Camp fees are the responsibility of the member
and must be paid in full prior to attending camp.
4. If a member is removed from or chooses to quit the team, they are still responsible for payment of all items ordered, and
all financial obligations, including, but not limited to, coaching fees. Nothing is refundable.
5. Deposits made for uniforms and/or camp are non-refundable.
6. All members are expected to take part in fundraisers. Fundraisers are mandatory.
7. Fundraising opportunities are available; however it is the individual’s responsibility to pay all expenses.
8. If a student’s account is not paid in full, the ASB Accountant will be notified and that student will not be allowed to
attend any dances, proms, graduation events, or other special events that require the purchase of tickets or bids from the
school until their dance account is paid.
9. If a returning dancer has not paid for the previous year’s expenses, they will not be permitted to buy any new uniform
pieces until the payment is up to date (unless you are on a payment contract with the dance advisor).
10. The dance donation for the 2022/2023 school year is $600, plus approximately $200 for dance uniform/spiritwear and
should be paid in full by the last day of the school year.

Printed Parent Name

Parent Signature

Printed Student Name

Student Signature


Student Email

Parent Email

Student Phone Number

Parent Phone Number

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